Scared – frightened – terrified – frozen – crouching - cowering

Chapter Three - The Letters from No One / Chapter Four - The Keeper of the Keys

  metal tub stamp Sleeping bag  
  sink wax seal suspension bridge  
  letter-box coat of arms coat-hanger  
  doormat rifle Shack = Hut  
  envelope quill cannon  
  Bird cage wand parchment  


Aunt Petunia was washing Dudley’s old uniform in _______________.

Harry received a _____________ without a ________ but with a ____________ and __________.

In a new Harry’s room upstairs there was a large __________ where Dudley had kept a parrot.

Uncle Vernon was lying at the foot of the front door in a ____________, making sure that Harry didn’t get any letters.

The Dursleys drove far away not to receive letters, they drove across a _____________ and stayed at a __________.

The Dursleys had given Harry a ___________ for his Birthday.

When Hagrid knocked at the door, it reminded the sound of a _________.

Uncle Vernon was holding a _______ in his hands when somebody knocked at the door.

Hagrid gave Harry an owl, a ______ and a roll of ______________.

Answer the questions

1. When does the action take place?

2. Does Harry have new school uniform?

3. Did Uncle Vernon allow Harry to read the letters? What did he do with the letters?

4. How many letters did Harry receive (on Friday / Saturday / Sunday)?

5. Why did the Dursleys move Harry upstairs?

6. Where did the Dursleys drive?

7. What presents did Harry receive from the Dursleys?

8. Why was Harry counting minutes and seconds before he turned 11 years old?

9. What happened when he turned 11?

10. Why were the Dursleys scared when Hagrid came into the shack?

11. What did Hagrid give Harry as a present?

12. What did he cook to eat?

13. What information did Hagrid tell Harry about his parents, Voldemort and Hogwarts?

14. What is Hogwarts? Who is Albus DUMBLEDORE?

15. Did Harry believe Hagrid that he was a wizard?

16. What did Hagrid do with Dudley when he lost his temper?

The atmosphere of FEAR in the hut

What makes people scared? What are the symptoms of fear? What happens when people are scared?

Trembling fingers to suddenly start crying
tremble with rage pale grey in colour
terrified to close your hands very tightly
Yell in panic to suddenly become very angry
give a gasp of horror to bend down or move back because you are frightened
ashen-faced to shake slightly, especially because you are nervous, frightened, or cold
leap to one's feet moving your body close to the ground by bending your knees
Burst into tears extremely angry
cowering against the wall to make a noise by suddenly breathing in because you are shocked or surprised
Hagrid was about to explode to suddenly start shouting because you are very angry
furious look a sudden, strong feeling of worry or fear that makes you unable to think
to clench fists  
frozen with fear to suddenly jump to your feet
crouching very frightened
to lose temper strong anger that you cannot control

Anger – rage – fury

Angry – fierce – wild - furious

Fear – horror - panic

Scared – frightened – terrified – frozen – crouching - cowering


Aunt Petunia расплакалась and said she couldn’t believe that Dudley looked so handsome and grown-up.

Harry discovered a present wrapped in gold, & his first ever birthday card. Трясущимися пальцами, he opened the envelope.

Harry looked up into the свирепое, wild, shadowy face and saw that the beetle eyes were crinkled in a smile.

A braver man than Vernon Dursley would have quailed (струсить) under the суровый look Hagrid now gave him.

When Hagrid spoke, his every syllable сотрясался от ярости.

Uncle Vernon roared. Pulling Aunt Petunia and Dudley into the other room, he cast one last испуганный look at Hagrid and slammed the door behind them.

‘STOP! I FORBID YOU!’ yelled Uncle Vernon in панике.

Aunt Petunia gave a ахнула от ужаса.

At that moment, Uncle Vernon, still мертвенно-бледный but looking very злой, moved into the firelight.

Hagrid had вскочил на ноги. In his гневе he seemed to fill the whole hut.

The Dursleys were пригнулись against the wall.

Uncle Vernon was glaring at Hagrid and his fists were сжаты.

Dudley sat on the sofa застыл от страха.

Dudley squeaked (взвизгнул) and ran to hide behind his mother, who was сидела на корточках, напугана, behind Uncle Vernon.

Hagrid вышел из себя and granted Dudley a pig’s tail.


A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair.
an enormous hand fierce, wild, shadowy face and saw that the beetle eyes were crinkled in a smile.
bushy eyebrows gamekeeper

Agree or disagree with the statements, using the expressions:

totally, definitely, absolutely, certainly, of course, sure, it’s true, you are right, quite correct, I guess so definitely not, of course not, surely not, you are mistaken, that’s not true, I’m afraid that’s wrong, it’s wrong

1. Harry was always wearing Dudley’s old school uniform.

2. Harry received the first letter and found that he was a wizard.

3. Uncle Vernon moved Harry into Dudley’s second bedroom upstairs.

4. The books were the only things in the Dudley’s room that looked as though they’d never been touched.

5. On Sunday thirty or forty letters came out of the fridge.

6. The Dursleys drove far away from home and stayed at a comfortable hotel.

7. The whole shack shivered when Hagrid knocked at the door.

8. Hagrid gave Harry a large, sticky chocolate cake with Happy Birthday Harry written on it in green icing.

9. Hagrid fried sausages which tasted awfully.

10. The Dursleys were in panic, terrified, trembling with horror, crouching, cowering against the wall.

11. Harry read in the letter that he was accepted to Hogwarts.

12. Muggles are non-magic people.

13. Voldemort lost his powers and was weak to carry on.


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