Holidays and Festivals in Britain

Практическое задание 1

Республика Беларусь богата местами отдыха. Прорекламируйте одно из мест отдыха в нашей республике

Практическое задание 2

Соотнесите в хронологическом порядке даты и события из истории г.Полоцка и прочитайте полученный текст


Year Events
1. 862 B.We are proud of Simeon Polotsky, a great thinker and teacher of the Russian Enlightment.
2. 10th century C.The first tribes settled on the banks of the Polota river were krivichi. The tribes of krivichi and dregovichi became political formations and got the titles of the Polotsk and Turov principalities. The foundation of Polotsk on the banks of the Polota, at the place of its falling into the West Dvina, made the town an important centre on the water trade way.
3. 1812 E.Being an important political and trade centre Polotsk became a cultural town as well. Having established trade and economical ties with different principalities and lands, the princess of Polotsk signed “Gramotas”.
4. 17th century H.Polotsk’s long history is reflected in some historical places such as Red bridge across the Polota river, where the battle between the Russian and French troops took place.

Практическое задание 3

Перечислите основные достопримечательности г.Полоцка и расскажите об одной из них

Практическое задание 4

Дополните текст «Белорусские национальные праздники» необходимыми по смыслу словами, прочитайте его




Like other countries Belarus has its own holidays. The New Year Day is one of them. It is a popular public holiday which is widely ……. in every family. Long before the New Year Eve people begin to buy New Year cards, toys and presents. In the shop windows you can see Father Frost with Snow Maiden on a …….full of presents.

Most families see the New Year in at home. There’s usually a …….in the house decorated with toys and lights. A lot of delicious food is cooked for the night meal which usually starts at 10 o’clock. A goose stuffed with apples is a traditional New Year dish.

In Belarus people widely celebrate such popular …….. holidays as Christmas and Easter. And these religious holidays are public holidays for ………. as well as Orthodox believers. On Christmas Eve traditional food is cooked. Traditionally dinner table should be first covered with hay and then with a table cloth and the food. Christmas week is great fun. Young people go from home to home dressed as animals or other ……… characters, sing songs and dance.

One of the most important …….. in Belarusian culture is Kupalle – a holiday of nature with its roots deep in ancient times and connected with the …….. Many people take part in this holiday demonstrating a special repertoire of music and dance, spectacular rites. The celebration goes through the whole night. This custom shows the importance of traditions in today’s culture.

Certainly people are fond of …….. as they bring fun and excitement in everybody’s life.


Fairy, Christian, celebrated, fur tree, holidays, sledge, Catholics, solstice, events

Практическое задание 5

Прочитайте описание трех белорусских государственных праздников. Назовите праздники, о которых идет речь. Переведите первый абзац текста.



1. There are two national holidays in May. One of them is the holiday of labour and spring. It’s a merry holiday when people go out into the streets, there’s a lot of music and dancing everywhere, and you can watch fireworks in the evening. Then comes the second holiday in May. This day marks the victory of the Soviet people over the German fascism in the Great Patriotic War. People congratulate war veterans and express their gratitude to them and also remember those who gave their lives for the independence of our motherland. People put flowers to the monuments of the war heroes. It’s also a sad day for many families who lost their relatives during the war. Practically every family in Belarus lost one.

2. This holiday is a national holiday when people show their love and respect for their mothers, grandmothers, sisters and girl-friends. It’s a tradition to present them with flowers and gifts.

3. This holiday is traditionally observed as the day of the Socialist Revolution. On this day there used to be a military parade in the capital of the country and a salute in the evening. Now it’s just another day off for most people.

Практическое задание 6



Соотнесите названия музеев г.Полоцка с их описанием. Прочитайте полученный текст


Museums Description of museums
1. Museum of traditional manual weaving of Poozerye A. This museum is a monument of architecture. It was opened in 1987. Exposition of the museum tells us about the oldest brickmade building on the territory of the present day Belarus, about numerous reconstructions and the latest restoration of the organ, old and modern chamber music are annually on there in April and November. The concerts of the organ music are performed by the soloist of the Concert Hall on Sundays.  
2. Museum-library of Simeon of Polotsk   B. Museums exposition is in the building of the former water tower, which was built in 1953. The main idea of this exposition is to show the nature as a value and part of human existence, and the person - as a part of natural space. The exposition is based on the conflict of the person with the nature and on effective development of the nature by the person.  
3. Nature and ecology museum   C. Exposition was opened in 1998. It is situated in the former living house, a monument of architecture of the end of the 19th century. Area of the exposition is 217 sq.m. 384 objects are displayed there. The core of the exposition is the collection of weaving, that shows traditions, semantics, living conditions and peculiarities of the manual weaving.  
4. Museum of History of Architecture of the Sophia Cathedral D. Exposition was opened in 1994 in March in the building of the former Brethren school, the monument of architecture of the end of the 18th century. Exposition of the museum is devoted to the life and activity of our fellow country man outstanding poet, writer and a clergyman.

Практическое задание 7



Заполните таможенную декларацию и прочитайте её



Customs Declaration


Full name _____________________________________________

Citizenship _____________________________________________

Arriving from ____________________________________________

Country of destination _____________________________________

Purpose of visit ___________________________________________

(business, tourism, private, etc.)

With me and in my bag I have:

I. Weapons of all description and ammunition:

II. Narcotics and appliances for the use

III. Antics and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures, etc.) _______________________________________________________

IV. Belarussian rubles, state loan bonds, lottery tickets _______________________________________________________

V. Currency other than Belarussian rubles (US Dollars, Pounds Sterling, Euros, etc.) _________________________________________________________(amount/quantity in figures) I also declare that my luggage sent separately consists of ___________pieces.


(Date)_____________200___ Owner of luggage_________________


Практическое задание 8

Дополните диалог «Заказ мест в гостинице» нужными по смыслу словами. Прочитайте полученный диалог


Switchboard: Good morning. Marine Hotel.

Caller: Good morning. Reservation, please.

Sw: One moment, I’ll(1)…you through.

Reservations: Reservations. Can I (2)…. you?

Caller: Yes, please. I’d like (3)…. a single room for four nights from 15th


Reservations: Right. I’ll just (4)…. that … Yes, Madam. We can do it for you.

Caller: How much will that be?

Res: ₤ 65 per night, including full English(5)….

Caller: That’s for a room with a bathroom?

Res: Yes, Madam. All our rooms have (6)…. bathroom, colour television,

radio, in-house video, telephone, and tea-and coffee-making facilities.

Caller: That’s fine.

Res: Could I have your (7)…., please?

Caller: The booking’s for Mr White of Oliver Electronics, Paris.

Res: That’s a (8)…. room for four nights from 15th August. Would you

(9)…. that by FAX or telex, please?

Caller: Yes, I’ll do that. Mr White will probably (10)….. quite late. Can you

hold the room until 10.00?

Res: Yes, of course.

Caller: Thank you. Goodbye.

Res: Good-bye.

to book, check, help, breakfast, put, private, confirm, single, arrive, name,

Практическое задание 9

Дополните текст комментария гида-экскурсовода нужными по смыслу словами. Прочитайте данный текст


Ladies and ….., on your left you will …… Lumley Castle. This belongs to Lord and Lady Lumley, who ....... here with their family. All the land on the….. of the road belongs to the Lumleys. They have a famous …… of wild animals, including lions, so please do not ….. the coach until we are safely inside the car park. We are …..; Lord Lumley is allowing us to leave the grounds and go inside this ….. stately home. Most people can only ….. at the castle from outside. The time now is quarter to eleven. Please return to the coach by quarter past twelve. Don’t be …., or we’ll miss lunch.

See, live, collection, gentlemen, left, late, look, leave, beautiful, lucky

. Практическое задание 10

Дополните диалог «В туристическом агентстве». Воспроизведите полученный диалог

At a Travel Agency

A: Good morning. Welcome to Supervacation Travel Agency Can I ………….?

B: Yes, I hope so. I’m interested in ……………….. I’d like some ………...

A. Yes, certainly. What sort of holiday …………….?

B. Somewhere with some sunshine.

A. What about a …………………?

B. What exactly happens on a luxury cruise?

A. Well, a cruise is a ……………….. The ship itself is very luxurious; it’s like

staying in a luxury hotel. The ship sails to various places. Passengers get off and


B. I’m not sure. What other holidays can …………….?

A. Here’s a Supervacation brochure. It gives ……………. about lots of holidays.

See what suits you best. Then we’ll fix it.

B. Thanks for the information. I expect I’ll ……………..



Interests you, help you, see you soon, information, you suggest, holiday on a ship, information, see the sights, luxury cruise, a short holiday soon.

Практическое задание 11

На какой стадии тура можно услышать следующие фразы?


1. when talking to passengers at the start of the tour

2. when talking to passengers during the trip

3. when talking to Head Office (tour operator)

4. when talking to passengers when getting off the coach


If you look to your left, you will see…  
Hi, my name is Sarah. I’m your guide  
Please be careful as you get off.  
Hi, this is Sarah, I’ve got a problem…  
We are going to take a break here.  
Your driver is Ken.  
Can you all hear me OK?  
So I’ll tell you something about…  

Практическое задание 12

Заполните регистрационный формуляр в гостинице. Прочитайте его


RITZ HOTEL Registration Card Surname ……………………………………………………………………………… Name ……………………………………………………………………………… Date of birth ……………………………………………………………………………….   Nationality……………………………………………………………………… Citizenship……………………………………………………………………… Accompanied by …………………………………………………………………………………..  
Payment method Cash Cheque Company account   Credit Card #………………
Home address ………………………………………………………………………………….. Passport number …………………………………………………………………………………..... Car registration number …………………………………………………………….................................... Purpose of visit ……………………………………………………………………….………….… Next destination……………………………………………………………… Signature ………………………………………………………………………………….. Special requirements ………………………………………………………………….
Room number Date of arrival Date of departure (Checkout time 12 noon)    


Практическое задание 13

Составьте из данных фраз диалог «Выбор тура в турагенстве». Прочитайте данный диалог


«Choosing a tour»


A: Good morning. I’d like to book a cheap spring holiday. What package

holidays are available?

B: There’s a splendid holiday in Paris.

A: But I don’t want to go in February. I’d prefer April.

A: I expect Paris is expensive!

B: There is a cheap period between November and February. You can compare

our prices with other companies. Ours are cheaper.

B: Here’s a brochure, with all the places and prices.

B: Well, April in Paris is beautiful. But it’s very popular. Most package tours in

April are fully booked.

A: Right, I’ll probably be back tomorrow. Goodbye.

A: Yes, I remember my neighbor went to Paris in April. She belongs to a

travel club. It was beautiful. But the airport was very busy. What other

places are available in April?

Практическое задание 14

Составьте из данных фраз диалог «На таможне». Прочитайте данный диалог


«At a passport and customs desk»


- Can you put your bags on the table, and your customs form, please.

- Your passport, please. How long are you planning to stay in the country?

- Alcohol, cigarettes, fresh fruit, plants..?

- Sure. The receiving party shall take care of it.

- Open your suitcase, please. Any gifts?

- How much do they weigh?

- Oh! It’s only three kilos overweight.

- Three weeks. Could I prolong my entrance visa in case of necessity?

- Pardon?

- Yes, miss… that’s £6… Thank you. Have you anything to declare?

- Uh, no.

- All right. It’s duty free. As you probably know, it’s forbidden to bring in more than two bottles of alcohol and two blocks of cigarettes to England. And no limitations as to currency. Here’s your form.

- Only one bottle of whisky.

- Thank you.

- 23 kilos. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to pay an excess luggage charge.

- Not at all. Next please.

Практическое задание 15

Прочитайте описание трёх праздников в Британии. Назовите праздники, о которых идёт речь. Переведите второй абзац текста


Holidays and Festivals in Britain

There are eight holidays a year in Great Britain. On these days people don’t go to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter, May Day, Bank Holiday, Remembrance Day.

1. Just before midnight, the ashes are cleared from the fireplace so that the year will be begun afresh. Money, especially silver money, is placed outside the door, and bread and a piece of coal are put as well to ensure health, wealth, and happiness to the household. A few minutes before twelve o’clock all the doors of the houses are opened to allow the spirit of the old year to depart. At midnight the wireless is turned on, so that everyone can hear the chimes of Big Ben. When the clock strikes twelve everyone wishes everyone else “A Happy New Year”.

2. This Day is observed throughout Britain in commemoration of the million or more Britain soldiers, sailors and airmen who lost their lives during the two World Wars. On that day special services are held in the churches and wreaths are laid at war memorials throughout the country, when a great number of people gather to observe the two-minute silence and to perform this Day ceremony. When the two-minute silence is over, members of the Royal Family, or their representatives and political leaders come forward to lay wreaths at the foot of the Cenotaph. Then comes the march past the memorial.

3. On this Holiday the townsfolk usually flock into the country and to the coast. If the weather is fine many families take a picnic-lunch or tea with them and enjoy their meal in the open.

The Holiday is also an occasion for big sports meetings. There are also horse race meetings all over the country.


Практическое задание 16

Прочитайте текст о некоторых традиционных особенностях белорусского народа. Переведите третий абзац текста. Ответьте на вопросы


(1) Belarusians are fond of cranberry kissel, a kind of thin jelly. They also like tea with biscuits and "pirazhki" (baked pastry with some filling). Belarusians drink hot strong tea with a slice of lemon or honey. Many Belarusians like herbal tea with various flavours.

(2) The main dishes of the traditional menu are "draniki" (pancakes made of grated raw potatoes and fried with some filling) and "klyotski" (boiled balls from grated raw potatoes with meat and mushroom filling). Belarusians also like "shchi", a thick cabbage soup. Belarusians eat brown bread with nearly every meal.

(3) Usually tourists buy such traditional Belarusian souvenirs as flax dolls and dolls or other things made of straw. Boxes inlaid with straw are especially popular with tourists. The works from clay (глина) are also attractive. Many tourists buy our Belarusian penny whistles made of burnt black clay.

(4) Many Belarusians are religious people. The main church is the Russian Orthodox Church. It has survived during the hard times and now people speak about a rebirth of religion in the country. New churches and cathedrals are built every year, old ones are restored. But not all people in Belarus belong to the Orthodox Church. There are other religions too and there are a lot of people who are non-believers.

Answer the questions:

1. What do Belarusians like?

2. What souvenirs are popular with tourists?

Практическое задание 17

Составьте из данных фраз диалог «В гостинице». Прочитайте данный диалог

«At the hotel»

- What is your name, sir?

- Thank you. What time is breakfast?

- Klimenko.

- What time, sir?

- Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?

- Just a moment, I’ll check. Yeah. A single room with private bath and English breakfast for three nights. Is that right, sir?

- OK. Anything else, sir?

- Yes, that’s right.

- Good evening. I have a room reserved at your hotel.

- Just sign the register. Thank you. Here’s you key. Room three-o-seven, it’s one the third floor. The lift is over there. I’ll have things sent up.

- I’d rather have it in my room.

- Any time between 7 and 9.30. Where are you going to have breakfast, sir? In your room or in the restaurant?

- At 8 o’clock.

- I’d like to eat here this evening. When is the restaurant closing?

- Fine, thank you.

- At 9.30, so you’ve got two hours to have your dinner, sir.

Практическое задание 18

Соотнесите слова с их значениями. Прочитайте полученные утверждения.


1. a budget hotel

2. a convention hotel

3. a residential hotel

4. a condominium

5. a shift

6. a marina

7. a grading system

8. amenities

a) a scheduled period of time worked by a group of employees, then replaced by another group

b) a rating system, a system of classifying hotels or restaurants into different levels of quality

c)a low-priced hotel providing basic accommodation

d) a hotel which caters for long-term guests. usually with full-board arrangements

e) an apartments house with individually owned apartments

f)facilities, services and comforts provided in hotel rooms

g) a hotel providing a set of meetings rooms and exhibit areas together with bedrooms and restrooms, built for holding large meetings

h)a harbor fit for tying up a large number of pleasure boats

Практическое задание 19

Распределите слова в следующие колонки. Прочитайте.


All-night room service, background music, assistance with luggage, wake-up calls, air-conditioning, camping site, full-length mirror, motel, floatel, airwate, caravanning site, boatel, colour TV-set, limousine service, home video, condominium, bedside light, mini-bar, porterage



Практическое задание 20

Соотнесите слова с их значениями. Прочитайте полученные утверждения


1. a waiter

2. a bellboy

3. a concierge

4. a wine steward

5. a chef

6. a maid

7. a receptionist

8. a maitre d’hotel

a)a person in a hotel who provides personal services for a guest, such as tours and tickets

b) a person in a hotel who meets guests, handles the check-in procedure and assigns rooms to them

c) a person in a restaurant who manages the kitchen and the kitchen staff

d) a person in a restaurant who meets and seats customers in a dining-room

e) a person in a hotel who shows guests to their rooms and runs errands for them

f) a person in a restaurant who recommends and serves wine to customers

g) a person in a restaurant who takes orders and brings food to customers

h) a person in a hotel who cleans guestrooms and changes bed and bath linen

Практическое задание 21

Распределите слова в следующие колонки. Прочитайте



Hair-drier, a wine steward, chef’s special, background music, maid, bellboy, pasta, porter, in-house video, sauce, air-conditioning, waiter, concierge, pastry, barman, fridge, chef, cook, dish, doorman, tea- and coffee-making facilities, food and beverages, receptionist.





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