Ex. 11 Translate the sentences into English in writing paying special attention to the use of vocabulary units.

1. Пора спуститься с небес на землю и понять, что мы очень ограничены во времени и не успеваем завершить работу в срок.(come down to earth, constrained by time)

2. Такие простые вещи, как пользование общественным транспортом, общение с людьми и походы по магазинам, могут стать непреодолимыми трудностями в другой стране, особенно если путешествуешь один. (insurmountable difficulties)

3. Принятие Конституции США стало одним из самых важных событий в истории страны и положило начало новой эпохе. (pivotal)

4. Несмотря на его едкие комментарии к выбору главной темы для новой передачи, мы ничего не стали менять и не ошиблись, первые серии имели огромный успех. (poignant, subject matter)

5. Автор этой книги, посвященной жизни одного из самых известных ливанских телеведущих, на передний план выносит личные качества выдающегося деятеля СМИ. (TV host, bring to the fore)

6. Повышение платы за коммунальные услуги усугубило и без того плачевное положение бедных слоев населения. (hike, plight)

7. Принятие этого закона равносильно совершению преступления. (tantamount)

8. Ты не мог бы повторить концовку анекдота, я так и не понял, в чем смысл и что в нем смешного. (punchline)

9. Он очень сложный человек, и абсолютно непредсказуем, поэтому необходимо быть осторожным, иначе можно оказаться в очень затруднительном положении. (a loose cannon)

10. Наш секретарь по-настоящему искусен в решении даже самых сложных проблем, для него это зачастую сущий пустяк. (adept at, a piece of cake)

11. Творческий криз ис, как правило, имеет негативные последствия для популярности автора и его произведений, но к сожалению, даже самые выдающиеся писатели сталкиваются с этой проблемой. (writer’s block, takes its toll)

12. Многие начинающие сотрудники нашей компании совершают одну и ту же классическую ошибку: они забывают, что неотъемлемым элементом успеха является терпение и труд. Они хотят подняться по карьерной лестнице слишком быстро и поэтому не могут достичь ощутимых результатов. (rookie employees, classic mistake, an integral element, tangible results)

13. Твоя речь должна быть краткой и строго относиться к делу, иначе никто не захочет ее слушать. (concise, be pertinent to)

14. Интересно, что же им движет, почему он так яростно борется за этот титул? (what makes him tick, contend for)

15. Перелет через несколько часовых поясов очень сильно на меня влияет, потом нужно обязательно отхватить пару часов сна, иначе не придешь в себя. (jet lag, grab some sleep)



Chapter 15

A vested interest (346) The tip of an iceberg (348) Hold smb’s feet to the fire подвергать давлению(348) Put sth on the back-burner (348)отложен в сторону To take sth for granted (354) To cast one’s net (wider)(358) Keep an eye on (362) Take sth at face value (364) To catch smb off guard (364) To sneak up (364)подкрасться Put smb off (364) To crunch numbers (364) To brush up on sth (365) To make everything smell like roses (367) To face the music (367) To grumble about sth (367) Counterfeit (346)подделка Purportedly (346)предположительно Pledge (347) To take pride in smb (347) Advocate (347) A spoof website (347)ложный A bogus website (348)поддельный Confidence trickster (348)обманщик Pitfall (348) Deter (348) Probing (348)прощупывание Be liable to sth (348) Spreadsheet (349) Input (349) Output (349) Toolkit (349) Conduit (351) Forerunner (351) To spearhead sth (352) To be ignorant of sth (353) Defamation (353) Inhibit (353)препятсвовать Legal action (353) Expose (353) Fraud (353) Enhance (353) Meet the deadline (353) An adjunct to sth (354)прилагаться Obsolete (354) Tame (354) Infallible (355) To be wary of sth (355) Tax haven nations (355) Credible (355) Credentials (355) Scam (356)афера Breach (357) To tender (358)преполагать Exacerbate (358)усугублять To pay upfront (359)наперед Invaluable (360) Savvy (361)смышленный To harbour hidden dangers (363) Unsolicited (363)добровольны To play telephone tag (363) A boon (363) A downside to sth (364) To construe sth as sth (364) To unleash (365) Subtraction (365) Incidence (365) To refute (366) Crooked (public servants) (367) Distort (367)   Sub (346) Gullible journalist (346)легковерный Media outlets (347) Raw data (349) Listserv (350) Uniform font (356) Information broker (361) Masthead (364) An information deluge (367)потоп A broadband connection(367)


1. the small visible part of something, esp a problem or difficulty, that is much larger

2. to consider or try as many things as possible in order to find what you want

3. to watch someone or something; to monitor someone or something closely

4. to accept a situation or accept what someone says, without thinking there may be a hidden meaning:

5. to surprise someone by doing something that they are not ready to deal with

6. to make you dislike something or not want to do something

7. to do a lot of calculations in order to find an answer

8. to practise and improve your skills or your knowledge of something that you learned in the past

9. to accept criticism or punishment for something that you have done

10. made to look exactly like something else, in order to deceive people

11. to feel very pleased about something or someone you are closely connected with

12. a likely mistake or problem in a situation

13. to stop someone from doing something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results

14. likely to be affected by a particular kind of problem, illness etc

15. A means by which something is transmitted

16. to prevent someone from doing something, or to slow down a process or the growth of something

17. the process of using lawyers, courts of law, etc. to solve disagreements, or an occasion when this happens

18. to make public something bad or dishonest

19. the crime of getting money by deceiving people

20. to control something dangerous or powerful, to reduce the power or strength of something and prevent it from causing trouble

21. deserving or able to be believed or trusted

22. the abilities and experience which make someone suitable for a particular job or activity, or proof of someone's abilities and experience

23. an action that breaks a law, rule, or agreement

24. to make a bad situation worse

25. to pay money to smb before they do something for you

26. Well informed and perceptive; shrewd

27. telephoning back and forth by parties trying to reach each other without success

28. something that is very useful and makes your life a lot easier or better

29. to suddenly let a strong force, feeling etc have its full effect

30. dishonest

31. to change something from its usual, original, natural or intended meaning, condition or shape

32. too ready to believe what other people tell you, so that you are easily tricked


4. Complete the sentences using the list of vocabulary units in exercise 2, some words can be used more than once:


1. All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.

2. Australia is losing almost Aus$600 million a year to social security fraud and crooked public servants, a report showed Monday as the government announced new measures to tackle the menace. (AFP) – Apr 3, 2011

3. She took great pride in her appearance.

4. The teenagers at our college are well-educated and Media-savvy.

5. Don't let the restaurant's decor put you off - the food is really good.

6. He is fighting extradition to Hong Kong to face trial on fraud charges.

7. He wants all the money up front or he won't do the job.

8. He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behaviour.

9. He'll need to tame his temper if he wants to succeed.

10. She was asked to show her press credentials.

11. This drug inhibits the growth of tumours.

12. His account was badly distorted by the press.

13. I must brush up on my French before I go to Paris.

14. If you don't take professional pride in your work, you're probably in the wrong job.

15. It was a mistake to take their compliments at face value.

16. High prices are deterring many young people from buy ing houses.

17. Joseph Miedzianowski was a Chicago police officer labeled as the most crooked cop; he served as both police officer and drug kingpin using his knowledge of the streets and gangs to shake down drug dealers.

18. The newspaper story exposed him as a liar.

19. Lawyers say the company probably has grounds for legal action under the Trades Description Act.

20. Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists.

21. My original statement has been completely distorted by the media.

22. Recording the meeting may inhibit people from expressing their real views.

23. Some companies charge a fee up front.

24. The mother sat on the edge of the sandbox, keeping an eye on her sons as they played.

25. Senator O'Hare was caught off guard by the question.

26. Guide dogs are a great boon to the partially sighted.

27. Brushing up on computer skills can be important for any worker thinking about getting a new job.

28. They sued the company for breach of contract.

29. At worst, nuclear war could be unleashed.

30. He declined to comment on the situation further because of possible legal actions.

31. The company's financial difficulties have deterred potential investors.

32. The computer will crunch all the numbers to determine the final score.

33. The review exposed widespread corruption in the police force.

34. The young man tried to pay with a counterfeit banknote but the cashier noticed the trick.

35. There's a video that tells new students about pitfalls to avoid.

36. These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg.

37. The bus service is a real boon to people in the village.

38. This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.

39. This was a clear breach of the 1994 Trade Agreement.

40. We cast our net wide to get the right person for the job.

41. She caught me off my guard, and my hesitation told her I was lying.

42. Lefèvre's comments unleashed a wave of protest.

43. The pitfalls of working abroad are numerous.

44. Drug traffickers have used the country as a conduit for shipments to the U.S.

45. We've been playing telephone tag —she's always out when I call, and vice versa.

46. When the missing money was noticed, he chose to disappear rather than face the music.

47. The recession has exacerbated this problem.

48. Will you keep your eye on my suitcase while I go to get the tickets?

49. We regard the publication of this information as a serious breach of trust.

50. You're more liable to injury when you don't get regular exercise.



Chapter 16

See the light of day (378) The golden mean (382) Laissez faire (383) Sine qua non (383) Keep a lid on sth (384) In the pipeline (387) Common law (387) Run for office (390) Strike a chord (391) In a bid to do sth (395) At stake (397) To foot the bill (398) With no strings attached (398) A fringe benefit (fringe benefits) (399) Scratch smb’s back (399) Breeding ground (400) Take an (acerbic) swipe at (402) On sick leave (406) Admission (373) Complainant (373) To make amends (374) Barrister (374) Inadvertent mistake (375) To plummet (375) Bottom-line (375) Poll (375) Concede (375) To hurl accusations/ insults (376) Foible (376) Statutory authority (377) Mediation (377) Taskforce (377) Contend (378) Ombudsman (378) Propensity for sth (378) Intimidate (378) Corollary (378) Cognizant of sth (379) Reprimand (379) Expulsion (379) A flurry of activity (379) Vexatious (380) Relinquish (380) Tenure (of a judge) (381) Government fiat (381) Mitigate (383) Ponder (383) Extortion (383) Culpability (384) Stigma (384) Expel (385) Exemption (387) Illicit (387) Prospective (387) To eavesdrop (387) Bereaved (388) Mourn (389) Fraudulent (390) Pecuniary interest(390) In custody (391) Defendant (391) Begot (391) Atrocity (392) Innuendo (392) Conform to sth (392) Merit (393) Receive an accolade (393) To be germane to sth (394) Ubiquitous (394) Foe (395) Insidious (397) Freebie (397) Venue (399) Incentive for sth (399) Secular (401) Zeal (404) Prosecutor (404) Solicitor (404) Robust debate(405) Mould the government (405) Receive credit for sth (406) Retraction (374) Sloppy reporting (375) To curb government excesses (380) Comprehensive watchdog (381) Information dissemination (384) Checkbook journalism (384) Talkback host (385) Footnote (389) Bias (391) File a defamation writ against smb (396) Advertorial (399) Prolific (400) Slant a story (401)


4. Complete the sentences using the list of vocabulary units in exercise 2, some words can be used more than once:


51. All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.

52. Australia is losing almost Aus$600 million a year to social security fraud and crooked public servants, a report showed Monday as the government announced new measures to tackle the menace. (AFP) – Apr 3, 2011

53. She took great pride in her appearance.

54. The teenagers at our college are well-educated and Media-savvy.

55. Don't let the restaurant's decor put you off - the food is really good.

56. He is fighting extradition to Hong Kong to face trial on fraud charges.

57. He wants all the money up front or he won't do the job.

58. He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behaviour.

59. He'll need to tame his temper if he wants to succeed.

60. She was asked to show her press credentials.

61. This drug inhibits the growth of tumours.

62. His account was badly distorted by the press.

63. I must brush up on my French before I go to Paris.

64. If you don't take professional pride in your work, you're probably in the wrong job.

65. It was a mistake to take their compliments at face value.

66. High prices are deterring many young people from buy ing houses.

67. Joseph Miedzianowski was a Chicago police officer labeled as the most crooked cop; he served as both police officer and drug kingpin using his knowledge of the streets and gangs to shake down drug dealers.

68. The newspaper story exposed him as a liar.

69. Lawyers say the company probably has grounds for legal action under the Trades Description Act.

70. Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists.

71. My original statement has been completely distorted by the media.

72. Recording the meeting may inhibit people from expressing their real views.

73. Some companies charge a fee up front.

74. The mother sat on the edge of the sandbox, keeping an eye on her sons as they played.

75. Senator O'Hare was caught off guard by the question.

76. Guide dogs are a great boon to the partially sighted.

77. Brushing up on computer skills can be important for any worker thinking about getting a new job.

78. They sued the company for breach of contract.

79. At worst, nuclear war could be unleashed.

80. He declined to comment on the situation further because of possible legal actions.

81. The company's financial difficulties have deterred potential investors.

82. The computer will crunch all the numbers to determine the final score.

83. The review exposed widespread corruption in the police force.

84. The young man tried to pay with a counterfeit banknote but the cashier noticed the trick.

85. There's a video that tells new students about pitfalls to avoid.

86. These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg.

87. The bus service is a real boon to people in the village.

88. This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.

89. This was a clear breach of the 1994 Trade Agreement.

90. We cast our net wide to get the right person for the job.

91. She caught me off my guard, and my hesitation told her I was lying.

92. Lefèvre's comments unleashed a wave of protest.

93. The pitfalls of working abroad are numerous.

94. Drug traffickers have used the country as a conduit for shipments to the U.S.

95. We've been playing telephone tag —she's always out when I call, and vice versa.

96. When the missing money was noticed, he chose to disappear rather than face the music.

97. The recession has exacerbated this problem.

98. Will you keep your eye on my suitcase while I go to get the tickets?

99. We regard the publication of this information as a serious breach of trust.

100. You're more liable to injury when you don't get regular exercise.

5. Match the following words and collocations with their synonyms from exercise 2:

1. a hidden hazard, difficulty (pitfall)

2. action at law (legal action)

3. aggravate, worsen, exasperate (exacerbate)

4. be proud of (take pride in)

5. believable, plausible (credible)

6. benefit, blessing (boon)

7. channel (conduit)

8. corrupt, fraudulent (crooked)

9. calculate, compute (crunch numbers)

10. deceit, trickery (fraud)

11. disclose, reveal (expose)

12. discourage, dissuade (deter)

13. domesticate, suppress, discipline (tame)

14. fake (counterfeit)

15. falsify, deform (distort)

16. hold back, stop, restrain, frustrate (inhibit)

17. in advance, beforehand (up front)

18. intelligent, knowing, astute (savvy)

19. let loose, release, relinquish (unleash)

20. naïve, easily duped (gullible)

21. prone, likely (liable)

22. qualifications, certification (credentials)

23. repel, repulse (put off)

24. revise sth, refresh your memory (brush up on sth)

25. take the consequences (face the music)

26. violation, transgression (breach)

6. In chapter 15 the author uses the expression “credible websites”. Explain the difference in the usage of the words “credible”, “creditable” and “credulous” and then fill in the gaps with the suitable option:


1. They haven't produced any credible evidence for convicting him.

2. The student's effort on the essay--though not outstanding--was creditable.

3. He charmed credulous investors out of millions of dollars.

4. Her excuse was barely credible.

5. It scarcely seemed credible that he could be serving her from motives purely chivalrous. (The Beasts of Tarzan by Burroughs, Edgar Rice )

6. We feel that this is a particularly creditable achievement in view of the changes that our business has undergone over the past twelve months.

7. Why are westerners such credulous people for alternative therapies?

8. He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behaviour.

9. The professional skills demonstrated by our personnel were less than awesome but perfectly creditable.

10. Few people are credulous enough to believe such nonsense.

7. Study the meaning of phrasal collocations with the verb “put” and the following particles: across, down, off, out, forward, down to. Then fill in the gaps in the sentences:


1. He was trying to put across a serious point.

2. I hate the way Dave puts me down the whole time.

3. I was having difficulty reading, which I put down to the poor light.

4. They put forward a number of suggestions.

5. Don't let the restaurant's decor put you off - the food is really good.

6. The rescue services are still trying to put out the fires.

7. Why did you have to put me down in front of everybody like that?

8. The meeting has been put off for a week.

9. Would you mind putting your cigarette out, please?

10. I can't put off go ing to the dentist any longer.

11. The peace plan put forward last August has been revived for the latest round of negotiations.

12. It's an interesting idea and I thought he put it across well.

13. I put the children's bad behaviour down to the fact that they were tired.

14. The smell of hospitals always puts me off.

9. Translate the sentences into English in writing paying special attention to the use of vocabulary units:

1. Если Вы решили приобрести жилье в кредит, то необходимо предусмотреть возможные подводные камни, иначе трудностей не избежать. (pitfalls)

2. Не стоит быть таким доверчивым и судить о добродетели людей по первому впечатлению. (gullible, take sth at face value)

3. Многие считают, что смертная казнь препятствует тому, чтобы потенциальные преступники нарушали закон. (inhibit)

4. Мой одноклассник очень толковый парень. Ему нет равных в математических вычислениях. (savvy, number crunching)

5. Никто не мог обуздать его крутой нрав, ничто не могло его сдержать, но в итоге ему пришлось ответить за свои поступки. (tame, deter, face the music)

6. Финансовая помощь гуманитарных организаций оказалось настоящим благом для беженцев из зоны военных действий, развязанных западной коалицией против неугодного режима на Ближнем Востоке. (boon, unleashed)

7. Нам лучше потребовать от партнеров предварительную оплату товара, за ними нужно следить, ведь однажды они уже нарушили условия контракта, нельзя допустить, чтобы это повторилось. (pay upfront, keep an eye on smb, breach the contract)

8. Журналистам нашей газеты удалось разоблачить мошенничество политических жуликов, против которых теперь возбуждено уголовное дело. (expose the fraud of crooked politicians)

9. Теперь, когда у меня достаточный опыт работы, я менее подвержен манипуляциям со стороны начальства, я уверен в правильности принимаемых мною решений. (liable to)

10. Для написания дипломной работы необходимо использовать только самые надежные источники, среди которых должны присутствовать и периодические издания, не искажающие факты. (credible sources, distort facts)

11. Конфликт в регионе обострился до такой степени, что пришлось привлечь иностранных миротворцев и посредников. (was exacerbated)

12. С развитием современных технологий количество информационных каналов также неуклонно возрастает. (conduits of information)


Key 16

3. Match the following definitions with the words and expressions from exercise 2:

1. a confession, as of a crime, mistake, etc; an acknowledgment of the truth or validity of something Admission 2. a lawyer qualified to present cases in court Barrister 3. a legal representative who officially accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a court of law Prosecutor 4. a person against whom an action or claim is brought in a court of law Defendant 5. a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race Bigot 6. A severe, formal, or official rebuke or censure Reprimand 7. a type of lawyer in Britain who gives legal advice, prepares the necessary documents when property is bought or sold, and defends people, especially in the lower courts of law Solicitor

8. advertising material presented under the guise of editorial material Advertorial

9. an additional service or advantage given with a job besides wages A fringe benefit (fringe benefits)

10. at issue, in jeopardy At stake

11. eagerness to do something, especially to achieve a particular religious or political aim Zeal

12. having no special conditions or limits on an agreement, relationship etc With no strings attached

13. Illegal use of one's official position or powers to obtain property, funds, or patronage Extortion

14. leave of absence from work through illness On sick leave

15. Likely or expected to happen Prospective

16. noninterference in the affairs of others Laissez faire

17. not allowed by laws or rules, or strongly disapproved of by society Illicit

18. of broad scope or content; including all or much Comprehensive

19. often supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way by allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment Bias

20. seeming to be everywhere - sometimes used humorously Ubiquitous

21. something that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc Incentive for sth

22. something that you are given free, usually by a company Freebie

23. the act of dispersing, diffusing or spreading something (Information) dissemination

24. the middle course between extremes The golden mean

25. the practice of paying someone for a news story and especially for granting an interview Checkbook journalism

26. the profit or the amount of money that a business makes or loses Bottom-line

27. to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour which are expected by a group or society Conform to sth

28. to deliberately listen secretly to other people's conversations To eavesdrop

29. to do or say something that people feel is familiar or true Strike a chord

30. To feel or express grief or sorrow Mourn

31. to judge something only on what you see when you look at it rather than on what you know from other people or things Judge sth on its merits

32. to let someone else have your position, power, or rights, especially unwillingly Relinquish

33. to pay a bill To foot the bill

34. to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult question, or something that has happened Ponder

35. to suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount To plummet

4. Match the following words and collocations with their synonyms from exercise 2:

1. accused, offender defendant

2. at risk; in question at stake

3. blackmail; cheating, compulsion extortion

4. blame, censure, rebuke, reproach reprimand

5. chauvinist, dogmatist, extremist, fanatic bigot

6. distribution, dissipation dissemination

7. enthusiasm, passion, zest, eagerness zeal

8. excused absence sick leave

9. fake, counterfeit, deceptive fraudulent

10. future, potential, possible prospective

11. gift, giveaway freebie

12. grieve for, miss, lament mourn

13. illegal, unlawful illicit

14. income and loss bottom line

15. indicter, accuser prosecutor

16. individualism, noninterference, nonintervention, nonrestriction (Laissez faire)

17. inducement, motivator incentive for

18. listen in, bug, overhear eavesdrop

19. no ifs ands or buts with no strings attached

20. omnipresent, here and there ubiquitous

21. partiality, prejudice bias

22. perk, perquisite fringe benefits

23. plunge plummet

24. resign, give up, quit relinquish

25. the happy medium (the golden mean)

26. think about, consider, study, reflect on ponder

5. Complete the sentences using the list of vocabulary units in exercise 2, some words can be used more than once:

1. Advertorials can also be printed and presented as an entire newspaper section, inserted the same way within a newspaper as store fliers, comics sections, and other non-editorial content.

2. Corrupt leaders were chosen in a fraudulent election.

3. Fringe benefits include a company car and free health insurance.

4. He continued to ponder the problem as he walked home.

5. He has been charged with extortion and abusing his position.

6. He has relinquished his claim to the throne.

7. He was arrested for selling illicit copies of the software.

8. Her speech struck a sympathetic chord among business leaders.

9. His boss gave him a severe reprimand for being late.

10. Hope of promotion and bonus payments served as an incentive to hard work.

11. How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line?

12. Hundreds of people gathered to mourn the slain president.

13. In philosophy, especially that of Aristotle, the goldenmean is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.

14. In relation to minor offenses or a first time offense you will receive a reprimand.

15. The company's marketing rep was giving out pens and mugs - the usual freebies.

16. In their zeal to catch drug dealers, police have ignored citizens' basic civil rights.

17. It's clear that the company has a bias against women and minorities.

18. Joseph does not conform to the stereotype of a policeman.

19. Mark is not in the office today. He broke his leg yesterday, so he's on sick leave.

20. My solicitor will call on your father to arrange business matters, and you shall be as happy as wealth and liberty can make you. An Unsocial Socialist by Shaw, George Bernard.

21. No one wants to relinquish power once they have it.

22. One of the organization's aims is the dissemination information about the disease.

23. Profits plummeted from £49 million to £11 million.

24. Since prosecutors are backed by the power of the state, they are usually subject to special professional responsibility rules in addition to those binding all lawyers.

25. The child eavesdropped on her parents' discussion.

26. The committee say they will judge each applicant on his or her own merits.

27. The company paid for the minister to fly out to Australia on a freebie.

28. The jury believed that the defendant was guilty.

29. The donation has no strings attached, so the charity can use the money for whatever purpose it chooses.

30. The phrase "chequebook journalism" is often used pejoratively, with the suggestion being that stories obtained by paying people are not so worthy as those obtained by traditional investigations.

31. The public prosecutor modified the charges against him.

32. The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of English.

There are many ways to lead and every leader has his or her own style. Some of the more common styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.

34. There is little incentive for people to leave their cars at home when public transport remains so expensive.

35. There is nothing more dangerous than the conscience of a bigot. George Bernard Shaw

36. They have to win the contract - thousands of jobs are at stake.

37. We ended up having to foot the bill for a new roof because our insurance didn't cover storm damage.

38. We've had three sets of prospective buyers looking round the house.

6. In chapter 16 the author uses the expression “comprehensive watchdog”. Explain the difference in the usage of the words “comprehensive” and “comprehensible” and then fill in the gaps with the suitable option:


1. We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.

2. Her speech was slurred and barely comprehensible.

3. Is this list comprehensive or are there some names missing?

4. He has written a fully comprehensive guide to Rome.

5. He spoke abruptly, in barely comprehensible Arabic.

6. Her writing is barely comprehensible to me.

7. This book seems to make the subject of longitude comprehensible to most laymen.

8. The curator of the museum was asked to draft a comprehensive listing of all the paintings generally attributed to the Dutch artist Rembrandt.

9. Natalie's every move was photographed, a documentation of a happy childhood as comprehensive as it was false. John Gregory Dunne, New York Review of Books, 15 Jan. 2004

10. The article is written in clear, comprehensible English.

11. Astor in his comprehensive project, might throw light upon portions of our country quite out of the track of ordinary travel, and as yet but little known. Astoria or Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains by Irving, Washington.


7. In chapter 16 the author uses the expression “prospective deals”. Explain the difference in the usage of the words “prospective” and “perspective” and then fill in the gaps with the suitable option:

1. In 2005 [Jerry] Colangelo arranged face-to-face sit-downs with every prospective national team player, to hear in their own words why they wanted to represent their country. —Alexander Wolff, Sports Illustrated, 28 July 2008.

2. The novel is written from a child's perspective.

3. Advertising his prospective sports-ranking service, he sent out hundreds of letters to newspapers.

4. Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject.

5. We have to look at everything from an international perspective.

6. He writes from a Marxist perspective.

7. When she started to burn out and didn't have the capital to renovate, she began showing the restaurant to prospective buyers.

8. Because of its geographical position, Germany's perspective on the situation in Eastern Europe is rather different from Britain's.


8. In chapter 16 the author uses the word “admission”. Explain the difference in the usage of the words “admission” and “admittance” by filling in the gaps with the suitable option:


It is often maintained that admittance should be used only to refer to achieving physical access to a place (He was denied admittance to the courtroom), and that admission should be used for the wider sense of achieving entry to a group or institution (her admission to the club; China's admission to the United Nations). There is no harm in observing this distinction, though it is often ignored. But admission is much more common in the sense "a fee paid for the right of entry": The admission to the movie was five dollars; Admission: $10 for adults, $5 for children.

We then have admission fee or admission free. Besides, the word admission is used to speak about a statement in which you admit that something is true or that you have done something wrong, e.g. The Senator's admission that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans. Admittance on the other hand is related to official matters and is often used in a negative sense. You would see a sign that says No admittance outside a government research centre, in certain places at airports, which means in effect Keep out. It should also be noted that the word admission used in its plural form stands for the process of allowing people to enter a university, institution etc, or the number of people who can enter, e.g. The college has a very selective admissions policy.



9. In chapter 16 the author uses the words “barrister” and “solicitor”. Explain the difference in the usage of the words “barrister”, “solicitor” and “attorney” and fill in the gaps with the suitable option:

In the English system, solicitors represent people and prepare their cases before they reach the court; barristers present and argue the cases in court. Solicitors do not represent people in court except in magistrate’s courts.

In the American system, attorneys represent people, prepare cases and present and argue them in court.

Thus, in the UK the major role of the barrister is to conduct court appearances. While solicitors spend most of their time out of court. Solicitors are involved in the day-to-day legal affairs of their clients, primarily focused on tasks such as conveyancing of property transactions or providing legal services to businesses such as drafting contracts, the protection of intellectual property, the filing of defamation suits, advice on regulatory issues or any other type of legal service which their clients will need in order to assure their business processes.


11. Translate the sentences into English in writing paying special attention to the use of vocabulary units:

1. Проблемы в компании начались еще до того, как он стал ее генеральным директором, но дела пошли еще хуже из-за его либерального стиля управления. laissez-faire management style

2. Когда обвиняемый сказал, что он не мог не совершить кражу, т.к. на кону была жизнь его семьи, это вызвало глубокое сочувствие среди присяжных. defendant, at stake,strike a chord

3. Мировое сообщество было удивлено тем, что Всемирный Банк решил оказать помощь обанкротившемуся государству без каких-либо условий. with no strings attached

4. В нашем банке одним из самых эффективных стимулов к работе являются многочисленные дополнительные льготы, такие как медицинская страховка и предоставление служебного телефона. incentive for, fringe benefits

5. Сотрудники, находившиеся на больничном во время проведения проверки и не явившиеся на общее собрание, получили строгий выговор, однако руководитель так и не услышал от них признания вины, вместо этого многие решили уволиться в знак протеста. on sick leave, reprimand, admission of guilt

6. Адвокат господина Джонсона пытался доказать, что его клиент не совершил никаких незаконных деяний и что обвинения в вымогательстве были безосновательны, однако прокурору удалось представить неоспоримые доказательства того, что недавно приобретенный автомобиль Джонсона был не подарком, а взяткой за содействие. barrister, illicit, extortion, prosecutor,freebie

7. В своем усердии заставить своих детей соответствовать образу «идеального человека» он стал настоящим фанатиком. И только несколько лет спустя он признал свои ошибки. zeal, conform to, bigot

8. До сих пор считается, что при приеме на работу имеет место некая предвзятость к женщинам. Но если судить по заслугам, то очевидно, что женщины ни в чем не уступают мужчинам. bias, judge sth on its merits

9. Стоит отметить, что наша задача заключается в том, чтобы превратить потенциальных клиентов реальных, несмотря на сильную конкуренцию. prospective clients

10. В результате массовых восстаний руководству страны пришлось отказаться от власти и уйти из политики. relinquish power

11. Одной из основополагающих функций прессы является распространение информации, а также предоставление объективных фактов. information dissemination

12. Вы не могли бы предоставить мне полный отчет о балансе расходов и доходов нашей компании, а также доклад о том, почему объем продаж в этом месяце упал на 7%. comprehensive, bottom line, plummet

13. Для того чтобы узнать хоть что-то о предстоящей сделке, им пришлось подслушать переговоры сторон. eavesdrop


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