Define the following terms

Вопросы к экзамену

· What is lexicology? What is a word?Speak on the theoretical and practical value of lexicology.

· What is language?What is the theoretical basis of our linguistics?What is the essence of the theory about reflection as a general property of matter?

· Speak on the connection of lexicology with phonetics, grammar and stylistics?

· Describe the problem of the diachronic and synchronic approaches in vocabulary study.

· What are the main problems of lexicology?Describe the notion of lexical system.

· What are the causes of constant appearance of new words?

· Describe the theory of oppositions.

· Describe paradigmatic and syntagtnatic relationships of words in Modern English.

· Describe some general problems of the theory of the word: 1)
connections between words and objects of reality; 2) motivation of words; 3)
identity and isolation of words.

· Describe phonetic, morphological and semantic motivation of words.

· What is the etymological composition of the Modern English vocabulary?

· What are the main groups of English borrowings?What are causes and ways of borrowing?

· What are the stages of assimilation of borrowings?

· What do we call "etymological doublets", "translation-loans", "international words"?

· What is the principle difference between a word and a morpheme? What types of morphemes do you know?

· What is the morphological classification of words?

· What are the aims and principles of morphemic and word-formation analysis?

· What does analysis into immediate constituents (IC's) mean?

· What is the difference between derivational and functional affixes?

· What does the valency of affixes and stems mean?

· What does the word-building pattern mean?

· Which are the ways to classify affixes?

· Speak on the problem of defining conversion.

· Speak on the historical development of conversion.

· What are the most characteristic features of conversion in present-day English?

· Speak on the semantic relationships in conversion.Speak on conversion in different parts of speech.

· What is substantiation?

· Speak on definitions of compound words.

· What are the criteria of compounds? Speak on the semi-affixes.

· What is "the stone wall problem"?

· Speak on verbal collocations of the "give up" type.

· What are specific features of English compounds?

· Speak on different classifications of compounds.

· Speak on derivational compounds, or compound-derivatives.

· Speak on the problem of shortening of spoken words and its causes. What are graphical abbreviations and acronyms'?

· Speak on minor types of lexical oppositions: sound interchange; distinctive stress; sound imitation; back-formation.

· What does semasiology mean?

· Give comments on the problem of lexical meaning. Speak on the lexical meaning versus notion.

· Give comments on the denotative and connotative meaning.

· What is the semantic structure of polysemantic words?

· What are the types of semantic change of words? Give comment on generalization and narrowing, amelioration and pejoration.

· Speak on metaphor and metonymy.

· What are linguistic and extralinguistic causes of semantic changes of words?

· What are homonyms? Give comments on classification of homonyms.Speak on the origin of homonyms.

· What is patterned homonymy?

· What is patterned lexico-grammatical homonymy?

· What are synonyms?What is the basis of a synonymic opposition?Speak on types of synonyms.

· Give comments on the English vocabulary as an adaptive system.

· What are neologisms?

· Give comments on morphological groupings cf words

· Speak on notional words and form words.

· Give comments on the classification of words suggested by Ch. Fries.

· Give comments on such classes as parts of speech.

· Give comments on thematic and ideographical groups.

· Give comments on the theories of semantic fields and hyponymy.

· Speak on terminological systems.

· Speak on different types of non-semantic grouping.

· Speak on classification of set expressions.

· Give comments on similarity and difference between a set expression and a word.

· Speak on types of dictionaries.Speak on some of the main problems of lexicography.

Контрольная работа

Define the following terms


Affixation -

Allomorphs -

Amelioration or elevation

Americanism -

Antonyms -

Assimilation (of a loan word) -


Back-formation -

Barbarisms -

Blending or telescoping.

Borrowings (also loan words) -

Compound-derivative or derivational compound -

Compound words or compounds -

Concept (syn. notion) -

Connotation -

Context -

Conversion (

Contextual synonyms

Coordinative (or copulative) compounds


Degradation of meaning (also pejoration of meaning) -

Demotivation -

Denotation (see referent) —

Denotational (or denotative) meaning -

Derivation -

Derivational affix -

Diachronic or historic approach (in lexicology)

Dialect (local).

Distribution -

Endocentric compounds

Etymological doublet -


Exocentric compounds -

Extension (generalization or widening) of meaning -

Functional (or grammatical) affixes -




Homonyms proper

Homonyms, partial

. Homophones -


Ideographic (relative) synonyms

Idiom -

Immediate Constituents (IC's) -

Lexical meaning -

Lexicology -



Metaphor -


Morpheme -

Morphemic level of analysis

Morphological motivation

Motivation -


Narrowing of meaning (or specialization)


Neologism —


Origin of borrowing.

Paradigm -

Phraseological units


Polysemantic words

Prefix -

Prefixation -


Root (morpheme)

Semantic field

Semantic motivation



Suffixation -


Word -




Choose the right answer

1.Find an example of full lexical homonyms:

a) lead {вести) - lead {свинец);

b ball {мяч) -ball {бал);

c rose {роза) - rose {past tense from to rise);

d flat {плоский) - flat {квартира).

2.Find an example of partial lexical homonyms:

a) match {матч) — match {спичка);

b) seal {тюлень) — seal {печать);

c) to lie {лежать) - to lie {лгать);

d) coarse {грубый) - course {курс).

3.Find an example of full lexico-grammatical homonyms:

a) club (и) - to club (v);

b) pail (n) - pale {ad]);

c) since {prep) ~ since {conj);

d) to lie {лежать) - to lie {лгать).

4. Find a word formed with the help of a non-productive prefix:

a) enlarge; c) dislike;

b) international; d) rewrite.

5. Which of the words is built with a prefix denoting negation?

a) unbutton; c) illegal;

b) counter-attack; d) demobilize.

6. Which of the words has a prefix denoting repetition?

a) enrich; c) return;

b) befriend; d) reappear.

7. Which of the prefixes denotes time relations?

a) pre-; c) in-;

b) un-; d) dis-.

8. Find a noun built with the help of a lexicalized grammatical suffix:

a) darkness; c) teaching;

b) translation; d) actress.

9. Which of the suffixes is used for the formation of nouns?

a) -ness; c) -less;

b) -ish; d) -ize.


10. Which of the suffixes is a verb-suffix?

a) -an; c) -ing;

b) -en; d) -tion.

11. Which of the suffixes is an adjective-suffix?

a) -er; c) -ness;

b) -ous; d) -fy.

12. Find a noun built with the help of a suffix denoting a female being:

a) teacher; c) Japanese;

b) cyclist; d) farmerette.

13. Find a noun built with the help of a suffix denoting diminutive-

a) cutter; c) decorator;

b) booklet; d) hostess.

14. Find a noun built with the help of a suffix denoting collectivity:

a) peasantry; c) socialism;

b) greatness; d) teaching.

15. Find a noun built with the help of a suffix denoting the agent of
a verbal action:

a) pianist; c) instructor;

b) auntie; d) villager.

16. Find a noun built with the help of a suffix denoting the process of
an action:

a) singer; c) darkness;

b) development; d) freedom.

17. Find a noun built with the help of a suffix denoting state:

a) realism; c) happiness;

b) trustee; d) translation.

18. Which of the nouns is built with the help of a productive suffix?

a) victory; c) passage;

b) violinist; d) freedom.

19. Which of the nouns is built with the help of a non-productive sui

a) assistance; c) darvinism;

b) tenderness; d) resolution.

20. Which of the adjectives is built with the help of a suffix denoting
the absence of the quality?

a) childish; c) hopeless;

b) eatable; d) talkative.

21. Find an adjective built with the help of a suffix denoting the pre
sence of the quality in a small degree:

a) powerful; c) bookish;

b) worthless; d) reddish.

22. Find an adjective built with the help of a productive suffix:

a) mighty; c) European;

b) fashionable; d) joyous.

23. Find an adjective built with the help of a non-productive suffix:

a) poetical; c) collective;

b) sunny; d) careless.

24. Which of the verbs is built with the help of a productive suffix?

a) organize; c) unite;

b) illustrate; d) specify.

25. Which of the nouns is built with the help of a Germanic suffix?

a) guidance; c) frequency;

b) lioness; d) cleverness.

26. Find a suffixated adjective formed from an adjective stem:

a) dirty; c) movable;

b) bearded; d) greenish.

27. Find the case of noun - verb conversion:

a) a cut - to cut; c) a jump - to jump;

b) a break - to break; d) a pen - to pen.

28. Find the case of verb - noun conversion:

a) to book-book; c) to step-step;

b) to even - even; d) to dust - dust.

29. Find the case of adjective - verb conversion:

a) silver - to silver; c) spoon - to spoon;

b) round - to round; d) camp - to camp.

30. Find a denominal verb denoting an action produced with the object (instrumental relations):

a) a crowd - to crowd; c) a dog - to dog;

b) a pump - to pump; d) a pocket - to pocket.

31. Find a denominal verb denoting some action characteristic of the subject:

a) hammer - to hammer; c) bag - to bag;

b) doctor - to doctor; d) dress - to dress.

32. Find a denominal verb denoting deprivation of the object:

a) ape - to ape; c) finger - to finger;

b) scalp - to scalp; d) head - to head.

33. Find a denominal verb denoting placing into the object (relations
of place):

a) head - to head; c) elbow - to elbow;

b) bottle - to bottle; d) saw - to saw.

34. Find an example of a subordinate compound:

a) fifty-fifty; c) walkie-talkie;

b) actor-manager; d) snowball.

35. Find a syntactic compound word:

a) thick-headed; c) green-eyed;

b) nobleman; d) writing-table.

36. Find an asyntactic compound word:

a) dark-blue; c) sweet-heart;

b) heartache; d) bluebell.

37. Find a compound with a unity stress:

a) sun-flower; c) ill-nature;

b) door-nail; d) snow-white.

38. Find a compound with a double stress (primary and secondary):

a) dog-kennel; c) bluebell;

b) heartache; d) workhouse.

39. Find a compound with two level stresses:

a) torch-light; c) fellow-man;

b) newspaper; d) bookcase.

40. Find a completely motivated compound:

a) bottle-opener; c) greenhouse;

b) handcuff; d) dog-rose.

41. Find a partially motivated compound:

a) sky-blue; c) flower-bed;

b) dog-eared; d) table-cloth.

42. Find a non-motivated (idiomatic) compound:

a) sunrise; c) engine-driver;

b) narrow-minded; d) bluestocking.


43. Find an example of graphical abbreviation:

a) Mr. Brown's office; c) MP's speech;

b) V-Day celebration; d) UNESCO.


44. Find a lexical abbreviation:

a) tram; c) fancy;

b) YCL; d) e.g.


45. Find a lexical abbreviation which is read as a succession of the alphabetical readings of the constituent letters:

a) BBC; c) radar;

b) Mrs.; d) WAAF.

46. Find an acronym:

a) H-bomb c) USA

b) NATO d) T.U.D.


Темы рефератов

1. Заимствования в английском языке.

2. Скандинавские заимствования в словарном составе современного английского языка.

3. Словосложение. Определение. Критерии производного слова.

4. Проблема определения слова. Мотивация формы слова.

5. Слово и морфема. Корень, основа, аффикс.

6. Метафора и метонимия.

7. Морфологическая классификация словарного состава. Корневые слова, производные слова, сложные слова.

8. Семантическая классификация словарного состава.

9. Лексическое значение слов. Денотативное и коннотативное значения.

10. Лексическое значение слова и понятие.

11. Различные типы семантических изменений слов.

12. Конверсия в современном английском языке. Проблема определения конверсии.

13. Омонимы. Определение и классификация лексических омонимов.

14. Общая характеристика словарного состава современного английского языка.

15. Синонимы. Определение и классификация синонимов.

16. Антонимы. Определение и классификация антонимов.

17. Историческое развитие конверсии.

18. Аффиксация. Классификации аффиксов.


Рекомендуемая учебная литература.

1. Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. – М: Академия, 2006

2. Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка. English Lexicology. - М., 2001.

3. Дубенец Э.М. Modern English Lexicology: Theory and Practice. Лексикология современного языка: лекции и семинары. - М., 2002.

4. Arnold I.V. The English Word. - L., 1986.

Дополнительная литература.

1. Антрушина Г.Б. Общие проблемы синонимии. - М., 1971.

2. Архипов И.К. Семантика производного слова английского языка. - М., 1984.

3. Гальперин И.Р. Стилистика английского языка. - М., 1977.

4. Заботкина В.И. Новая лексика современного английского языка. - М., 1989.

5. Комлев Н.Г. Слово в речи. - М., 1992.

6. Кунин А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. - М., 1986.

7. Маковский М.М. Английские социальные диалекты. - М., 1982.

8. Мешков О.Д. Словосложение в современном английском языке. - М., 1985.

9. Минаева Л.В. Слово в языке и речи. - М., 1986.

10. Alexandrova Olga, Ter-Minasova Svetlana. English Syntax (Collocation, Colligation and Discourse). - M., 1987.

11. Collins Cobuild English Guides. Word Formation. - London, 1991.




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