Употребление артикля с собственными именами существительными

Имена собственные употребляются без артикля. Это относится к именам, названиям улиц, дорог, площадей, городов, стран, состоящих из одного слова; к названиям континентов, озер, единичных островов и горных вершин, а также к названиям научных журналов, к словам, обозначающим звания, титулы.

Определенный артикль употребляется перед именами собственными в следующих случаях:

· перед фамилиями во множественном числе, если речь идет семье:

The Browns have left London;

· если перед названием страны присутствует существительное с предшествующим определением или имеются слова: республика, королевство, союз и пр.: the BritishEmpire, the UnitedKingdom, the People's Republic of China;

· передназваниямиокеанов, морей, рек, заливов: the Pacific Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Volga;

· в названиях горных хребтов: the Alps;

· перед названиями групп островов: the Bermudas, the West Indies;

· перед названиями судов, газет: the "Titanic", the Daily World;

· перед названиями пустынь: the Sahara;

· передназваниямигостиниц, музеев, галерей, театров, кинотеатров: the "Savoy", the Palace Theatre, the Odeon, the British Museum, the Tate Gallery;

· передназваниямиспредлогомof: the Bank of England, the University of Salamanca;

· перед названием исторических документов: the Constitution, the Magna Carta;

· передназваниямиследующихгородов, стран, улиц, местностей: the Hague, the Netherlands, the Crimea, the Transvaal, the Congo, the Argentine, the West Indies, the Riviera, the Lebanon, the High Street, the Mall, the Strand;

· если в названиях есть имя или фамилия человека или название места, то артикль не употребляется: Buckingham Palace, Lloyds Bank, Cambridge University, Westminster Abbey.

. 5. Устойчивые словосочетания с неопределенным артиклем:

at a time at a glance as a result (of) as a whole to be (to feel) at a loss to have a mind (to do something) to have a good time to have a headache (a toothache, a sore throat)
in a good (evil) hour in a hurry(but: in haste) in a fury in a low voice in a whisper It is a pity It is a pleasure It is a shame What a shame! What a pity!
at a distance of... (but: in the distance) at a depth(but: in the depth) at a speed of... with an air of to come to an end They were much of a size Birds of a feather flock together. many a time (not once, on many occasions) many a man (not one) to give a hand in to keep an eye open


6. Устойчивые словосочетания с определенным артиклем:

the other day the day after tomorrow by the hour in the morning in (during) the night in the afternoon in the evening in (the) summer in (the) springtime in the singular in the plural in the past, in the present on the whole out of the question in the end all the same just the same by the way to take (seize) sb by the shoulder (by the arm) to pull sb by the hair to kiss sb on the cheek (on the forehead, etc.) to be wounded in the knee (in the arm, etc.) to keep the house (but: to keep house) to play the piano (the guitar, etc.) to tell the truth to tell the time by the dozen (the score, the hundred) in the future (but: in future = from this time on) to pass the time to get the upper hand


. 7. Устойчивые словосочетания без артикля:


atdinner (breakfast, etc.)

at first notice

at first sight

at night

at table

at times

at war

by accident

by air

by airmail

by car

by chance

by land

by letter

by mistake

by name

by plane

by sea

by ship (boat)

by sight

by telegram

by train

by tram

by tube

by water

day after day

day by day

face to face

from beginning to end

from day to day

from east to west

from head to foot

from morning to (till) night

from picture to picture

from side to side

from side to side

hand in hand

in (on) behalf of

in addition to

in answer to

in care of

in case of

in charge of

in constant contact

in control of

in debt

in demand

in distress of mind

in manuscript

in need of

in print

in reference to

in secret

in sight

in time

in touch with

nearest to hand

night after night

night by night

on business

out of politeness

out of view

to ask (for) permission

to be on strike

to catch (lose) sight of

to catch sight of

to come in sight

to give evidence

to give offence (permission)

to give way to

to give way to

to keep house (to do housework)

to keep time

to look facts in face


Упражнение 1. Проанализируйте употребление артиклей в следующих отрывках:

1. In 1941 Germany and Japan had made two mistakes which undoubtedly cost them the war. Germany attacked the Soviet Union, and Japan attacked the United States, both quite unexpectedly. Whatever the advantages of surprise attack, the Axis of Germany, Italy and Japan had now forced onto the battlefield two of the most powerful nations in the world.

2. The United Nations Charter in 1945 also called for progress towards self-government. It seemed hardly likely in this new mood that the British Empire could last very long. This feeling was strengthened by the speed with which Britain had lost control of colonial possessions to Japan during the war.

3. The Europe that the Pilgrims left behind them was torn by religious quarrels. For more than a thousand years Roman Catholic Christianity had been the religion of most of its people. By the sixteenth century, however, some Europeans had begun to doubt the teachings of the Catholic Church. They were also growing angry at the wealth and worldly pride of its leaders.

4. A round-faced man in a blue flight suit emerged from behind the building. "RobertLangdon?" he called. The man's voice was friendly. He had an accent Langdon couldn't place.

5. Langdon was still in shock over his mistake at the Pantheon. With a cursory glance at this square, however, his sixth sense was already tingling. The piazza seemed subtly filled with Illuminati significance.

6. Sophie summoned her grandfather, and the two men disappeared into his study and closed the door. She found her grandfather’s name on an article on the second page, she read it; her father’s article said the Church was arrogant and wrong to ban it

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски артиклямиa (an)/ the, там, где это необходимо:

1. I don't usually like staying at … hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at … very nice hotel by … sea.

2. I won't be home for … dinner this evening. I'm meeting some friends after … work and we’re going to … cinema.

3. Carol is … economist. She used to work in … investment department of … Lloyds Bank. Now she works for … American bank in … United States.

4. I have two brothers. … older one is training to be … pilot with … British Airways. … younger one is still at … school. When he leaves … school, he hopes to go to … university to study … law.

5. … government without … strong leader will not produce … good policies.

6. In my job, I do … business with people from all over the world.

7. It isn't easy, but I think we're making … progress.

8. When buying … house, you should take into … consideration how near it is to public transport.

9. Make … love, not … war.

10. … fog was so thick that we couldn't see … side of … road. We followed … car in front of us and hoped that we were going … right way.

11."No, I've heard … stories about … Englishmen, … Irishmen and … Scotsmen before and they are all … same."

12. … worry about … state of his finances drove him to … despair ….

13. … temperature varies with … pressure.

14. … London train was on … point of … departure. It was yet … early morning, … hour of … milkmen and … postmen. … station had … chill, unused, deserted look; … passengers were few.

15. … English of … 14th century differs from … Modern English.

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски артиклями a (an)/ the, там где это необходимо:

1. …sonnet is … poem of 14 lines.

2. … flowers were splendid.

3. … Language is means of … communication.

4. She teaches … piano.

5. It's … novel our teacher mentioned at … last lesson.

6. We got into … wrong train.

7. … time will show who is right.

8. My first job was not … success.

9. I am … only son.

10.Would you like to study at … OxfordUniversity?

11.Did you telephone … police?

12.He received some money from … Royal Bank of Canada.

13.He works at … United Nations.

14.… Shishkin I bought yesterday was … copy.

15.… Neptune is one of … planets in … solar system that cannot be seen without … telescope.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующий отрывок, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей:

В особенно тяжелые для меня минуты я мысленно возвращалась к случаю, произошедшему задолго до болезни мамы. Однажды – мне было тогда около четырех лет – мы с мамой пошли на деревенский праздник обон, посвященный духам умерших. После нескольких вечеров церемоний на кладбище и разведения костров у входов в дома все собрались на заключительное действо праздника около святилища Синто. Двор святилища украшали бумажные фонарики, подвешенные к деревьям. Вместе со всеми мы танцевали под звуки барабана и флейты. В конце концов, я устала, мама посадила меня на колени и стала укачивать, но внезапно налетел ветер, и один из фонариков загорелся. Мы увидели, как пламя зажгло веревку, на которой он висел, фонарик опустился вниз, и ветер покатил его прямо на нас. Потом огненный шар, казалось, закрепился на земле, но новый порыв ветра опять погнал его в нашу сторону. Мама поставила меня на землю и руками попыталась потушить огонь. На какое-то мгновение мы оказались объяты языками пламени, но потом они переметнулись на деревья и там перегорели, и никто, даже мама, не пострадал.


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