The University of London

*The University of London is a federation of some forty-four schools and institutes, which together register over 40,000 internal and a great number of external students; the latter come to London only to sit for their examinations. In fact most external students at London University are living in London.

*The schools, institutes and colleges of the University of London are essentially teaching institutions providing instruction chiefly by means of lectures, which are attended mainly by day students.

The character and organization of the University of London are such, that it's better to look at its history separately. *The university was founded in 1836 as an examining and degree-granting body only and remained as an institution with limited functions until 1900 when it was reconstituted in its present form. The Senate (Совет университета) was given the lawful right to admit institutions within the County (графство, округ города) of London as schools of the University.

The schools of the London University vary greatly in size and character from a series of specialized postgraduate institutes and a number of medical and dental schools to several large institutions such as: University College and King's College which inthemselves are autonomous [o:'tonəməs] universities in most respects.

The University of Wales provides a further example of a federal institution. Founded in 1893 it organized the three university colleges into a unified system for the purpose of degree examinations. * Later on four more university colleges were added as constituent parts of the University. Now it is a great university with 20,000 internal students.

Explain the meaning of the words in italics.

Translate the sentences with asterisk.

Conversation Practice

Answer the questions.

1. What higher educational institutions are there in Great Britain / Rus­sia? 2. How many universities are there in Great Britain? 3. What colle giate universities were mentioned in the text? 4. Why do they call these universities collegiate? 5. How many colleges are there in Oxford / Cam­bridge? 6. Why do they call these universities unique? 7. What are colleg­es responsible for? 8. Who is in charge of organizing final examinations? 9. Can a college organize final examinations? 10. Do English women en­joy equal rights with men in the field of higher education? 11. Why do you think so? 12. What institution do you study at? 13. Does your institute spe­cialize in only one field or in a wide field of subjects? 14. How many facul­ties are there in your Institute? 15. What are they? 16. Which faculty do you study at? 17. Which department do you specialize at? 18. In what field of science, engineering or industry will you work on leaving your college?

Ноте Exercises

1. Translate the text from English into Russian.

The University is more than 400 years old. But it has always been in step with the present day. The University has 13 faculties including mechanics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, natural sciences. Besides teaching the University staff does a great deal of research. University physicists are doing fruitful research in quantum theory, quantum mechanics and other fields. Its mathematics school is world famous.

2. Compose questions to the words in a bold type.
зуя when, by who(m), with what, where, who, which, what, how many.

1. Progress is made everyday in the world of science. 2. The University of Glasgo was founded in 1451. 3. Four exams have been taken by the first-year students. 4. This new method is being studied by him. 5. In winter the earth is covered with snow. 6. Television is watched by children during the children's hour. 7. The first question is the most significant. 8. They will be met by their friends.

3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Наш институт был основан во время войны. 2. Сейчас институт хорошо известен в нашей стране и за рубежом (abroad). 3. Многие известные ученые страны были студентами и выпускниками нашего института. 4. А когда был организован ваш институт? 5. Сколько фа­культетов он имеет? 6. Проводит ли преподавательский состав ваше­го института научную работу? 7. В наших университетах и институ­тах учебный год имеет два семестра (term). 8. Экзамены сдают(ся) два раза в год (twice a year).

The Open University

The Open University is the most recently established university in Great Britain. It was set up in 1969 for those people, who missed the chance of going to an ordinary university. The university differs from other universities in that its students work in full-time jobs and can study only in their free time by means of distance teaching materials, through correspondence and broadcasting. Students need to study about ten hours a week and they are to do a lot of watching and listening to the weekly lectures on television and radio.

As the university is really "open", neither formal entrance examinations, nor qualifications are required at undergraduate level. Students are admitted on a "first come, first served" basis. Each student gets the help of his own tutor who he meets regularly.

Students may be of all ages and come from all walks of life. Some of them want to improve their qualification, others come to the University to do something they have always wanted but had no time or good chance to do it before. This is one of the attractive aspects of the University. The University has faculties and three programmes of study — undergraduate, associate and postgraduate. The B.A. degree is built up on a credit system. Student's final mark is based on the exam in October andthe written assignments [a'sainmənts] (задание) done during the year.

If you pass and most people do, you have got one credit towards the six that you need for the B.A. degree. At the usual speed of a course a year it will take you six (or eight) years to get your degree.

Returning to "school" may be difficult for most students as they have forgotten or never knew how to study and to prepare for the exams. As an Open University student you get to university life at the summer schools which you must attend in the first year. You spend a week at a college or university taking lectures and seminars, having discussions and working hard in an exciting atmosphere. It is here that most students understand that they have begun to master the discipline ['disiplin] of university study.

Find the English equivalents in the text and write them down:

был учрежден; упустил возможность (шанс); отличается от; повы­сить квалификацию; привлекательная черта; система зачетов; потре­буется шесть лет; готовиться к экзаменам; приобщиться к студенчес­кой жизни; работая упорно; волнующая (захватывающая) атмосфера.


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