Part II. Metal-cutting Machine Tools

Grammar: Participle I and II.

Speaking: Machine Tools.

Introduction. Machine Tools

Study vocabulary:

A machine tool – механический станок

To fabricate – 1) создавать, придумывать, изобретать 2) собирать из отдельных деталей; компоновать из составных частей

Machining – обработка (на станке)

Shaping – 1) придание формы; формирование 2) фасонирование

Stamping – печатание; тиснение

a lathe [leið] – токарный станок

A screw-cutting lathe – токарно-винторезный станок; резьботокарный станок

A flywheel – маховик, маховое колесо

The numerical control (NC) machine – станок с числовым программным управлением, станок с ЧПУ

A paper tape – перфолента

A punch card – перфокарта

Computerized numerical control (CNC) – управление от ЭВМ

A drill machine – сверлильный станок

A magazine – магазин

A drill bit – сверло

A machining center – 1) центр механизированной обработки 2) многоцелевой станок, центр

a broaching machine – протяжной станок

a drill press – вертикально-сверлильный станок

a gear [΄giə] shaper – 1) зубострогальный станок 2) зубообрабатывающий станок

a hobbing machine – зубофрезерный станок

a hone – 1) оселок, точильный камень, абразивный брусок 2) хонинговальная головка

a screw machine = screw-cutting machine – 1) винтонарезной станок 2) прутковый автомат, прутковый токарный автомат

milling machine – фрезерный станок

a shaper – об агрегате, аппарате, придающем чему-л. определенную, требуемую форму а) поперечно-строгальный станок б) фрезерный станок (по дереву)

a saw – пила

a planer – (дольно-)строгальный станок

a stewart platform mill – станок-гексапод с фрезой

a grinder[΄graində] – шлифовальный станок

Exercise 1. Find the proper Russian equivalent:

· machining a) обработка b) формирование c) тиснение d) фрезерование

· shaping a) формирование b) тиснение c) фрезерование d) обработка

· stamping a) обработка b) формирование c) печатание d) фрезерование

· a lathe a) шлифовальный станок b) фрезерный станок c) протяжной станок d) токарный станок

· a grinder a) шлифовальный станок b) токарный станок c) протяжной станок d) фрезерный станок

· a drill machine a) токарный станок b) сверлильный станок c) протяжной станок d) фрезерный станок

· a planer a) токарный станок b) сверлильный станок c) протяжной станок d) строгальный станок

· a screw machine a) шлифовальный станок b) винтонарезной станок c) протяжной станок d) фрезерный станок

· a broaching machine a) токарный станок b) сверлильный станок c) протяжной станок d) строгальный станок

· a milling machine a) шлифовальный станок b) винтонарезной станок c) протяжной станок d) фрезерный станок

Exercise 2. Define the right English equivalent:

· создавать a) to shape b) to fabricate c) to grind d) to broach

· обрабатывать a) to drill b) to hone c) to machine d) to fabricate

· формировать a) to shape b) to screw c) to grind d) to broach

· отпечатывать a) to mill b) to stamp c) to machine d) to drill

· фрезеровать a) to drill b) to hone c) to machine d) to mill

· сверлить a) to mill b) to screw c) to machine d) to drill

· шлифовать a) to shape b) to fabricate c) to grind d) to broach

· хонинговать a) to drill b) to hone c) to machine d) to mill

· прошивать отверстие a) to shape b) to fabricate c) to grind d) to broach

· нарезать резьбу a) to screw b) to fabricate c) to grind d) to broach

Exercise 3. Find the Participle I or II, define its function, translate the sentences into Russian:

· A machine tool is a powered mechanical device, typically used to fabricate metal components of machines by machining, which is the selective removal of metal.

· Many historians of technology consider that the true machine tools were born when direct human involvement was removed from the shaping or stamping process of the different kinds of tools.

· The earliest lathe with direct mechanical control of the cutting tool was a screw-cutting lathe dating to about 1483.

· Human and animal power are options, as is energy captured through the use of waterwheels.

· Early machines used flywheels to stabilize their motion and had complex systems of gears and levers to control the machine and the piece being worked on.

· Such machines became known as computerized numerical control (CNC) machines.

· Before long, the machines could automatically change the specific cutting and shaping tools that were being used.

· When fabricating or shaping parts, several techniques are used to remove unwanted metal.

Text: Machine Tools

Read and translate

A machine tool is a powered mechanical device, typically used to fabricate metal components of machines by machining, which is the selective removal of metal. The term machine tool is usually reserved for tools that used a power source other than human movement, but they can be powered by people if appropriately set up. Many historians of technology consider that the true machine tools were born when direct human involvement was removed from the shaping or stamping process of the different kinds of tools. The earliest lathe with direct mechanical control of the cutting tool was a screw-cutting lathe dating to about 1483. This lathe "produced screw threads out of wood and employed a true compound slide rest".

Machine tools can be powered from a variety of sources. Human and animal power are options, as is energy captured through the use of waterwheels. However, machine tools really began to develop after the development of the steam engine, leading to the Industrial Revolution. Today, most are powered by electricity.

Machine tools can be operated manually, or under automatic control. Early machines used flywheels to stabilize their motion and had complex systems of gears and levers to control the machine and the piece being worked on. Soon after World War II, the numerical control (NC) machine was developed. NC machines used a series of numbers punched on paper tape or punch cards to control their motion. In the 1960s, computers were added to give even more flexibility to the process. Such machines became known as computerized numerical control (CNC) machines. NC and CNC machines could precisely repeat sequences over and over, and could produce much more complex pieces than even the most skilled tool operators.

Before long, the machines could automatically change the specific cutting and shaping tools that were being used. For example, a drill machine might contain a magazine with a variety of drill bits for producing holes of various sizes. Previously, either machine operators would usually have to manually change the bit or move the work piece to another station to perform these different operations. The next logical step was to combine several different machine tools together, all under computer control. These are known as machining centers, and have dramatically changed the way parts are made.

From the simplest to the most complex, most machine tools are capable of at least partial self-replication since they are machines, and produce machine parts as their primary function.


Examples of machine tools are:

▪ Broaching machine ▪ Drill press ▪ Gear shaper ▪ Hobbing machine ▪ Hone ▪ Lathe ▪ Screw machines ▪ Milling machine ▪ Shaper ▪ Saws ▪ Planer ▪ Stewart platform mills ▪ Grinders

When fabricating or shaping parts, several techniques are used to remove unwanted metal. Among these are:

· EDM (electrical discharge machining)

· Grinding

· Multiple edge cutting tools (cutting tool (metalworking))

· Single edge cutting tools (cutting tool (metalworking))

Other techniques are used to add desired material. Devices that fabricate components by selective addition of material are called rapid prototyping machines.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences:

· The term machine tool is usually reserved for tools that used ….

· The earliest lathe with direct mechanical control of the cutting tool was ….

· Machine tools can be powered from ….

· Machine tools can be operated ….

· NC and CNC machines could precisely repeat sequences …, and could produce much more ….

· A drill machine might contain ….

· Machine tools under computer control are known as ….



Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:

1) What for is a machine tool used?

2) When were the true machine tools born?

3) How can machine tools be powered?

4) How are machine tools powered today?

5) How can machine tools be operated?

6) When was the numerical control (NC) machine developed?

7) What machines became known as computerized numerical control (CNC) machines?

8) What are machining centers?

9) What examples of machine tools can you name?

10) What techniques are used to remove unwanted metal?

Exercise 6. Make up the plan of the text “Machine Tools”.

Exercise 7. Retell the text according to your plan.

Section I. Drill Press

Grammar: Infinitive.

Speaking: Drill Presses.

Drill Presses

Study vocabulary:

a drill press – вертикально-сверлильный станок

a stand – станина

workbench – автоматизированное рабочее место, АРМ

a base – основа, основание; базис

column (or pillar) – колонна, стойка (опора)

table – стол (станка)

spindle [‘spindl ] (or quill) – шпиндель (пиноль)

drill head – 1) сверлильная головка 2) шпиндельная бабка сверлильного станка

a set of handles – набор рукояток

a central hub – центральная втулка

chuck – 1) зажимный патрон; держатель (на токарном станке, электродрели)
2) = chuck jaw – кулачки зажимного патрона; magnetic chuck – магнитный зажим

a rack – зубчатая рейка

pinion – шестерня, малое зубчатое колесо пары

swing – поворот

the throat distance – глубина зева

a vise or clamp – зажимное устройство

a stepped pulley arrangement – ступенчатое расположение шкива

miscellaneous – смешанный; разнообразный

sanding – шлифование песком

honing – хонингование

polishing – шлифование, шлифовка

the chuck arbor – хвостовик зажимного патрона

a taper fit – посадка (подгонка) уклона

dislodge – перемещать, передвигать, смещать; удалять, вытеснять

a geared head drill press – станок со шпиндельной бабкой, имеющей зубчатый редуктор

spur gearing – цилиндрическая ЗП (зубчатая передача)

lever – рычаг

a radial arm drill press – (круглопильный) радиально-сверлильный станок

overhead crane or derrick – мостовой кран или различные подъемные приспо­собления

mill drill – фрезерно-сверлильный станок


Exercise1. Read the following words and wordcombinations, remember them, give Russian equivalents:

drill, drilling machine; drilling head; upright drilling machine; multiple-spindle; radial spindle drilling machine; hole; plane; adapt; to save time; swivel; simultaneous; in addition to; from... to; adjust; adjustment.


Exercise 2. Pronounce the words correctly:

vary; variety; various; upright; multiple; diameter; brass: bronze; cylindrical; vertical; horizontal; mechanism; mechanical; material; adjust; adjustment; to be classified; simultaneous; worm; delicate; sensitive; provide; considerable.


Exercise 3. Give the Russian equivalents of the following English words and wordcombinations:

worm gear; gear box; suitable gearing; high speed; a wide range of speeds; at a proper speed: feed shaft; mechanical feed; power feed; by hand; by power; a great number of; a lot of; in addition to; because of: by means of: to drill holes; drilling head: at any point; to any point; at any angle; in any position; upright column; workholding device; heavy drilling; a delicate work; the same shaft; feet per minute; rev. per minute; inch per rev.

Exercise 4. Match Russian and English equivalents:

1) drill a) устанавливать
2) upright b) нести
3) to move c) использовать
4) to carry d) радиальная траверса
5) to employ e) вал подачи
6) radial arm f) сверлильная головка
7) heavy duty machine g) вертикальный
8) to mount h) сверло
9) drilling head i) высокомощный станок
10) feed shaft j) двигаться
11) clamp k) длина
12) considerable l) направляющие
13) length m) зажимать
14) ways n) значительный


Exercise 5. Define the form and function of the Infinitive, translate the sentences into Russian:

1) То drill is to remove some metal from the work.

2) A great variety of operations may be performed on the drilling machine.

3) The holes are to be drilled to the size required.

4) The radial drilling machine is used to drill holes in a large, heavy work.

5) To start the spindle one can use either the head or apron control.

6) The machine has a feed mechanism to cut the drill into the work at a proper speed.

7) Provision is made for changing the spindle speeds to use cutters of various diameters.

8) Several cutters may be mounted together on the spindle to machine several surfaces at the same time.

9) The work to be drilled should be damped in a chuck.

10) We know the drilling machines to be used for many metal cutting operations.

11) The drilling machines are known to be employed for drilling holes of different size in metal.

12) The heavy duty drilling machines are said to be used for heavy drilling.


Text: Drill Presses

Read and translate the text

A drill press.

A drill press (also known as pedestal drill, pillar drill, or bench drill) is a fixed style of drill that may be mounted on a stand or bolted to the floor or workbench. A drill press consists of a base, column (or pillar), table, spindle (or quill), and drill head, usually driven by an induction motor. The head has a set of handles (usually 3) radiating from a central hub that, when turned, move the spindle and chuck vertically, parallel to the axis of the column. The table can be adjusted vertically and is generally moved by a rack and pinion; however, some older models rely on the operator to lift and reclamp the table in position. The table may also from the spindle's axis and in some cases rotated to a position perpendicular to the column. The size of a drill press is typically measured in terms of swing. Swing is defined as twice the throat distance, which is the distance from the center of the spindle to the closest edge of the pillar. For example, a 16-inch (410 mm) drill press will have an 8-inch (200 mm) throat distance.

A drill press has a number of advantages over a hand-held drill:

· less effort is required to apply the drill to the workpiece. The movement of the chuck and spindle is by a lever working on a rack and pinion, which gives the operator considerable mechanical advantage.

· the table allows a vise or clamp to be used to position and restrain the work, making the operation much more secure.

· the angle of the spindle is fixed relative to the table, allowing holes to be drilled accurately and repetitively.

Speed change is achieved by manually moving a belt across a stepped pulley arrangement. Some drill presses add a third stepped pulley to increase the speed range. Modern drill presses can, however, use a variable-speed motor in conjunction with the stepped-pulley system. Some machine shop (tool room) drill presses are equipped with a continuously variable transmission, giving a wide speed range, as well as the ability to change speed while the machine is running.

Drill presses are often used for miscellaneous workshop tasks such as sanding, honing or polishing, by mounting sanding drums, honing wheels and various other rotating accessories in the chuck.

Geared head drill press

Geared head drill press. Shift levers on the head and a two speed motor control immediately in front of the quill handle select one of eight possible speeds.

A geared head drill press is a drill press in which power transmission from the motor to the spindle is achieved solely through spur gearing inside the machine's head. No friction elements (e.g., belts) of any kind are used, which assures a positive drive at all times and minimizes maintenance requirements.

Levers attached to one side of the head are used to select different gear ratios to change the spindle speed, usually in conjunction with a two- or three-speed motor. Most machines of this type are designed to be operated on three phase power and are generally of more rugged construction than equivalent sized belt-driven units. Virtually all examples have geared racks for adjusting the table and head position on the column.

Geared head drill presses are commonly found in tool rooms and other commercial environments where a heavy duty machine capable of production drilling and quick setup changes is required. In most cases, the spindle is machined to accept Morse taper tooling for greater flexibility. Larger geared head drill presses are frequently fitted with power feed on the quill mechanism, with an arrangement to disengage the feed when a certain drill depth has been achieved or in the event of excessive travel. Coolant systems are also common on these machines to prolong tool life under production conditions.

Radial arm drill press

A radial arm drill press is a large geared head drill press in which the head can be moved along an arm that radiates from the machine's column. As it is possible to swing the arm relative to the machine's base, a radial arm drill press is able to operate over a large area without having to reposition the workpiece. The size of work that can be handled may be considerable, as the arm can swing out of the way of the table, allowing an overhead crane or derrick to place a bulky piece on the table or base. A vise may be used with a radial arm drill press, but more often the workpiece is secured directly to the table or base, or is held in a fixture. Power spindle feed is nearly universal with these machines and coolant systems are common. The biggest radial arm drill presses are able to drill holes as large as four inches (101.6 millimeters) in diameter.

Mill drill

Mill drills are a lighter alternative to a milling machine. They combine a drill press (belt driven) with the X/Y coordinate abilities of the milling machine's table and a locking collet that ensures that the cutting tool will not fall from the spindle when lateral forces are experienced against the bit. Although they are light in construction, they have the advantages of being space-saving and versatile as well as inexpensive, being suitable for light machining that may otherwise not be affordable.

Exercise 5. Make up the sentences:

1) to be, a fixed style, a drill press, of.

2) to consist of, a drill press, a base, column (or pillar), table, spindle (or quill), and drill head, driven, an induction motor, by.

3) can be adjusted, to be moved, vertically, the table, and, a rack, and pinion, by

4) to be defined, swing, as twice, the throat distance.

5) can, use, modern, drill presses, variable-speed, a, motor, conjunction, the stepped-pulley system, with, in.

6) to be, to be achieved, a geared head drill press, a drill press, power transmission, the motor, the spindle, solely, in, which, from, to.

7) to be, geared head drill presses, commonly, found, tool rooms, and other commercial environments, in.

8) to be, can be moved, a radial arm drill press, a large geared head drill press, the head, an arm, that, to radiate, the machine's column, in, along, from, which.

Exercise 6. Fill the gaps with the words that are given under the line.

1) A drill press (also known as pedestal drill, pillar drill, or bench drill) is a fixed style of drill that may be mounted on … or bolted to the floor or workbench.

2) The head has a set of handles (usually 3) radiating from … that, when turned, move the spindle and chuck vertically, parallel to the axis of the column.

3) The table may also from … and in some cases rotated to a position perpendicular to the column.

4) Speed change is achieved by manually moving … across a stepped pulley arrangement.

5) Some machine shop (tool room) drill presses are equipped with a continuously variable ….

6) Drill presses are often used for … workshop tasks such as sanding, honing or polishing, by mounting sanding drums, honing wheels and various other rotating accessories in the chuck.

7) No friction elements (e.g., belts) of any kind are used, which … a positive drive at all times and minimizes maintenance requirements.

8) Most machines of this type are designed to be operated on … and are generally of more rugged construction than equivalent sized belt-driven units.

9) … systems are also common on these machines to prolong tool life under production conditions.

10) Mill drills are a lighter … to a milling machine.

11) They combine a drill press (belt driven) with the X/Y coordinate abilities of … and a locking collet.


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