Конец урока. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание

Ход урока

Организационный момент

T: “Hello! My name is Vladislava Georgievna.I’m your English teacher for today’s lesson. So, try to work hard and don’t worry. Are you ready?”

CL: “Yes”.

2. Введение в тему урока. Постановка задач

Учитель беседует с учащимися по рекламным картинкам, вводит слово “реклама”.

T: “Look at the screen.What will we speak about?

P1: “I think it’s advertisement”

P2: “I’m sure we’ll speak about commercial”

T: You are right. The word “реклама” we can translate in different ways:

Р Е К Л А М А Ad Advert Advertisement Advertising Commercial

T: “Please, repeat after me”


T: “Where can you find advertisement?”

P1: “In newspapers and magazines”

P2: “On TV”

P3: “On radio”

P4: “In the Internet”

(На экране – схема.)

T: “You can also find outdoor advertising and ads in magazines.

– Do you like advertisement?”

P1: “Yes”

P2: “No”

T: “Some people don’t like advertisement, others like it very much. Why?”

P1: “The ad is good “

P2: “The ad is bad”

T: “What will be the theme of our lesson?

P1: “Is the ad good?”

T: “So, the theme of our lesson will be “What are good and points of advertisement?”

T: “You’ll work in groups. The group number 1 will be managers. Please, choose the leader; he will be the top manager. The group number2 will be critics. Please, choose the leader, too. Leaders will organize the work of the groups. Managers will find good points of advertisement and critics will find bad points.

Введение и первичная отработка новых слов

T: “Each group will prove it’s point of view. You’ll explain why you think so and give reasons. What do you need to do it? (P1 – to learn new words…)

You are right, you have to learn new words and phrases and I offer you to make a project, an advertising of different opinions.

Look at the screen. (На экране новые слова с переводом)

An advertising (good, TV)

A customer (an average, clever)

To interrupt (a lesson, a programme)

To convince (a pupil, a son)

To argue (with friends)

An influence (bad, harmful)

1. Введение новых слов.

T-CL, потом перевод с известными словами перевод с русского на английский.T- P1P2P3

T: “Please, translate into English”

2) Групповое аудирование.

Учитель читает словосочетания с новыми словами, а ученики всей группой должны на слух записать как можно больше новых слов. Чем больше группа запишет слов, тем лучший проект они составят.

T: “I’ll read you some words, you’ll try to write them in the way you need in your project. After work, you’ll read the phrases:

a misleading advertisement
a good advertisement
an annoying advertisement
to put pressure on customer
a customer culture
a happy customer
to interrupt
a film
to interrupt an interesting programme
to convince customers
to convince people to buy
a harmful influence
to influence
on the news
harmful products
harmfu l pressure
some critics argue
to argue about good and bad points

T: “Please, read your word combinations. Managers, begin, please”.

3) Задание по группам. Работа по карточкам. (см. Приложение 1) Нужно вставить новые слова в предложения.

T: “Please, take green pieces of paper. Each group has the same exercise now. You’ll fill the necessary words in the sentences bellow and then read them. You have 1 minute.

4) Работа по группам.

Группа за 2 минуты должна выбрать как можно больше фраз, содержащих новые слова из предложенных на разноцветных карточках (см. Приложение 2)

T: “You have many sentences on your tables. Take the multicolor cards. Please, choose the necessary phrases for your project. You have 2 minutes.

Работа над мини-проектами по теме

T: “Now, make your projects, please. One group will write good points of advert, other one- disadvantages. Use all the things on your tables, draw, stick cards, write if you want. You have only 5 minutes, then, you’ll say your opinion. Try to work together.

5. Защита проектов

Группа выступает с защитой проекта.

T: Listen carefully and find one main reason that will convince you to change your point of view.

GR.1 (P1, P2, P3), GR.2(P1, P2, P3)

Обсуждение проектов

T: “What reason convinced you? Have you changed your point of view? (P1, P2) I like ad, it is funny, full of humor and helps me to buy good products. And you? Please, use these words. (На экране вежливые фразы.)

P1, P2, P3

T: “Ad helps us to improve our taste and choose good products, but sometimes it is annoying and silly. So, you haven’t to take it too seriously and to buy things you don’t need.

7. Рефлексия

1) Интеллектуальная рефлексия (осознали ли ученики свое отношение к рекламе)

Ученики получают листочки-стикеры, которые должны наклеить на висящее на доске окно, если они за рекламу и на оконную штору, если нет.

T: “Advertisement enters our life. Where are you in our world, full of ads? If you are for advertisement, please, stick your card on the window, if not on the curtain)

2) Кооперативная рефлексия (оценка продуктивности своей работы в команде.)

Возьмите квадратный листочек бумаги и закрасьте его настолько, насколько хорошо вы работали в команде.

T: “Let’s check how well did you work in your group? Take a pink card and point so much, that you worked in the group.

Конец урока. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание

T: “You worked hard at the lesson, thank you. Managers were good at listening and critics made the best project. Your home task is to find an advertisement you like or don’t like and describe it. He lesson is over, good bye!”

Приложение 3



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