Room for Rent (Furnished)


260 Young St., cl. to Main St.nice furn. clean room, avail. for Dec.1. Rooms incl. fridge, & cable. Share kit., bath laund., clean & quiet tenants only. $300 mo.


Ph. 453-9860


Room & Board Room & board avail., downtown

lcn., cl. to all conv. 3 meals, 7 days, T.V.,

ph. 452-3412

Apartment For Rent


Unfurnished large 2 b.r. ste., nr. dntn., balc., cable T.V., a/c, pkg., immed., poss., ph. 787-3426

Townhouse For Rent


immed. poss., spac., 3 b.r., one level twnhse., 2 baths, prkg. incl., $950. ph. 772-9087

Duplex For Rent


3 b.r. upper duplex, 4 appls., 1 _ baths, cl to shop., bus & schools, $900, pkg. & all util. inc., avail. Sept. 15.,ph. 663-7869



House For Rent


nr. shop. mall & parks, 3 b.r., 4 appls., $800/mo. plus util. w/w carp., avail.immed., No pets, ph. 895-0954

Shared Accommodation


M/F Roommate wtd to share 2 b.r. house, $400/mo.


Incl. Util. & prkg., no smk., ph. 489-6059



Make an advertisement about rent. Show it to your classmates in the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your ads.

Grammar Exercises

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea. -

2. My father is washing the car. -

3. Farmer Joe is milking the cows. -

4. She is taking a picture of him. -

5. I am writing a poem. -

6. We are not playing football. -

7. He is not wearing a tie. -

8. Is she preparing the party? -

9. Are they talking about the meeting? -

10. Is she watering the flowers?

11. They arrested her last week..

12. John wrote a letter..

13. They invited ten friends to the party..

14. They have just built a new house..

15. The police caught the thieves yesterday..

16. The maid will clean all the house for tomorrow..

17. My brother hit me..

18. They removed two cars from the street..

19. They have just cleaned the room..

20. We will build a new house.



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Transitive and intransitive verb

A verb can be either transitive or intransitive. A transitive verb needs an object (in sentence) to give complete meaning while intransitive verb does need an object (in sentence) to give complete meaning.
For example,
Transitive verb.
He sent a letter.
(Send is a transitive verb and it needs an object i.e. letter to express full meaning.)
Intransitive Verb.
He laughs.
(Laugh is an intransitive verb and it does not need object for expressing full meaning.)
e.g. Sleep, go, reach, sit, die, are examples of intransitive verbs.

Intransitive verb cannot be changed into passive voice

The sentences having intransitive verbs (belonging to any tense) cannot be changed into passive voice. The reason is that there is not any object in such sentences and without object of sentence passive voice is not possible.
A sentence can be changed into passive voice if it has subject and object. Sometimes subject may not be written in passive voice but it does not mean that it has no subject. Such sentences have subject but the subject is so common or familiar or known that if even it is not written in passive voice, it gives full meaning.
For example
Cloth is sold in yards.


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