ADVANTAGES – преимущества

a clear understanding of your competitive advantages; (cf: disadvantages)

ADAPTABILITY – приспосабливаемость; гибкость;

flexibility and adaptability to changing environments

BELIEF – слух; обычай

To support the belief; to share the belief

BUSINESSES – отрасли; отраслевые предприятия

The vast majority of successful businesses

COMMIT [kq'mIt]

= do a bad or foolish act (to commit a crime): He committed suicide (i.e. killed himself);

= hand over or give up for safe keeping; entrust; place

The prisoner was committed for trial (i.e. sent before judges to be tried)

The body was committed to the flames (i.e. burnt)


COMMON – общий, обычный; to be common; the strategies common in the vast majority of successful businesses

COMPETE – соперничать, конкурировать; COMPETITION; COMPETITIVE;


COMPETITIVE – конкурентоспособный

a clear understanding of your competitive advantages

your competitive advantage

CONTROL – управлять; регулировать;

cost control

CUSTOMER – потребитель, покупатель;

customer service


efficiency and attention to cost control

EMBRACE =to hold somebody in a warm embrace; seize; make use of; adopt, accept;

set out on, engage in,

enter on. To embrace Christianity; To embrace a career/ a profession

EMPHASIS’ emphasis on quality production; emphases on quality

EMPLOY – нанимать; использовать (=to use)

An employer – наниматель, работодатель

An employee – служащий

EMPHASIZE – подчеркивать, уделять особое внимание на;

ENVIRONMENT (окружающая) среда, рыночные обстоятельства

flexibility and adaptability to changing environments

FOCUS – фокус; фокусировать внимание на;

FUNDING; to support the new ventures with funding and resources

IGNORE – пренебрегать

INCENTIVES; proper management and employee incentives

INVOLVE – включать в себя; содержать

LIST – перечислять; a list – перечень, список

MANAGEMENT управление, регулирование, мэниджмент

A clear management strategy

A manager управленец, мэниджер


a marketing strategy = a strategy for/of marketing

ORIGINATE – быть источником, происходить от;

The originators of these ideas

PROVEN – опробовать;

To proven specific management strategies


SHARE – делить, разделять (горе);

To share the belief

SOLVE – решать задачу/проблему (to solve problems, the solution of the problem)


specific management strategies


Business ideas and new ventures succeed because …

SUPPORT – поддерживать;

A support

TARGET – цель;

a clearly defined target

TERM – срок, период времени; термин

a long-term strategic plan

VENTURES – совместные предприятия;

to support the new ventures with funding and resources

Задание 2. Усвоив содержание приведенных выше экономических терминов перевести нижеследующий диалог на русский язык, при необходимости обращаясь за разъяснениями в основном тексте.


Smith: Do you think that this paper is useful for small businesses?

Catherine: Yes, certainly, to my mind, these ten characteristics listed in the paper can really help small businesses succeed. Don' t you agree with me?

Smith: Absolutely sо. These principles are vеrу simple but efficient, aren' t they?

Catherine: Yes, they are.

Smith: Do you remember these specific management strategies that are common for the majority of successful businesses?

Catherine: I do. And I think these basic principles may be divided into some groups. Do you also think so?

Smith: Yes, yes, I do. The first group of thеsе principles says that when doing some business it is necessary to think about customers themselves. What can you say about these principles?

Catherine: Well, as far as I understand them they are very useful. According to these principles companies must think а lot about high quality of their products and about high level of customer service.

Smith: And what about other groups?

Catherine: Other principles say about marketing strategy and competition in the market.

Smith: Are there any principles concerning planning?

Catherine: Yes, there are some. For good work at the market it is very necessary for every company to define its marketing target (or goal) and develop its long-term strategic plan.

Smith: Is that all concerning all the principles?

Catherine: No, it is not. There are also some important principles, such as flexibility and adaptability to changing environment.

Smith: You know most of the large corporate giants internationally known started out as small enterprises.

Catherine: But here comes а very important question, what makes them great? How did they manage to become so gigantic?

Smith: Well, you see the managers of all these big companies believed these principles and they usually followed them.

Catherine: Do you agree that this has made their enterprises great in the market?

Smith: Yes, you are absolutely right. It is this very management strategy that helped these companies to become most competitive in the market and attract most buyers to their products or services. Do you also think so?

Catherine: Yes, 1 do. The most successful companies provided everything their customers wanted and they managed to supply their clients with high-quality products and services in proper time and in proper place (i.е. provided what, when and where а user wanted). And besides, all the goods and services were provided at the lowest prices. Sales for the customers were arranged in the most friendly and helpful way.

Smith: So, for the companies being most successful at the market to follow these strategic principles were very useful and profitable.

Catherine: Yes, you are right one hundred per cent. These successful companies proved that these principles work in the market.

Smith: I would like to ask you one more question concerning these principles.

Catherine: Do, please.

Smith: Are these strategic economic concepts good only for "western" companies? Are they necessarily "western" principles?

Catherine: I think, nо. These concepts are universal. They work well worldwide.

Smith: Why?

Catherine: Because these concepts are absolutely human, they are an acknowledgement of actual human characteristics. And so any business can succeed if it takes into consideration the human environment, i.e. the environment in which we live our life.

Smith: Can these marketing principles be exploited in Russia then?

Catherine: Why not?! Certainly, they can. Our Russian companies should follow these strategic principles as well. The principles can bring great success to our companies, too.

Smith: Yes, these strategic principles must be followed by Russian companies. But following the principles we have to take into consideration the specific feature оf the Russian market economy. What is your thinking about this?

Catherine: I also think so. All these small-size kiosks, small- and middle-size businesses in Russia should follow these universal economic principles if they wish to be successful at the national market.

Smith: Let us hope they will. Only in this way they will manage to meet and satisfy the needs and only through it they will get their profit.

Задание 3. В виде таблицы их 4 колонок сформировать алфавитный перечень глаголов (и их форм), встретившихся в двух текстах.

agree agreed agreed agreeing
ask asked asked asking
attract attracted attracted attracting
be is/are was/were being
become became become becoming
believe believed believed believing
buy bought bought buying
come came come coming
commit committed committed committing
develop developed developed developing
dismiss dismissed dismissed dismissing
do did done doing
embrace embraced embraced embracing
follow followed followed following
give gave given giving
get got got getting
grow grew grown growing
help helped helped helping
ignore ignored ignored ignoring
incorporate incorporated incorporated incorporating
involve involved involved involving
implement implemented implemented implementing
keep kept kept keeping
live lived lived living
make made made making
meet met met meeting
practice practiced practiced practicing
prefer preferred preferred preferring
prove proved proven proving
react reacted reacted reacting
realize realized realized realizing
remember remembered remembered remembering
say said said saying
satisfy satisfied satisfied satisfying
sell sold sold selling
share shared shared sharing
start started started starting
support supported supported supporting
succeed succeeded succeeded succeeding
take took taken taking
think thought thought thinking
wish wished wished wishing
work worked worked working
understand understood understood understanding

Задание 4. В таблице из 3-х колонок разместить причастия настоящего времени, причастия прошедшего времени и герундий, которые вы встретили в двух текстах. Перевести эти формы на русских язык.

пр.наст.время пр.прош.время герундий
growing развивая committed совершил hoping надеясь
funding основывая proven доказано having
struggling борющийся treated относился marketing рыночный
given дав given дал shopping делая покупки
  found основал being будучи
    providing обеспечивая
    surviving выживая
    prospering процветая
    planning планируя
    preparing подготавливая

Задание 5. Найти в текстах 25-35 основных экономических терминов и дать их перевод. Термины могут быть одно- и многословными. Поставьте 10 вопросов на английском языке к основному тексту и 5 вопросов к тексту диалога. Эти вопросы должны раскрывать основное содержание текста. Постарайтесь применить большинство этих терминов в ваших вопросах.

Вопросы и ответы переведите на русский язык.


1. support it with funding and resources – поддержать капиталовложениями и ресурсами

2. are committed to proven management strategies – быть привязанным к успешным стратегиям управления

3. а high level of customer service – высокий уровень обслуживания

4. long term business plans – долгосрочное планирование

5. at the lowest price – за самую низкую цену

6. supply – поставка

7. а clearly defined target market – четко обусловленный целевой рынок

8. market economy – рыночная экономика

9. every management strategy – стратегия управления

10. competitive – конкурентоспособный

11. cashflow – поток наличности

12. sustained growth – непрерывный рост

13. consumer – потребитель

14. marketing strategy – рыночная стратегия

15. flexibility and adaptability to changing environment – гибкость и приспосабливаемость к меняющемуся окружению

16. small enterprises – маленькие фирмы

17. small- and middle-size business – малый и средний бизнес

18. competitor – конкурент

19. еfficiency and attention to cost control – эффективность и внимание к ценовому контролю

20. successful business - успешный бизнес

21. attendant at а home products store – консультант в магазине домашних товаров

22. successful managers – успешные менеджеры

23. have а need for – нуждаться в…

24. the best quality product – товар высокого качества

25. the best and most friendly customer service – самое лучшее и самое дружелюбное обслуживание клиентов

26. establishes а competition – организовать соревнование

27. producers – производители


Вопросы к тексту:

1. What does growing a successful business involve? – It involves using proven management strategies. Что включает в себя развитие успешного бизнеса? Доказанные стратегии управления.

2. What happens to the companies which do not follow the rules? – They do not succeed and grow. Что происходит с компаниями, которые не следуют правилу? Они становятся не успешными и не развиваются.

3. Why do people buy products? - They have а need for them. Почему люди покупают товары? Потому что они нуждаются в них.

4. What are the ten principles? - Emphasis on qua1ity production; А high level of customer service;

Efficiency and attention to cost control; Clear management strategy and focus; А clearly defined target market; A marketing strategy that sell the solution to problems and/or needs; А clear understanding of your competitive advantage; А long term strategic plаn; Flexibility and adaptability to changing environments; Proper management and employee incentives. Каковы 10 принципов? Упор на качество производства; высокий уровень обслуживания; эффективность и внимание к ценовому контролю; четкая цель и стратегия управления; четко очерченный целевой рынок; маркетинговая стратегия, которая продает решение проблемы и/или потребности; четкое представление и своем конкурентном преимуществе; долгосрочное планирование; гибкость и приспосабливаемость к меняющимся условиям; правильное управление и стимулирование трудящихся.

5. Why should the companies compete with each other? – To attract consumers’ money. Почему компании конкурируют между собой? Чтобы привлечь деньги покупателя.

6. What will lead to sustained growth? – The most cashflow and profits. Что ведет к постоянному росту? Наибольший поток денежных средств и выгоды.

7. What is a successful company? – The one which is smarter than their competitors by providing exactly what the consumer market wants, when and where it wants it and the best price from the most friendly and helpful sales people. Что такое успешная компания? Это компания, которая умнее своих конкурентов, обеспечивая рынок потребителя тем, что ему нужно, когда и где ему это нужно и предлагая лучшую цену от дружелюбно настроенных и помогающих продавцов.

8. Are these concepts "western" economic principles? –No, but rather an acknowledgement of general human characteristics. Эти положения являются «западными»принципами экономики? Нет, это скорее общечеловеческие характеристики.

9. What are the first signs of а Russian market economy? - Many kiosks and traders in Russia nowadays. Каковы первые признаки российской рыночной экономики? Многочисленные киоски и продавцы в России.

10. What is the next step? - The evolution of Russian businesses that produce the variety of product that the Russian people want. Каковы следующие шаги? Эволюция российского бизнеса, который производит большое разнообразие товара, необходимого русским людям.


Вопросы к диалогу:

1. What does the first group of principles say? When doing some business it is necessary to think about customers themselves. О чем говорит первая группа принципов? Когда ведешь дело, необходимо думать о самих покупателях.

2. Why is it important to plan? - For good work at the market it is very necessary for every company to define its marketing target (or goal) and develop its long-term strategic plan. Почему важно планировать? Для хорошей работы на рынке очень важно каждой компании определить цель и создать долгосрочный стратегический план.

3. What made all these big companies so gigantic? - They believed these principles and they usually followed them. It is this very management strategy that helped these companies to become most competitive in the market and attract most buyers to their products or services. Что позволило этим большим компаниям стать гигантскими? Они доверяли этим принципам и следовали им. Это та самая стратегия управления, которая помогла этим компаниям стать наиболее конкурентоспособными на рынке и привлечь наибольшее количество покупателей их продукции и услуги.

4. How did the most successful companies proved that these principles worked in the market? - They

provided everything their customers wanted and they managed to supply their clients with high-quality products and services in proper time and in proper place. And besides, all the goods and services were provided at the lowest prices. Sales for the customers were arranged in the most friendly and helpful way. Как наиболее успешные компании доказали, что эти принципы работают на рынке? Они обеспечили своих покупателей все необходимым, и они смогли поставить своим клиентам продукцию высокого качества в нужное время и в нужном месте.

5. Should following the principles take into consideration the specific feature оf the Russian market economy? - Sure it should. Должны ли эти принципы учитывать специфику российской рыночной экономики? Конечно должны.



Задание 6. Основной текст и текст диалога являются оригинальными текстами, т.е. редактированию не подвергались. Стратегические экономические принципы, изложенные в этих двух текстах, вам пригодятся на практике. Тем более, что речь в текстах идет о внедрении этих принципов в экономическую жизнь Нижегородской области. Поэтому, на экзамене будьте готовы вкратце эти принципы назвать и описать на русском, а затем на английском языках.



В.И. Глумов

Зав. кафедрой ГСЭД


Октябрь 2012 года


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