Yaroslavl State Demidov University

I am a first year student of the Yaroslavl State University. The history of our University begins as early as the first days of Soviet power in Russia, that is in 1918 when Lenin signed a Decree on Organizing a University in Yaroslavl. It existed as long as 1924. It came into life again in 1970 when the whole progressive mankind celebrated a centenary of Lenin's birthday.

Our University is not yet large. It enrolls about 5 thousand students. The University is housed in 9 buildings. There are 8 faculties at the University; they are the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Computer Studies (the IT Faculty), the Faculty of Economic Sciences, training economists and bookkeepers for various branches of industry and agriculture, the Faculty of Psychology and Biology, and the Faculty of History and Law. At the head of each faculty there is a dean.

The University has Post-Graduate Courses in Physics, Mathematics, Psychology, History, Philosophy. It also has an Evening Department, but as our University is still quite young there is no Extra-mural Department there.

There are a great number of Departments at our University. Our lecturers and teachers deliver lectures and hold seminars in different subjects, such as: the History of Russia, Mathematics, Physics, Technology of Industry, Logics, Psychology, the History and Theory of State and Law, Ancient and Medieval History, Anatomy, Philosophy, Biology, Statistics, Computers and others.

The University is staffed by highly qualified teachers, among them there are many professors, Doctors of Science, and Candidates of Science. All of them are always ready to give all sorts of assistance to the students. The students of the University have good conditions for study. The University has a well-stocked library with books on a wide range of subjects.

The University provides excellent facilities for research work. All the departments have well-equipped laboratories where the students make various experiments. The students have their own Students' Science Society. A lot of students carry out research work and take an active part in scientific conferences.

The students have every opportunity to develop their abilities, gifts and talents. The University has a wide variety of amateur groups which arrange concerts. The students of the University can go in for any sports they like.

There are some hostels at the University for those students who come from other towns and villages. Those who study well get stipends (scholarship). The conditions for the students' studies are constantly being improved.

We like our University and, of course, are very proud of it.

Translate the words

to leave school

to enter the University

to be enrolled

exam, entrance exams

to examine, examiner

to take an exam

to pass an exam

mark, to give a mark

a mark for an answer

a mark in a subject

to train specialists

to provide training in;

to give a solid

background in all spheres

of knowledge;

to prepare for practical


subjects (humanities,

sciences, arts):

Mathematics (Maths),

Physics, Computer

(Information) Science,

History, Foreign



lecture hall

research laboratory

gym (gymnasium)

canteen, cafe


semester (term)

course of study

academy, university,


faculty, college,

department (ex. College

of Physics)

department, chair of...

head (chief) of the


chair (man, woman)


teaching instructor (TI),



dean, Rector

teaching staff

faculty members

applicant, to apply to

full-time student

part-time student

student of distant education

student of preparatory courses;

undergraduate student

graduate student

post graduate student

first-year student



junior, senior

first-year class (consists of 5 groups 10 to 12 students each)

The Physics Faculty

The Physics Faculty of Yaroslavl Demidov State University was opened after the division the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics into the Physics and Mathematics Faculties.

The Physics Faculty of Yaroslavl Demidov State University prepares specialists in the directions and specialities: Physics, Radiophysics and Electronics, Microelectronics and Semi-Conductor Devices, Telecommunications, Networks and Commutation Systems, Radio Engineering. The faculty contains five departments: the Department of General and Experimental Physics, the Department of Theoretical Physics, the Department of Radiophysics, the Department of Electronic Systems Dynamics, the Department of Microelectronics, the Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Physical Processes..

The faculty’s graduates get a multi-discipline education and have good job opportunities. They work at the plants, in organizations and companies specializing both in the areas of radiophysics, electronics and microelectronics, telecommunications, engineering in medical and biological practice, information technologies.

Traditionally the Physics Faculty successfully develops both fundamental and applied researches. It does scientific research of complex and varied themes of the international level.

The Department of Theoretical Physics specializes in the research area of high-energy physics, elementary particles theory, quantum field theory, astrophysics, solid-state theory.

The main direction of scientific research of the Department of General Experimental Physics is nondestructive methods of control, magnetic phenomena physics, electron emission physics.

The main directions of research of the Department of Radiophysics are: discrete and digital data processing systems, statistical radiophysics and interference immunity, radiophysical research methods.

The main research directions of the Department of Electronic Systems Dynamics is the theory of oscillations of discrete and digital electronic systems, radio systems quality analysis, the issues of shaping, transmitting and studying radio signals, digital signals and images processing.

The main research direction of the Department of Microelectronics is studying electrophysical, photoelectric and optical characteristics of narrow-band-gap semiconductor materials for infrared optoelectronics. Another important direction is studying high Tc superconductivity in ceramic materials. A new scientific direction appeared – an integrated study of porous silicon’s properties and its practical application in science and engineering.

The scientific direction of the Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Physical Processes is the study of electrohydrodynamic instability in capillary systems. A great deal of articles published in national magazines and a considerable part of candidates’ theses defended at the faculty belongs to this laboratory.



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