Satan, Prince of This World 10 глава


But again an accident, "An Act of God," enabled a friend of mine to obtain original copies of both volumes from a second hand book dealer in the U.S.A. for the ridiculous price of $17.50. Thinking I had these rare books in my personal possession, and intended to use them for reference while writing this book, thieves robbed me of all the books and papers I did have with me the very first night I arrived in Clearwater, Florida, November 1957 to start writing this book. It was a serious set back. It delayed my work a year, but it hasn't stopped me. In order that good Christian people may be alerted to the depths of deception used by agentur of the S.O.S. we will quote the statement contained in a letter Weishaupt wrote to Philo (Knigge): "We must win (control over) the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools. In like manner, we must try to obtain and influence the military academies, the printing houses, booksellers, shops, chapters, and in short, in all offices or even in directing the mind of the man; painting, and engraving are highly worth our care. "Their (the Illuminati's) first task, and immediate aim, is to get the possession of riches, power, and influence without industry; and to accomplish this, they want to abolish Christianity; and then dissolute manners and universal profligacy will procure them the adherence of all the wicked, and enable them to overturn all civil governments of Europe; after which they will think of further conquests, and extend their operations to the other quarters of the globe; until they have reduced mankind to one indistinguishable chaotic mass."


In order to reach the type of people the Illuminati needed to further their own secret plans, Weishaupt organized an apprentice class for those the Illuminati's recruiters interested in internationalism. This apprentice state was called "The Minervals." These were introduced to, and brought under the influence of, "The Twenty- two United Brethren." On the surface this was a kind of writers' club exactly the same as are to be found in all large cities, and organized communities, today. Out of them came the "Reading Societies." These led the minds of members into channels of thought which convinced them there is real merit in the "idea" of a One World Government. The same thing is being done today to confirm the public's belief in the value of a One World Government and the Universal Brotherhood of Man. The United Nations Organization is nothing more or less than a deceptive front, dressed in an air of respectability, to cover the activities of those who plan to usurp the powers of the first world government to be established.


The "Twenty- two United Brethren" told Minervals: "we have united in order to accomplish the aim of the exalted Founder of Christianity, viz. The enlightening of mankind, and the dethronement of superstition and fanaticism, by means of a secret fraternization of all who love the work of God."


The stating of this apparently idealistic purpose was proved to be a deliberate deceDtion when some of both Weishaupt's and Pike's secret correspondence fell into hands other than intended. This correspondence proves that when the Luciferians say they wish to serve "the exalted Founder of Christianity' they have their tongue in their cheek. What they really mean is that they serve Lucifer. Pike told the heads of the Councils of the Palladian Rite that they were to use the words "we worship God" when addressing the masses, despite the fact "we worship Lucifer." This angle of the conspiracy is dealt with elsewhere.


Many outstanding students, professional men (particular lawyers) and civil servants in the higher levels of government, we deceived into allowing themselves to be initiated as Minervals. Thus, as initiates they were placed in a position which required taking an oath and swearing that under pain of death they would never reveal anything with which they became acquainted as the result of their induction into the secret society. Why any person who intends to love and serve God would take a solemn oath not to divulge information about matters of which he has no personal knowledge is beyond comprehension. Why any sincere Christian would want to join a secret society, and work in the dark, behind the scenes, instead of in the open, spreading the LIGHT OF TRUTH as revealed by Jesus Christ, is also difficult to understand, but just about one out of every dozen adult males belong to Freemasonry while nearly as many belong to other secret societies. The Scriptures warn us that we must not hide our Light under a bushel. People who are honest and sincere and have no ulterior motives, don't go underground They stand up to be counted and take the consequences, knowing the worst the agents of Lucifer can do is kill their bodies. (Matt. 10:28; Luke 12:4)


The truth, as revealed by secret documents, is that Minervals, who proved they had high moral principles and were incorruptible, were accepted into the Secret Society and commended for their fine ideals; but only those who were proved to be immoral, and open to bribery and/or corruption, were advanced to the higher degrees. The good were used as "Do-Gooders," "Reformers" and other types of tools; those who had sold their souls to the Devil were used as instruments of destruction. This explains why so many clergymen are deceived into becoming "tools of the Devil" without realizing they are serving the Luciferian cause. If those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy AT THE TOP can get the majority of those they persuade to join secret societies, and social and service clubs, to accept the IDEA that nationalism is outmoded; and Christianity weak and poorly led, they have achieved their purpose. Their agentur within the societies and clubs then suggest that nationalism leads us into wars and causes revolutions; they suggest that Christianity has proved ineffective and unable to prevent these wars and revolutions. The secret agents then promote the IDEA that a One World Government, via the United Nations Organization; and a One World Religion could solve the many and varied problems bedeviling the human race today. What the agentur of the Synagogue of Satan keep carefully concealed is the fact that their masters are ready, and fully prepared, to usurp the powers of the first world government to be established exactly as they usurped power in Russia in October 1917. After they usurp power they will impose the Luciferian ideology upon mankind by use of satanic despotism to enforce their will and destroy ALL secret societies, ALL religions, and ALL who oppose their will as is so clearly set forth in the Protocols.




The "idea" of a One World. Government can be presented in a manner which makes it sound reasonable, practical, and even desirable. Clever agentur of the Illuminati, belonging to clubs and societies, serve the purpose of the Synagogue of Satan by presenting what appear to be sound arguments in favor of a One World Government to those they can persuade to listen. Very few of the rank and file members of the clubs and societies suspect that beyond the end of the primrose path of liberalism, and social security, that leads to a One World Government is a precipice over which we are to be tumbled, into the abyss of absolute slavery of body, mind, and soul.


I am frank to admit that as late as 1945 I was convinced that a One World Government was the ONLY solution to the world's many problems particularly political, economic, social, and religious. It wasn't until I came in personal contact with men who advocated and helped organize the United Nations Organization that I began to suspect that something was wrong somewhere. When I was appointed to the staff of Naval Service headquarters in 1 944, as the author of seven books already published, I was welcomed into the internationalist set. This I came in personal contact with men in the top level of government in Canada who were proteges of William Lyon Mackenzie King, then Prime Minister. His house was "real" close to the Soviet Embassy. His henchmen (Hatchet men would be a better word) were ruthless and unscrupulous. Mackenzie King himself was as inscrutable as the proverbial sphinx.


The Prime Minister was an extraordinary man. He was indefatigable. He required unlimited obedience and service from those he selected for his cabinet. He was a good deal colder than ice as far as his personality was concerned. If he had any human emotions he kept them in subzero storage. He rarely smiled. He had a typical "poker" face; his eyes were deep and penetrating, but if the eyes are the "windows of the soul" then Mackenzie King had lost his soul long before he ever became Prime Minister. In the course of his public duties he had to meet people and shake hands. Those who did shake hands with the Prime Minister say the experience reminded them of picking up a dead fish. It was said on Parliament Hill that he didn't have a close friend in all the world. If there was an exception it was his barber. And yet he had a secret power which enabled him to mesmerize the voters into voting him, and his liberal party, into power time after time for nearly a quarter of a century. He could command loyalty from his subordinates without giving friendship in return. He proved himself a radical during his days at Toronto University. He would set the tinder, supply the spark, cause a disturbance, and then leave others to take the blame. During his university days he was friendless, as he was later on in life. As one man who knew him when at University, and served him afterwards until he died, said in a puzzled tone of voice;


"If Mackenzie King did have a friend close enough to confide in, it must have been the Devil." Another said: "He was so steeped in international intrigue he didn't dare marry for fear he might talk in his sleep." While I was on the staff in Ottawa I was carefully sounded out to determine if my loyalty to the British


Crown was so pronounced that I wouldn't be likely to accept the "idea' of a One World Government even if those who presented the "idea' emphasized the fact that national governments would be allowed to rule their own affairs. This presentation is so obviously a lie that I was extremely cautious from then on. Knowing that there was in existence a "Secret Power" which had used Nazism and intended to use Communism to serve its own secret plans, and further its own ambitions to usurp undisputed world domination, I was determined to find out, if possible, who or what the secret power was. So I pretended to become an internationalist. I was then brought in personal contact with men at the deputy minister level of government, and also with some of the "Specialists," "Experts," and "Advisers" who served the government behind the scenes. Then I began to suspect the truth.


Generally speaking, the majority of these One Worlders were Satanists. They ducked attending church services. They ridiculed religion. The accepted the Freudian code of morals which means they didn't care what they did, or with whom they did it, provided they satisfied their own carnal pleasures and desires. If they used the name of God they always took His Name in vain. If they used the words "Jesus Christ" it was an injection in ordinary conversations or coupled with dirty four letter words. Without openly professing the fact, they were obviously adepts of Pike's Palladian Rite or Grand Orient Masonry. Close observation while they were drinking in the officers' messes, and elsewhere, showed they used signs that Masons and Knights of Columbus didn't understand.


I may be wrong but observation of men who had obviously defected from God and become Satanists, convinced me they could recognize and identify each other by the fold of their handkerchief which they wore in top pocket of their coats.



They obviously accepted Pike's dogma as far as women were concerned: Pike required that the members of all Councils of his New and Reformed Palladian Rite organize selected females into "Councils of Adoption." These women were to be used as the common property of the male members because, according to Pike's dogma, before a member became "Perfect," he had to obtain absolute control over the sentiments of the heart and desires of the flesh. He claimed that many men were led astray from the path of duty because they were weak enough to feel love and affection for women. He argued that in order for a member to become "perfect" he must obtain absolute control over his senses and sentiments, and suggested that the best way to obtain control over the sexual urges is to use women "Often and without passion and thus enchain women to their will."


I found that some of the top level internationalists "swapped" wives during parties. Professor Raymond Boyer, top level scientist, and Canadian millionaire, and E V. Field, American millionaire, locked together in international intrigue and subversion as proved by both Canadian and American government investigating committees, carried this practice to the extent that they swapped each others' wives for good, and made the exchange legal in the eyes of civil lay by going through a ceremony the new papers called "marriage." What does God think of such practices? These people were all far too intelligent to be atheists. They know there is the supernatural as well as the natural, therefore, if they defect from God they automatically become Satanists as far as this world is concerned, and Luciferian as far as the next world is concerned. (For further details see pp. 212 and 213 Red Fog Over America.)


If these top level intellectuals who advocate the establishment of a One World Government intended to put God's plan for the rule of the whole of the universe into effect upon this earth it hardly seems likely that they would pack the civil services of ALL remaining governments with homosexuals. Any person who has had to live in London, Ottawa and/or Washington knows that as far as homosexualism is concerned all three are modern cities like Sodom and Gomorrah. "Burgess and McLean Case" is typical of what I mean. Professor Pitrim Sorokin of Harvard University published an exposure of this angle of the Luciferian conspiracy in a book entitled The American Sex Revolution. The author states that perverted sexual behaviour plays a major part in modern U.S. political life and that sex bribery and blackmail are now as prevalent as monetary corruption. He states "sexually infamous persons, or their prot6g6, are being appointed to ambassadorships and other high offices; profligates sometimes become popular mayors of metropolises, members of cabinets, or leaders of political parties. Among our political officials there is a vast legion of profligates both heterosexual and homosexual. Our morals have changed so notably that continency, chastity, and faithfulness are increasingly viewed as oddities."



Professor Sorokin's book didn't get the same kind, or volume, of publicity as did Dr. Kinsey's books dealing with the alleged moral practices of males and females. According, to Satanism, it is perfectly right, and proper, to encourage moral turpitude in all classes of society, and at all levels of government, by convincing the public that abnormal sexual behaviour is normal; and that the moral code accepted by civilized nations, based on the Commandments of God and teachings of the Holy Scriptures, is old fashioned and introduced by Church and state for selfish purposes. But behind the building up of a WRONG conception of sex, and its purposes as intended by God our Creator, is the Satanic principle that "The best revolutionary is a youth absolutely devoid of morals." When Lenin stated this as recorded in Pawns in The Game he only confirmed what other Satanists had stated a hundred times previously. It is Satanism, as it is direct from THE TOP, which is responsible for the increase in juvenile delinquency, but those selected by the governments of the world to investigate this problem invariably give every CAUSE other than the right one. I have discussed the causes of juvenile delinquency with the heads of Church and state in Canada since 1923, but the Synagogue of Satan has always proved strong enough to prevent any TRUTHFUL public explanation of the cause, and the purpose, of those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy AT THE TOP On the other hand, thousands of letters have been received from parents who read The Red Fog Over America, thanking us for explaining the causes which produce the effect we term juvenile delinquency. They tell us they find it much easier to counteract evil influences when they can explain clearly and truthfully to their children the reason Satanists work so hard to wean young people away from God by teaching them lies regarding sex. I repeat again, there is nothing wrong, nothing degrading, nothing to be ashamed of in sexual relationship as INTENDED BY GOD, but a great deal is wrong when multitudes deify sex, the promiscuous worship of the human body, and cunningly and slyly make each succeeding generation of human beings believe pre-marital experience, every form of sexual depravity and vice, is absolutely normal, providing pleasure is derived from such indulgences; and that continency, chastity, and faithfulness are old fashioned.


The point I wish to make is this-the vast majority of men and women who sponsor and direct the campaign for a One World Government, other than Communism, are just as bitterly opposed to God as are the Communists. The vast majority who promote the "idea' that a One World Government run by Luciferian intellectuals, rather than atheistic Communists, is the only solution to our problems are as devoid of morals as the proverbial mink. If they are against God and against atheistic Communism they must be Luciferian.


Confirmation of the above opinion was obtained when I discussed the relationship of changing public opinion regarding morals and spiritual values, and the increase of juvenile delinquency with a top level official of the Department of Health and Welfare in Canada. After a lengthy discussion, during which his attitude and facial expression showed he found it hard to believe that a man of my experience could still place spiritual values above material considerations,, my companion literally snorted: "Well! What do you suggest we do... clean every homosexual out of the civil service, and throw them in prison where they can indulge their queer ideas of pleasure to their hearts desire? Many of them are brilliantly minded men. When on the job they are efficient and work long hours. You seem to forget Oscar Wilde was a homosexual. Stop trying to save the human race. The vast majority aren't worth the time or the trouble. Most of them will be better off if they are forced to live under a totalitarian dictatorship; they will then get what the government decides is good for them." Because I expressed "old fashioned ideas" regarding "Sin," "Morals," and "Marriage vows" some intellectuals I met decided I needed to have my mind cleaned. (Exactly what Weishaupt said was to be done in 1776.) I was brought in contact with the internationally famous specialist in mental health. This man was a graduate of the Freudian School of Psychiatry. He had studied in Vienna. He was on the staff of Dr. Broch Chisholm who was Canada's Minister of Health and Welfare at the time. Chisholm afterwards became the first president of the U.N.O.'s Health, and Mental Health, Organizations. This man tried in a very friendly manner to change my ideas. I listened, I pretended to be interested, but I still remain to be convinced that God, who gave us the Commandments, is "wrong," and Luciferianism which teaches the inversion of those commandments, is "right."


I read history, which mostly records wars and revolutions and therefore, the progress of the World Revolutionary Movement, to try to find out the "cause" which produced these destructive forces which result in such terrible sufferings. I thought at the time the lessons history teaches, if applied to past mistakes, could provide the solution to most of our problems. I was even then deceived into believing government was of the people, by the people, for the people. But a study of modern history showed that the younger generation is being taught to believe a pack of lies and deceits. Personal experience exposed this fact.


When in the hospital in 1945, 1 laid on my back and pondered over this strange truth. People who write history are not ignorant or fools. If they deliberately published lies and deceits with the knowledge and consent of our governments, then they must have a definite purpose. It was then I began to obtain books which recorded hidden history, and I delved and dug deeper and deeper, with the cooperation of one of Canada's leading librarians, until I was able to learn about the double lives men like Weishaupt and Pike had led. But although I continued studying and reading it was not until 1956, AFTER Pawns and The Red Fog had been published, that I finally realized that the Illuminati, whose secret plot and intentions I had exposed, were controlled AT THE TOP by the Synagogue of Satan. It wasn't until I was given information regarding Pike's dual personality, that I was able to dig up proof that the Synagogue of Satan is controlled by the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed. Once I had penetrated this secret it became obvious that the wars and revolutions which plague the world today are part and parcel of the Luciferian conspiracy, and that ALL aspects of the World Revolutionary Movement are part of that conspiracy.


Historians are restricted to recording events as they happen. They are not permitted to indulge in making deductions or surmises. My problem was to find out a way in which I could leave off recording history and obtain evidence which would enable me to project the course-line (party line in Communist and Illuminist double talk) into the future and on to its logical conclusion - the formation of a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship; and the imposition of the Luciferian ideology upon what is left of the human race. I could expose the conspiracy, its ultimate purpose, and objectives by quoting from the writings of Weishaupt, Mazzini, Pike, Lemmi Lenin, Churchill, Roosevelt, and others, but I knew I would be accused of forgery and lunacy. I had to find documentary evidence. I had to find confirmation of the TRUTH, as it had been revealed to me, in a book or among documents, which the greatest encyclopedists wouldn't dare to challenge.


Then a strange thing happened. I was lying flat on my back on a fracture board. I had read everything within reach; I was tired thinking; I was bored. Then a thought entered my mind. I had read all the history 1 could get my hands on except BIBLE HISTORY I asked for a Bible and a King James version was brought to me. I glanced through the pages wondering if I had the will power and intestinal fortitude to wade through such an imposing volume. Then, after I had read a verse which threw light on present day conditions another thought entered my mind: "why don't you use the Bible as a yardstick to measure the correctness of the TRUTH or ERROR in the evidence you have gathered and particularly as regards the projections you are going to make, and the conclusions you are going to draw?"


That seemed a really good idea. It would save me the time it would have required to read both the Old and the New Testaments. From then on I used the Bible, the inspired word of God, to help me separate the wheat from the chaff as I browsed through the evidence which filled several trunks and filing cabinets. HOW THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN CONTROLS THE CHANNELS OF PUBLIC INFORMATION


At first I couldn't understand how the Synagogue of Satan (S.O.S.) could possibly control the publication and sales of newspapers, periodicals, and books throughout the world in order to keep the "Masses" from suspecting that the directors of the conspiracy plan to enslave them body, mind, and soul. Then the study of Robison's exposure of Weishaupt's "Twenty-two United Brethren" solved that problem. Weishaupt required that in every reading society, and in public libraries, the books to be read would be selected by the "Managers" who served the Illuminati. After they have moulded public opinion, they make the "common" believe he is uttering his own sentiments when he is actually only echoing the thoughts put into his mind by the books, and articles, to which he is given access.


The booksellers in Weishaupt's day were also the publishers. When Weishaupt, through the Illuminati and their "Reading Societies," controlled the reading of the public, the publishers and booksellers, had to print what they wanted to have printed. Weishaupt even used his plan to FORCE authors to write material which directly or indirectly, furthered the plans of the S.O.S.


Today authors comply with this requirement or find it impossible to get their work published. To quote his own words Weishaupt wrote: "when we by degrees bring the whole trade of bookselling into our hands we shall bring it about that at least the writers who labour in the cause of superstition and restraint, will have neither a publisher nor readers." How true those words have turned out to be!


Then again he said: "when, lastly, by the spreading of (the influence) our fraternity, all "good" hearts and "sensible" men, will adhere to us and by our means will be put in a condition that enables them to work in silence upon all courts, families, secretaries, parish priests, public teachers and private tutors."


This it was that Weishaupt set up the plan to control ALL channels of public information. Can any unbiased person say that conditions today do not prove that newspapers, periodicals, books, play, TV. and radio only tell the public what those who direct the Synagogue of Satan want the public to know? Was there ever a time when men and women over beer, liquor, and cocktails THINK they are voicing their own opinions when they are simply echoing what they have been forced to read or hear? Was there ever a day, since Weishaupt's time, that agentur of the One Worlders controlled the editorial policies of all types of publication, as they control editorial policy today?


While double tongued Illuminists boast about FREEDOM of THOUGHT, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to speak, and Freedom from fear, just how much freedom does exist? Let any individual just try to argue against the propaganda put out by the agentur of the S.O.S. and he is immediately knocked down, smeared, boycotted, ridiculed, and represented as having a nut loose in the upper story, either that or he is accused of being completely insane.


Weishaupt adopted the six pointed star as one of the emblems of his Illuminati, not because it is the Star of David, but because his programme consists of six main points. They are as follows:


1. Abolition of all existing governments.


2. Abolition of all existing religions.


3. Abolition of all private property.


4. Abolition of all inheritance.


5. Abolition of the family, as the "cell" from which civilized society shall develop.


6. Abolition of patriotism, as far as national government are concerned.


How can the above objectives form part of a Roman Catholic, Jewish, or Masonic plot to achieve world domination? Pike, Weishaupt's successor, has distinctly stipulated in his works written a century later that:


1. The first world government shall be turned into "A totalitarian Luciferian dictatorship."


2. The universal religion imposed upon those of the Goyim (human cattle) who survive the final social cataclysm, shall be "The True Light of the pure doctrine of Lucifer."


3. That all the Goyim shall be enslaved and turned into "one vast conglomeration of mongrelized humanity."


4. That breeding will be strictly limited to types and numbers "required to fill the requirements of the state (God)."


5. That all breeding, as far as the Goyim are concerned, will be done by artificial insemination practiced


on an international scale, and limited to 5% of males and 30% of females specially selected for this purpose.


6. That rigid control of the minds of the Goyim shall "erase all knowledge of the past, including religions,


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