Критерии оценки контрольной работы

Кафедраиностранных языков


  УТВЕРЖДАЮ Заведующий кафедрой ____________ _____________ (подпись) (инициалы, фамилия) «___» _____________ 201__ г.  



по выполнению контрольной работы


Дисциплина:Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский)


Направление подготовки (специальность):030900 «Юриспруденция»


Квалификация выпускника:бакалавр


Форма обучения: заочная

Автор-разработчик _________________ А.В. Ткаченко









3. Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа №2

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции»

(2 курс III семестр)





Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine, common law, research, notaries, court


1. Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________(jurisconsult).

2. Some lawyers may work as ______________________________________________.

3. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.

4. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.

5. ___________is contrasted against common law.

6. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

7. In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.

8. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.

9. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days

10. The decision of the _________ is final and binding.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Одной из важнейших обязанностей таможенника является предотвращение провоза контрабанды.

2. В Англии судьи не только применяют право, но и творят его.

3. Протокол личного досмотра подписывается инспектором, понятыми и досматриваемым лицом.

4. Полиция обеспечивает соблюдение закона.

5. Лицо, нарушившее таможенные правила, подлежит наказанию в соответствии с законом.

6. Решение суда является окончательным и обжалованию не подлежит



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


criminal responsibility наказан

action действие

penalty штраф

punished наказание

offence взрослые

adults нарушение, опекунство

guardianship криминальнаяответственность



Task 3. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

can (could), may (might), be able to, be allowed to.


1. I _____ attend the meeting yesterday, because I was ill.

2. _____ you show me your passport?

3. In 3 months this dog _____ detect drugs and explosives.

4. You _____ bring these items into the country. They are prohibited by law.

5. They ____ Well, he _____ have smuggled drugs into the country, but I don’t believe it. We’ve got a very effective Customs Service.



Task 4. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”

1. ”What is there inside this bag?”

2. “How long are you planning to stay in this country?”

3. “Why did you try to misrepresent this article?”

4. “Have you declared all your currency?”

5. “Can you write in block letters?”

6. “Do you know the duty and tax free allowance for the goods being brought into our country?”



Task 5. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?

Apple Suing Samsung for Copying

Apple Inc. is suing Korea’s Samsung Electronics Co. for copying the design, look and even the packaging of its iPhone and iPad products. Apple alleges that Samsung’s Galaxy phones and tablet computers infringe the patents of its products. Included in the list of infringements are the use of the hand gestures used on Apple’s touch screens, the colour and shape of Samsung’s devices, and even the design of the boxes in which Samsung’s gadgets are sold. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, accused Samsung of violating Apple trademarks and patents.

He included the Korean tech giant in a list of companies making tablets that would make 2011 the “Year of Copycats.” Steve Dowling, an Apple spokesperson, said the company had to protect its intellectual copyright. Samsung executives are not happy at having to fight Apple in court. The two companies are dependent on each other in many ways. Samsung supplies many of the parts for Apple’s iPhone.

A Samsung spokesperson said his company’s “development of core technologies and the strengthening of our intellectual property portfolio are keys to our continued success.” He added: “Samsung will respond actively to this legal action taken against us through appropriate legal measures to protect our intellectual property.” The courtroom battle is set to last months, perhaps years. A lot is at stake. Industry analysts predict tablet computers will soon overtake personal computers in global sales. Apple is determined the iPhone, introduced in 2007, and the iPad, which came in 2010, will continue as market leaders.





Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, smuggling, jailed, property common law. judge-made law, punished, judges, Common law, notaries, certifies, accused, binding, private practice, binding,


1. Lawyers in _________in Russia work mostly within colleges of advocates

2. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

3. Lawyers may serve as judges or __________

4. A notary is a public officer who ________the document.

5. Civil law __________is contrasted against ___________,

6. Common law is a ___________________developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

7. One of the main duties of the Customs Service is to prevent the traffic of_________.

8. Smuggled goods are confiscated and turned into federal___________.

9. A person who is found guilty of smuggling may be taken to Court and either __________by a fine or jailed.

10. The person __________has the right to appeal within ten days

11. The decision of the Court is final and__________.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Суды – это государственные органы, которые применяют право.

2. Контрабандисты могут использовать различные места сокрытия.

3. Протокол личного досмотра подписывается инспектором, понятыми и досматриваемым лицом.

4. В случае конфискации вещей или ценностей составляется протокол задержания предметов контрабанды, который подписывается обвиняемым.

5. Лицо, признанное виновным в провозе контрабанды, может быть подвергнуто штрафу или привлечено к уголовной ответственности.

6. Решение суда является окончательным и обжалованию не подлежит



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


law закон, право

drugs мошенничество

prosecutor наркотики

commercialfraud ` контрабанда

smuggling судебное дело, иск


judge прокурор, обвинитель



Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


1. _______________________ she still be arguing with the customs inspector? I saw her talking to him an hour ago!

2. The director ____________________________ be in his office now but I doubt it.

3. You _____________ bring these items into the country. They are prohibited by law.

4. They ________________________ be examining the containers. Look! It’s raining.

5. I ____________________________ attend the meeting yesterday, because I was ill.



Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”

1.”What is there inside this bag?”

2. “How long are you planning to stay in this country?”

3. “Why did you try to misrepresent this article?”

4. “Have you declared all your currency?”

5. “Can you write in block letters?”

6. “Do you know the duty and tax free allowance for the goods being brought into our country?”



Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?


Drug Smuggler Arrested

Customs officials at a Sheremetyevo-2 airport have arrested a Columbian man accused of smuggling a record amount of cocaine inside his stomach. The man was transporting over a kilo of cocaine to Hong Kong via Russia. The Colombian approached a customs officer and asked him for medical help. The officer suspected drug smuggling and the man was taken to a hospital where an X-ray showed that his stomach was packed with special containers filled with cocaine. It turned out that the man was trying to transport 1148 grams of the drug in 86 containers. If sold, it could bring him over one million dollars. Usually, drug smugglers do not swallow more than 600 grams.

This way of transporting is considered to be especially dangerous as it can kill the smuggler if the covers of containers are destroyed in the stomach.

If found guilty, the man might face up to 20 years in a Russian prison. He smuggle drugs by the Columbian mafia.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine common law, research, notaries, court


1. Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________(jurisconsult).

2. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

3. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.

4. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.

5. ___________is contrasted against common law.

6. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

7. In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.

8. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.

9. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days

10. The decision of the _________ is final and binding.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Закон - это любая норма или предписание, которым надо следовать

2. Незаконный ввоз и вывоз валюты, ценных бумаг, ювелирных изделий, антикварных вещей и т.д. рассматривается как контрабанда

3. Таможенный инспектор может произвести личный досмотр, если у него есть основание полагать, что пассажир имеет при себе предметы, подлежащие изъятию.

4. Протокол личного досмотра подписывается инспектором, понятыми и досматриваемым лицом.

5. В случае конфискации вещей или ценностей составляется протокол задержания предметов контрабанды, который подписывается обвиняемым.

6. Закон защищает частную собственность.



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


collegesofadvocates спор

case тяжбасудебногоспора

crime коллегияадвокатов

dispute дело

in-house counsel присяжные

jury юрисконсульт

litigation спор



Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


1. That passenger is so nervous! He __________ be concealing something from customs control.

2. When I worked аt the customs I __________ seize contraband every day.

3. I have explained the rules to her twice. She ____________ have failed to understand them.

4. _______________ you show me your passport?

5. You _____________ bring these items into the country. They are prohibited by law.



Task 5 Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: Where are you from?” They asked me where I was from.


1. “What have you been writing for 4 hours?”

2. “ What are you talking about?”

3. “Do you know anything about this man?”

4. “Did you forget to phone her?”

5. “Will you be near the office in ten minutes?”

6. “Am I late?”



Task 6 Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?


"Happy Birthday To You" song in court case (17th June, 2013)

Everybody knows the song "Happy Birthday To You". It is the most popular and most often sung song in the English language. It is also now part of a legal case. A New York film company called Good Morning To You (GMTY) Productions has opened a lawsuit that says the song belongs in the public domain. This means anyone can use it because there is no copyright on it. However, the record label Warner Music says it owns the copyright to the tune. GMTY is making a documentary about the history of the song and had to pay Warner Music $1,500 to use it.

If it didn't pay, it could have got a penalty of $150,000. The boss of GMTY was angry about this fee and took the case to a court in New York.The melody of "Happy Birthday To You" comes from the song, "Good Morning to All". This was written in 1893 by two sisters from Kentucky, USA. They wrote it because they thought it would be easy for young children to sing. The words to "Happy Birthday To You" were added to the tune around a decade later. One of the most famous performances of the song was when Marilyn Monroe sang, "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" in a sexy voice to John F. Kennedy in 1962. GMTY says any copyright on the song ran out almost 100 years ago. The company wants Warner Music to return the millions of dollars it has collected for the song. Warner Music has so far stayed quiet and has not commented on the court case.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, smuggling,, jailed, property common law, judge-made law, punished, judges, Common law, notaries,, accused, binding, private practice, binding, certifies


1. Lawyers in _________in Russia work mostly within colleges of advocates

2. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

3. Lawyers may serve as judges or __________

4. A notary is a public officer who ________the document.

5. Civil law __________is contrasted against ___________,

6. Common law is a ___________________developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

7. One of the main duties of the Customs Service is to prevent the traffic of_________.

8. Smuggled goods are confiscated and turned into federal___________.

9. A person who is found guilty of smuggling may be taken to Court and either __________by a fine or jailed.

10. The person __________has the right to appeal within ten days

11. The decision of the Court is final and__________.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. В Великобритании высшая законная власть принадлежит парламенту..

2. Контрабандисты могут использовать различные места сокрытия.

3. Большинство солиситоров занимается частной практикой

4. Судебный прецедент лежит в основе английской правовой системы.

5. Лицо, признанное виновным в провозе контрабанды, может быть подвергнуто штрафу или привлечено к уголовной ответственности.

6. Хранение и продажа контрабанды должны быть запрещены законом



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


Administrative Law страховоеправо

lawsuit контрактноеправо

Contract Law судебноедело, иск

TaxLawandTaxation административноеправо

notary прокурор, обвинитель

prosecutor налоговоеправо

Insurance Law нотариус



Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


1. You ____________ bring these items into the country. They are prohibited by law.

2. The search _______________be made only with the permit of the Customs Office Chief.

3. He said they _____________contact him later.

4. You ___________use computer for more than 6 hours straight while working.

5. He said that they________complete the project the next month



Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”


1. “Had you seen him before the agreement was signed?”

2. “Do you hear me?”

3. “Are you going to start up?”

4. “Where are you from?”

5. “Can you write in block letters?”

6. “Do you know the duty and tax free allowance for the goods being brought into our country?”



Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?


Shipment of Firearms Seized


Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized an arriving international shipment of 60 pump action shotguns and 177 pistols. The shipment declared as “Toys” was valued $14,000 and shipped from Istanbul, Turkey.

Neither the shotguns nor the pistols were found to have any serial numbers or markings. The commercial importation of firearms is prohibited if not accompanied by proper entry permission. The shipment was seized to secure borders and protect the American public from harm.

The detection and seizure of these firearms is the direct result of attentive and diligent work by CBP officers. No arrests have been made in this case; however the investigation continues.

All firearms seized were turned over to «CBP Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures» for future forfeiture proceedings and disposal determination.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine common law, research, notaries, court


1. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days

2. The Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________(jurisconsult).

3. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

4. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.

6. ___________is contrasted against common law.

7. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

8. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.

9. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.

10. decision of the _________ is final and binding.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Отмена смертной казни в Англии приветствовалась большинством людей с гуманными и прогрессивными идеями.

2. Ты можешь не указывать в декларации личные вещи

3. Существуют различные таможенные правонарушения, связанные с контрабандой: отмывание денег, коррупция, нарушение прав интеллектуальной собственности и др.

4. Публичное право относится к сфере деятельности государства.

5. Криминология - это наука, которая имеет дело с природой и причиной преступления.

6. Решение суда является окончательным и обжалованию не подлежит



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


To initiate a criminal case трудовоеправо

Plaintiff (n) обнаруживать

Employment Law уголовноедело

Negotiation (n) личныйдосмотр

Criminal proceedings начинатьуголовноедело

To detect переговоры

Personal search истец



Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


Passenger: Good morning! ____________ you help me?

Customs officer: Good morning! What ____________ I do for you?

P.: I don’t see where I ______________ find any declaration forms.

C.o.: You _____ to find forms if you go straight to the table in the middle of the hall.

P.: _____________ I fill in one declaration form for all my family members?

C.O.: Yes, if your children are under 16.

P.: Thank you for your help.

C.O.: You are welcome.



Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”


1. Where do you work?”

2. “How long have you been working there?”

3. “Are you on holiday in England?”

4. “When did you arrive here?”

5. “Have you been to Britain before?”

6. “How long are you going to stay here?”



Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?


Teacake Wrangle


The European Court of Justice has ruled that British retailer, Marks & Spencer, can claim back £3.5mln in overpaid VAT on teacakes. For years, the British authorities defined a chocolate teacake as a biscuit- which attracts a sales tax- rather than a cake, which does not. So when is a cake not a biscuit?

Teacakes are made of a shortbread base, a marshmallow filling and a chocolate shell. The British tax authorities decided it was a biscuit, a luxury food liable to sales tax. The supermarket insisted it was a cake, a basic food which is exempt from tax.

The argument has been through many courts and the latest decision has been on the cake side of the argument. Marks & Spencer should get a tax refund, said the judge.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, smuggling, jailed, property common law. judge-made law, punished, judges, сommon law, notaries,, accused, binding, private practice, binding, certifies



1. The person __________has the right to appeal within ten days.

2. Lawyers in _________in Russia work mostly within colleges of advocates.

3. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

4. Lawyers may serve as judges or __________.

5. A notary is a public officer who ________the document.

6. He decision of the Court is final and__________. Civil law __________is contrasted against ___________.

7. Common law is a ___________________developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

8. One of the main duties of the Customs Service is to prevent the traffic of_________.

9. Smuggled goods are confiscated and turned into federal___________.

10. A person who is found guilty of smuggling may be taken to Court and either __________by a fine or jailed.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Частное право также называют гражданским правом.

2. В Великобритании действуют законы Евросоюза.

3. Английское право также подразделяется на гражданское и уголовное.

4. Инспектор хотел знать, почему пассажир не задекларировал валюту.

5. Мы спросили преподавателя, как мы сдали экзамен по уголовному праву.

6. Решение суда является окончательным и обжалованию не подлежит



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


togivejudgment международное право

civillitigation представлять, предоставлять

InternationalLaw выносить решение по делу

torender конфискация, задержание, изъятие

seizure (n); syn. confiscation гражданский судебный спор

permit (n) виновный, преступный

guilty разрешение



Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


1. You have followed my instructions.

2. ________ you speak any other languages

3. In 3 months this dog _____ detect drugs and explosives.

4. He ________ want to see the document.

5. I really don`t see they ______sue us



Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”


1. “Do you like English food?”

2. “Have you got any brothers or sisters?”

3. “How long have you been studying English?”

4. “Can you speak any other languages?”

5. “Can you write in block letters?”

6. “Do you know the duty and tax free allowance for the goods being brought into our country?”


Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?




Commercial fraud means any offence against statutory or regulatory provisions, which Customs is responsible for enforcing.

Commercial fraud is committed in order to evade or attempt to evade payments of duties/taxes on movement of commercial goods; to evade any prohibitions or restrictions applicable to commercial goods; to receive any subsidies to which there is no proper entitlement; to obtain illicit commercial advantage.

Some of the consequences of commercial fraud are loss of revenue to the state, distortion of trade, unfair competition.

Commercial fraud results in harm to the community at large and risks to the consumer.



statutory – законодательный

regulatory – инструктивный






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine, common law, research, notaries, court


1. In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.

2. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.

3. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days.

4. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

5. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.

6. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.

7. ___________is contrasted against common law.

8. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

9. The Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________(jurisconsult).

10. Decision of the _________ is final and binding.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Все люди равны перед законом

2. Полиция обеспечивает исполнение законов.

3. Суды помогают гражданам разрешить спор мирным путем.

4. Коррупция наносит вред интересам государства.

5. Организованная преступность и террористические организации способны контролировать правительство, армию, полицию и другие структуры.

6. Источником криминальных доходов часто становятся торговля наркотиками, проституция, вымогательство, кражи и т.д.



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


Evidence проект

Draft наказание

Explosives контрактное право

Judgment доказательство, свидетельские показания, улика

Contract Law взрывчатыевещества

Punishment приговор, решениесуда



Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


1. He ___speak four language.

2. They __be examine the cargo.

3. The director _____ be in his office now but I doubt it.

4. You________have followed my instructions

5. You _____ bring these items into the country. They are prohibited by law.

6. When I was leaving the country I _____ to take this picture with me.


Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”


1..“Do you work in shifts?”

2. 2.“What do you think about this film?”

3. 3.“Is he sleeping now?”

4. 4.“What have you been reading for more than 3 hours?”

5. 5.“Have you ever seen him?

6. 6.“When did he come home?””



Task 6 Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?




Passing through the Customs control the passenger can choose between the Red and Green Channels. The passenger who goes through the Red Channel fills in the declaration form and states prohibited, restricted and dutiable articles that he is carrying. He presents his declaration form to the customs officer. The customs officer looks it through and asks questions about the contents of the passenger’s baggage.

The passenger puts personal belongings into the X-ray machine and steps through metal-detector. The passenger must unpack and open his baggage and present any item for inspection, if necessary. If a person exceeds Duty and Tax Free Allowance (the fixed quota) he/she will have to pay the duty for the excess. If everything is alright, the customs officer stamps the declaration form and gives it back to the passenger.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, smuggling, jailed, property common law, judge-made law, punished, judges, сommon law, notaries,, accused, binding, private practice, binding, certifies


1. Lawyers in _________in Russia work mostly within colleges of advocates.

2. law __________is contrasted against ___________.

3. Common law is a ___________________developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

4. One of the main duties of the Customs Service is to prevent the traffic of_________.

5. Smuggled goods are confiscated and turned into federal___________.

6. A person who is found guilty of smuggling may be taken to Court and either __________by a fine or jailed.

7. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

8. Lawyers may serve as judges or __________

9. A notary is a public officer who ________the document.

10. Civil The person __________has the right to appeal within ten days

11. The decision of the Court is final and__________.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Возможно, этот пассажир скрывает что-то в своем багаже.

2. Контрабандисты могут использовать различные места сокрытия.

3. Ты можешь не указывать в декларации личные вещи.

4. Вы не могли бы объяснить мне эти правила еще раз?

5. Я изучаю право.

6. Эти предметы нельзя ввозить в страну. Этозапрещено.



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


criminal responsibility наказан(ие)

action действие

penalty штраф

punished наказание

offence взрослые

adults нарушение, опекунство

guardianship криминальная ответственность



Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to, couldn't


1. We _______sign the contract yesterday.

2. They__________start legal proceedings against the company.

3. I think the meeting ________be over now.

- _____ I make a comment at this point?

- Yes, of course, you ____.

4. They ________still be negotiating the contract.



Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.

Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”


1. “Has she already filled out the customs declaration form?”

2. “What can you tell me about this person?”

3. “Is her English getting better?”

4. “May I go out?”

5. “Can you help me to fill in the customs declaration form?”

6. “What career have you decided to choose?”



Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?


Smuggling Attempt Prevented


A 24-year-old woman was arrested by CBP officers after they found two undocumented male migrants hidden in a 2006 Dodge she was driving. The woman accompanied by her young son presented a U.S. passport to the officer.

During the primary inspection the officer reached behind the driver’s seat and felt a person. The officers escorted the driver and the vehicle into the secondary inspectional area for case processing. There officers discovered a 32-year-old and a 22- year-old migrants, who were citizens of Mexico.

The migrants and the driver were taken into custody and the vehicle was seized by CBP. The 32-year-old Mexican will be a material witness in the prosecution case. The driver was arrested and transported to the Correctional Center to await arrangement for federal district court charged with alien smuggling. The driver’s son was turned over to a family member.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, smuggling, jailed, property common law, judge-made law, punished, judges, common law, notaries, accused, binding, private practice, binding, certifies


1. Common law is a ___________________developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

2. One of the main duties of the Customs Service is to prevent the traffic of_________.

3. Smuggled goods are confiscated and turned into federal___________.

4. Lawyers in _________in Russia work mostly within colleges of advocates.

5. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

6. Lawyers may serve as judges or __________.

7. A notary is a public officer who ________the document.

8. Civil law __________is contrasted against ___________,

9. The decision of the Court is final and__________.

10. A person who is found guilty of smuggling may be taken to Court and either __________by a fine or jailed.

11. The person __________has the right to appeal within ten days.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Президент не может сам отменить закон.

2. Юрист сказал, что контракт будет подписан через несколько дней.

3. Протокол личного досмотра подписывается инспектором, понятыми и досматриваемым лицом.

4. Эти предметы нельзя ввозить в страну. Это запрещено.

5. Суды – это государственные органы, которые применяют право.

6. Решение суда является окончательным и обжалованию не подлежит



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


toprovideexpertise гражданское право, римское право

court судебное разбирательство, судебный процесс

witness закон, право

law транспортное средство

meansofconveyance свидетель, понятой

trial суд

civillaw давать заключение, экспертную оценку



Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


1. They ____________take any action against us.

2. _____________ you speak any other languages?

3. There is no ________ for a well-trained and ________ Customs officer.

4. A person who is found guilty of smuggling ____ be taken to Court

5. I ___________ attend the meeting yesterday, because I was ill.



Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”


1. Do you know anything about cause-and effect relationships”

2. “Did he meet you?”

3. “Will you see her?”

4. “Where do you want to spend your holidays?”

5. “What are you reading?”

6. “I will have written this report by 6 p.m.?”



Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?


The exporter’s interest in the rate of customs duty levied on his production containers abroad starts from the time he investigates the market possibilities. He wants to know the duties applicable for various reasons.

One, to assess the possibility of selling his product in competition with those of other countries or those locally produced.

Two, to find out whether his product is assured of tariff treatment at least equal to that accorded to his foreign competitor, or whether he will either enjoy a preference or be faced with tariff discrimination.

Three, to know if there are any problems of tariff classification affecting his goods.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine, common law, research, notaries, court


1. Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________ (jurisconsult).

2. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

3. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.

4. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.

5. ___________is contrasted against common law.

6. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

7. In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.

8. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.

9. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days.

10. The decision of the _________ is final and binding.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Коллегия адвокатов существует в городах, республиках, областях в автономных организациях.

2. Предметы, сокрытые от таможенного контроля, считаются контрабандой и могут быть конфискованы.

3. Некоторые адвокаты могут работать нотариусами.

4. Гражданское право противопоставлено общественному праву.

5. В случае конфискации вещей или ценностей составляется протокол задержания предметов контрабанды, который подписывается обвиняемым.

6. Лицо, нарушившее таможенные правила, подлежит наказанию в соответствии с законом.



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


antiques судья

judge наказание

common law антиквариат

toissueapermit апеллировать, подавать апелляцию

civillaw англосаксонское право

toappeal выдать разрешение

punishment гражданское право, римское право



Task 4. Usetherightmodalverbfromtheboxandtranslatethesentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


1. _____________ you show me your passport?

2. It _____________ have been worse.

3. A solicitor ___________ sometimes represent their clients in court.

4. He _____________ not refuse to fulfill demands of court.

5. My friend ____________ speak two foreign languages



Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”


1. “Can you help me to fill in the customs declaration form?”

2. “What career have you decided to choose?”

3. “Do you know anything about cause-and effect relationships”

4. “Did he meet you?”

5. “Will you see her?”

6. “Where do you want to spend your holidays?””



Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?


The World Customs Organization


The World Customs Organization is an independent intergovernmental body with world-wide membership whose mission is to enhance the efficiency of Customs administrations in the areas in compliance with trade regulation, protection of society and revenue collection, thereby contributing to the economic and social well-being of nations.

In order to fulfill this mission the WCO:

- establishes, maintains, supports and promotes international instruments for the harmonization and uniform application of simplified and effective customs systems and procedures governing the movement of commodities, people and conveyances across Customs frontiers;

- reinforces Members’ efforts to secure compliance with their legislation, in particular by endeavoring to maximize the level and effectiveness of Members’ co-operation with each other and with international agencies in order to combat customs and other trans-border offences;

- assists Members in their efforts to meet the challenges of the modern business environment and adapt to changing circumstances, by promoting communication and co-operation among Members and with other international organizations, and by fostering human resource development and working methods of Customs administrations and the sharing of the best practices.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, smuggling, jailed, property common law, judge-made law, punished, judges, Common law, notaries,, accused, binding, private practice, binding, certifies


1. One of the main duties of the Customs Service is to prevent the traffic of_________.

2. Smuggled goods are confiscated and turned into federal___________.

3. Lawyers in _________in Russia work mostly within colleges of advocates

4. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

5. Lawyers may serve as judges or __________.

6. A notary is a public officer who ________the document.

7. Civil law __________is contrasted against ___________,

8. Common law is a ___________________developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

9. The person __________has the right to appeal within ten days.

10. A person who is found guilty of smuggling may be taken to Court and either __________by a fine or jailed.

11. The decision of the Court is final and__________.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Юридические карьера также включает преподавание права и академическую научно-исследовательскую работу.

2. Контрабандисты могут использовать различные места сокрытия.

3. Большинство адвокатов работают в адвокатских фирмах и предприятиях, министерствах юрисконсультами.

4. В случае конфискации вещей или ценностей составляется протокол задержания предметов контрабанды, который подписывается обвиняемым.

5. Решение суда является окончательным и обжалованию не подлежит

6. В Англии судьи не только применяют право, но и творят его.



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


to counsel страховоеправо

justice налоговое право

civillaw международное право

Employment Law трудовоеправо

Insurance Law правосудие, справедливость

Tax Law and Taxation гражданскоеправо, римскоеправо

International Law советовать, консультировать



Task V. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


Passenger: Good morning! _____________ you help me?

Customs officer: Good morning! What _____________ I do for you?

P.: I don’t see where I _____________ find any declaration forms.

C.o.: You _____ to find forms if you go straight to the table in the middle of the


P.: ____________ I fill in one declaration form for all my family members?

C.O.: Yes, if your children are under 16.

P.: Thank you for your help.

C.O.: You are welcome.



Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”


1. ” What are you reading?”

2. “I will have written this report by 6 p.m.?”

3. “Are you always right?”

4. “What will you be doing at 6 p.m. tomorrow?”

5. “What is the purpose of your visit?”

6. Where have you put our passports “



Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?


Drug Smuggler Arrested


Customs officials at a Sheremetyevo-2 airport have arrested a Columbian man accused of smuggling a record amount of cocaine inside his stomach. The man was transporting over a kilo of cocaine to Hong Kong via Russia. The Colombian approached a customs officer and asked him for medical help. The officer suspected drug smuggling and the man was taken to a hospital where an X-ray showed that his stomach was packed with special containers filled with cocaine. It turned out that the man was trying to transport 1148 grams of the drug in 86 containers. If sold, it could bring him over one million dollars. Usually, drug smugglers do not swallow more than 600 grams.

This way of transporting is considered to be especially dangerous as it can kill the smuggler if the covers of containers are destroyed in the stomach.

If found guilty, the man might face up to 20 years in a Russian prison. He smuggle drugs by the Columbian mafia.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine, common law, research, notaries, court


1. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.

2. ___________is contrasted against common law.

3. Some lawyers may work as ______________________________________________.

4. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.

5. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.

6. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

7. In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.

8. The decision of the _________ is final and binding.

9. Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________(jurisconsult).

10. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days.



Task 2. Translate the sentences into English


1. Гражданское право – это право, которое произошло из Римского права.

2. Общее право – это прецедентное право.

3. Законодательная власть в Великобритании осуществляется парламентом.

4. В случае конфискации вещей или ценностей составляется протокол задержания предметов контрабанды, который подписывается обвиняемым.

5. В России отменена смертная казнь (capitalpunishment).

6. Судно уже будет проверено, когда вы прибудете в порт.



Task 3. Match these words with their meanings


Evidence проект

Draft наказание

Explosives контрактное право

Judgment доказательство, свидетельские показания, улика

Contract Law взрывчатыевещества

Punishment приговор, решениесуда



Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:

сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to


1. _________________you help me, please? MayI use your phone, please?

2. _______________you write this for me, please?

3. ___________ just interrupt you for a moment?

4. In 3 months this dog _______________ detect drugs and explosives.

5. The professor says we _____ only use dictionaries at the exam while translating the articles.



Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.


Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”


1. “What are you looking for?”

2. “What have you been doing for more than 3 hours?”

3. “Have you signed this agreement?”

4. “What problems will they face?”

5. “Are you a businessman?”

6. “What time is it?”



Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?


U.S. Hit by Russian Pirate Sales


Sales of pirated films, software and books in Russia cost U.S. copyright holders billions of dollars. Only China surpassed Russia in piracy.

Increasing the penalty for counterfeiters and using special labels to make pirated merchandise easier to recognize are among the suggestions put forward by the lawmakers.

Deputy Prosecutor General called for a crackdown on manufacturers and retailers of counterfeit merchandise, as on those who provide floor spaces, equipment or other support for pirates.

Unauthorized copies of the latest Hollywood hits as well as pirated business software are easy to find throughout the country and it results in the large losses for copyright holders.

Counterfeit goods account for 35 to 90 percent of turnover in certain market segments, but the most troubling are food and medicine.






Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine, common law, research, notaries, court


1. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.

2. In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.

3. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.

4. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.

5. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.

6. ___________is contrasted against common law.

7. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.

8. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days

9. Many l


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