Тема Family

I have a large family: a father, a mother, a grandfather, a grandmother, two sisters and a brother

We all live together.

We are a very happy family, and I love my father and my mother dearly.

Sometimes my uncle and my aunt come to see us.

My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is very busy: he has a lot of patients and does all he can to help them.

My mother is a book-keeper. She works at an office.

She too has a lot of work.

Still she finds time to look after the house and to take care of all of us.

Both my sisters are schoolgirls.

My brother is a student. He studies at the University. Every day he attends lectures. In January and June he takes examinations. He gets good or excellent marks in all the subjects.

When he graduates from the University he will work as a psychologist.

My grandfather is retired.

He has an old-age pension.

Five years ago he was still working.

My grandmother is still in very good health.

She does most of the cooking.

Of course mother helps her and so do my sisters.

In the evening we all sit together in the sitting room and either watch television or just talk about the events of the day.




grandfather - дедушка

grandmother - бабушка

We are a very happy family. - Мы очень счастливая семья.

dearly - зд. Горячо

uncle - дядя

aunt - тетя

book-keeper - бухгалтер

to look after the house - заниматься домашним хозяйством

to take care of - заботиться

schoolgirl - школьница

myself - (я) сам

to attend lectures - посещать лекции

examinations (exams) - экза­мены

to take (to sit for) an examination (exam) - держать экзамен

to pass an examination (exam) - выдержать, сдать экзамен

excellent - отличный mark [mark] отметка, оценка

subject - предмет (учебный)

to graduate (from) the University - окончить университет

is retired - уже не работает

old-age pension - пенсия по старости

still - все еще

to be in good health - обладать хорошим здоровьем

She does most of the cooking. - В основном приготовлением еды занимается она.

to sit together - сидеть вместе

either... or - или... или

just - просто

events of the day - события дня



В.: "Now I should like to know about your family."

X.: "Oh, my family is a very large one1. 1 have a father, a mother, grandparents, two sisters and a brother."

В.: "Do you all live together?"

X.: "Yes, we do2, and it's a remarkable thing, by the way, that we practically never quarrel."

В.: "Besides your immediate relatives you must also have3 some uncles and aunts and some cousins?"

X: "Yes, several. Every now and then they come to see us at our place or else we go to see them." '

В.: "I wonder who does the cooking and looks after the house."

X.: "It's all in the hands of my mother. Of course my sisters help her. Now tell me something about your people. "

В.: "Well, as a matter of fact there is little to tell. I am an orphan and before I got married I used to live4 quite alone."

X.: "So you are married! You never told me anything about it!"

В.: "I got married two years ago. Didn't you hear about it5?"

X.: "Have you any children?"

В.: "Yes, we've a fine little girl. Her name is Ann. Come to see us!"

X.: "Thank you ever so much. You too by all means come and see us. I'll be so glad to introduce you to all the mem­bers of my family."

В.: "I'll come by all means. I'll be so glad to know them ail."




I should like... - Мне хотелось бы...

grandparents - дедушка и бабушка

remarkable - замечательный

by the way - между прочим, кстати

practically never - почти никогда

to quarrel - ссориться

immediate relatives - ближайшие род­ственники

cousin - двоюродный брат или сестра

several - несколько

every now and then - время от времени

at our place - у нас

or else - или же

1 wonder. - Интересно. Хотелось бы мне знать.

your people - зд. ваша семья

well - зд.: видите ли

as a matter of fact - по существу дела

there is little to tell - рассказывать почти нечего

orphan - сирота

to get married - жениться, выйти замуж

alone - один

fine - чудесный

thank you ever so much – огромное спасибо

by ail means - обязательно

to introduce (to) - представить (кому-либо), познакомить (с кем-либо)




1....a very large one.—... очень большая (семья). Вместо повторения существительного употребляется место-; имение one.

2. Yes, we do...— Да... В кратком ответе повторяется вспомогательный глагол вопроса, например:

Are you a student? — Yes, I am. Do you live in Moscow? — Yes, 1 do. Have you many lessons? — Yes, 1 have. must also have... —... у вас, должно быть, также есть... Глагол must нередко употребляется для выражения предположения.

4....I used to live...— ...Я жил... Форма used to yпoтребляется для обозначения длительного действия в прошлом Кроме того эта форма выражает часто повто­рявшееся в прошлом действие: In my youth I used to go to the seaside every year. В молодости я имел обыкновение ездить к морю каждый год,

5. Didn't you hear about it? — Разве вы, не слышали об этом? Отрицательная форма вопроса выражает недо­умение.




parents - родители

housewife - домашняя хозяйка

kindergarten - детский "сад

nephew - племянник

niece - племянница

father-in-law - тесть, свекор

mother-in-law - теща, свекровь

sen-in-law -зять

daughter-in-law -невестка

stepfather - отчим

stepmother - мачеха

adopted child - приемный сын или дочь

to die - умереть

widow - вдова

widower - вдовец

He is over forty. - Ему за сорок.

Is he married? - Женат ли он?

husband - муж

wife - жена



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