По дисциплине: «Практический курс первого иностранного языка»


Выполнила: Байчурина Маргарита Александровна

группа 1673

Для направления подготовки: 44.03.01

«Педагогическое образование»

Профиль подготовки: «Иностранный язык »

Квалификация: «Бакалавр»

Форма обучения: «Заочная»



1. A) Fill in in, out, up or on prepositions after the verb and translate into Russian:

1. Please hold ON while I transfer you to the Sales Department. – Пожалуйста, подождите, пока я перенаправлю ваш звонок в отдел продаж.
2. Somebody broke IN last night and stole our TV. – Кто-то вломился к нам прошлой ночью и украл телевизор.
3. They were giving OUT free perfume samples at the department store. – Они раздавали бесплатные образцы духов в магазине.
4. Joe made UP a story about why we were late. – Джо придумал историю, почему мы опоздали.
5. We ran OUT of shampoo so I had to wash my hair with soap. – У нас закончился шампунь, мне пришлось помыть голову мылом.
6. It's too dark in here. Let's turn some lights ON. – Здесь слишком темно. Давайте включим свет.
7. Our plan worked OUT fine. – Наш план успешно сработал.
8. My boyfriend and I broke UP before I moved to America. – Я рассталась с парнем, перед тем как переехала в Америку.
9. I have to hand IN my essay by Tuesday. – Я должен сдать сочинение ко вторнику.
10. Two men in black masks held the bank UP this morning. – Этим утром, двое мужчин в черных масках ограбили банк.
11. The teacher passed the textbooks OUT before class. – Учитель раздал учебники перед уроком.
12. I gave UP smoking a month ago. – Я бросил курить месяц назад.
13. If you keep those results UP you will get into a great university. – Если вы сохраните эти результаты, вы сможете поступить в отличный университет.
14. The prisoners broke OUT of jail when the guards weren't looking. – Заключённые сбежали из тюрьмы, когда охранники не следили.
15. He got UP late this morning. – Этим утром он поздно встал.
B) Fill in off, down, over, away or back prepositions after a verb and translate into Russian:

1. Our car broke DOWN on the way home from our aunt. – Наша машина сломалась по пути домой от тёти.
2. You are too nervous. You need to calm DOWN before you drive the car. – Ты очень переживаешь. Тебе нужно успокоиться перед тем как сядешь за руль.
3. She wants me to do my essay OVER because she doesn’t like the plot. – Она хочет, чтобы я передел сочинение, потому что ей не понравилось содержание.
4. She might drop OVER for tea this week. – Она может заглянуть на чай на неделе.
5. I have to drop my brother OFF at work before I come over. – Мне нужно подбросить брата до работы, прежде чем я приду.
6. I tried to get my point OVER to her but she didn't listen. – Я пыталась подробно объяснить ей свою точку зрения, но она не слушала.
7. My little sister gave the surprise present AWAY by accident. – Моя младшая сестра случайно проговорилась о сюрпризе.
8. I have to give these books BACK to the library within two weeks. – Мне нужно сдать эти книги в библиотеку в течении двух недель.
9. Before you submit the test go OVER your answers first. – Прежде чем сдать тест, проверьте свои ответы еще раз.
10. Her sister ran AWAY from home and has been missing for a week. – Её сестра сбежала из дома и ее не было около недели.
11. Can you please look OVER my essay for mistakes? – Ты мог бы посмотреть есть ли в моем сочинении ошибки?
12. I threw AWAY most of my old clothes. – Я выбросил большую часть старой одежды.
13. Please turn OFF the TV and come for lunch. – Пожалуйста, выключай телевизор и иди обедать.
14. I'm not sure about the job offer. I'll have to think it OVER. – Я не уверена на счет предложения о работе, мне надо подумать об этом.
15. It's too loud. Please turn OFF the radio. – Слишком громко. Пожалуйста, выключи радио.

2. Define whether it is a gerund or a verbal noun, rationale each case. Translate into Russian:

1. Her beautiful singing mesmerized us all. (verbal noun) – Ее красивое пение загипнотизировало нас всех.
2. The howling of the wolves made us shiver. (verbal noun) – Вой волков заставил нас содрогнуться.
3. Jogging in the morning helps me to keep fit. (gerund) – Утренняя пробежка помогает мне держать себя в форме.
4. After some crying the child was taken to hospital. (verbal noun) – После продолжительных рыданий, ребенок был доставлен в больницу.
5. Sleeping in the tent at night resulted in her catching cold. (gerund) – Ночевка в палатке привела к тому, что она простыла.
6. I like listening to classical music in the dark. (gerund) – Мне нравиться слушать классическую музыку в темноте.
7. We counted our blessings when we survived in the car crash. (verbal noun) – Мы были очень рады нашей удаче, когда мы выжили в автокатастрофе.
8. This is a new reading of the well-known story. (verbal noun) – Это новое видение хорошо известной истории.
9. My sister’s coming home late at night worried our parents. (gerund) – Позднее возвращение моей сестры домой заставило наших родителей волноваться.
10. Despite the wind blowing very hard the pilot decided to take off. (gerund) – Несмотря на сильный ветер, пилот все же решил взлететь.

3. Ask for the underlined words:

1. He likes his dog.
What does he like?
2. He ate two packets of crisps.
How many packets of crisps did he eat?
3. She goes to school.
Where does she go?
4. The glass broke.
What did the glass do?
5. They like him because he is always friendly.
Why do they like him?
6. The Millers live in a cottage.
Who live in the cottage?
7. She played tennis from 1980 to 1987.
How long did she play tennis?
8. The man looks confused.
How does the man look?
9. They stole George's bike.
Whose bike did they steal?
10. The cat ate the sausage.
What did the cat eat?
11. He drives to San Francisco every weekend.
How often does he drive to San Francisco?
12. They left three days ago.
When did they leave?
13. She bought a new car because her old one broke down.
Why did she buy a new car?
14. He lived in London from May to October.
How long did he live in London?
15. They play tennis every Thursday.
How often do they play tennis?
16. They took the children home.
Who did they take home?
17. He went to the bakery.
Where did he go?
18. They got to the airport by taxi.
How did they get to the airport?
19. They go shopping once a week.
How often do they go shopping?
20. Jane opened the door.
Who opened the door?
21. They have got five cats.
How many cats have they got?
22. He bought a house.
What did he buy?
23. The cat ate the fish.
What did the cat eat?
25. The flower pot fell on the floor.
What fell on the floor?
25. They sell 20 kilos of sugar a day.
How many kilos of sugar do they sell a day?
26. He found Pamela's key.
Whose key did he find?
27. The boys play football.
Who play football?
28. They came late because they had an accident.
Why did they come late?
29. He lives in a big house.
Where does he live?

4. Decide whether the sentence is American or British English:

1. What about another chocolate biscuit?
British English
American English
2. We'll have to stop at the next gas station.
British English
American English
3. I got this book at the new bookstore.
British English
American English
4. He loves travelling by train.
British English
American English
5. There has been an accident on the sidewalk.
British English
American English
6. Put this box into the garbage can, please.
British English
American English
7. Ronny is in grade eight, not in grade seven.
British English
American English
8. Let's meet at the weekend.
British English
American English
9. His billfold is pure leather.
British English
American English
10. The lift is out of order.
British English
American English
11. English is my favourite subject at school.
British English
American English
12. Have you seen Dick's new truck?
British English
American English
13. The park is in the center of our town.
British English
American English
14. Mr Barnes, our caretaker, found my key.
British English
American English
15. I like French fries, they're very crispy.
British English
American English
16. Have you seen the latest movie?
British English
American English
17. I've passed this test. So I'll get my driving licence very soon.
British English
American English
18. The accident happened because the blue car didn't stop at the traffic lights.
British English
American English

19. Tom told me to get off the Underground at Tower Hill.
British English
American English
20. We have to hand in our résumé by Friday.
British English
American English


5. Read the text and answer the questions below:

The Maya Civilization
The Maya civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by the Maya peoples in an area that encompasses southeastern Mexico, all of Guatemala and Belize, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador. The Maya civilization is known for the Maya hieroglyphic script, the only known fully developed writing system of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as for its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems.

Politics and religion
The Maya civilization developed from the the Archaic period, prior to 2000 BC, to the fall of the last Maya city in 1697 by the Spanish Empire. Classic period rule was centered around the concept of the "divine king", who acted as a mediator between mortals and the supernatural realm. Kingship was patrilineal, and power would normally pass to the eldest son. A prospective king was also expected to be a successful war leader. Maya politics was dominated by a closed system of patronage, although the exact political make-up of a kingdom varied from city-state to city-state. By the Late Classic, the aristocracy had greatly increased, resulting in the corresponding reduction in the exclusive power of the divine king. As a part of their religion, the Maya practiced human sacrifice.

The Maya civilization developed highly sophisticated artforms, and the Maya created art using both perishable and non-perishable materials, including wood, jade, obsidian, ceramics, sculpted stone monuments, stucco, and finely painted murals.

Maya cities
Maya cities tended to expand haphazardly, and the city center would be occupied by commercial and administrative complexes, surrounded by an irregular sprawl of residential districts. Different parts of a city would often be linked by causeways, a sort of paved roads. The principal architecture of the city consisted of palaces, pyramid-temples, ceremonial ballcourts, and structures aligned for astronomical observation.

Literate elite
The Maya elite were literate, and developed a complex system of hieroglyphic writing that was the most advanced in the pre-Columbian Americas. The Maya recorded their history and ritual knowledge in screenfold books, of which only three uncontested examples remain, the rest having been destroyed by the Spanish. There are also a great many examples of Maya text found on ceramics and stelae, a kind of monuments that consist of tall sculpted stone shafts. The Maya developed a highly complex series of interlocking ritual calendars, and employed mathematics that included one of the earliest instances of the explicit zero in the world.

1. The Maya civilization developed in North America.
a. True
b. False

2. The Spanish put an end to the Maya civilization.
a. True
b. False

3. Maya peoples didn't practice commercial activities.
a. True
b. False
4. The hieroglyphic writing was found only in screenfold books.
a. True
b. False.

6. Make the following clauses of REPORTED SPEECH CORRECT:

1. The girl said: "I have done my homework."
The girl said that she had done her homework.

2. Mr Sellers said: "I am going to London tomorrow."
Mr Sellers said that he was going to London the next day.

3. She wanted to know: "Does he work for an insurance company?"
She wanted to know if he worked for an insurance company.
4. Mr Jones told me: "Don't put your shoes on the table!"
Mr Jones told me not to put my shoes on the table.
5. They told her: "Run as fast as you can!"
They told her to run as fast as she could.
6. He asked her: "Do you know my parents?"
He asked her if she knew his parents.
7. They asked him: "How long do you have holidays this year?"
They asked him how long he had holidays that year.
8. They told us: "We are listening to the radio."
They told us that they were listening to the radio.
9. She asked me: "What are you doing tomorrow?"
She asked me what I was doing the next day.
10. She asked them: "Did you watch the movie yesterday?"
She asked them if they had watched the movie the day before.
11. She told him: "Don't drive so fast!"
She told him not to drive so fast.
12. He shouted: "Give it to me!"
He shouted to give it to him.
13. John explained: "Susan will help me."
John explained that Susan would help him.
14. He asked me: "Have you ever read this book?"
He asked me if I had ever read that book ever.
15. Mr Cook told us: "Clean your shoes and come in!"
Mr Cook told us to clean our shoes and to come in.

7. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Refer to the text to check your answers when appropriate:

Did you know that some people don't do their reading assignments? It's shocking, but it's true. Some students don't even read short texts that they are assigned in class. There are many reasons for this. They may be distracted or bored. They may be unwilling to focus. They may be unconfident readers. Whatever the reason, it has to stop today. Here's why.
Reading stimulates your mind. It is like a workout for your brain. When people get old, their muscles begin to deteriorate. They get weaker and their strength leaves them. Exercise can prevent this loss. The same thing happens to people's brains when they get older. Brain power and speed decline with age. Reading strengthens your brain and prevents these declines.
You can benefit from reading in the near-term too. Reading provides knowledge. Knowledge is power. Therefore, reading can make you a more powerful person. You can learn to do new things by reading. Do you want to make video games? Do you want to design clothing? Reading can teach you all this and more. But you have to get good at reading, and the only way to get good at something is to practice.
Read everything that you can at school, regardless of whether you find it interesting. Reading expands your vocabulary. Even a "boring" text can teach you new words. Having a larger vocabulary will help you better express yourself. You will be able to speak, write, and think more intelligently. What's boring about that?
Do not just discount a text because it is unfamiliar to you. Each time you read, you are exposed to new ideas and perspectives. Reading can change the way that you understand the world. It can give you a broader perspective on things. It can make you worldlier. You can learn how people live in faraway places. You can learn about cultures different from your own.
Reading is good for your state of mind. It has a calming effect. It can lower your stress levels and help you relax. You can escape from your troubles for a moment when you read, and it's a positive escape. The benefits of reading far outweigh those of acting like a doofus. So do yourself a favor: the next time you get a reading assignment, take as much as you can from it. Squeeze it for every drop of knowledge that it contains. Then move on to the next one.

1. Which best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. Reading is exciting.

b. Reading strengthens your mind.
c. Age affects the body in many ways.

d. Working out keeps your body in shape.

2. Why does the author think that you should read books that are boring?
a. You will eventually grow to love them if you read them enough.
b. You will get better grades in reading class.
c. You will make your teacher very happy.
d. You will learn new words.

3. Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. Reading can benefit you.
b. You can learn to program video games or design clothing by reading.
c. You can learn amazing things and become a better person by reading.
d. Knowledge is power.
4. Which is not a reason given by the author why students fail to complete reading assignments?
a. Students may be bored.

b. Students may be distracted.
c. Students may be unwilling to focus.


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