invite prepare represent

Contract Law

1. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:


1. Сторона (договора)

2. Кауза, основание договора

3. Составить договор

4. Принять условия договора

5. Договор, имеющий юридическую силу

6. Заключать договор

7. Имеющий обязательную силу, обязательный к исполнению

8. Отвергать предложение

9. Встречное предложение, контроферта

10. Обязательные (существенные) условия договора

11. Предмет договора

12. Права и обязанности сторон

13. Устный/письменный договор

14. Возбудить судебное дело против кого-либо

15. Нарушение договора

16. Пострадавшая сторона

17. Ущерб, компенсация за причиненный ущерб

18. Расторгнуть договор

19. Передача прав по договору третьему лицу

20. Присудить выплату компенсации


2. Translate into English:


1. Договор будет иметь юридическую силу, только если одна сторона принимает предложение другой стороны.

2. Они достигли соглашения по цене, но не смогли договориться о сроках.

3. Компания нарушила договор продажи, и пострадавшая сторона возбудила против них судебное дело.

4. Этот договор не имеет юридическую силу, потому что он не был оформлен на бумаге (в письменной форме).

5. Суд присудил 2000$ компенсации за убытки из-за нарушения договорных обязательств.

6. Основание договора – это обещание обеих сторон что-то дать друг другу, одностороннее обещание не приводит к заключению договора.

7. Три необходимых требования для заключения договора: согласие сторон, кауза (основание договора) и намерение создать юридические отношения.

8. После 4 часов переговоров они, наконец, подписали договор.

9. Можем ли мы расторгнуть договор с этой фирмой, если она не нарушила по нему никаких условий?

10. Покупая какие-либо товары или услуги, мы вступаем в договорные отношения.


3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is necessary for a valid contract to be formed?

2. What is counter-offer? When and why does it occur?

3. What are rights of parties? What are obligations? Explain the terms and give your examples.

4. What is breach of contract? What happens if a contract is breached? Give examples of possible remedies for a breach of contract.

5. What’s assignment? What’s the difference between an assignor and an assignee?



Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Passive Voice.

1. Every point must … (write), oral agreement isn’t enough.

2. The copy of the contract …(post) yesterday, you’ll receive it in 5 days.

3. All my offers to go out … (reject) by this cold beauty, my heart … (broken)!

4. Your promise to help me with the report … (keep), I will never count on you again.

5. According to the terms of the contract, the house … (build) by the end of the year.

6. If we breach any terms of this contract, we … (sue) by the injured party.

7. Our company signed the contract without delays, because we … (offer) generous conditions.

8. Any further actions …(take) by our lawyers if you accept our offer.

9. 30000$ of damages … (award) by the court last Friday to cover the losses “Stein&Fredricks” had suffered.

10. Shipment by the 30th of August … (require) according to the essential terms of the current contract.


Complete the following sentences with the passive or active forms of the verbs below to make them grammatically correct.

Sign not accept award negotiate make read not carry out

invite prepare represent

1. I … the contract, when my lawyer entered the meeting room.

2. James Cameron … lots of prizes in his career for his remarkable films.

3. This lawyer … by the chief of our company specially for drawing up a correct contract.

4. When the contract …, they went to the restaurant to celebrate it.

5. … everything … for the negotiations today?

6. Could you call back later? Mr.Chan … the company in the court now.

7. This contract must … in writing in our jurisdiction or it is not valid.

8. They … already … all the terms and conditions and reached the agreement.

9. Since your obligations under the contract …, you clearly have breached the contract.

10. The counter-offer … by the party, so the contract was not formed.


Rewrite the sentences, changing the underlined verbs from active to passive:

1. They will file a lawsuit if I breach the contract.

2. You must carefully read the contract before you sign it.

3. Did you accept the offer our client made to you?

4. How much damage would the court award to us if they breach the agreement?

5. What obligations exactly didn’t we carry out, Mr. Thompson?

6. If they want to terminate the contract, they need to find serious grounds for that, otherwise we can sue them!

7. Our company performed all the contractual obligations!

8. Unfortunately, we can’t recover all our losses.

9. Your incompetence caused failure to carry out our obligations.

10. The court ordered the breaching party to pay huge compensation.




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