Ex.5. Translate the sentences into English using your active grammar.

1.У нее большой опыт работы педагогом. 2. Незабудки и ландыши – мои любимые цветы. 3.Полиция имеет право проверить документы. 4. Том провел летние каникулы у тети. 5. Это Ван Гог? – Нет, это один из шедевров Гойи. 6. Твою одежду нужно отнести в химчистку, она грязная. 7. Фрукты и овощи – самая здоровая пища. 8. Эти ступеньки чересчур крутые. 9. Твои советы всегда полезны. 10. Давай не будем спорить, хотя бы ради старого знакомства. 11. Он добился большого успеха в изучении физики. 12. Школа находится совсем близко (рукой подать) отсюда. – Это школа для девочек? 13. Гусей, овец и свиней нельзя увидеть в зоопарке. 14. Отец мальчика, которого ты видел вчера, живет возле кирпичного завода. 15. Отсутствие новостей – уже хорошая новость. 16. Джейн ушла в парикмахерскую делать прическу. 17. Памела – одна из близких подруг Анжелы. 18. Не верь Майклу, он волк в овечьей шкуре. 19. Мама подарила Джеку 10 пенсов – 10 блестящих монеток. 20. Марта купила в бакалейной лавке 3 булки хлеба и две пинты подсолнечного масла.


Ex.1. Use the proper articles if necessary. Write down the number of the sentence and the article required.


1. Henry is … vegetarian. I respect … vegetarians.

2. He eats up to ten lemons … day.

3. For … supper he has … huge bowl of beans and … yoghurt.

4. He always goes to … bed early, even at … weekend.

5. He goes to … doctor’s twice … month.

6. He believes that sitting in … sun even for one minute is dangerous.

7. He is afraid he will end up in … hospital.

8. He is … most health-obsessed person I’ve ever met.

9. He wears … gloves to open …doors and to pick up …telephone.

10. His colleagues at..work think that he’s as mad as … hatter.


1. … Equator runs round the middle of …earth.

2. That night there was … amazing sky, full of different colours.

3. When … moon passes between … sun and …earth, it is called an eclipse.

4. There’s nowhere on … earth like Hong Kong.

5. We have no idea how old … universe is.

6. Every solar system has …sun.

7. We had the advantage of …full moon.

8. I wish people were able to fly like birds in …sky.

9. If only we could create … brand new world with no wars, hunger or pain!

10. Last year Poland was visited by … Pope.


1. … Giraffe is … tallest animal on …earth.

2. … Beauty is subjective. Still, …beautiful appeals to everybody.

3. …Telephone has made it possible to communicate with loved ones immediately.


1. We were greeted by quite … different John.

2. He had …humour of …Gashek.

3. He was … Steward to the bone and like all …Stewards he was stubborn.


1. He comes from … Ukraine but has long been living in …United Kingdom.

2. I’ve been climbing in … Alps, but I’ve never managed to get up … Mont Blanc.

3. There’s a breathtaking view of … Lake Geneva from my bedroom window.

4. In …modern France one can come across some customs dating back to …Middle Ages.


1. Many … sailor used to turn …pirate in the 17th century.

2. Elizabeth was …woman enough to see through Mr. Darcy’s arrogance.

3. George W. Bush was elected … President in 2000, wasn’t he?

4. …Famous Al Pacino was once … ticket –seller in … theatre.

Ex.2. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Лондонский Тауэр пользуется большой популярностью у туристов. 2. Собака – лучший друг человека. 3. Мой отец дал мне множество полезных советов. 4. Отель Хилтон расположен на берегу Темзы. 5. Он возомнил себя новым Наполеоном. 6. Верующие ходят в церковь ежедневно. 7. Киви - редкая птица Новой Зеландии, которая спит 20 часов в сутки. 8. В огурце почти нет витаминов. 9. Французский язык – один из самых сложных для изучения, главным образом, из-за произношения. 10. Джина получила в подарок новенький «форд». 11. Я договорился о приеме у дантиста, т.к. мне сильно болит зуб. 12. Майк гордится тем, приобрел полное собрание сочинений Толкиена (Tolkien). 13. Погода в Англии оставляет желать лучшего. 14. Сидни попал в аварию и был доставлен в больницу. 15. Три сэндвича и кофе, пожалуйста. 16.Он заказал обильный ужин и съел его в одиночестве. 17.Римлянам нравилось наблюдать гладиаторские бои. 18. На прошлой неделе я посмотрел спектакль и сходил в кино. Спектакль был отличный, а фильм мне совершенно не понравился. 19. Перепуганная Анна, дочь священника, открыла нам дверь. 20. Отец Стива является директором крупной фирмы.

Verb comlementation

Ex.1 Translate the sentences using Delexical Verbs:

1. Теперь, я думаю, можно закурить.

2. Давай прогуляемся, хорошо?

3. Мы не обратили внимания на эту ошибку.

4. Позаботься о себе сам, ладно?

5. Он покинул нашу компанию довольно неожиданно.

6. Он вздрогнул, когда мы вошли.

Ex.2 Translate the sentences using Link Verbs (be, taste, feel, sound, look, smell):

1. Лимоны кислые на вкус.

2. Мех мягкий на ощупь.

3. Она плохо выглядит.

4. Музыка звучала прекрасно.

5. Ткань была мягкой и шелковистой на ощупь.

6. Эти духи удивительно приятно пахнут.

7. Теперь, когда цветут лотосы, у реки приятно пахнет.

8. Как ты себя чувствуешь?—Очень хорошо, спасибо.

9. Это мясо имеет превосходный вкус.

10. После обработки антистатиком платье теперь мягкое на ощупь.



Ex. 1.

1. two-member complete

2. a) two-member complete

b) one-member

c) one-member

3. a) two-member complete

b) two-member elliptical

4. a) one-member

b) one-member

5. two-member complete

Ex. 2.

  1. introductory

2. impersonal

3. emphatic

4. personal

5. demonstrative

Number. Agreement. Case

Ex.1 a. stories, journeys, echoes, thieves, proofs, calves, sopranos, lives, foxes, baths, tomatoes, still lifes, dwarfs(ves), bamboos, volcanoes(-os), toes.

b. boots, feet, brothers (brethren), oxen, deer, children, Romans, ships, mice, salmon(s), Vietnamese, sheep, mouths, geese, Swiss, means.

c. stand-bys, fishermen, mothers-in-law, spoonfuls, women-doctors, man-eaters, passers-by.

d. Kennedys, Misses Smith (Miss Smiths), M.P.s

e. criteria, cactuses or cacti, formulae, encyclopaedias, geniuses or genii.


Ex.2. 1. Comes; 2. Is; 3. Is; 4. Is; 5. Is; 6. Don’t; 7. Was; 8. Are; 9. Are; 10. Are.

Ex. 3.

  1. is, 2 has, 3.is, am, 4 is, 5 are, 6 are, 7 are, 8 see, 9 knows, are, 10 is/was.


Ex.4. I. 1. My sons’ bicycle. 2. My mother-in-law’s knitting. 3. Unchanged. 4. Burns’(s) poems. 5.Florence’s museums.

II. 1. An hour’s delay. 2. Two days’ journey. 3. Seven miles’ walk.

III. 1. Jack and Kate’s apartment. 2. Ryleev’s and Pestel’s wives. 3. Rafael’s and Michelangelo’s works. 4. Adam and Eve’s transgression.

IV. 1. At death’s door. 2. The ship’s crew. 3. At her fingers’ ends. 4. Unchanged.


Ex.5 1. She has got great experience of teaching. 2. Forget-me-nots and lilies of the valley are my favourite flowers. 3. The police are entitled (have the right) to see one’s papers. 4. Tom spent his summer holidays at his aunt’s. 5. Is this a Van Gogh? – No, this is a masterpiece of Goya’s. 6. Your clothes ought to be taken to the drycleaner’s, they are dirty. 7. Fruit and vegetables are the most wholesome kinds of food. 8. These stairs are too steep. 9. Your advice is always helpful. 10. Let us not argue, at least for old acquaintance’s sake. 11. He made great progress in studying physics. 12. There is a school at a stone’s throw from here. – Is this a girls’ school? 13. Geese, sheep and swine can’t bee seen in the zoo. 14. The boy you saw yesterday’s father lives near the brick works. 15. No news is good news. 16. Jane has gone to the hairdresser’s to have her hair done. 17. Pamela is a close friend of Angela’s. 18. Don’t trust Michael, he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 19. Mother gave Jack ten pence – ten shiny pennies. 20. At the grocer’s Martha bought three loaves of bread and two pints of sunflower oil.



Ex.1 a) 1. a; -

2. a

3. a; -

4. -; the

5. the; a

6. the

7. –

8. the

9. -; the; the

10. a


b) 1. the; the

2. an

3. the; the; the

4. –

5. the

6. a

7. a

8. the

9. a

10. the


1. the; the; -

2. -; the

3. the


1. a

2. the; a

3. a: the


1. (the); the

2. the; --

3. –

4. --; the


1. a; -

2. –

3. –

4. the; a; a (the)


Ex. 2 1. The Tower of London is a major tourist attraction. 2. The dog is man’s best friend. 3. My father gave me a lot of useful advice (pieces of advice). 4. The Hilton Hotel is situated on the bank of the river Thames. 5. He thought of himself as a new Napoleon. 6. Believers go to church daily. 7. The kiwi is a rare bird of New Zealand which sleeps 20 hours a day. 8. Cucumbers contain almost no vitamins. 9.French (the French language) is one of the hardest languages to learn, mainly because of its phonetics. 10. Gina got a new Ford as a present. 11. I made an appointment with the dentist because I’m having a bad toothache. 12. Mike is proud of having purchased a complete Tolkien. 13. The weather in England leaves much to be desired. 14. Sidney got into a car crash and was taken to hospital. 15. Three sandwiches and a coffee, please. 16. He ordered a substantial dinner and ate it alone. 17. The Romans used to enjoy watching gladiators fight. 18. Last week I watched a play and a film. I loved the play but I didn’t like the film at all. 19. A frightened Ann, the daughter of the priest, opened the door to us. 20. Steve’s father is (the) director of a large company.

Verb comlementation

Ex. 1.

  1. Now, I think we can have a smoke.
  2. Let’s go for a walk, shall we?
  3. We took no notice of that mistake.
  4. Take care, will you?
  5. He took leave of our company all of a sudden
  6. He gave a start when we entered the room.


  1. Lemons taste sour.
  2. The fur feels soft.
  3. She looks bad.
  4. The music sounded wonderful.
  5. The fabric feels soft and silky.
  6. This perfume smells good.
  7. Now that lotuses are blossoming the river smells good.
  8. How are you feeling? Very well, thanks.
  9. The meat tastes delicious.
  10. After antistatic treatment the dress feels soft.



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