Права человека в условиях изменения климата

Human rights in the conditions of climate change


Увеличение в последние годы наводнений, засух, тайфунов и иных природных катастроф обусловило появление дискуссий о причинах глобального изменения климата, а также взаимосвязи между изменением климата и правами человека. На эту взаимосвязь уже обращают внимание международные организации, а в отдельных зарубежных странах появляется первая судебная практика по делам о защите прав человека в условиях глобального изменения климата. В настоящей статье аргументируется вывод о том, что климат должен стать новым объектом охраны окружающей среды, как это сделано в ряде стран СНГ, с разработкой мер по смягчению и адаптации к его изменениям. Это позволит повысить защищенность экологических прав человека.

Ключевые слова

Климат; права человека; природные объекты; международное сотрудничество; Организация Объединенных Наций; судебная защита; парниковые газы; смягчение и адаптация


The increase in floods, droughts, typhoons and other natural disasters caused in recent years emergence of discussions about the reasons of global climate change, and also interrelation between climate change and human rights. The international organizations already pay attention to this interrelation, and in certain foreign countries there is the first jurisprudence on cases of protection of human rights in the conditions of global climate change. In the present article the conclusion that the climate has to become new object of environmental protection as it is made in ря the CIS countries, with development of measures for mitigation and adaptation to its changes is reasoned. It will allow to increase security of ecological human rights.


Climate; human rights; natural objects; international cooperation; United Nations; judicial protection; greenhouse gases; mitigation and adaptation



1. Абанина Е.Н. Защита права граждан на благоприятную окружающую среду при обращении прокурора в суд: вопросы теории и практики // Современное право. – 2014. - № 7. - С.39.

2. Маловодье на Волжско-Камском каскаде в 2015 году (дата обращения 19.07.2015) https://www.rushydro.ru/upload/iblock/7b0/070515_Prezentatsiya_T_Haziahmetov.pdf

3. Солнцев А.М. Современное международное право о защите окружающей среды и экологических правах человека. – М., 2013, - С.122-126.

4. Engel K., Overpeck J. Adaptation and the courtroom: judging climate science // Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law. – 2013. - Vol. 3. - P.4.

5. Knox J.H. Linking Human Rights and Climate Change at the United Nations // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. – P. 482.

6. Limon M. Human Rights and Climate Change: Constructing a Case for Political Action // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. - P.456-458.

7. Markell D., Ruhl J.B. An Empirical Assessment of Climate Change in the Courts: A New Jurisprudence or Business as Usual? // Florida Law Review. 2012. - Vol. 64. - P.39-40.

8. Parker-Flynn J.E. The Intersection of Mitigation and Adaptation in Climate Law and Policy // University of California, Davis. – 2014. – Vol. 38. - P.6.

9. Reese B. Too Many Cooks in the Climate Change Kitchen: The Case for an Administrative Remedy for Damages Caused by Increased Greenhouse Gas Concentrations // Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law. – 2015. - Vol. 4. - PP.363-364.


1. Abanina E.N. Protection of the right of citizens for favorable environment at the appeal of the prosecutor to court: questions of the theory and practice // Modern law. – 2014. - No. 7. – P.39.

2. Lack of water on the Volga and Kamsky cascade in 2015 (date of the address 19.07.2015) https://www.rushydro.ru/upload/iblock/7b0/070515_Prezentatsiya_T_Haziahmetov.pdf

3. Solntsev A.M. Modern international law about protection of environment and ecological human rights. – M, 2013. – P. 122-126.

4. Engel K., Overpeck J. Adaptation and the courtroom: judging climate science // Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law. – 2013. - Vol. 3. - P.4.

5. Knox J.H. Linking Human Rights and Climate Change at the United Nations // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. – P. 482.

6. Limon M. Human Rights and Climate Change: Constructing a Case for Political Action // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. - P.456-458.

7. Markell D., Ruhl J.B. An Empirical Assessment of Climate Change in the Courts: A New Jurisprudence or Business as Usual? // Florida Law Review. 2012. - Vol. 64. - P.39-40.

8. Parker-Flynn J.E. The Intersection of Mitigation and Adaptation in Climate Law and Policy // University of California, Davis. – 2014. – Vol. 38. - P.6.

9. Reese B. Too Many Cooks in the Climate Change Kitchen: The Case for an Administrative Remedy for Damages Caused by Increased Greenhouse Gas Concentrations // Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law. – 2015. - Vol. 4. - PP.363-364.

Современное право. – 2015. - № 9. – С. 5-10.

[1] Маловодье на Волжско-Камском каскаде в 2015 году (дата обращения 19.07.2015) https://www.rushydro.ru/upload/iblock/7b0/070515_Prezentatsiya_T_Haziahmetov.pdf

[2] Knox J.H. Linking Human Rights and Climate Change at the United Nations // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. – P. 482.

[3] Reese B. Too Many Cooks in the Climate Change Kitchen: The Case for an Administrative Remedy for Damages Caused by Increased Greenhouse Gas Concentrations // Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law. – 2015. - Vol. 4. - PP.363-364.

[4] Knox J.H. Linking Human Rights and Climate Change at the United Nations // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. – P. 477-478.

[5] Limon M. Human Rights and Climate Change: Constructing a Case for Political Action // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. - P.456-458.

[6] Parker-Flynn J.E. The Intersection of Mitigation and Adaptation in Climate Law and Policy // University of California, Davis. – 2014. – Vol. 38. - P.6.

[7] Parker-Flynn J.E. The Intersection of Mitigation and Adaptation in Climate Law and Policy // University of California, Davis. – 2014. – Vol. 38. - P.9.

[8] Limon M. Human Rights and Climate Change: Constructing a Case for Political Action // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. - P.469.

[9] Limon M. Human Rights and Climate Change: Constructing a Case for Political Action // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. - P.451-452.

[10] Engel K., Overpeck J. Adaptation and the courtroom: judging climate science // Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law. – 2013. - Vol. 3. - P.4.

[11] Markell D., Ruhl J.B. An Empirical Assessment of Climate Change in the Courts: A New Jurisprudence or Business as Usual? // Florida Law Review. 2012. - Vol. 64. - P.39-40.

[12] Knox J.H. Linking Human Rights and Climate Change at the United Nations // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. – P. 486.

[13] Limon M. Human Rights and Climate Change: Constructing a Case for Political Action // Harvard Environmental Law Review. – 2009. - Vol. 33. - P.455.

[14] Солнцев А.М. Современное международное право о защите окружающей среды и экологических правах человека. – М., 2013, - С.122-126.

[15] Абанина Е.Н. Защита права граждан на благоприятную окружающую среду при обращении прокурора в суд: вопросы теории и практики // Современное право. – 2014. - № 7. - С.39.


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