The Subject Matter of Economics



Измените следующие предложения в соответствие с образцом.

English is not easy to learn but (есть несколько) students is our group who know it well.→

Model: English is not easy to learn but there are a few students is our group who know it well.

1. (Есть несколько) countries where people speak English as their mother tongue.

2. Our library is very good, (есть много) books on economics in it.

3. I want to study marketing, (имеется много) information on this subject.

4. English words are not easy to remember, if (мало) practice in using them in speech.

5. Many students know how to handle tape-recorders, but (находится мало) students who know how to operate computers.


Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глаголов “to be”, “to have” и переведите предложения на русский язык.


1 ____ English grammar difficult to learn?

2 ____ it important to know the meaning of some words in


3 ____ you interested in studying banking?

4 Does English ____ many financial and economic terms?

5 ____ there many tense forms in English?

6 ____ English got many endings?

7 ____ you got any information about the use of English in

countries other than Great Britain?

8 ____ this town got many banks?



Поставьте в сравнительную или превосходную степень прилагательные или наречия, данные в круглых скобках, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I think Chinese is (difficult) language to learn.

2. Who is (rich) man/woman in the world?

3. What is (large) city in the world?

4. Jane’s watch costs $100, Ann’s watch costs $50.

Ann’s watch is (cheap) Jane’s watch.

5. Mary is 18, Helen is 21. Helen is (old) Mary.

6. Travelling first class is (comfortable) travelling economy class.

7. She is very rich. She wears (expensive) clothes and eats at (good) restaurants.

8. John weighs 70 kg and Paul weighs 65 kg. John is (heavy) Paul.

9. Bill is 1.76 m tall and Peter is 1.62 m tall. Bill is (tall) Peter.

10. Some students learn English (good) from pop songs than from a teacher.

11. Which students in your group works (hard) the others at his/her pronunciation?




Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными, а затем отрицательными.

1 He does his homework in the evening.

2 He goes to the university by bus every day except on Sundays.

3 Most of our students live far from the university.

4 They store information on computers.

5 He wants to start his own business.

6 We like to watch TV programmes about wild life.



Образуйте на основе таблицы три утвердительных и три вопросительных предложения, обращая внимание на формы причастий прошедшего времени правильных и неправильных глаголов.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

The world’s resources This information These words English This article Mathematics These exercises The decision is are can must may be translated allocated written be done spoken used be stored be taken   in many countries. in class, not at home. to the production of many things. with capital letters. on computers. to examine complex economic problems. by Friday. by the managing director  



Поставьте следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.

1 Scientists divide economic systems into groups.

2 They store information on computers.

3 Economists analyse and predict economic events.

4 The factory employs 150 workers.

5 She does sums at school with a pocket computer.




Прочитайте и устно переведите текст The Subject Matter of Economics. Письменно переведите 1, 2, 5 и 6 абзацы текста. Обратите внимание на перевод отдельных слов и словосочетаний после текста.


The Subject Matter of Economics


No one comes to economics as a traveller to an unknown land. Much of our everyday experience is related to economics. Studying economics is directly connected with very important things that involve everyone, such as unemployment, inflation, wages, poverty, taxes, banks, foreign currencies.

Economics is the science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of wealth and with the various related problems of labour, finance, taxation etc. Economics is concerned with the economy or economic system. The economic system determines how the nation’s resources of land, labour, machinery and raw materials are allocated and used. The problem of allocating resources is a central theme of economics, because most resources are scarce. The allocation of scarce resources and the distribution of the product of those resources are a major part of the subject matter of economics.

In Western economies many resources are allocated to whoever is willing and able to pay the most for them. The distribution is determined by the amounts of money paid as wages, rent and other forms of income.

Economists use assumptions to build models, both for explanation and for prediction of economic events. They summarize conclusions on economic questions into economic principles. Western economists believe that all economic questions can be analysed by examining the decisions of individuals and the outcome of those decisions made by people as consumers or as managers of firms. The Marxist analysis of Western economies is based on the interrelations between social classes - workers and capitalists - whose interests and behaviour are regarded as uniform enough for a whole class to be seen as a single unit. The Communist system was based on an economic and social theory that called for a take-over of the state by the workers. Although Communist central planning did bring about strong economic growth in some countries - such as in the rapidly industrializing Soviet Union of the 1920s and 1930s - it often resulted in long-term inefficiency and economic stagnation.

A country’s economic system is its way of organizing economic activities, including the ways in which people come to specialize in particular tasks they do best. There is a variety of economic systems, which can be divided into three groups:

a) Market or decentralized economic systems in which economic decisions are taken by individuals. Free-market economists examine markets using a fundamental method of economics: supply and demand analysis.

b) Planned or centralized economic systems, in which economic decisions are taken by government planners.

c) Mixed economic systems, in which many economic activities are organized in a decentralized way, but in which the government takes some of the most important economic decisions. In practice, every economic system is mixed to some extent.

Economics is connected with such sciences as psychology, history, law, political science, accounting, engineering, mathematics and statistics.

1... that involve everyone -... которые касаются каждого

2 economics is concerned with... - экономика имеет дело с...


3 by examining - путем изучения /изучая

4... are regarded as uniform -... рассматриваются как

enough достаточно однородные

5... that called for a take-over -... которая предусматривала, что

of the state by the workers рабочие возьмут на себя

руководство государством

6 did bring about strong - действительно привело к значительному

economic growth экономическому росту

7 supply and demand - спрос и предложение

8 in a decentralized way - децентрализовано

9 to some extent - до некоторой степени




Дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к тексту.

What is economics concerned with?

Why do economists build economic models?

What economic systems do you know?

What is economics connected with?



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