The financial-economic crisis of the 2009 was the third of its kind for Smilovichi Felting Factory's Director, Vasily Saban. However, each time his unique company recovered from its challenging situation. Mr Saban, 55, has not only survived these times of trouble but has discovered a solution for 'his' factory — the company modernized its felt boot production, with the range of wool-made products expanded. "This branch may be one of the oldest but it has seen progress," says Mr Saban, looking at black-and-white photos from the 1950- 1960s. "In 1928 Smilovichi staff made just 8—10 pairs of felt boots daily; the figure is ten times larger now, the quality has also improved. We are now working on making women's felt boots more attractive and fashionable, without giving them high heels!" Felt boots have been worn for over two centuries but still enjoy popularity with villagers, buiders, the military, steel workers and ice fishermen. In recent years, felt boots have even gained special status, being bought in Russia, the Baltic States, Ukraine and Finland; Smilovichi-made footwear is worn with pleasure.

The company makes 37 different wollen products — including felt boots for children and adults, technical felt, woollen blankets and pillows, and sets for banyas. Its major supplies of raw materials are based in Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan. The company has managed not only to avoid bankruptcy but to advance significantly in its traditional manufacture. The process of felt boot making is complicated and labour intensive, including 36 operations, with only a few of them mechanised.

...I went to Smilovichi to buy felt boots for my sister and ended up buying some for myself and my family. They are beautiful and warm and environmentally friendly, being produced from sheep's wool, without addictive and synthetic glue. Anyone wearing Smilovichi-made felt boots must surely feel warm; their footwear has been made with love and keeps the warmth of their makers' hands.

2. The director of the felting factory tells us about the factory's achievements over the years. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3. What does the factory produce?

4. Why are felt boots becoming more and more popular all over the world?


Финансово-экономический кризис 2009 года был третьим такого рода для директора Смиловичской валяльной фабрики Василия Сабана. Тем не менее каждый раз его уникальное предприятие оправлялось после вызывающей ситуацию. Мистер Салабан, 55 лет от роду, не только справился с трудностями, но и обнаружил решение для своей фабрики – компания модернизировала своё производство валенок, а рынок сбыта войлочной продукции расширился.

«Эту отрасль можно назвать одной из старейших, но здесь виден прогресс», - говорит мистер Сабан, разглядывая чёрно- белые фотографии 50-х – 60-х годов. «В 1928 году работники только 8-10 пар валенок в день; сейчас эта цифра в десять раз больше, улучшилось так же и качество. Сейчас мы работаем над дизайном женских валенок, чтобы сделать их более привлекательными и модными даже без каблуков.»

Валенки уже носят более двух столетий, но они всё ещё популярны среди сельских жителей, строителей, военных, сталеваров и рыболовов. В последние годы их стали покупать в России, в странах Балтии, Украине и Финляндии; валенки, сделанные в Смиловичах, носят с удовольствием.

Компания производит 37 различных видов продукции из войлока- включая валенки для детей и взрослых, технические салфетки и подушки, а также наборы для бани. Процесс валяния валенок сложный и трудоёмкий, включает в себя 36 операций, из которых только несколько механизированы.

Я поехал в Смиловичи, чтобы купить валенки для своей сестры, а купил ещё себе и для всей семьи. Они красивые и тёплые; кроме этого они несут в себе тепло рук людей, которые их делают.

1. Read the article and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about. This text is about Smilovichi Felting Factory and its production. It is about the history of felt boots and their use in everyday life. The text emphasizes the environmental friendliness of goods made of wool.

2. The director of the felting factory tells us about the factory's achievements over the years. Find this extract and read it aloud. (2 абзац) "This branch may be one of the oldest but it has seen progress," says Mr Saban, looking at black-and-white photos from the 1950- 1960s. "In 1928 Smilovichi staff made just 8—10 pairs of felt boots daily; the figure is ten times larger now, the quality has also improved. We are now working on making women's felt boots more attractive and fashionable, without giving them high heels!"

3. What does the factory produce? The company now makes 37 different woolen products — including felt boots for children and adults, technical felt, woolen blankets and pillows, and sets for banyas.

4. Why are felt boots becoming more and more popular all over the world? Because they are beautiful and warm and environmentally friendly, being produced from sheep's wool, without addictive and synthetic glue.



Билет 22 (58)

Angela: I don’t know your family very well, John. I guess I haven’t been to your house that often.

John: No – you must come round again soon, and have dinner. My parents are quite fun. They come from up north, and then they moved down here when they decided that they wanted to start a family.

Angela: My family have always lived round here. It’s full of my cousins! So, do you get on well with your family? You don’t talk about them as much as some people talk about their families.

John: Oh yeah, they’re fine. It’s OK. They both work hard, so I don’t see them so much.

Angela: Sometimes I wish I saw a little less of mine! But in fact, I’m going to see everybody soon. I can’t wait for this party we’re having next month. Everyone’s coming.

John: That sounds like fun. I could do with some fun.

Angela: Oh? Is something the matter?

John: Well, it’s just that I expected to follow tradition and join my uncle’s firm when we finish school, but I think it’s boring. OK for a holiday job, maybe, but that’s enough…

Angela: Hm – what can you do in this sort of situation?

John: Yeah, I would ask my older brother, but he’s always at university…

1. The girl says that her family have always lived round there; and the boy says that his family have come from up north.


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