курс рус.отд. Преподаватели: Усалинова М.М., Паташкова Е.С. – группы 3Г-2 (после школы и после колледжа)

Экзаменационные тесты по дисциплине «Практика речевой коммуникации»

курс рус.отд. Преподаватели: Усалинова М.М., Паташкова Е.С. – группы 3Г-2 (после школы и после колледжа)

1. Абидкулов Максат
2. Айбакова Сахинур
3. Арутюнова Анжелика
4. Аширова Венера
5. Батырханова Айгерим
6. Бахитова Адина
7. Берикбаева Айша
8. Болысбек Айгерим
9. Галымжанова Анар
10. Даузова Софья
11. Касабекова Мадина
12. Керимбаева Камила
13. Ким Анна
14. Косяк Анастасия
15. Молдакынова Айдана
16. Нурхалов Адилжан
17. Прокопьева Полина
18. Пягай Камила
19. Рахмединова Саярам
20. Саутова Аида
21. Скопина Дарья
22. Султангали Диана
23. Сушина Арайлым
24. Тышканбаева Аяна
25. Успенская Анастасия
26. Черенкова Ирина
27. Шорманова Юлия

<question>Men and boys are…?







<question>Women and girls are…?







<question>quite fat, in a nice way?







<question>Find the synonym to “well-built”?







<question>attractive and nice to look at [used especially about girls and young women]?







<question>having brown skin after spending time in the sun?







<question>small round pieces of plastic you wear in your eyes to help you to see better?

<variant>contact lenses


<variant>sun glasses




<question>something that covers your body and protects your organs?







<question>Find the antonym to “smooth”?







<question>tidy and carefully arranged?







<question>be expecting a baby?

<variant>be pregnant

<variant>be afraid of

<variant>be interested in

<variant>go grey

<variant>be careful


<question>Find the antonym to “self-confident”?







<question>Find the antonym to “generous”?







<question>Find the antonym to “arrogant”?







<question>Find the antonym to “hard-working”?







<question>Find the antonym to “boring”?







<question>Find the antonym to “ambitious”?







<question>Find the antonym to “honest”?







<question>Find the noun to “tolerant”?







<question>Find the synonym to “crazy”?







<question>feeling happy?







<question>relaxed and not worried by what other people do?







<question>who is a bit out of control?







<question>very active without getting tired?







<question>likely to fight or argue?







<question>able to accept ideas you don’t agree with?







<question>able to work with effort and for a long time?







<question>not able to stay calm and wait for sb/sth?







<question>the ability to laugh at things and see when sth is funny?

<variant>sense of humor






<question>very angry?







<question>very surprised?







<question>very happy and excited?







<question>very sad and emotionally upset?







<question>angry or sad because you are afraid of losing sb’s love?







<question>pleased about sth you or other people have done?







<question>very frightened?







<question>unhappy and depressed?







<question>Find the synonym to “envious”?







<question>Find the synonym to “miserable”?

<variant>fed up






<question>Find the synonym to “astonished”?







<question>Find the synonym to “delighted”?


<variant>fed up





<question>able to understand people’s feelings and problems?







<question>giving help to sb who has a problem?







<question>becoming angry or unhappy for no obvious reasons?







<question>kind and showing you understand sb’s problems?







<question>Find the opposite to “show your feelings”?

<variant>hide your feelings

<variant>make your feelings

<variant>clean your feelings

<variant>throw away your feelings

<variant>brake your feelings


<question>say sth that makes sb unhappy?

<variant>hurt sb’s feelings

<variant>hide your feelings

<variant>be in a good mood

<variant>be emotional

<variant>be in a bad mood


<question>feel angry or unhappy at a particular time?

<variant>be in a bad mood

<variant>hurt sb’s feelings

<variant>hide your feelings

<variant>be in a good mood

<variant>be emotional


<question>the relationship between people who are friends?







<question>have a good relationship with sb?

<variant>get on well on sb

<variant>trust sb

<variant>be loyal

<variant>keep in touch

<variant>rely on sb


<question>feel sure that sb will do what they say they will do?

<variant>rely on sb

<variant>get on well on sb

<variant>trust sb

<variant>be loyal

<variant>keep in touch


<question>being a friend to sb, even in difficult times?

<variant>be loyal

<variant>get on well on sb

<variant>trust sb

<variant>keep in touch

<variant>rely on sb


<question>stay in contact by speaking or writing to each other?

<variant>keep in touch

<variant>rely on sb

<variant>get on well on sb

<variant>trust sb

<variant>be loyal


<question>meet sb a number of times and become friends?

<variant>get to know each other

<variant>get together

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common

<variant>split up with sb


<question>meet for a social reason?

<variant>get together

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other


<question>have no interests that are the same?

<variant>have nothing in common

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other

<variant>get together

<variant>realize sth


<question>begin to understand sth that you didn’t know before?

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other

<variant>get together


<question>stop being in romantic relationship with sb?

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other

<variant>get together

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common


<question>have sb as a boyfriend or girlfriend?

<variant>go out with sb

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other


<question>argue with sb and stop being friendly with them?

<variant>fall out with sb

<variant>get to know each other

<variant>get together

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common


<question>feel sorry about sth that you did or didn’t?

<variant>regret sth

<variant>have nothing in common

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other

<variant>get together


<question>have an angry discussion?

<variant>have a row

<variant>get to know each other

<variant>get together

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common


<question>help sb live by giving them money, food, or a home?

<variant>support sb

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other


<question>look after a child and teach them how to live?

<variant>bring sb up

<variant>get to know each other

<variant>get together

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common


<question>legally end your marriage?

<variant>get divorced

<variant>regret sth

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other

<variant>get together


<question>a mother or father who looks after their children alone?

<variant>single parent

<variant>foster parent





<question>sb who looks after another person’s child in their home for a time?

<variant>foster parent




<variant>single parent


<question>a man who has married your mother but is not your father?




<variant>single parent

<variant>foster parent


<question>a brother who has either the same mother or the same father as you?



<variant>single parent

<variant>foster parent



<question>sb who was legally taken into the family as their child?


<variant>single parent

<variant>foster parent




<question>a child with no brothers or sisters?

<variant>only child




<variant>foster child


<question>a person in your family who lived a long time ago?







<question>a person who comes to a foreign country to live there?


<variant> ancestor





<question>have the same appearance as sb?

<variant>look like sb

<variant>take after ab

<variant>have nothing in common

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other


<question>be like an older member of your family?

<variant>take after ab

<variant>look like sb

<variant>be related to sb

<variant>split up with sb

<variant>get to know each other


<question>be in the same family as sb?

<variant>be related to sb

<variant>get together

<variant>realize sth

<variant>have nothing in common

<variant>bring sb up


<question>the date on which sth happened the previous year or in the past?




<variant>wedding reception



<question>a time when a man and woman get married?



<variant>wedding reception




<question>a formal public event?


<variant>wedding reception





<question>a party after a wedding?

<variant>wedding reception






<question>a holiday for a couple who have just got married?





<variant>wedding reception


<question>stop living?


<variant>bury sb

<variant>inherit sth


<variant>cremate sb


<question>put a dead body in the ground?

<variant>bury sb

<variant>inherit sth


<variant>cremate sb



<question>burn the body of a dead person as a part of a funeral?

<variant>cremate sb


<variant>bury sb

<variant>inherit sth



<question>receive money or things from sb when they die?

<variant>inherit sth


<variant>cremate sb


<variant>bury sb


<question>a ceremony after sb dies?







<question>a place where dead people are buried?







<question>a woman whose husband has died?







<question>a man whose wife has died?







<question>a document that says who will have your money or things after your death?







<question>choose meat?







<question>choose seafood?







<question>choose fish?


<variant>calf’s liver





<question>choose seafood?







<question>choose meat?







<question>choose seafood?







<question>choose fish?


<variant>calf’s liver





<question>choose seafood?







<question>choose herbs?


<variant>calf’s liver





<question>choose herbs?







<question>choose fruit?







<question>choose vegetable?


<variant>calf’s liver





<question>choose vegetable?







<question>a drink containing small bubbles of gas?

<variant>fizzy drink


<variant>junk food


<variant>alcohol drinks


<question>food which is not good for you?

<variant>junk food


<variant>alcohol drinks

<variant>fizzy drink



<question>a small amount of food usually eaten between meals?


<variant>alcohol drinks

<variant>fizzy drink


<variant>junk food


<question>become heavier and fatter?

<variant>put on weight

<variant>cut down on sth

<variant>lose weight

<variant>a waste of time

<variant>keep sth up


<question>have less of sth?

<variant>cut down on sth

<variant>lose weight

<variant>a waste of time

<variant>keep sth up

<variant>put on weight


<question>continue doing sth?

<variant>keep sth up

<variant>put on weight

<variant>cut down on sth

<variant>lose weight

<variant>a waste of time


<question>a bad use of your time?

<variant>a waste of time

<variant>keep sth up

<variant>put on weight

<variant>cut down on sth

<variant>lose weight


<question>Find the opposite to “lose weight”?

<variant>put on weight

<variant>cut down on sth

<variant>keep weight

<variant>go on a diet

<variant>keep sth up


<question>cook sth in oil, usually in a frying pan







<question>cook sth in water, usually in a sausepan







<question>cook sth in the oven without oil or fat







<question>cook sth in the oven with oil or fat







<question>cut into small pieces







<question>you have enough money to pay for it

<variant>afford sth






<question>be very expensive

<variant>cost a fortune






<question>Find the synonym to “massive”?







<question>Find the synonym to “wealthy”?

<variant>well off






<question>ring or make a noise

<variant>go off

<variant>go down

<variant>do ahead

<variant>go up

<variant>go out

<question>make sb stop sleeping

<variant>wake sb up

<variant>fall asleep

<variant>wide awake


<variant>have a lie-in


<question>stay in bed later than usual

<variant>have a lie-in

<variant>wake sb up

<variant>fall asleep

<variant>wide awake



<question>do sth to stop sb who is trying to sleep, work, etc.

<variant>disturb sb

<variant>have a nap

<variant>fall asleep

<variant>wide awake



<question>become healthy again

<variant>heal up


<variant>fall asleep

<variant>wide awake



<question>stop sth from happening


<variant>wide awake


<variant>disturb sb

<variant>have a nap


<question>what is inside the car?

<variant>gear stick


<variant>windscreen wiper

<variant>number plate



<question>what is inside the car?



<variant>windscreen wiper

<variant>number plate



<question>what is inside the car?



<variant>windscreen wiper

<variant>number plate



<question>what is outside the car?


<variant>rear-view mirror





<question>control the direction of a vehicle?





<variant>watch out


<question>suddenly move sideways?




<variant>watch out



<question>go past sb/sth that is going more slowly?



<variant>watch out




<question>go more slowly or stop a vehicle?


<variant>watch out





<question>get in?


<variant>get held up

<variant>pick sb up




<question>go to a place and collect sb?

<variant>pick sb up



<variant>get held up


<question>the outer part of a town?

<variant>the outskirts




<variant>the city center


<question>hit sth very hard while moving?

<variant>collide with sth


<variant>block a road

<variant>get held up



<question>remove a tooth from your mouth?

<variant>take out a tooth

<variant>take in a tooth

<variant>take throw a tooth

<variant>take away a tooth

<variant>overtake a tooth


<question>remove dirt from the floor or ground with a broom?

<variant>sweep sth

<variant>dust sth

<variant>polish sth

<variant>tidy up

<variant>wipe sth


<question>clean or dry sth with a cloth?

<variant>wipe sth

<variant>sweep sth

<variant>dust sth

<variant>polish sth

<variant>tidy up


<question>make a place look better by putting things in the correct place?

<variant>tidy up

<variant>wipe sth

<variant>sweep sth

<variant>dust sth

<variant>polish sth


<question>remove very small pieces of dry dirt from sth?

<variant>dust sth

<variant>polish sth

<variant>tidy up

<variant>wipe sth

<variant>sweep sth


<question>make sth shine by rubbing it with a cream a cream or liquid?

<variant>polish sth

<variant>tidy up

<variant>wipe sth

<variant>sweep sth

<variant>dust sth


<question>cut sth a little so that it is shorter and tider?

<variant>trim sth

<variant>polish sth

<variant>tidy up

<variant>wipe sth

<variant>sweep sth


<question>not able to stay calm and wait for sb/sth?







<question>the ability to laugh at things and see when sth is funny?

<variant>sense of humor






<question>Choose the right preposition for “See you ____ the morning”







<question>Choose the right preposition for “I finished school ___ the age of 16”







<question>Choose the right preposition for “Could you go out ___ the room for a minute, please?”







<question>Choose the right preposition for “They should arrive ___ the airport in about an hour”







<question>Choose the right preposition for “They should arrive ___ London at six”







<question>Choose the right preposition for “They should arrive ___ the airport in about an hour”







<question>Which tense do we use if speak about eternal truth?

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect

<variant>Past Simple

<question>Which tense do we use if speak about routines and habits in present?

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect

<variant>Past Simple

<question>Which tense do we use if speak about timetable events?

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect

<variant>Past Simple

<question>Which tense do we use if speak about plots of films, stories and plays?

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect

<variant>Past Simple

<question>Choose the right third form of the word “relax” in Present Simple






<question>Choose the right third form of the word “go” in Present Simple






<question>Choose the right third form of the word “pass” in Present Simple






<question>Choose the best equivalent to «Кто знает ответ на вопрос?»

<variant>Who knows the answer to the question?

<variant>Who does know the answer to the question?

<variant>Who do anybody know the answer to the question?

<variant>Who did know the answer to the question?

<variant>Who knew the answer to the question?

<question>Choose yes/no question in Present Simple

<variant>Do you agree with me?

<variant>Who do you agree with?

<variant>What do you agree with?

<variant>Who agrees with you?

<variant>How did you agree?

<question>Choose special subject question in Present Simple

<variant>Who agrees with you?

<variant>Do you agree with me?

<variant>Who do you agree with?

<variant>What do you agree with?

<variant>How did you agree?

<question>Which tense do we use if speak about action happening at the moment of speaking?

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Present Perfect Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect

<variant>Past Simple

<question>Which tense do we use if speak about changing situations, with verbs like become, get, etc.?

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Present Perfect Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect

<variant>Past Simple

<question>Which tense do we use if speak about future arrangements with a time reference?

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Present Perfect Continuous

<variant>Present Perfect

<variant>Past Simple

<question>Choose the right –ing form of the verb “sit”.








<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “initiating discussion”.

<variant>outline the context the problem should be put into

<variant>proceed to testing the reaction of the audience

<variant>emphasize that the problem in question is still regarded as controversial and calls for further investigation

<variant>focus attention on the problem

<variant>no right answer



<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “thinking of ideas”.

<variant>proceed to testing the reaction of the audience

<variant>outline the context the problem should be put into

<variant>specify the way the idea came to you

<variant>suggest a way to tackle the problem

<variant>no right answer


<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “supporting the view”.

<variant>suggest a way to tackle the problem

<variant>show your interest and concern

<variant>explain how you understand it

<variant>evidence the argument, citing your source of data or anecdote

<variant>no right answer


<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “adding arguments to reinforce the idea”.

<variant>evidence the argument, citing your source of data or anecdote

<variant>define the focus of the problem

<variant>pick out negative and positive aspects

<variant>highlight the most convincing fact

<variant>no right answer


<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “using evidence”.

<variant>pick out negative and positive aspects

<variant>put forward an idea

<variant>relate your idea to the contrasting ones

<variant>provide relevant evidence from different sources

<variant>no right answer



<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “prioritizing”.

<variant>relate your idea to the contrasting ones

<variant>define the focus of the message

<variant>identify other essential points, arrange them in the order of their priority

<variant>introduce supportive evidence as the follow-up

<variant>no right answer



<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “arranging the arguments in the logical order”.

<variant>identify other essential points, arrange them in the order of their priority

<variant>define the topic

<variant>review contrasting arguments

<variant>introduce supportive arguments

<variant>arrive at a conclusion



<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “challenging the view”.

<variant>arrive at a conclusion

<variant>focus on those ideas of your opponent which you might share

<variant>introduce contrasting arguments

<variant>suggest another approach to the matter

<variant>no right answer



<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “leave-taking and saying goodbye”.

<variant>suggest another approach to the matter

<variant>make it clear that you need to take a leave

<variant>excuse yourself out of communication

<variant>say goodbye employing a suitable leave-taking formula

<variant>no right answer



<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “inviting people\declining invitations”.

<variant>excuse yourself out of communication

<variant>inform a person what kind of event it is

<variant>invite a person you are interested in to the event

<variant>express your desire to see the invited person at the venue

<variant>no right answer


<question>Define the step, unrelated to the topic “voicing claims and complaints”.

<variant>express your desire to see the invited person at the venue

<variant>state what reason make you uneasy

<variant>voice a complaint

<variant>ask if there is anything that can be done to sort out the situation

<variant>no right answer



<question>Give the right equivalent: территориальные притязания

<variant>territorial claims

<variant>counter claims

<variant>prior claims

<variant>claims against the public

<variant>no right answer

<question>Give the right equivalent: встречное требование

<variant>counter claim

<variant>territorial claim

<variant>prior claim

<variant>claim against the public

<variant>no right answer


<question>Give the right equivalent: преимущественное требование

<variant>prior claim

<variant>territorial claim

<variant>counter claim

<variant>claim against the public

<variant>no right answer



<question>Give the right equivalent: предъявить претензию

<variant>to raise a claim

<variant>to reject a claim

<variant>to settle a claim

<variant>to respond to a claim

<variant>no right answer


<question>Choose the right preposition: a claim____damages







<question>Choose the right preposition: a claim____the other driver








<question>Choose the right preposition: a claim____fame







<question>Choose the right preposition: a claim____sb’s time







<question>Consider the right tip to respond to claim in the most polite way: Сколько можно напоминать!

<variant>This is our kind reminder.

<variant>Please, kindly review the matter again.

<variant>We will let you know in due course.

<variant>Thank you for your patience.

<variant>We would be happy to offer you the most favorable conditions on the case-to-case basis.


<question>Consider the right tip to respond to claim in the most polite way: Неужели так сложно подписать документ там, где нужно?

<variant>Please, sign in the place marked.

<variant>Please, kindly review the matter again.

<variant>We will let you know in due course.

<variant>Thank you for your patience.

<variant>We would be happy to offer you the most favorable conditions on the case-to-case basis.


<question>Consider the right tip to respond to claim in the most polite way: Ага, сейчас все брошу и побегу разбираться!

<variant>I will look into it and respond ASAP.

<variant>Please, kindly review the matter again.

<variant>We will let you know in due course.

<variant>Thank you for your patience.

<variant>We would be happy to offer you the most favorable conditions on the case-to-case basis.


<question>Consider the right tip to respond to claim in the most polite way: У нас не те масштабы, чтобы возиться с вашей мелочью.

<variant>We would be happy to offer you the most favorable conditions on the case-to-case basis. <variant>Please, kindly review the matter again.

<variant>We will let you know in due course.

<variant>Thank you for your patience.

<variant>This is our kind reminder.


<question>Consider the right tip to respond to claim in the most polite way: Какой же вы зануда!

<variant>Thank you for your patience.

<variant>Please, kindly review the matter again.

<variant>We will let you know in due course.

<variant>I hope this helps, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact us.

<variant>This is our kind reminder.


<question>Define the zodiac signs according to the following interpretation of personality:

They are known for their sense of adventure, enthusiasm- confidence, and quick-wittedness. They can be quite quick-tempered and headstrong, but have a responsible personality and are genuinely caring.







<question>Define the zodiac signs according to the following interpretation of personality:

They are patient and reliable, loving and very warm-hearted. They are loyal and passionate in love. They do not like to take risks and crave security.







<question>Define the zodiac signs according to the following interpretation of personality:

They are friendly and cheerful, with an infectious optimism and a love for humor, which can take the form of teasing. They can be somewhat restless or even occasionally quick-tempered.







<question>Define the zodiac signs according to the following interpretation of personality:

They are perhaps the most selfless and sensitive of all the zodiac signs. In relationships, both males and females are loving and generous.







<question>Define the zodiac signs according to the following interpretation of personality:

They can be quite charming but are often seen as cold. They are very precise, critical and discriminative.







<question>Define the zodiac signs according to the following interpretation of personality:

They are famously intelligent; they love mental challenges, though they dislike the effort involved in learning. Their emotional involvement tends to run deeper at the outset, but drops into neutral once the thrill of the chase is over. They are not generally considered reliable, though they are fun and witty conversationalists.







<question>Choose the right colour name in the idiom:_____ with envy







<question>Choose the right colour name in the idiom:_____ humour







<question>Choose the right colour name in the idiom:_____ -tie event







<question>Choose the right colour name in the idiom:_____ -eyed monster







<question>Choose the right colour name in the idiom:_____ herring







<question>Choose the right colour name in the idiom:_____ journaism







<question>Choose the right colour name in the idiom:_____speech







<question>Choose the right colour name in the idiom:_____market








<question>Choose common cultural connotations attached to grey colour:

<variant>humility, respect, boredom, decay, pollution, urban sprawl, balance, neutrality, formality

<variant>purity, innocence, security, criticism, surrender

<variant>sophistication, elegance, mystery, evil, mourning, conventionality, sorrow

<variant>passion, arrogance, ambition, masculinity, power, respect

<variant>harmony, tranquility, confidence, conservatism, loyalty, wisdom, royalty



<question>Choose common cultural connotations attached to pink colour:

<variant>spring, appreciation, admiration, sympathy, femininity, health, flirt, marriage

<variant>purity, innocence, security, criticism, surrender

<variant>sophistication, elegance, mystery, evil, mourning, conventionality, sorrow

<variant>passion, arrogance, ambition, masculinity, power, respect

<variant>harmony, tranquility, confidence, conservatism, loyalty, wisdom, royalty


<question>Choose common cultural connotations attached to blue colour:

<variant>harmony, tranquility, confidence, conservatism, loyalty, wisdom, royalty

<variant>purity, innocence, security, criticism, surrender

<variant>sophistication, elegance, mystery, evil, mourning, conventionality, sorrow

<variant>passion, arrogance, ambition, masculinity, power, respect

<variant>sensuality, spirituality, royalty, ceremony, flamboyance, exaggeration, confusion, pride, romanticism, delicacy


<question>Choose common cultural connotations attached to yellow colour:

<variant>optimism, liberalism, hazards, dishonesty, avarice, greed, femininity, gold, sociability

<variant>purity, innocence, security, criticism, surrender

<variant>sophistication, elegance, mystery, evil, mourning, conventionality, sorrow

<variant>passion, arrogance, ambition, masculinity, power, respect

<variant>sensuality, spirituality, royalty, ceremony, flamboyance, exaggeration, confusion, pride, romanticism, delicacy


<question>Choose common cultural connotations attached to brown colour:

<variant>depth, tradition, anachronism, boorishness, dullness, poverty, simplicity

<variant>purity, innocence, security, criticism, surrender

<variant>sophistication, elegance, mystery, evil, mourning, conventionality, sorrow

<variant>passion, arrogance, ambition, masculinity, power, respect

<variant>sensuality, spirituality, royalty, ceremony, flamboyance, exaggeration, confusion, pride, romanticism, delicacy


<question>Choose the logical marker unrelated to the initial point step:





<variant>In most cases


<question>Choose the logical marker unrelated to order and conclusion step:


<variant>To top it

<variant>First of all

<variant>On the whole

<variant>Long term

<question>Choose the logical marker unrelated to addition step:



<variant>Apart from this




<question>Choose the logical marker unrelated to reasoning step:

<variant>Along with

<variant>It implies


<variant>What follows is



<question>Define the personality according to the clue: Work best when everything they need is out in front of them, in clear view

<variant>Visual type


<variant>Anti-detail type

<variant>Priority-problem type



<question>Define the personality according to the clue: Find it impossible to work until everything extraneous is out of sight. Unable to function in clutter.

<variant>Clear away


<variant>Anti-detail type

<variant>Priority-problem type



<question>Define the personality according to the clue: Can get projects started, but have no ability to follow through.

<variant>Anti-detail type



<variant>Priority-problem type



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