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Средней школы

Москва 1971





Book for Pupils

Of the 9—10th Forms

Of the Secondary School

Mo scow 1971

4И{Лнгл) (075)
К 72

Костенко Г. Т.

К72 Какое слово выбрать. Пособие для учащихся 9—10

классов средней школы. М., «Просвещение», 1971.

239 с. с илл.

Парал. тит. л. на англ. яз.

В английском языке, так же как и в русском, существуют слова-синонимы,
близкие по значению, но различные по своей сочетаемости с другими словами. От
tforo, правильно ли употреблено то или иное слово, эависит часто смысл высказы-
вания в целом.

«Какое слово выбрать*, пособие по синонимике для учащихся 9-10-х классов
средней школы, поможет учащимся правильно излагать свои мысли на английском
языке. Оно является продолжением пособия для учащихся 6 — 8-х классов сред-
ней школы «Выбери правильное слово», авторов Костенко Г. Т. и Павлович Р. П.,
выпущенного издательством «Просвещение» в 1968 году.

По своей структуре данное пособие построено по образцу предыду-
щего и содержит занимательные тексты, диалоги, шутки, пересказ по серии карти-
нок, разнообразные упражнения, помогающие активно усвоить случаи употребле-
ния лексики.

Книга иллюстрирована и снабжена постраничными примечаниями.


И(Англ) (075)


"Choose and use" is a book for you, senior pupils. Its aim
is to help you learn the differences between some English words
that are very often confused with one another. One Russian
word may have two or more English translations. Take, for
instance, the Russian word кроме which has two meanings in
English: besides and except', or the Russian verb предлагать
which has two English verbs corresponding to it: to offer and
to suggest; or, again, the Russian word хозяин, which has three
equivalents in English: owner, master and host. These words
cannot be used interchangeably. Compare the following Russian
sentences with their English translations and you will see this
for yourselves.

Кто хозяин этого дома? —Who is the owner of the house?
Кто в этом доме хозяин? —Who is the master in this house?
Хозяин дома тепло принял —The host of the house received
гостей. the guests warmly.

There are many such words. But which ones does one choose
and how must they be used? This book is intended to be a
practical guide to the correct use of some of them. It consists
of 40 groups of words, 20 of them for 9th form pupils, and 20
for the 10th form.

At the beginning of every group, explanations are given with
the help of pictures or examples in context. These are followed
by various exercises and some reading matter — funny stories,
jokes, riddles, etc.— which give additional training in an en-
joyable way. At the end of the book you will find keys to some
of the exercises and riddles.

We recommend that the book be used in the following way.
Begin by studying the explanations, reading them more than
once if necessary, to ensure complete understanding. When this
has been done, pass on to the exercises which are meant to be
used for oral training primarily, alone or in groups together
with your class-mates. Do all of them— numerous repetitions
will lead to a better mastery of the given lexical material. If
they are all done properly they will develop your ability to
find the right words to fit your thoughts.

Choose and use them correctly.



"Where shall we keep it?"

Tanya is holding the letter in
her hand which her class got from
their friends in Bulgaria.

They keep the letters they
recieve from their foreign friends
in a special box for everyone to

Borya, Lena's brother, keeps
rabbits. He feeds them, cleans
their boxes and gives them his
best attention.



Lena is holding
a rabbit in her
hands. This is
one of her pets.

The coats are not
heavy. Only one
nail holds them

In summer they keep their
dresses in cellophane l bags
so that they will not be
eaten by moths.2


To hold means to have in the hands, to support with the hand,
arms, etc., or by any other means, e.g. to hold a book
(a hammer, a parcel, a picture).

To keep means to maintain3 or to preserve,4 e.g. to keep sheep,
birds, fish, etc. To keep books on a shelf, to keep food in a
frig5, etc.


I. Fill in the blanks with to hold or to keep, using the correct tense. Explain
your choice.

1. The coat is quite wet;... it near the fire for a few minu-
tes. 2. The eagle is... the prey6 in its sharp beak.7 3. Will you
... the bag for me? 4. The little girl was... her father's hand.
5. Where do you... your tortoise? 8 6. A poorly-dressed man
was sitting in front of the fire. He was... his head in his

1 cellophane ['sebfem] —целлофановый

2 moth — моль

3 to maintain [men'tem} — содержать

4 to preserve [pn'zatv] — сохранять

6 a frig coll. (a refrigerator) — холодильник
e prey —добыча

7 beak — клюв

8 tortoise ['toitas] — черепаха

hands. 7. If you... my box a minute, I'll go and get you a
chair. 8. We must not... library books more than ten days.

9. We must... the tram ticket till we are out of the tram.

10. Where do you... your wollen dress in summer?

II. Give English equivalents of the following, then make up sentences of your
own, using these phrases:

держать знамя в руке, держать лошадей (коров, рыбок и
т. д.), держать зонтик, держать руки над головой, держать
деньги в сберкассе (savings-bank), держать что-либо во рту,
держать (хранить) оружие, держать что-либо в клюве (beak),
держать продукты в погребе (cellar), держать книги в книж-
ном шкафу, держать кого-либо за руку, держать одежду в
шкафу (wardrobe).

III. Translate these short dialogues into English.


— He пойму, что случилось с ручкой. Не пишет.

— Да ты ее неправильно держишь. Дай-ка я покажу тебе,
как держать.


— Подержи, пожалуйста, мое пальто. Я надену шапку.

— Хорошо. А потом ты мое подержишь, да?


— Где ты держишь Рекса?

— В коридоре. А ты где держишь своего ежа? (hedgehog)

— Пока на балконе в ящике. Но скоро отнесу его в лес.


— Зачем ты держишь второго котенка? Разве одного мало?

— А вдвоем им веселее.


— Ты знаешь, как нужно держать весла? (oars)

— Да, конечно. Давай покажу.

IV. Look at the pictures and say: a) how Pif stopped the leak;1

tile [tail]—черепица

a tile is missing—недостает одной черепицы

to repair [п'реэ]— ремонтировать, чинить

1 leak—течь

b) how Pif managed * to hang the picture at last; what holds it up now?

to hang (hung, hung) — вешать, подвешивать

nail — гвоздь

to fall (fell, fallen) down—падать

a hammer—молоток

to be satisfied ['saetisfaidl—быть довольным

V. Read these jokes and answer the questions following them.


Woman: When I use a hammer, I always hit my hand with
it. What should I do to avoid2 that?

Workman: The only thing that I can think of, madam, is that
you should hold the hammer with both hands.

Did the workman give good advice?
What do you think?

"Peter," the teacher asked, "can you tell us to what family the
blue whale3 belongs?"

1 to manage ['maentcfcj] —справляться, суметь, умудряться
8 to avoid [a'void] — избегать
-* blue whale [weill —голубой кит

"No, I can't," answered Peter, "the families that I know don't
keep whales."

Why don't people keep whales as pets?

VI. Solve this riddle:

What hands cannot hold anything?


People think arm-
chairs are so comforta-
but it seems they
aren't, after all.

During the last summer holidays Alec made a trip to Moscow
where his uncle lives. A TU-114 passenger jet plane1 took him
from the Far East to Moscow.

It's very convenient to have these planes. They save much
time. And besides they are so clean and comfortable.

Alec was greatly impressed by the capital. Together with his
uncle he visited many places of interest: the Kremlin and Red
Square, many museums and art galleries. And, of course, his uncle
took him to one of the Moscow cinemas, which are very beautiful
and comfortable.

They were a little late and it was dark
when they went in. It was inconvenient mov-
ing about in the dark. At last they reached
their seats and sat down. After about ten
minutes Alec's uncle asked, "Are you enjoy-
ing it?"

"Yes, but this seat is very uncomfortable.
can't sit on it," Alec answered.

The uncle looked at Alec and said, "No
wonder 2 that your seat is so uncomfortable.
You haven't put it down.

i TLJ-U4 passenger jet plane —пассажирский реактивный самолет ТУ-114
2 по wonder


Something comfortable gives comfort,1 oppose — uncomfortable.
Something convenient suits3 one's time and needs, oppos.


I. Translate the following word combinations into English, then use thern in sen-
tences ol your own:

удобная куртка, удобная авторучка, удобное время, удобное
место, удобный трамвай, удобная форма (uniform), неудобное
кресло, удобная обувь, удобное расписание (time-table), удоб-
ный стол, неудобная троллейбусная остановка (stop), неудоб-
ный инструмент, удобный переход (crossing).

II. Agree or disagree4 with the following statements and give your reasons5 for
doing so.

1. It's inconvenient to live near a bus
stop. It's too noisy.
Oh, no! It's very convenient. It saves
much time and trouble, especially
in bad weather.

2. These tourist diesel ships6 that
make their cruises7 along the Moskva
Canal and the Volga are very com-

1 comfort ['клтЫ] — удобство, уют

2 oppos. сокр. от opposite ['opazit] — противоположный

3 to suit [sju:t] — подходить, соответствовать

* to disagree [,Jis3'gri:] — не соглашаться
6 reasons— соображения, обоснования

e diesel ['duzlj ship —теплоход

* cruise [kruz] —путешествие по воде, плавание


3. It's very convenient to have a
telephone in your flat.

4. The old man feels quite com-
fortable in this warm room.

5. Evening is a convenient time
for doing one's lessons.

6. It's very convenient to have
a transistor radio. One can enjoy
music any time one likes.

7. The shoes are very comfortable. They
fit * the woman quite well.

1 to fit (fit, fit)—подходить, быть в пору

III, Make up questions as shown in the model. Then make your class-mates
answer them.

Model: It's uncomfortable working in this big room.
Is it uncomfortable working in this big room?
Is it convenient to have an alarm-clock?1

Is it comfortable to go hatless2 in the hot sun
(uncomfortable)...? to live far from a railway

Is it convenient to sleep in this bed
(inconvenient)...? to walk on an icy3 road

to sit on a branch of a tree

to bathe in cold water

to walk in deep snow

to lie on wet grass

to work in a uniform

to sit in the first row4 in the cinema

to eat a big apple without a knife

to have big planes that travel non-stop 5 from

Moscow to Cuba
to sit at a table with unequal6 legs

IV. Translate these dialogues into English.


— Удобнее всего путешествовать поездом.

— Я так не думаю. Летом в вагоне (carriage) очень жарко.

— Нет. Современные (modern) вагоны очень удобные, они
просторные и светлые.


— У тебя новые туфли. Какие красивые!

— Да, они красивые, но не очень удобные.

— Что, жмут? (to pinch)

— Да.

— А ты их примерял (to try on), прежде чем купить?

— Конечно! Я примерил две пары туфель, и обе были неудобны.

— Почему же ты не примерил третью?

1 alarm-clock fa'lctm'kbk] — будильник

2 hatless ['haetlis]—без головного убора

8 icy ['aisi]—покрытый льдом, скользкий
* row [rou] — ряд

6 non-stop ['non'sbpl — беспосадочный
6 unequal ['An'ukwalj — неравный

— Неудобно было отнимать время (to take one's time) у про-
давца (salesman). Было много покупателей (customers).

— Ну, ничего, они разносятся (to break in). Новая обувь
часто кажется неудобной вначале.


— Ты знаешь, Лида (I say, Lida), занятия английского круж-
ка будут завтра не в 3 часа, а в 5.

— Почему?

— Мы решили, что так удобнее.

— А Таня не знает. Давай позвоним ей.

— Нет, не нужно. Не совсем удобно звонить в такое позднее
время. Завтра утром позвоним ей.


V. Speak on the pictures. Use the active words of the

to interview ['intevju:l—брать интервью
basket-ball player—баскетболист
radio-commentator ['reidiou'komenteita] —

to stand on one's head—стоять на

TV set [4i:'vi:'set]—телевизор
to be out of order—быть неисправ-

embroidery [im'broidgri] — вы-

knick-knack — безделушка
instead of a pillow fpilou]—
вместо подушки

tailor ['teib] —портной

size [saiz] — размер

hole [houl]—дыра, отверстие

to be a perfect fit — хорошо подходить

(о платье, шляпе...)


He: Can you see all right?

She: Yes.

He: Is your seat comfortable?

She: Yes.

He: Will you exchange x places with me?


...the clothes of Indians made of deerskin2 were so comfortable
that white men soon copied3 them.

...the shape4 of handkerchiefs was not always what it is now.
Ancient Egyptians5 made them round. Later they were replaced
by triangular6 ones until at last people recognized7 that the square
shape is the most convenient.


"May I also have a swim?"

Boris has made a mistake in
the use of the word also. His friend
Victor has made this mistake
too. Boris didn't know how the word
also is used in the English lan-
guage. And his friend did not know it

1 to exchange [iks'tjeind3]— обменяться

2 deerskin ['diaskm] —оленья шкура

3 to copy —копировать

4 shape —форма

5 ancient Egyptians —древние египтяне

6 triangular [trai'aerjgjub] —треугольный

7 to recognize ['rekagnaizj —признавать

either. The teacher noticed that another pupil had also made the
same mistake.

"Don't you know the rule either?" she asked. "Then you must
read about the different uses of these words." And she gave the
pupil a grammar book. Now he is reading it very carefully because
he wants to speak English very well. His friend is also studying
the rule about the uses of the three words, because he wants to
have a good command l of English, too.

Do you want to know English very well, too?

Then read what the boys are reading:

Also and too are used in affirmative2 and interrogative3 sentences;
too is more common in conversational4 English and is always
placed at the end of the sentence.

Either is used in negative5 and interrogative-negative sentences;
e.g. Haven't you seen the film, either?


I. Complete the following dialogues as shown in the model.

Model: A: I like to travel by car.

J5: I like it, too. (I also like it.)

1. A: We bathed in the sea every day.
B: We..........................................................

2. A: My sister always drinks tea in the morning.
B: I...................................................................

3. A: Peter knows a lot of funny stories.
B: My brother..............................................

4. A: I had a lot of guests on my birthday this year»
B: Oh, how strange, I..........................................................

5. A: My mother always cooks the dinner well.
B: My mother......................................................

6. A: I am very fond of jazz music.
B: I......................................................

7. A: My father can drive a car.
B: And my father.......................

1 to have a good command — хорошо владеть
8 affirmative [s'fanrstiv]— утвердительный

* interrogative [^mta'rogstiv]— вопросительный

* conversational [^konva'seijanl]—разговорный

* negative ['negativ]— отрицательный


8. A: If it doesn't rain, I'll go swimming.
B: I............................................................

9. A: The film was so sad that my little sister began to cry.
B: My sister..........................................................................

10. A: She keeps her books carefully arranged1 on the shelf.
B: I......................................................................................................

II. Complete the sentences according to the model.

Model: If you don't go there, I won't go there, either.
If Mike swims across the river, I'll do it, too.

1. If you watch TV till 10 o'clock, I'll...

2. If he doesn't help other players, I won't...

3. If the 9th form pupils arrange their art exhibition, we'll...

4. If she can't telephone so late, I can't...

5. If he won't tell you about it, I won't...

6. If Valya doesn't want to take medicine, I won't...

7. If Bob is going by plane, I'll...

8. If you won't take part in the performance, we won't...

Ш. Make these sentences negative as shown below.

Model: I am also free tonight. — I'm not free tonight, either.
Have you met him, too? — Haven't you met him either?

1. Valya has promised to come, too.

2. Mike also likes to play draughts.

3. Does Lucie go in for skating, too?

4. I also remember the score2 of the last hockey game.

5. Does Kate also like this sort of cheese?

6. He tried to explain it to us, too.

7. My brother is going to enter a music school, too.

8. Did Ann also travel by plane?

9. We heard the clock strike five, too.


10. Does she also know how it all happened?

11. He complains8 about it, too.

12. Mary also agrees with you.

1 to arrange [a'reinds]— расставлять, устраивать

* score [ska}—счет

* to complain [kom'plein] — жаловаться

IV. Look at the pictures and read the
statements about them. Contradict
these statements, using the words
also, too, either.

Model: "My father Is a turn-
er. Mike's father is
a teacher."
"No, Mike's father is
not a teacher. He is
a turner, too/'

"Pete didn't finish his

work. But his friend


"No, his friend did not

finish it, either."



1. Vanya caught a big fish
today. His brother caught

2. The little boy got frightenedl
when the Hon roared.2
But his sister didn't.

1 to get frightened ['fraitnd] —испугаться

2 to roar [гэ:] — рычать


3. This bus is full, but the other one is empty.

4. One bird was set free and
flew away. The other wasn't
set free.



5. Mother is dusting a coat.
Mike is mending a chair.

6. Lena goes in for lawn tennis.
But Valya, her friend, does
not go in for it.

V. Read the jokes, inserting also, too or either into the blank spaces.


Jack and Bob were arriving back at college after the summer

"What have you been doing this summer?" one asked the other.
"Working in my dad's office.1 And you?"
"I've been loafing,2...."


Teacher: I hope I didn't see you looking at Fred's book, Tommy.
Tommy: I... hope that you didn't, sir.


"Why is the history professor sore3 at you?"

"I don't know myself. The professor asked me what German
chieftain* captured5 Rome. So I said to him: "It was Hannibal,
wasn't it?" The professor said: "Don't ask me. I'm asking you."
So I said: "I don't know..., professor."


Willie: I have an awful toothache.

Tommie: I'd have it pulled out if it was mine.

Willie: Yes, if it was yours I'd have it pulled out,....

Teacher: Didn't you hear me say three times, "John, will you

please come to the blackboard?" I spoke loudly.
John: Oh, that's all right, miss; we were making a lot of


"Why are you late for your work, Mr. Brown?"

"I overslept, sir."

"Why, do you sleep at home...?"


" I didn't play, honest I didn't!
I only watched!"

1 office— контора

2 to loaf— бездельничать, слоняться без дела

3 to be sore (at) —быть злым, раздраженным

4 chieftain ['t/kftanj — вождь

6 to capture ['kaeptfa] — захватывать




It's extremely interesting to
ships unloadx their

A group of scientists is observing
an eclipse3 of the sun.




They watched the eagle till it
was out of sight over the hill.

My friend observes the behaviour
of birds.


1 to unload I'An'loud]—разгружать

* cargo ['kocgoul—груз

* eclipse Ji'klif*]—затмение


To watch means to be a spectator, l simply to look and see
what is happening.

To observe means to look very carefully in the hope of learning
something new, especially in science.


I. Fill in the blanks with to watch or to observe in the required form.

1. If you can find the planet Jupiter and have a telescope you
can..♦ its four large satellites,2 first seen by Galeleo in 1610.

2. The physicist3 remained late in the laboratory to... the
result of his experiment. When he left he told his assistant
to... the instruments to see that everything was in its place.

3. Are you going to play or only to...? 4. When it is getting
dark, one can... the birds come home to the tall trees where
they spend the night. 5. My father and I always.., interna-
tional football matches on TV.

II. What are these people doing? Say, using the verbs to watch and to observe.

race [reis]—гонки

to paint — рисовать

cosmonaut ['k:>zm9no:t] —космонавт

space Ispeis] — космос, вселенная

experiment [iks'penmant] — эксперимент, опыт


1 spectator [spek'teita]— зритель

2 satellite ['saetalaitj — спутник

3 physicist fiizisist] — физик







III. Replace the italicized parts of the following sentences by the verbs to watch
or to observe. Use the correct tense.

1. Lying in the grass we used to look with interest at planes
landing and taking off. 2. "What is your job in the experi-
mental garden?" — "I look and study the development of rice
in it". 3. The pioneers looked with interest at a textile worker
operating1 several frames.2 4. When the man finished cutting
the log* and rose, he noticed that the woman was looking at
him curiously
from behind the curtain. 5. "The experiment is
over! We may go home now!" —"No! I'd like to stay a little
longer and look carefully at the instruments." 6. The boys heard
the strange voices and stood to look with interest at the man
stepping towards them.

IV. Read this story and insert the verbs to watch or to observe in the blanks.

Mike likes to... the sky and the clouds. He likes to notice
how they move and what their shape are. He boasts4 that he
can forecast5 the weather. But Nina, his sister, does not believe
him because he made a mistake once.

It was during the summer holidays. To begin with Mike
was right every time. Seven days in a row6 he said it would
rain and it did. But on the eighth day he said it would be
fine. Nina was very glad because that meant she could go to
the meadow? to... insect8 life. She quickly collected her
things and set off.

What nice flowers she saw in the meadow! Suddenly a small
insect flew on to the flower and settled down9 inside it. How
annoying! Nina had been planning for a long time to... insect
life but there was nothing to....

Nina stood... the insect. But it did not move. Nina decided
to touch10 it. She stretched out her hand. A drop of rain fell

1 to operate f'opareit]— зд. работать

2 frame—станок

3 log—бревно

4 to boast [boust]— хвастать

6 to forecast (forecast, forecast) ['fo:kast] — предсказывать

6 in a row—подряд

7 meadow f'medou] — луг, лужайка

8 insect ['insekt] — насекомое

9 to settle down — устроиться

10 to touch [tAtfJ—дотрагиваться

on it. Imagine, rain! Nina ran home. Long before she reached
it she was wet. Coming to the house she saw Mike in the
window... her. Nina was very angry. But Mike said: "It's
your own fault.1 You should be more observant.2 You didn't
even see the clouds!"

"I had no time to look at the sky because I was •. * that
stupid insect."

"That insect was cleverer than you," Mike said. "It felt that
it was going to rain and hid itself in the bluebell."

Nina thought it over and decided that Mike was probably
right. All the same she doesn't believe his forecasts any more.

V. Here is a story in pictures. Tell it.

What did Pif see through his telescope?

a full moon—полная луна
telescope ['tehskoup]—телескоп
hole [houl]—отверстие, зд. воронка


Angler: 3 You've been watching me for three hours. Why don't

you try fishing yourself?
Onlooker; I haven't got the patience.4

1 fault [fsltj —вина

3 observant [ab'zavant]— наблюдательный, внимательный
8 angler faerjgla] — рыбак

4 patience Tpeifansj—терпение


"This only happens during the
rain. But on the whole it's a very
good room."

"Care for a game1 of chess?"

"Yes, certainly. But I've been
out of practice2 for a long time."

"That's nothing. I'm not ve-
ry good at chess. I've only been
playing it for about a year."

"But I heard you did well during the school tournament. 3

"It was sheer chance."4

"Then I can hope for a win?5 You play white. Yours is the
first move... Oh, bother, there goes the bell. Let's play during the
long break."

For answers the question "How long?"
During answers the question "When?"»


He's been playing for three...and has lost half of his

hours... hair during that time.

1 care for a game — не хочешь ли сыграть?

2 out of practice ['praektis] — быть не в форме, долго не тренироваться

3 tournament [Чиэпэтэпт,] — турнир, состязание

* sheer chance ['/is'^ans] — простая случайность
6 to hope for a win— надеяться на победу


The noun after for may have:

a, an (the indefinite article) — for a long time

no article (the plural form) — for two weeks

a numeral — for five years

some, several, and the like—for some time, for several hours

The noun after during may have:

the (the definite article) — during the holidays

a demonstrative pronoun (this, that, those, etc.) — during this

year, etc.

a possessive pronoun (my, his, her, etc.) — during our trip,

during his talk, etc.

for ages —очень долго, целую вечность
for ever —навсегда


I. Fill in the blanks with the preposi tion for or during.
1)... the lesson 2)... the journey 3)... hours 4)... most of his life 5)... two days 6)... the football match 7)... a century 8)... his stay in London 9)... the afternoon 10)... the last few days 11)... the last few weeks 12)... the storm 13)... the meal

II. Say the whole sentence in English.

1. My uncle has lived in Minsk (всю свою жизнь).

2. We have had no rain (около месяца).

3. This museum was half destroyed (во время Отечественной

4. I shall remember my school years (навсегда).

5. He had grown terribly thin (за этот год).

6. We talked our business (во время конференции).

7. Don't stand under a tree (во время грозы).

8. It's forbidden to talk (во время урока).

9. I haven't seen you (целую вечность).

10. We heard the cough of the sick man (всю ночь).

11. It stopped snowing at last but only (на несколько часов).

12. I am afraid it will last (много дней).

13. We keep sheep in this shade (в зимнее время).

"111. Make up short dialogues as shown in the model.

Model: B: When did you visit Sevastopol? (1)
M: During my summer holidays. (2)
B: (For) how long did you stay there? (1)
M: For about a fortnight. (3)

Use the following words and word combinations:


1. 2. 3.
to learn to skate to come to see, to stay to speak to somebody to learn to sing a song to paint a picture, to paint winter holidays his illness the break the rehearsal the journey about a month fifteen minutes five minutes half an hour three days

IV. Build up the questions to the italicized parts of the sentences. Your com-
rades will answer them.

1. Moscow publishing houses put out a lot of new books
during the jubilee year. 2. The wing of the plane was broken
during take-off. г 3. I haven't been there for three years. 4. Nora
is ill and she will not go to school for a few days. 5. It can
be done during dry weather. 6. Workers at plants, factories
and offices always do gymnastic exercises during their working
7. Mother worked very hard for over a month. 8. An expe-
dition on a drifting ice floe2 was first proposed3 during the
first International Polar Year
(1931 —1932). 9. Their family
had lived in Germany for 25 years. Then they left it for ever.

10. During the last 10 years one million foreign tourists have
visited the USSR Exhibition of National Economic Achievements.

11. Many people gave up their lives for liberty during the war
against fascism.

V. Read this dialogue. Then answer the question that follows it.

"Why don't you go in for sports?"
"I have no time. I'm awfully busy."
"Why are you so busy?"

1 take-off— взлет

3 drifting ice floe [flou]—дрейфующая льдина

8 to propose [pre'pouz] —предлагать

"I have six les-
sons every day."
"What do you do
after classes?"
"I have my din-
ner. Then I start
doing my home-
work, and I have
to do it for sev-
eral hours."
"But your eve-
nings are free,
aren't they?"

"Certainly not, I'm still doing my homework. And then I sit
up late at night watching TV."
"When do you manage to sleep then?"
"During the lessons."

Why does it take the boy so much time to do his homework?

1. What is the man going to do? hammock ['haemakj — гамак

2. Is he having a good rest? janitor ['dsaenrtaj—дворник

3. Does he sleep for a long time? to water ['waitaj — поливать

4. What happened during his

VII. Make up questions about the pictures, beginning them with when or for
how long.
Let your class-mates answer your questions.


VIII. Say how you spend your time. What do you do in the day-time, in the
evening? For how long do you do it?

IX. Say what you usually do during: a) breaks at school, b) physical training
lessons, c) meetings of the English-speaking club^ d) your vacation, e) a
rainy day.


Jones (meeting friends): Why the broad grin?1

Brown: I've just come from my dentist's.2

Jones: Is that anything to laugh about?

Brown: Yes, he wasn't in and won't be for two days,


"Haven't seen you
for ages!"

1 broad grias— широкая улыбка
% dentist —зу&шй; врач'
& centenarian [,senii'n?3N9nJ—

* * *

Uncle Bob: Well, Frankie, what are you going to do during this

Frankie: Last year I had mumps1 and chickenipox.a This year

I don't know what I am going to do.


"What are those huge baskets for?"
"Just for shopping!"

You know that Egyptian pyramids
are among the wonders3 of the world.

All the tourists who go to Egypi al-
ways go to see these ^huge monuments
that surprise everyone by their size and
weight.4 ?

A tremendous effort was needed to build such pyramids and
they were built with so few aids.5

It is hard to believe that huge stone blocks weighing as much
as ten tons were pushed into position3 with levers and rollers,?

1 mumps— свинка (болезнь)

8 chicken-pox— ветряная оспа
8 wonder ['wAnds] — чудо

4 weight [weit]— вес

6 aid [ard] — приспособление, пособие

e to push Ipuf] into position —устанавливать

7 levers and rollers— ломы и ролики

Each pyramid was built on a foundation of huge rocks.1 It is
interesting to note that the huge pyramids were planned so that each
edge3 faced a point of the compass.

There is good reason to think that as well as forming the tombs 8
of kings, these huge structures played their part in the observation
of the stars and planets, which was of tremendous importance for
the agriculture.


Huge is used to describe the great weight or size of things or

Tremendous is used with abstract nouns, such as effort, prog-
ress, success, change, importance, difference, etc.
Compare: a huge building.
But a building of tremendous size.


1. Give the English for the following word combinations:

огромный континент, огромный взрыв, огромный интерес,
огромный успех, огромный шум, огромный прогресс, огром-
ный план, огромный костер, огромная скала, огромная клет-
ка (cage), огромная сумма денег, огромная благодарность,
огромная акула (shark), огромная лаборатория, огромная
плотина (dam), огромное впечатление, огромные изменения.

И. Fill in the blanks with huge or tremendous.

1. A mountain stream4 ran down from a... rock and near it
there stood a small house. 2. There are... holes on the sur-
face of the moon. 3. They stood amazed at a... rainbow in
the sky. 4. A... change has taken place in the city since we
left it. 5. Our country has made... progress in the exploration6
of cosmic space. 6. The two students of Moscow University brought
home from Cuba a... collection of sea animals and plants.

1 rock— скала

2 edge [ed3] — край

8 tomb [tu:m] — гробница

4 stream —поток

1 exploration [,ekspb:'reifn] — исследование

■:■! 7. Our century has achieved * a... development of chemistry
and physics. 8. We used to gather on the shore to meet our
mariners2 coming home with... catches 3 *of Baltic fish. 9. All
progressive people admire the... political, economic, social and
cultural developments that have taken place in our country
since the October Socialist Revolution. 10. Our door was sud-
denly opened, and a... man stood before us. 11. A... fresh
water lake has been discovered beneath the bed of the Aral
Sea, the biggest natural reservoir4 in Central Asia. 12. This
... work took him over four years because he was often inter-
rupted5 with other demands.6

HI. Look at the pictures and correct the statements that are not true to fact, Use
the words huge and tremendous where necessary.

1. On hearing the music from the street, Pif, who liked it very
much, made up his mind to join the orchestra.

2. He took his small drum and followed the musicians.

3. All the instruments in the orchestra were of a small size and
the musicians did not need to make tremendous efforts to
play them.

4. Pif made a soft noise with his drum to accompany the

5. Pif was so proud of himself that he saw nothing around him.

6. He didn't see the orchestra turn to the right, so Pif kept
on walking straight ahead — in small steps.

1 to achieve la'tji:v]— достигать
■ mariner ['таеппэ] — зд. рыбак
8 catch — улов

* natural reservoir ['naetjral 'rezavwetj—естественный резервуар
6 to interrupt — перебивать, мешать

* demands [di'mctndz]— зд. заказы

2 № 1895 - 33

7. As Pif's playing was of tremendous importance to the orchestra
his absefice was itriinediately noticed.

8. People took little interest in what was going on. Only a huge
dog was impressed by the scene.

Now tell the story of the pictures with all the changes you made.

IV. Make up a story about these pictures. First translate the following word
combinations into English, then use them in your story:

огромное облако дыма, огромный интерес, огромная гора окур-
ков, огромное изменение.

See also the words below for help.


to suffocate ['sAfakeit] — задыхаться
gas hairnet ['gses 'haelmit]— противогаз
pile [pail]—куча
cigarette-ends [,si*p'ret'endz] —окурки

V. Write two sentences about each of the pictures, using huge or tremendous.
The questions below may help you to do it.

1. What makes the old man
and his wife doubt* the re-
pairer? 2

2. Is television a thing of
importance in everyday
life? Why?

1 to doubt [daut] — сомневаться, под-
вергать сомнению

2 repairer [п'реэгэ] — человек, произ-
водящий ремонт, мастер

1. Why is the visitor so sur-

2. Will such dieting bring a
tremendous change in
Hans' health?


"I see by the newspaper that
the concert we attended last night
was a tremendous success."

"Yes, I had no idea we en-
joyed it half so much at the


... huge butterflies live in Northern Australia and New Guinea,
with a wing-spread of 26 sentimeters. The meat of these butterflies
is used for food.

... there is an oak-tree of tremendous size (36 meters high and
6 meters in circumference*) near Dnieprogess, in the Ukraine. It is
about 700 years old. Bogdan Khmelnitsky used to have his radas2
under it.

... chess figures in the old days were of tremendous size. They
represented kings, knights in armour,3 their horses and so on.


"Sharik, friend, take the
day-book to Papal"

1 in circumference [sa'kAmfarsns] —
в окружности

2 rada— укр. р^да, совет

5 knights in armour —рыцари в


When you walk along the streets you always meet people carrying
something. Look! The porter1 is carrying a trunk.2 The woman can't
it herself, it's heavy. She is carrying a basket. The postman
is carrying his mail-bag. The boy is carrying his violin, he is probable
going to the music school. The girl is carrying books under her arm.
The woman is carrying her baby. Even the dog is carrying some-
thing. Where are they carrying all those things? Some are bringing
them. Others are taking them.

The speaker

The porter is taking the trank The postman is bringing letters

to the railway station. and newspapers to the readers.

The girl is taking the books to The woman is bringing her baby

the library. home.

1 porter—носильщик
8 trunk—чемодан


The verb to carry does not indicate direction.1

The verb to bring indicates direction towards the speaker or

to his home.

The verb to take indicates direction away from the speaker.

Proverbs: He that brings good news, knocks hard.

What a day may bring, a day may take away.


I. Study the following sentences, then answer the questions about them.


1. "The teacher brought a large map of England to class yester-
day." Was the speaker a member of the class? (Answer: Yes,
he was. The verb brought shows that the teacher came towards
the speaker as well as towards other members of the class.)

2. ''The teacher took a large map of England to the class yester-
day." Was the speaker a member of the class? (Answer: No, he
wasn't. The verb took shows that the teacher went away from
the speaker.) 3. "The trunk is very heavy, I cannot carry it."
Does the speaker have to take the trunk in any particular


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