Write questions to which the words in italic type in these sentences are the answers.





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« Настоящее простое время (PresentSimple) в Английском языке »

Контрольная работа по дисциплине

« Иностранный язык »


Выполнил студент

Заочной формы обучения

Горевой Дмитрий Анатольевич

Проверил преподаватель АНО «БИТ»



2016 г.


TEST-2 (2-йкурс)


Choose the word (a, b, c,) that best completes the sentence. Write the number of the sentences and the letter of the answer, e.g. 1a, 2b, 3a.


1. This engineer..at our office.

a) work b) works c) is working


2. He ….his English now.

a) have b) has c) is having


3. Everyday they … their dinner at the canteen.

a) have b) has c) are having


4. My friend..trough the newspaper now

a) look b) looks c) is looking

5. Tom always … tennis on Monday.

a) play b) plays c) is playing


Write questions to which the words in italic type in these sentences are the answers.

1. When water freezes it changes into ice.
What does water change into when it freezes?

2. We turn the lights on when it gets dark.
When do we turn the lights on?

3. When it gets dark we turn the lights on.
What do we turn on when it gets dark?

4. No, they do not go out every evening.
Do they go out every evening?

5. Mr. West works in an office.
Where does Mr. West work?

6. Yes, Miss Green arrives at office a few minutes before nine o’clock.
Does Miss Green arrive at office a few minutes before nine o’clock?

7. No, she does not always have lunch alone.
Does she always have lunch along?

8. They speak Portuguese in Brazil.
What do they speak in Brazil?

9. Tom knows about one thousand Italian words.
How many Italian words does Tom Know?

10. She wants to listen to the news.
What does she want to listen?

Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:



1. There are many houses in the London suburbs.
Are there many houses in the London suburbs?
There aren’t many houses in the London suburbs.
2. He has a family.
Does he have a family?
He doesn’t have a family.
3. There is a garden in front of her house.
Is there a garden in front of her house?
There isn’t a garden in front of her house.
4. We have a large room.
Do we have a large room?
We don’t have a large room.
5. He is in the sitting-room.
Is he in the sitting room?
He isn’t in the sitting room.


Пер е ведите на английский язык:


доммоейдочери – mydaughter’shouse
комнатамоегосына – myson’sroom
садегожены – hiswife’sgarden
спальняихдочери – theirdaughter’sbedroom
дочьмоегосына– myson’sdaughter
книгамоегодруга – myfriend’sbook

Заменитесуществительныеспредлогомof существительнымивпритяжательномпадеже.


1. The house of my father is large. - My father’s house is large.
2 The car of his son is green. – His son’s car is green.
3. The books of the girl are on the table. – The girl’s books are on the table.
4. The room of my daughter is small. – My daughter’s room is small.
5. The name of his friend is John. – His friend’s name is John.
6. The flat of Boris is in Moscow. – Boris’s flat is in Moscow.
7. The family of her sister has a large flat. – Her sister’s family has a large flat.
8. The room of their children is on the ground flat. – Their children’s room is on the ground flat.

Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.


1. He gets up early.
Does he get up early?
He doesn’t get up early.
2. She gets to the office at nine o’clock.
Does she get to the office at nine o’clock?
She doesn’t get to the office at nine o’clock.
3. We generally stay at home in the evening.
Do we generally stay at home in the evening?
We don’t generally stay at home in the evening.
4. They like to dance.
Do they like to dance?
They don’t like to dance.
5. The train leaves the station at 8 o’clock every morning.
Does the train leave the station at 8 o’clock every morning?
The train doesn’t leave the station at 8 o’clock every morning.
6. Harry goes to the office by bus.
Does Harry go to the office by buss?
Harry doesn’t go to the office by buss.
7. They get to London in the morning.
Do they get to London in the morning?
They don’t get to London in the morning.
8. We have breakfast at home.
Do we have breakfast at home?
We don’t have breakfast at home.
9. Inthe evening he likes to listen to the radio.
Does he like to listen to the radio in the evening?
Inthe evening he doesn’t like to listen to the radio.




1.We shall go out after I finish my work.
Мы пойдем гулять после того, как я закончу работу.
2. If the train leaves at 8 o’clock, they will get to Kiev in the morning.
Еслипоездотправитсяв 8 часов,онидостигнутКиеваутром.
3. As soon as he comes home, he will begin to do his home-work.
4. If we are at home in the evening, they will come to see us.
Если мы будем дома вечером, они придут увидится с нами.
5. We shall buy the tickets before the train arrives.
Мыкупимбилетыдотого, какпоездприбудет.
6. They will have supper as soon as their mother comes home.
7. Weshalllistentotheradiountilyoucome.
8. Ishallnothavedinneruntilyoucome.
9. He will go there unless he is too busy.
Онпойдеттуда, еслинебудеттакзанят.
10. I shall go to the country tomorrow unless you come to see me.
Япоедузагородзавтра, еслитынепридешь увидится со мной.



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