A. Lexico-Grammatical Part


Kафедра «Информатика, математика и общегуманитарные науки»




Направление ___________________



По дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (английский)»


Вариант № ____





Курс________ № группы _________

Номер зачетной книжки_______

Преподаватель __к.ф.н., доц. Тимофеева С.В.__


Липецк 2017

Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление контрольных работ


Контрольные задания составлены в пяти вариантах. Номер варианта следует выбирать в соответствии с первой буквой фамилии студента.


Начальная буква фамилии студента № варианта
А, Б, В, Г, Д  
Е, Ж, З, И, К, Л  
М, Н, О, П, Р  
С, Т, У, Ф, Х  
Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Э, Ю, Я  

Вариант 1

Banking Reform in Russia


(1) Countries making the transition to a market economy have pursued a variety of approaches to banking reform. To become globally competitive, however, transition economies will need to accelerate bank privatization and the reform of bank management and governance.

(2) The former centrally planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe, and the Baltic countries, Russia and the other countries of the former Soviet Union face a formidable challenge: their banks, traditionally passive conduits for funds, must be transformed into efficient financial intermediaries and active agents of market discipline. Despite progress, weaknesses persist in many transition economies banks. The absence of sound banking systems has hindered the development of nonbank financial markets, private sector investment and the conduct of monetary policy.

(3) To correct structural weakness in their banking systems, transition economies have financially restructured banks, improved enabling environments, and reorganized banking sectors through consolidation and privatization. Significant systemic risk remains, however, because of excessive exposure to weak enterprises and unsound management and governance. Most transition-countries have made progress toward market-based banking systems, but none has succeeded in fully meeting the needs of the emerging private sector. There is evidence that, unless banking reforms accelerate, companies will find it difficult to obtain adequate and affordable services of high quality.

(4) To restore bank liquidity and solvency and meet the private sector’s financing needs transition countries need to develop banking sectors that operate on commercial principles in a competitive environment and that have strong management and internal supervision. To increase competition and improve service, governments need to open markets to foreign banks and allow the most competitive domestic banks to extend their locations and operations. The success of banking reforms will also require the curtailment of funds for loss making of bank and enterprise, the acceleration of bank and enterprise privatization, an improved legal and regulatory framework, and efficient payment systems.

(5) Following the creation of a two-tier banking system in 1987, Russia’s approach to banking reform rapidly – and partly unintentionally – diverged from that of other transition economies. In 1988 new laws permitted the creation of cooperative banks to serve the nascent private sector. Establishment of joint-stock banks became possible with the 1990 banking law, with licensing subject to only minimal requirements. Competition between a reformist Russian government and a more conservative Soviet government led to a separation of Russian banks from Soviet banks and, in Russia, to the break up of several state banks into independent regional banks. Together these events fueled an explosion in the number of Russian banks: from 5 in 1989 to 1,500 in 1992 and 2,500 in 1995.


A. Lexico-Grammatical Part

1. Group the words according to their part-of-speech characteristics:

excessive, unintentionally, into, obtain, complementary, participate, their, exist, that, permit, globally, existence, none, efficient, also, traditionally, permission, domestic, persist, financially, between, towards, adequate, emerge, from, affordable, exposure.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Pronoun Preposition

2. Match the English and Russian equivalents:

1) subject to

2) to serve the nascent private sector

3) to restore bank liquidity

4) to succeed in

5) bank solvency

6) prudent investment

7) joint-stock banks

8) transition to a market economy

9) to hinder the development

10) curtailment of funds

a) вкладывать денежные средства в

b) мешать развитию

c) подпадающий под

d) кредитоспособность банка

f) обслуживать нарождающийся частный сектор

g) сокращение фондов

h) восстановить ликвидность банка

i) растущая инфляция

j) преуспеть в…

k) переход к рыночной экономике

l) акционерные банки

m) обдуманное размещение капитала

3. Cross out the lexical units that do not belong to the group:

solvency, liquidity, exposure, curtailment of funds, joint-stock banks, investment, requirement, payment system, monetary policy.

4. Build up derivatives (nouns and adjectives) from the given words:

1) to compete →

2) to accelerate →

3) to govern →

4) to consolidate →

5) to expose →

6) to emerge →

7) to supervise →

8) to improve →

9) to establish →

10) to explode →

11) to provide →

12) to invest →

13) to withdraw →

14) to restrict →

15) to prevent →

16) to disclose →


5. Give the plural form of the nouns if possible:

1) challenge →

2) fund →

3) intermediary →

4) progress →

5) economy →

6) service →

7) solvency →

8) need →

9) advantage →

10) opportunity →

11) business →

12) lack →

13) disclosure →

14) loss →

15) assistance →

16) license →


B. Textual Part

1. Tick off the true statements:

a) In market economies banks never function as active agents of market discipline.

b) Russia’s approach to banking reform was very close to that of other transition economies.

c) During stabilization the environment for banking in Russia became easier.

d) The absence of sound banking systems hinders both private sector investment and the conduct of monetary policy.

e) In the 90es lack of fiscal and monetary control in Russia led to rampant inflation.

d) In transition economies there is still systemic risk for the banks because of their excessive exposure to weak enterprises, unsound management and governance.


2. Write down the number of the paragraph of the text in which the following things are mentioned:

a) Russia’s specific approach to banking reform in the transition period; §_______

b) the steps that must be taken by the Russian government to develop its banking system; §_______

c) the risks transition economies face; §_______

d) the necessity of reforms in the banking sector; §_______

e) the necessity to cooperate with foreign banks; §_______.

3. Tick off the right answer to the questions:

1) What are the weaknesses of Russia’s banking reform?

a) They are the lack of a competitive environment and stimuli for banks.

b) They are a great number of poorly capitalized and badly managed banks.

c) They are a great transparency of a very prudent investment and excess of stimuli for banks.

d) They are the lack of desire to cooperate with the World Bank and to take into account the experience of the Eastern European economies.


2) What is peculiar to Russia’s reforms of its banking sector?

a) The appearance of numerous commercial banks is.

b) The appearance of a two-tier banking system is.

c) Establishment of joint-stock banks is.

d) Serving the nascent private sector is.


4. Complete the sentence in accordance with the subject of the paragraph:

The 5th paragraph tells us about

a) Russia’s original approach to banking reform.

b) the banking industry’s main problems.

c) the measures to restore bank liquidity and solvency.

d) those advantages that new banks acquired during the transition period as a result of macroeconomic developments.


5. Tick off the sentence corresponding to the subject of the text:

a) Russia’s approach to banking reform is unique.

b) Macroeconomic developments during the transition period ruined the Russian banking system.

c) Russia is successfully implementing the banking reform.

d) The success of Russia’s banking reform depends exclusively on the assistance from the World Bank.

6. Complete the sentence so as to express the main idea of the text:

To succeed in radical banking system…

a) … Russia should rely on European experience in banking reform.

b) … it is necessary to eliminate the old state banks.

c) … it is necessary to change monetary policy.

d) … Russia must reconstruct the infrastructure for banking.


7. Fill in the gaps with suitable words:

The Bank of England

Most countries have a central bank, which is responsible for the operation of the banking system. The central bank in the UK is the Bank of England, which was taken into public ___(1) in 1946. It has many___(2), which are summarised below.

(a) It is the government's bank. It handles the income and ___(3) of the Exchequer and other government departments.

(b) It is the bankers' bank. The clearing banks ____(4) accounts at the Bank of England. The final ___(5) settlements within the banking system and between the banking system and the Bank of England take place through these accounts. The Bank is also a banker for about 100 overseas central banks and international ___(6) institutions.

(c) It is the central ___(7) authority for the UK and the sole note issuing authority for England and Wales. Some banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland still issue their own notes but these are largely backed by Bank of England notes.

(d) It manages the national debt. This is a major responsibility which involves making ____(8) on government securities when they mature, undertaking new issues of long-term___(9), making regular payments of ___(10) to holders of existing government securities, and handling the weekly issues of Treasury bills. The management of the national ___(11) has important effects on the supply of money and the rate of interest.

(e) It is the lender of last resort. The Bank of England stands ready to come to the assistance of the banking system in times when it is threatened by a ___(12) of cash.

(f) It acts as the government's agent in the foreign ___(13) market, in which it can intervene to influence the value of sterling against other currencies.

(g) It has the responsibility for ____ (14) out the government's monetary policy.

(h) It has legal powers to ___(15) the operations of other banks. All banks are expected to ___(16) the Bank of England with information about their business, and they have to respond to directives given to them by the Bank.

Although the ___(17) of the Bank of England has a certain amount of independence and his advice is sought and heeded, the Bank is subordinate to the ___(18) which may give instructions to the Governor at any time.


a) note-issuing

b) short

c) repayments

d) securities

e) interest

f) interesting

g) debt

h) shortage

i) expense

j) ownership

k) responsibilities

l) expenditure

m) maintain

n) cash

o) monetary

p) supervise

q) supply

r) supervisor

s) Governor

t) Treasury

u) responses

v) exchange

w) secure

x) carrying





Вариант 2



(1)One of the areas of management is marketing. Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. Marketing makes products available where customers want them by transferring the ownership of products to buyers. The entire business organization is involved in a dual process of satisfying customer needs and achieving organizational goals.

(2) Implementation of marketing concept begins and ends with marketing information about customers – first to determine what customers need, and later to evaluate how well the firm is meeting those needs. A market consists of people with their needs, the ability to buy, and the desire and ability to sell. Markets are classified as consumer and industrial markets.

(3) A business firm controls four important elements of marketing that are called a marketing mix. A firm’s marketing mix is the combination of the product, the means for its distribution, and the promotion of the product to reach a firm’s target market. A firm can vary its marketing mix by changing any one or more of these ingredients, which implies the development of its strategy. A marketing strategy is a plan for the best use of an organization’s resources to reach its objectives. Developing a marketing strategy involves selecting and analyzing a target market and creating and maintaining a marketing mix that will satisfy that market.

(4) A target market is chosen through the market segmentation approach. A market segment is a group of individuals or organizations within a market that have similar characteristics and needs. The market segmentation approach directs a marketing mix at a segment of a market.

(5) Market measurement and sales forecasting are used to estimate sales potential and predict product sales in specific market segments. Strategies are then monitored and evaluated through marketing research and marketing information system, which stores and processes internal and external data in a form suitable for marketing decision making.


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