перенос, перевод, перемещение

Ø I'm hoping for a transfer to the Brussels office.


538. Transform – a) to change something completely, usually to improve it - превращать, преобразовывать

Ø Within weeks they had transformed the area into a beautiful garden.


539. Transit – a) the movement of goods or people from one place to another - перевозка, транзит

Ø Some things got damaged in transit (= while they were being moved).


540. Transmit – a) to broadcast something, or to send out signals using radio, television, etc - передавать, транслировать

Ø The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.

b) to pass something from one person or place to another - передавать, распространять

Ø The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes.


541. Transport – a) a vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, aircraft, etc for getting from one place to another - транспорт

Ø He can't drive so he has to rely on public transport.

Ø the city's transport system

b) when people or goods are moved from one place to another- перевозка

Ø the transport of live animals


542. Trend – a) a general development or change in a situation - тенденция

Ø There's a trend towards more locally produced television programmes.

Ø I'm not familiar with the latest trends in teaching methodology.


543. Trigger – a) to make something begin to happen - вызывать, давать начало

Ø His arrest triggered mass protests.


544. Ultimate – a) better, worse, or greater than all similar things - предельный, крайний

Ø Climbing Mount Everest is the ultimate challenge.

Ø the ultimate insult

b) final or most important - конечный, окончательный

Ø the ultimate aim/solution

Ø The ultimate constituents of anything that exists are atoms


545. Underground – a) under the surface of the ground - подземный, под землей

Ø underground caves

Ø an animal that lives underground

Ø They had been living underground as fugitives.

b) Underground political activities are secret and illegal. - подпольный, подпольно

Ø an underground political organization

Ø The state, like much of the nation as a whole, had a long history of underground industrial activity, especially in times of civil and military conflict.


546. Underlie – a) to be a ​hidden ​cause of or ​strong ​influence on something – лежать в основе чего-либо; лежать под чем-либо

Ø Psychological ​problems very often underlie ​apparently ​physical ​disorders.


547. Undertake – a) to start work on something that will take a long time or be difficult - предпринимать, браться за что-либо

Ø Max has undertaken the task of restoring an old houseboat.

b) undertake to do sth

to promise to do something – ручаться

Ø I undertake to deliver your package

548. Uniform – a) a special set of clothes that are worn by people who do a particular job or people who go to a particular school - форменная одежда, форма

Ø a school uniform

Ø a nurse's uniform

Ø Tom looks completely different in uniform (= wearing a uniform).


549. Unify – a) to join together two or more countries or groups to make a single one - объединять

Ø We need a leader who can unify the party.


550. Unique – a) different from everyone and everything else - уникальный

Ø Everyone's fingerprints are unique.

b) unusual and special - исключительный, замечательный

Ø a unique opportunity

c) be unique to sb/sth

to exist in only one place, or be connected with only one person or thing - быть присущим исключительно кому-либо/чему-либо

Ø It's a method of education that is unique to this school.


551. Utilize – a) to use something in an effective way - использовать

Ø The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body.

552. Valid – a) based on good reasons or facts that are true - веский, серьезный

Ø a valid argument

b) A valid ticket or document is legally acceptable. - действительный, имеющий силу

Ø The ticket is valid for three months.

553. Vary – a) If things of the same type vary, they are different from each other. - разниться, отличаться

Ø Car prices vary greatly across Europe.

Ø Roses vary widely in size and shape.

b) to change - изменять(ся)

Ø Temperatures vary depending on the time of year.

c) to often change something that you do - разнообразить

Ø I try to vary what I eat.


554. Vehicle – a) something such as a car or bus that takes people from one place to another, especially using roads - транспортное средство

Ø Watch out for oncoming vehicles.

b) a vehicle for sth/doing sth

something that you use as a way of telling people your ideas or opinions - средство, орудие

Ø The paper was merely a vehicle for his political beliefs.


555. Version – a) one form of something that is slightly different to other forms of the same thing - версия, вариант

Ø I saw the original version of the film.

b) someone's description of what has happened - версия, интерпретация

Ø Bates gave his version of events to the police.


556. Via – a) going through or stopping at a place on the way to another place - через, с остановкой в

Ø The train to Utrecht goes via Amsterdam.

b) using a particular machine, system, or person to send or receive something - путем, с помощью

Ø I receive all my work via e-mail.


557. Violate – a) to not obey a law, rule, or agreement - нарушать, преступать

Ø Countries that violate international law will be dealt with severely.

b) to not allow someone something that they should morally be allowed to have - нарушать, попирать

Ø They were accused of violating human rights.


558. Virtual – a) almost a particular thing or quality - фактический, действительный

Ø They played the game in virtual silence.

b) using computer images and sounds that make you think an imagined situation is real - виртуальный

Ø a virtual art gallery


559. Visible – a) able to be seen - видимый

Ø The fire was visible from five kilometres away.


560. Vision – a) an idea or image in your mind of what something could be like in the future - мечта, образ

Ø a vision of a better society

b) the ability to see - зрение

Ø He has poor vision in his left eye.


c) the ability to make plans for the future that are imaginative and wise - дальновидность, прозорливость

Ø As a leader, he lacked vision.

d) when you see someone or something that no one else can see as part of a religious experience - явление, видение



561. Visual – a) relating to seeing - зрительный, визуальный

Ø The film has some powerful visual effects.


562. Volume – a) the level of sound produced by a television, radio, etc - громкость

Ø to turn the volume up/down

b) the number or amount of something, especially when it is large - количество, объем

Ø the volume of work involved

c) the amount of space inside an object - емкость, вместимость

Ø Which of the bottles has the larger volume?

d) a book, especially one of a set - том

Ø a new dictionary in two volumes

563. Voluntary – a) Voluntary work is done without being paid and usually involves helping people. - благотворительный, неоплачиваемый

Ø She does voluntary work for the Red Cross.

Ø voluntary organizations

b) done or given because you want to and not because you have been forced to - добровольный

Ø voluntary contributions

564. Welfare – a) Someone's welfare is their health and happiness. - благополучие, благосостояние

Ø He is concerned about the welfare of young men in prison.

b) money paid by a government to people who are poor, ill, or who do not have jobs - пособие

Ø to be on welfare (= getting welfare)

Ø The desired outcomes of people on welfare will depend primarily on the circumstances that caused them to apply for aid.


565. Whereas – a) compared with the fact that - в то время как, тогда как

Ø His parents were rich, whereas mine had to struggle.


566. Whereby – a) by which - в соответствии с чем

Ø They've introduced a system whereby people share cars.


567. Widespread –a) affecting or including a lot of places, people, etc - широко распространенный

Ø a widespread problem

Ø widespread support

Ø “Fear was widespread and confidence was scarce,” he explained.

Ø There is widespread public interest in the election.



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