VI. Read the text. Translate it in writing. Answer the questions.

Test 1 (Вариант 1)

I. Complete the sententences with the correct form of the words in Plural in brackets.

1. Many small _______ (house) were destroyed.

2. It is autumn, and the _______ (leaf) are falling.

3. Several _______ (child) got lost in the forest.

4. How many _______ (toast) do you want?

5. He’s only five _______ (month) old and he’s already got two _______ (tooth).


II. Read the sententences below. Rewrite the sententences using ’s, s’ or an apostrophe (’). An example has been done for you.

Model: This bicycle is for a child. – This is a child’s bicycle.


1. This is a club for woman. –

2. This pen belongs to the teacher. –

3. That’s a job for a stewardess. –

4. It’s a school for girls. –

5. This car belongs to my father. –


III. Write the following sentences in the negative form and put the general questions to them.

Model: Pete is a worker. – Pete isn’t a worker. ‒ Is Pete a worker?


1. My father is a teacher.

2. They are at home.

3. I am seventeen.

4. My grandparents are pensioners.

5. My little sister is ill.


IV. Put all the kinds of the questions to the sentence.

1. His granny is at hospital now.

2. Her sister is eighteen years old.

3. This man is fond of chess.


V. Translate the sentences from Russian to English.

1. Что вы сейчас пишете? – Мы пишем слова из третьего урока.

2. Куда вы сейчас идёте? – Я собираюсь посетить интересную выставку в художественном музее.

3. Я люблю слушать классическую музыку по вечерам.

4. Чьи это ноты? – Они – мои.

5. Кто из Вас музыкант? – Я.

6. Что он сейчас делает? – Он пытается сочинить новую мелодию.


VI. Read the text. Translate it in writing. Answer the questions.


In 1969 at Woodstock, near New York a great rock festival attracted nearly half a million young people. Most of them were hippies, who shocked the world with their beards, long hair, old jeans and their calls for peace and love. They came to listen to such new stars as Jimmy Hendrix and Joe Cocker. They sang about the war in Vietnam and about violence in the world. The music performed at Woodstock had a tremendous influence on the development of the culture of the youth. The young people rose in protest against the mercantile society. The ideals of the hippies are still living in many hearts. In the middle of the 1990s the Woodstock festivals were revived. The mid-1970s witnessed great changes in the music. The music became violent and aggressive. Hard rock, heavy metal and punk became popular among the young. Such groups as «Nazareth», «AC/DC», «Kiss», «Black Sabbath» shocked the public by their music and behaviour. Melodies were simple and often unoriginal. Young people would not listen alone to their favourite bands; they would rather have a get-together or a party or go to a club.


1. What was the main idea of the lyrics in the late 60-s?

2. Where is Woodstock situated?

3. How many people came to see the festival in Woodstock?

4. How did the music change in the mid-1970-s?

5. In what way did youngsters listen to their favourite bands?


Test 2 (Вариант 2)


I. Complete the sententences with the correct form of the words in Plural in brackets.


1. I play computer _______ (game).

2. Seven _______ (book) are on the shelf.

3. Many _______ (nurse) are in hospital now.

4. These _______ (scarf) are red.

5. The _______ (mouse) catch the _______ (cat).


II. Read the sententences below. Rewrite the sententences using ’s, s’ or an apostrophe (’). An example has been done for you.

Model: This bicycle is for a child. – This is a child’s bicycle.


1. That hat belongs to Doris. ‒

2. That’s the leg of the table. ‒

3. This is a club for men. ‒

4. This notebook belongs to the engineer. ‒

5. This café belongs to my parents. ‒


III. Write the following sentences in the negative form and put the general questions to them.

Model: Pete is a worker. – Pete isn’t a worker. ‒ Is Pete a worker?


1. My sister is a student.

2. My grandfather is at the theatre.

3. I am from a family of a journalist.

4. She is from Great Britain.

5. We are students of the economic department.


IV. Put all the kinds of the questions to the sentence.


1. My friend is from Donetsk.

2. Their father is a businessman.

3. Her aunt is at home in the evening.


V. Translate the sentences from Russian to English.


1. Что Вы собираетесь делать сегодня вечером? ‒ Я собираюсь на концерт сегодня вечером.

2. Эти студенты сейчас на занятиях английского языка.

3. Чья это гитара? ‒ Джона.

4. Она сейчас играет на пианино.

5. Они обсуждают своё выступление.


VI. Read the text. Translate it in writing. Answer the questions.


The 20th century is considered to be the most influential period of time in the development of music. In the 20th century there were more practicing musicians than in all previous centuries taken together. In the 20th century there was no mainstream but various styles in music. It is not an easy task to describe these music styles. They reflect the world that was constantly changing. Desires of the people of the 20th century found their outlet in music. The 20th century opened a new era in the history of mankind. The rules were left in the past. In the 20th century everybody could choose the music that he would enjoy. It was exciting in its adventurous freedom. In the 1920s in New Orleans beautiful music filled the streets and cafes. The black and poor singers sang about their hard lives. Their music ‒ jazz, ragtime and blues ‒ soon travelled to Europe. It was the time when the black music entered the whites’ culture changing the lifestyle of the people all over the world. Ever since the 1930s music was not just a way to relax. From that time on music began to reflect and determine the people's way of life.


1. What was the mainstream in the music of the 20th century?

2. What do the music styles of that period reflect?

3. What were the rules which helped musicians to create their melodies?

4. What music style emerged in the 1920s?

5. How did the music influence people ever since the 1930s?



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