Времена группы Simple Passive Voice

Unit 3. The structure of the teeth and odontogenesis

Lesson 6.

Exercise 1. Learn the active vocabulary to the text:

alveolar – альвеолярный

alveolus (pl -li) – альвеола

assist – принимать участие

cement – цемент

crown - коронка

dental pulp – пульпа зуба

dentine – дентин

enamel – эмаль

fibrous – волокнистый

incise - надрезать

lamina dura – тонкая твердая пластинка

line – выстилать

mandible – нижняя челюсть

masticate – жевать

maxilla – верхняя челюсть

maxillary – верхнечелюстной

occupy – занимать

periodontal membrane – периодонт

periosteum – надкостница

root – корень

serve – служить

tooth socket – ячейка зуба

vascular – сосудистый

Exercise 2. Read the text and translate it into Russian:

Anatomical Structure of the Tooth

The teeth are specialized, hard, calcified organs attached to the maxilla and mandible. The function of the teeth is to incise, masticate food and assist in phonation.

Anatomically, a tooth consists of two fundamental parts: the crown and the root, or roots. The crown of the tooth appears above the gum line; it is only about 1/3 of the whole tooth. Underneath the gum line lie the roots. The root is in the alveolar bone and is covered by mucous membrane.

Incisors have only one root; other teeth, two or three. The crown and the root of the tooth are connected together by the neck.

The crown of each tooth is covered with dental enamel which is the hardest substance in the body. The roots are encased in cement (or cementum).

Inside the enamel and cement is the softer bony substance called dentin. The dentin surrounds a pulp chamber (dental pulp), where nerves and blood vessels of the tooth are located.

The nerves and blood vessels run up and down through narrow channels, called root canals.

The periodontal membrane or alveolar-dental periosteum is a fibrous membrane. Covering the roots of the tooth it holds the tooth in its socket in the jaw and takes up some of the shock of chewing.

This is why the teeth are slightly movable. The periodontal membrane serves to attach the tooth to the bone.

A thin layer of bone called the lamina dura serves to line the alveolus or tooth socket.



Exercise 3. Complete the sentences, using the words from the text:

1) ______ is visible part of a tooth, above the gums.

2) The ______ is the hardest substance in the body.

3) ______ is the part of a tooth under the gums and inside the alveolar bone.

4) ______ is the area between the tooth crown and the root.

5) A tooth consists of three parts – the ______, the ______ and the ______.

6) The crown of each tooth is covered with ______.

7) The ______ and ______ run up and down through narrow channels.

8) The ______ is a fibrous membrane.

Exercise 4. Translate the words having the same root:

- to specialize, specialization, specially, specialty, specialist

- to calcify, calcification, calcium

- life, to live, living

- a nerve, nervous

- a group, to group

- to assist, assistant, assistance

- to cover, covered, covering

- to connect, connected, connective, connection

- membrane, membranous

- fiber, fibrous

- alveolus, alveoli, alveolar.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions:

1) What is the function of the teeth?

2) What parts is each tooth divided into?

3) What dental tissues are there in teeth?

4) How many roots do incisors have?

5) What is the hardest substance in the body?

6) In what tissue are the roots encased?

7) What is the function of the periodontal membrane?


Времена группы Simple Passive Voice

Страдательный залог глагола, показывает, что лицо (или предмет), выраженное подлежащим, не является активным исполнителем действия, выраженного глаголом (сказуемым), а, напротив, само подвергается воздействию.

Active Voice Passive Voice
I asked the doctor to examine the patient. – Я попросил врача осмотреть пациента. I was asked by the doctor to examine the patient. – Меня попросил врач осмотреть пациента.

Особенностью употребления страдательного залога в английском языке является то, что не только глаголы, принимающие прямое дополнение, но и глаголы с предложным дополнением, могут употребляться в страдательном залоге.




где to be изменятся по лицам, числам и временам


Спряжение глаголов в Simple Passive

  Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
Утвердительная форма I am examined I (he, she, it) was examined I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will be examined
He (she, it) is examined
We (you, they) are examined We (you, they) were examined
Вопросительная форма Am I examined? Was I (he, she, it) examined? Will I (he, she, it, we, you, they) be examined
Is he (she, it) examined?
Are we (you, they) examined? Were you (we, they) examined?
Отрицательная форма I am not examined I (he, she, it) was not examined I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will not be examined
He (she, it) is not examined
We (you, they) are not examined We (you, they) were not examined


Exercise 6. Find out the sentences with Simple Active and Simple Passive in the text explaining their differences. Translate them.

Exercise 7. Put predicate in correct forms and translate the sentences:

1) The teeth (to implant) in the jaw bones.

2) The roots of the upper wisdom tooth (to unite) so as to form one root.

3) The food (to grind) during mastication by the teeth.

4) The secretion (to pour) by the salivary glands.

5) The deciduous teeth (to lose) in childhood.

6) The canine teeth (to situate) next to the incisors.

7) The anterior central part of each maxillary arch (to occupy) by incisors.

8) The alveolar cavity of a socket (to occupy) by the root.

9) The chamber in the crown (to occupy) by pulp.

10) He (to give) the medicine for Grippe.

11) We (to ask) to translate the text without a dictionary.

12) The patient (to hospitalize) tomorrow.

13) Other specialists (to confirm) our results.

Exercise 8. State the tense and voice forms of the predicates and translate the sentences into Russian:

1) The patient will be examined shortly.

2) She was hospitalized two weeks ago.

3) The molars are most frequently affected.

4) Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity occur very frequently.

5) The food is broken by the teeth, ground into small particles, and moistened and softened by saliva.

6) All senior students will be present in the operation room at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.

7) Mastication is considered as the first step in digestion.

8) The new technique is becoming increasingly useful in clinical diagnosis.

9) A physician was sent for a boy.

10) She was prescribed penicillin intramuscularly a month ago.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets in correct forms:

1) We (to ask) to translate this passage at once.

2) There (to be) no problems in this field of dentistry in future.

3) During this period the teeth (to develop) in children’s jaws.

4) The posterior part of the alveolar arch (to occupy) by molars.

5) He (to recommend) antibiotic injections until his condition improves.

6) Canine teeth (to situate) next to the incisors.

7) The Academy of Medical Sciences (to establish) in 1944.

8) Premolars and molars (to use) for chewing food.

9) This drug soon (to use) to heal small ulcers in the oral cavity.

10) Saliva itself (to have) a double function.

11) The secretion of the salivary glands (to pour) into the oral cavity.

12) Many procedures (to use) in dental clinics today.

13) Pulp (to occupy) the chamber of the crown.

14) The teeth of the first dentition (to call) deciduous teeth.

15) The jaws bones (to cover) with a tissue are known as the gum.


Exercise 10. Change the sentences from active into passive constructions:

1) Fleming discovered penicillin.

2) The police arrested his brother.

3) A blood clot blocked the artery.

4) His doctor recommends him not to take coffee.

5) They can treat cancer by surgery.

6) They gave the patient an injection of morphine.

7) Periodontium attaches the tooth to the bone tissue.

8) Usually, a dentist treats this disease.

9) He will inform you by a telegram.


Exercise 11. Complete the sentences using the Present Simple Passive Voice:

1) Patients (examine) every day.

2) The academic year (divide) into two terms.

3) This method of treatment (use) successfully in this clinic nowadays.

4) I (register) on Dr. Black’s list. I am his patient.

5) Children’s doctors (call) pediatricians.

6) Free treatment (provide) by the National Health Service of Great Britain.

7) You often (ask) to translate English texts this year.

8) Such mistakes (make) very often.

9) English (speak) in many countries.

10) Basic subjects (study) in the first and second year.


Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple Passive Voice:

1) This patient (examine) an hour ago.

2) This drug (prescribe) to him two weeks ago.

3) We (give) the necessary aids yesterday.

4) These patients (see) by an eye specialist last Monday.

5) These drugs (use) to treat nervous disorders many years ago.

6) The prescription (write out) by our general practitioner last week.

7) New methods of treatment (discuss) at the last conference.

8) Mary (treat) for stomach ulcer two years ago.


Exercise 13. Complete the sentences using the Future Simple Passive:

1) I think this patient (examine) at once.

2) The examination (complete) in ten minutes.

3) This question (discuss) later.

4) The prescription (write out) in five minutes.

5) The drug (prepare) in two hours.

6) She thinks she (hospitalize) next week.

7) I hope the work (finish) tomorrow.

8) We think this book (read) with interest.


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