Department where vacancy exists

How did you find out about this vacancy? (Please list media or website)


Surname/Family Name: First Name(s):




Home Tel No:


Postcode: Mobile No:


National Insurance Number: Email address:


Nationality: Immigration Status:



Name of Employer: Address:


Job Title:


Start date:


Current Salary: Postcode:


Benefits: Date next increment due:



Please refer to the job description and person specification and provide an account of your skills and experience in relation to the set criteria. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.



In addition, candidates are asked to submit an additional statement or a CV which provides information on the following: (i) duties in present post; (ii) previous posts held with dates of employment for each. CVs will not be accepted without a completed application form.


Starting with the highest, please list academic and professional qualifications:

Qualification: Name of Institution: Year of Graduation:




Secondary Education


Please list any additional training or competencies that you would like us to consider in support of your application:




Please give the name and contact details of 2 people who have agreed to act as referees on your behalf, one of whom must be your present or most recent employer. The organization treats all references confidentially.


Title: Address:




Telephone No:


Email: Postcode:


Please indicate whether a reference

may be obtained prior to interview. Yes / No Relationship to you:

Title: Address:




Telephone No:


Email: Postcode:


Please indicate whether a reference

may be obtained prior to interview. Yes / No Relationship to you:


The successful applicant for any post will be required to give consent for the organization to check your criminal record status through independent verification (e.g. Criminal Records Board). Information will be kept in strict confidence. Your offer of employment will be subject to the organization being satisfied with the outcome of these checks.


Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes / No If yes, please send details of the conviction stating your name

and the reference number of the post you are applying for in a sealed envelope to:

The Recruitment Officer

Human Resources

Level 11, EC Stoner Building

Leeds LS2 9JT



Are you known to any member of the organization? Yes / No If Yes, please specify:



I enjoy good health and am not aware of having any medical condition that might give rise to a health problem in the future or may affect my work.


Signed: Date:

If you are not able to sign the above statement, please provide further details about your state of health.



Signed: Date:


I confirm the information provided above, and in any attachments, is correct and understand that any false statement could result in my application or appointment being terminated.

I I have completed all sections 1-10

Signed: Date:


№ 5

Прочитайте объявление о приеме на работу и ответьте на вопросы.

Civil Engineer


Occupational Description: Perform engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures and facilities, such as roads, airports, bridges, channels, dams, irrigation projects, pipelines, power plants, water and sewage systems and waste disposal units. Includes architectural, structural, traffic and geo-technical engineers.





Using mathematics to solve problems.

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions or approaches to problems.

Using scientific rules and methods to solve problems.

Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.

Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.


The Knowledge of:

Practical application of engineering science and technology.

Design techniques, tools and principles involved in production of technical plans, blueprints, drawings and models.

Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics and their applications.

Materials, methods and the tools involved in the construction or repair of houses, buildings, or other structures such as highways and roads.

Principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services and evaluation of customer satisfaction.

Business and management principles involved in strategic planning, leadership technique and coordination of people and resources.

Principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road, including the relative costs and benefits.

Electronic equipment and computer software, including applications and programming.


The Ability to:

Apply general rules to specific problems to produce solutions.

Tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem.

Imagine how something will look after it is moved around or when its parts are moved or rearranged.

Combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions.


Analyzes survey reports, maps, drawings, blueprints, aerial photography and other topographical or geologic data to plan projects.

Estimates quantities and cost of materials, equipment or labor to determine project feasibility.

Directs construction, operations and maintenance activities at project site.

Computes load requirements, water flow rates and material stress factors to determine design specifications.

Inspects project sites to monitor progress and ensure conformance to design specifications and safety or sanitation standards.

Conducts studies of traffic patterns or environmental conditions to identify engineering problems and assess the potential impact of projects.

Tests soils and materials to determine the adequacy and strength of foundations.

Provides technical advice regarding design, construction and structural repairs to industrial personnel.




A bachelor's in engineering is needed for almost all entry-level engineering jobs. College graduates with a degree in a science or mathematics may get some jobs.

Engineers should be curious, analytical and detail-oriented. They should be able to work as part of a team. People skills are important. This is because engineers often work with people in a wide range of fields.

The Competencies are:

Technical and Functional Expertise

Achieving Results

Serving the Customer


Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Leadership and Personal Effectiveness




The Engineer I role provides career tracks for civil engineers whose expertise levels range from trainee to advanced level. Responsibilities include applying engineering principles and practices to projects of varying complexity in specialty areas.


The Engineer II role provides career tracks for civil engineers that serve as an expert or supervisor. Duties include evaluating the plans and specifications for capital outlay projects prepared by other architects and engineers; or for applying related engineering principles and practices to complex and diversified engineering projects.


The Engineering Manager I role provides career tracks for managers who manage various administrative, budgetary, planning, scheduling and technical activities related to multiple engineering projects and the staff performing related functions. These functions draw upon knowledge of specialty engineering; capital outlay or other construction projects, transportation, water and wastewater projects and safety related operations.


The Engineering Manager II role provides career tracks for managers who manage, coordinate, and direct the activities of one or more specialized transportation or environmental engineering or safety related program operations in their assigned geographic or divisional area. This role also provides career tracks for managers who manage staff and resources related to the design, construction or renovation of capital projects or non-capital outlay for an entire agency's construction and maintenance reserve programs. This includes budgetary, planning, scheduling, public relations, human resource functions and technical activities related to a broad range of engineering, administrative and other projects.


The Engineering Manager III role provides a career track for the executive manager who serves as the agency's chief engineer responsible for planning and directing large-scale, multi-division preliminary engineering and construction programs for operations with statewide scope. Directs areas such as location and design, structure and bridge, right of way and utilities, materials and transportation construction.


1. What are the main engineering duties?

2. What skills and knowledge should a civil engineer have?

3. Is it necessary for a civil engineer to point at the problem immediately?

4. It’s not required to be able to analyze topographical or geologic data, is it?

5. Is a bachelor’s or a master’s degree needed for the majority of engineering jobs?

6. Why are communication skills important for a civil engineer?

7. Is drawing projects included in Engineer II duties?

8. What is a suitable job for a trainee?

9. Which position is offered for a person who is able to manage large-scale, multi-division engineering and construction programs for operations with statewide scope?

10. What are the requirements for an Engineering Manager II?

Напишите своё резюме (CV) на одну из предложенных вакансий.


4.2. Сопроводительное письмо (Cover letter = Application letter)

Сопроводительное письмо – это текст, помогающий соискателю представить себя работодателю. При составлении послания необходимо учитывать, что оно должно быть коротким и ёмким, а его формат допускает мало отклонений от общепринятой практики официальной переписки.



В самом начале письма (в правом верхнем углу) указывается обратный адрес и дата. Ниже с левой стороны пишется адрес компании, в которую направляется письмо. Например,


14 Gorkogo Str.

Samara 443001



25 November 2014

20 Lombard Str.
London W2 4RH

Great Britain


Над адресом компании, в которую пишете, можно написать имя лица, к которому обращаетесь, должность и название организации. Например,


Mrs. Parker

Personnel Manager

Gurney Inc.

20 Lombard Str.
London W2 4RH

Great Britain



При составлении документа следует учитывать, что послание к конкретному лицу обратит на себя больше внимания. Имя человека, отвечающего за подбор персонала, можно узнать на сайте компании или у секретаря. Например,


Dear Mr. Gilbert,


Некоторые работодатели предпочитают под приветствием видеть подзаголовок, указывающий должность, на которую вы претендуете.




Основная часть письма, как правило, состоит из 4-х абзацев и определяет ваши возможности и предшествующие результаты, подтверждающие вашу полезность на искомой должности. Правильно составленное письмо создает впечатление, что вы идеально подходите на данную вакансию.


Вводный абзац (вступление) – Introduction.

Начинать письмо эффективнее всего с объяснения того, почему вы обращаетесь именно к данному лицу. Возможно, это будет напоминание о предшествующей встрече, предварительном телефонном разговоре или некая информация, заставившая вас написать (например, объявление в газете или на сайте).

Пример: I am writing to apply for the position of an architect which was advertised last month in the Independent.

Или: Please accept my application for the role of Civil/Structural Engineer as advertised on on 25 November.


Второй абзац. Образование, опыт работы – Education and Work Experience.

Кратко обоснуйте (а не просто укажите), как ваше образование и опыт работы подходят для предлагаемой вакансии. Остановитесь на определенном пункте, перечисленном в резюме, или покажите, как тот или иной курс расширил круг ваших умений, если вы являетесь молодым специалистом. Также можно коротко указать, почему вы заинтересованы в этой должности и работе на данную компанию.


Пример: My background in this field includes working in the bridge and tunnel sectors, both areas that your job advertisement said a candidate must have experience in. I have extensive knowledge of materials, methods and the tools involved in construction, and also have considerable understanding of design techniques and principles involved in production of technical plans. With my present employer I have a well deserved reputation for getting all tasks given to me done on time and within budget. I have a track record of conversing confidently with customers and would also like to mention the great pride I take in my work. For me it would be an honour to be a part of and contribute to a company like yours which is known for its talented workforce and high standards.


Третий абзац. Навыки и умения – Key Skills, Attributes.

Здесь пойдет речь о ваших навыках, которые необходимы для работы на данной должности. Чем конкретнее вы будете, тем лучше. Фразы типа «знание компьютера», «аналитический склад ума» ничего не говорят о пользе, которую вы можете принести организации. Вы должны указать причину, по которой необходимо рассмотреть вашу кандидатуру.


Пример: From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have excellent skills that are relevant to civil engineers. I have a thorough knowledge of the processes of construction in ground engineering projects, water systems and also excellent interpersonal and communication skills.


Заключительный абзац – Conclusion.

В конце письма попытайтесь инициировать контакт. Кроме того, будет вежливо поблагодарить работодателя за время, потраченное на рассмотрение вашей кандидатуры.


Пример: I shall be pleased to provide any further information you may need and hope I may be given the opportunity of an interview.

Или: I appreciate your time reviewing my application and I look forward to hearing from you in respect of an interview.



Слева под письмом пишется заключительное клише:

Yours faithfully, (если в обращении не было названо имя)

Yours sincerely, (если в обращении указывали имя)


Так, например, поскольку в нашем обращении мы писали Dear Mr. Gilbert, то нам в качестве заключительной фразы следует выбрать Yours sincerely.


Ниже заключительной фразы пишется имя кандидата на должность:

Yours sincerely,

Patrick Grace



Your address


Yours sincerely, or Yours faithfully,
Your name



№ 1

Составьте из предлагаемых блоков сопроводительное письмо, расположив их согласно схеме, представленной выше.

A. I am a graduate of Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Bohol Island State University. I have amassed over 7 years of significant, progressive experience in civil engineering projects within the construction and gas industries. During my career I have participated in more than 20 civil engineering projects, all of them were successful.

B. I appreciate your time reviewing my application, and it will be a pleasure for me to attend an interview with you at your convenient time.

C. Dear Mrs. Parker,

D. 17 May 2014

E. Your advertisement published in has interested me very much and I have pleasure in enclosing a CV which gives full details of my qualification and skills.

F. E. Morison (Ms)

G. My progressive engineering experience has provided me with the opportunity to develop strong client relation building skills and an ability to lead multi-disciplinary teams. I am experienced at applying the principles of civil engineering when planning, designing, and overseeing the construction and maintenance of structures and facilities.


I. Mrs. Parker

Personnel Manager

Gurney Inc.

20 Lombard Str.
London W2 4RH

Great Britain

J. 65 Allerton Str.

Boston, MA 02119


K. Yours sincerely,


Приложение I - 4.2

№ 2


Какое из представленных ниже писем содержит ошибки? В чем они заключаются?


Dear Mr. Skinner,




I was interested to see your advertisement in today’s Daily Telegraph and would like to be considered for this post.


I am a self-motivated Structural Engineer with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons) and 3 years experience in design and estimation teams on a range of projects. In 2012 I achieved Chartered Professional Engineer status from Engineers Australia. Working as a structural engineer at Robertson Construction I have worked on many projects, including: the Mileville sewer, the Walker motorway, several apartment complexes, Travalltown iron mine and Greenfields copper mine. My skills in modelling and designing projects using AutoCAD, 12D and Space Gass, and my focus on getting a job done well and on time, have resulted in all projects being completed successfully and with very positive feedback from managers and clients.


I have a thorough knowledge of the processes of construction in ground engineering projects and mining and also excellent interpersonal and communication skills. My organisational and multitasking abilities are advanced.


Please let me know if you would like more information about my projects. I hope to hear from you soon and to be given the opportunity to present myself at an interview.


Yours sincerely,

Jean Carson



Dear Sir/Madam,


I would like to apply for the post of an assistant to a managing engineer advertised on the web-page.


I’m hard working, dutiful, goal-oriented, sociable and creative. I’m 26 years old and in excellent health. At the University of London I specialized in general structural engineering and was awarded a Master’s degree for my thesis on “Nano-glass in Construction”. I thoroughly enjoy working on research particularly where the topic involves building materials.


After leaving the University I accepted a post of a teacher at a local college. I love working with people of various backgrounds and get on well with everyone. In this connection I was glad to share my knowledge with students and to help them in a very practical way.


Although I have no experience in engineering work, I’m familiar with all types of duties that I’ll have to perform as my father is a civil engineer. Also, I’ve had an opportunity to teach engineering subjects and know all construction techniques.


I’m not married and would be willing to undertake the training courses in my spare time. I hope that you will grant me the opportunity of an interview.


Yours faithfully,

Paul Peggy


№ 3


Напишите сопроводительное письмо к своему резюме, составленному по заданию 5 предыдущего раздела (4.1).


Собеседование на английском практически не отличается от обычного собеседования на русском языке и предполагает обсуждение деталей вашего опыта и ваши намерения. Главная задача на собеседовании - найти общий язык с интервьюером, показать себя уверенным и квалифицированным специалистом, готовым внести свой вклад в развитие компании.

Несколько советов успешному кандидату:

1. Приветствие на английском

- Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon, I am Nikolai Matveev.

-Hi, I am Noel Hanson.

-Nice to meet you!

-Nice to meet you, too!

2. Ответ на каждый вопрос не должен занимать больше 2 минут. Краткость - один из показателей ваших деловых способностей. Дайте ответ и попытайтесь сразу объяснять мотивы своих действий и причины изменений в вашей карьере, не заставляя собеседника спрашивать вас «Почему?».

3. Не бойтесь переспросить, если вы не поняли вопроса, сказав:

Sorry? (с восходящей интонацией)

Sorry, I didn’t quite understand.

Sorry, could you repeat that, please.

Sorry, what do you mean by…?

4. Ведите себя уверенно. Даже если вы не можете четко объясниться на английском сейчас, заверьте собеседника, что вы приложите все усилия, и через 1-2 месяца будете чувствовать себя комфортно, общаясь на английском.

5. Улыбайтесь. Особенно если вы на собеседовании с носителем языка.

Часто задаваемые вопросы на собеседовании на английском языке:


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