dances, judges, collaborated, control, working hard, tremendous, raised

1. Coach is a main man who must … all the components in raising the skater’s skill.

2. The national associations of Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Holland Hungary and Sweden… in 1892 and the International Skating Union (I.S.U.) was founded.

3. The … development of figure skating during recent years has … the standards of this wonderful sport to heights, which dreamt of only ten years ago.

4. Skater… to music so he or she must remember that the …and spectators will hear that music only once and hopefully enjoy it at the first time.

5. A skater can achieve great results only….




Sports Dancing.

The art of dancing exists since ancient times. Dancing movements were always one of the easiest ways to express emotions and feelings, to reflect the relationship between a man and the events of everyday life. However, there are many parts of the world where different peoples live and develop their cultures in different climates, social conditions that’s why we can see a great deal of dances invented during the evolution of mankind.

Nowadays a person may choose between lots of currents of dancing art: hip-hop, techno, flamenco, folk or Indian dances. But a great number of children and grownups are fond of sports dancing - a new kind of sports in the Olympic movement. In 1990’s International Dance Sport Federation (IDSF) succeeded to become a part International Olympic Committee. IDSF defines the rules of further development of dance sport all over the world, organizes championships, appoints dates and places of ranking competitions, communicates to its members in different countries.

There are three disciplines that competitions may consist of: Latin (includes samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, pasodoble, jive), Standard (includes waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, slowfox, quickstep) and 10 dances (Standard+Latin). Dancers are performing their composition in couples: a gentleman and a lady. For each dance sound editor turns on special melodies. All athletes are divided into age groups, according to the year of birth of the eldest member of the couple. For each age group there are special dress regulations that restrict the application of makeup, accessories and materials.

Athletes are dancing on a big smooth wooden floor that is usually not large enough to let them dance all together. So dancers perform their compositions in several heats. While couples dance (1,5-2 min) odd number of judges sign the numbers of athletes that should be qualified to next round. Definition of the winner goes according to the “skating system”. In the finals judges put marks to each couple.

There are some problems to be solved by IDSF and the first one is that judges have to be more objective during competitions. Dress regulations should be improved and developed. Unfortunately these problems don’t allow IOC include sports dancing into the program of the Olympic Games.


I. Answer the questions.


1. What disciplines may the competition consist of?

2. How are the athletes divided?

3. Is the sports dancing included into the program of the Olympic Games?

4. Do you know any currents of dancing art?

5. What does IDSF define?


II. Complete the sentences as in the text.


1. Athletes are dancing on a big smooth wooden floor ….

2. Unfortunately these problems don’t allow ….

3. …, to reflect the relationship between a man and the events of everyday life.

4. However, there are many parts of the world where different peoples live and develop their cultures….

5. IDSF defines the rules of further development….


APPENDIX 1 Summer Olympic Sports


Archery Athletics (track-and-field) Badminton Basketball Beach Volleyball Boxing Canoe||kayak slalom Canoe|kayak sprint Cycling: Mountain Bike Cycling: Road Race Cycling: Track Diving Equestrian: Dressage Equestrian: Jumping Equestrian: Three-day Event Fencing Football Golf (2016) Gymnastics: Artistic (sports) Gymnastics: Rhythmic Gymnastics: Trampoline Handball Hockey (field) Judo Modern Pentathlon Rowing Rugby seven (2016) Sailing Shooting Swimming Synchronised Swimming Table Tennis Taekwondo Tennis (lawn) Triathlon Volleyball Water Polo Weightlifting Wrestling Стрельба из лука Легкая атлетика Бадминтон Баскетбол Пляжный волейбол Бокс Гребля на байдарках и каноэ:слалом Гребла на байдарках и коноэ:спринт Велоспорт: горный велосипед Велоспорт: гонки Велоспорт: трек Прыжки в воду Конный спорт: выездка Конный спорт: конкур Конный спорт: трехдневные соревн. Фехтование Футбол Гольф Гимнастика спортивная Гимнастика художественная Батут Гандбол Хоккей на траве Дзюдо Современное пятиборье Гребля академическая Регби Парусный спорт Стрельба Плавание Синхронное плавание Настольный теннис Тэквондо Теннис Триатлон Волейбол Водное поло Тяжелая атлетика Борьба  


APPENDIX 2 Winter Olympic Sports


Alpine skiing Biathlon Bobsleigh Cross-country skiing Curling Figure skating Freestyle skiing Ice hockey Luge Nordic combined Short track speed skating Skeleton Ski jumping Snowbording Speed skating     Горнолыжный спорт Биатлон Бобслей Лыжный спорт Керлинг Фигурное катание Фристайл Хоккей с шайбой Санный спорт Лыжное двоеборье Шорт трек Скелетон Прыжки с трамплина Сноуборд Конькобежный спорт  



APPENDIX 3 Irregular Verbs





Объяснительная записка 3


Часть I.

Контрольные работы 5




Тексты для чтения в 1-2 семестрах 46


Тексты для чтения в 3-4 семестрах 60


Приложения 75




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