To meet — met — met to see —saw — seen


Text.Training programme

Grammar: Past Indefinite

Text.Training programme

After the Group had lunch Mr. Hill invited everybody to one of the conference rooms on the first floor of the hotel.

David: Ladies and gentlemen First let me say a few words about myself and the company who is the organiser of this Programme.

My name is David Hill. I'm Doctor of Economics. In the recent past I worked for a foreign trade company and then for a bank. Now I specialise in business man­agement and in training businessmen from East Euro­pean countries. For some time I worked in Poland and Hungary. Now I'm closely cooperating with Russia.

I'm working for international Management Ltd. It's a well established English company specialising in busi­ness and computer skills training. The Company also provides financial consulting and business development. Here before you there are booklets on the history and scope of activities of our company. You may certainly keep these booklets.

Now I'll be greatful to you if you could introduce yourselves in just a few wolds.

Then each participant said a few words about himself or herself in English or in Russian and Mr. Lvov acted as an interpreter.

Here is what of one of the participants said:

Mr Hill, let me first thank you for the nice reception and for a good beginning of the Programme. I hope the Programme will be a success and we shall learn a lot of useful things.

My name is Oleg Pilov. I'm financial manager of a de­partment in a commercial bank in Moscow. And I'm especially interested in topics relating to financing for­eign transactions for small businesses.

After everybody made introductions Mr. Hill distributed the Timetable of the Programme and invited the par­ticipants to have a panoramic tour of London by private coach. The Russian speaking guide told the Group a lot of interesting things about London and the participants enjoyed the sights. Many of them made pictures with their cameras.

Words and expressions

East Europe Восточная Европа
East European countries страны Восточной Европы
Poland Польша
Hungary Венгрия
Closely тесно
to cooperate сотрудничать
to establish устанавливать
well-established company положительно зарекомендовавшая себя фирма
Computer компьютер
computer skills training обучение компьютерной грамотности
Financial финансовый
Consulting консалтинг
Booklet брошюра
History история
Scope сфера, масштаб, объем
Activities деятельность
Grateful благодарный
I'm grateful to you Я признателен вам
I'll be grateful to you if Буду признателен, если вы…
each participant каждый участник
to act действовать, высгупать
to act as an interpreter выступать в качестве переводчика
to be a success пользоваться успехом
Useful полезный
Department отдел, ведомство, департамент
Commercial коммерческий
to relate to something относить (ся) к чему-либо
topics relating to something вопросы, относящиеся к чему-либо
Transaction сделка
Private частный
private coach частный автобус
Guide гид
to tell somebody something говорить кому-либо что-либо
Sight вид
to enjoy sights наслаждаться видом
Sightseeing осмотр достопримечательностей
to go sightseeing осматривать достопримечательности
to make pictures фотографировать
Camera фотоаппарат
to make pictures with a camera фотографировать фотоаппаратом


Прошедшее простое время (Past Indefinite)

Past Indefinite правильных глаголов (regular verbs) образуется с помощью окончания ed, добавляемого к инфинитиву без частицы to:

I invited them to the conference room.

He/ She invited them to the conference room.

We invited them to the conference room.

They Invited us to the conference room.

Past Indefinite неправильных глаголов (irregular verbs) образуется не по правилам и обычно указывается в словарях в скобках после инфинитива. Далее указывается 3-я форма глагола, необходимая для образования Present Perfect. Неправильные глаголы следует заучивать сразу в трех формах. Например:

Togo — went — gone to take — took — taken

To have — had — had to speak — spoke — spoken

to meet — met — met to see —saw — seen

Вопросительная форма для правильных и неправильных глаголов в Past Indefinite образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола did:

Did you invite them to the conference room9

- Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.

Did he/ she invite them to the conference room?

- Yes, he/she did /No, he/she didn't.

Did they meet in the conference room?

- Yes, they did. / No, they didn't

Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола в отрицательной форме did not {didn't):

I didn't invite them to the conference room.

He/ She didn't invite them to the conference room.

We didn't meet in the conference room.

They didn't go to the conference room.


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