Задание 7. Расположите предложения в порядке предъявления информации в тексте.

A. 1. Managers run the company.

2. Selection and training employees is centred in a personnel department.

3. Individual managers make up the management of the company.

B. a. A leader should be a good teacher and a communicator.

b. A leader must manage time and use it effectively.

c. A leader must have technical competence.

d. A leader must provide vision.

e. A leader must be visible and approachable.

f. Leader should be introspective.

g. Leaders should be dependable.

h. Leaders should be open-minded.

i. Leaders should have a sense of humour.

Задание 8. Подберите определения словам в левой колонке.

1. management 2. board of directors 3. a personnel department. 4. a promoted manager 5. labour union 6. CEO. 7. chief operatingofficer a. appointed to a higher position/post b. the workers of the same profession c. chief operating officer d. chief executive officer e. the collective name for directors f. those who are in recruiting and training employees g. the people who run a company


Задание 9. Завершите предложения, используя информацию текста.

1. The managers are usually appointed …

2. All the directors together …

3. When someone is promoted …

4. Some companies have a chief operating officer …

5. Successful business people …

a. he usually receives a pay rise.

b. are the Board.

c. who takes care of the day-to-day running of the company.

d. are business leaders.

e. to their posts (or posi­tions) by the board of directors.

Задание 10. Закончите предложения.

1. Leaders run efficient organizations if …

2. Leaders must be reliable have in order to…

3. If leaders are able to look at themselves objectively they …

4. Leadership effectiveness is not measured by …

5. Leaders should spend much time a day to …

6. If the leaders never reconsider, they are beginning to show …

7. Humour is necessary to …

8. The best leaders never …

9. Leaders must understand the major elements of their businesses and …

Задание 11. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. Board of directors is a collective name for all directors of the company.

2. Top managers usually refer to highest level of management.

3. The work of middle managers and day-to-day managers involves everyday activities.

4. Every manager deals with his particular tasks.

5. Line managers are involved in the same sphere of activity.

6. There are different departments within a company: a Sales department, a Finance department, a Research and Development department, a Personnel department, a Production department and others.

7. Managers are as many as there are departments in the company.

Задание 12. Изучив структурную схему построения компании, опишите ее. При описании компании используйте слова и словосочетания: board of directors, top manager(s), middle manager(s), line manager(s), day-to-day management, department, the work of the manager involves …, the manager deals with …, consist of.

Дайте описание того, чем занимается каждый отдел компании.

chairman/chairwoman chief executive/managing director


Chief financial officer/finance director Marketing director Human resources director IT director Research director


Accounts department manager Sales manager Customer service manager


Line managers (in different branches)

Задание 13. Заполните таблицу на основе информации, представленной служащими фирмы. Расскажите о структуре компании.

1. My name is Montereo and I’m president and CEO. We have excellent people on our board, including two who are not involved in the day-to-day running of the company.: Gomi and John.

2. My name is Smith and it’s my job to look after the accounts and balance the books. I work closely with Chang and Roberts, as they tell me what their departments need marketing and research, and I allocate them an annual budget.

3. My name is Dawes and I head up personnel, on the same level in the company as Chang and Roberts.

  Montereo Non-executive director ___________________   ___________________


  __________ ________________ ________________ ___________ ____________ __________ __Dawes__________  

Задание 14. Составьте рассказ об управленческой деятельности, ответив на вопросы:

1.How is management made up? What is its function?

2. What does a manager do?

3. How can you characterize a manager? What are the features a manager should possess?

4. There are different kinds of managers, aren’t there?

5. What does a Production manager (personnel manager, R and D manager, sales manager, advertising manager, etc…) do?

6. Could you make a manager?





Задание 1. Произнесите слова, обращая внимание на произношение ударных гласных:

a. range, lean, pack, price, sell, sale, lose, client, way, stock, store, item, order, buy

b. customer, marketing, benefit, offer, target, advertising, satisfy, forecast, research, package, survey, service, purpose

c. technique, convenient, distribute, promote, campaign, require, deliver, aсquire, attract, consumer

d. persuasion, acquisition, engineering, questionnaire

Задание 2. Используя словарь, изучите слова и их производные. Заполните таблицу, подразделяя слова на части речи, например:

Глагол (v) Cуществитель- ное (n) Прилагатель-ное (adj) Наречие (adv)
1. benefit benefit, beneficiary beneficial beneficially


a. benefit (v) – beneficial (adj) – beneficiary (n)

b. target (v) - targeted (adj) - target (n)

c. acquire (v) – acquisition (n)

d. technique (n) – technology (n) – technical (adj)

e. engine (n) – engineering (n) – engineer (n)

f. deal (v) – dealer (n) – deal (n)

g. persuade (v) – persuasion (n) – persuasive (adj)

h. distribute (v) – distribution (n) – distributor (n)

i. promote (v) – promotion (n) – promotional (adj)

j. require (v) – requirement (n)

k. purchase(v) – purchase (n) – purchaser (n)

При помощи словаря составьте аналогичную таблицу для других слов: service, deliver, sell, pack, satisfy, purpose, research.


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