free, experience, benefit, bleeding, iceberg


1. Your arm is……………………….badly. You should go to hospital.

2. After ten hours, the gunman finally agreed tо …………………… the hostages.

3. In poor countries, few people have the …………..………….. of a good education.

4. The ship sank when it hit a(n) ………………………….

5. You need to have a lot of………………………………..for this job.


Задание №3. Выбрать глагол, который подходит в конкретном случае

1.She tries to avoid / prevent driving at night.

2. It's rude to stare / glance at people.

3. I find it hard to realise / understand maths.

4. "Please, let / leave me go to the concert tonight," Sarah said to her father.

5.Alexander Graham Bell invented / discovered the telephone.


Задание №4 Правильно выбрать частицу

1. A fire broke out / down during the night.

2. Come into / back soon. We'd love to see you again.

3. When do schools break up / out for the Christmas holidays?

4. He came round / into a fortune when his father passed away.

5. Why don't you come round / across for tea this afternoon?


Задание №5. Д ополнить предложение правильным предлогом


1. The girl trembled…………………fear when she saw the stranger standing by the door.

2. Sheila decided to take the dog…………….………….a walk.

3. He screamed………………….help when he saw the burglar.

4. He hopes to make new friends………………..…the Internet.

5. That man reminds me………………………………my uncle.


Задание №6. Выбрать слово из двух предложенных

1. The dolphin is such an / such intelligent animal that it can cooperate with humans.

2. Because of the fact that / Due to many wild animals are endangered, hunting them is illegal.

3. He is such / so tall that he looks like a basketball player.

4. She is enough / too tired to stay up late.

5. The air is polluted because / due to car fumes and factory smoke.


Задание №7. Поставить глагол в скобках в правильное время

1. "Your shirt is dirty." "I know. I……………………….. (wash) it."

2. By tomorrow evening I…………….…. (finish) this science project.

3. This time tomorrow afternoon I…………...…….. (travel) to Spain.

4. If you……………………… (come) to my new house you will see how I've decorated my bedroom.

5. I hope he………………………… (come) to the party.


Задание №8 Перевести текст и выполнить задание по тексту по тексту.

The Bermuda Triangle

There is one part of the Western Atlantic Ocean which has a very strange history. It lies between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico and is known as “The Bermuda Triangle”. The Bermuda triangle got its name from a mysterious event which took place on the 5th of December 1945.

It was a warm sunny day, and there were only a few clouds in the sky. It was good weather for flying, and five officers in the US Navy were planning their two-hour flight to Bermuda. The date – early December.

The crew members were already thinking about their Christmas holidays and their families. Their planes were ready after lunch.

At the last minute one of the crew members went to the doctor. He didn’t feel well. The commanding officer needed him, however. He said: “The flight is only two hours. Don’t worry! You’ll be back soon. You have to go.”

At 2.10 p.m. the planes were in the air. One hour later, their work was finished, and they began the journey back to their base in Florida. Suddenly their radio controller at the Navy base received this message from Flight 19.


“Emergency. This is an emergency! We cannot see land. We are not sure of our position. Everything is strange. The compass is spinning wildly. We don’t know our direction. We don’t know where we are…”


Then the voices stopped. Radio contact stopped. The Navy immediately sent a search plane out to look for the men. All six planes and twenty-two men were never seen again.


Ответьте на вопросы

1. What was the weather like on the 5th of December 1945?

2. How many officers were going to make a flight to Bermuda?

3. What was the duration of the flight they planned to make?

4. Why did one of the officers want to stay at the base?

5. What happened during the flight?

6. What did the Navy do to find the planes?


  1. Оценка контрольной работы

Контрольная работа должна иметь титульный лист, нумерацию страниц, в конце работы- дату ее выполнения и личную подпись студента.

Контрольная работа должна быть либо напечатана либо написана четким, понятным почерком без исправлений. На страницах работы следует оставить поля (3 см) для пометок и замечаний проверяющего преподавателя.

Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена и сдана для проверки не позднее чем за 7 дней до официальной даты зачета (экзамена).

В части 1 контрольной работы все упражнения должны быть переписаны, подстановочные элементы следует выделить цветом или подчеркнуть

В части 2 студент должен выполнить адекватный перевод связного английского текста на русский язык и упражнения к тексту. Английский вариант текста, вопросы к тексту и русский вариант предложений в материал контрольной не вносятся.

Качество работы оценивается по тому, насколько глубоко и адекватно выполнен студентом перевод текста (в оценку входит также стилистическое и грамматическое оформление переводного русского текста), правильность выполнения упражнений. Дается общая оценка «зачтена» или «не зачтена». Если работа не зачтена, в нее необходимо внести соответствующие исправления с учетом сделанных замечаний. Студенты, не выполнившие контрольную работу или не получившие зачета по ней, к зачетам и экзаменам не допускаются.




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