Олимпиада по английскому языку



Установите соответствие рубрик A-G отрывкам 1-6, взятым из различных книг. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна рубрика лишняя.









1 Romford sighed as he picked up the piece of paper and tried hard to read the message on it. He was sure that this would be yet another clue which would lead him further away from the truth instead of closer to finding the murderer.

2 Born into a poor family, his life was hard from the start. His father was rarely home, and spent months at a time travelling to find work. His mother struggled to make enough money to feed her children by cleaning houses, often taking the young James with her to help scrub floors and polish furniture.

3 Bobby the bear couldn’t believe his luck – a whole jar of honey all for himself. “I should share this with the others”, he thought, but he decided to have just a little taste … and then another taste, and another. Soon, the jar was empty. “Oh, no” thought Bobby.

4 Clara mixed the eggs and sugar together in the bowl with slow circular movements. She really wanted this meal to be perfect so that Mike would be impressed. She imagined him gazing lovingly at her over the dessert. Suddenly, a terrible burning smell from the oven brought her back to reality.

5 Sir Horace walked through the great castle, turning over a long wooden table as he went. “Where are all my servants? He roared. He heard a noise and turned to see Lady Gertrude running down the stone steps from the tower. “Hurry!” she gasped. “Come quickly!”

6 “Get into the Galactron!” shouted Zoltor. “The whole planet is going to explode!” “We have to get back to Zetron 5!” They climbed aboard just in time and soon the tiny spacecraft was speeding off into deep space.





Task I.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами A1-A9. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A1-A9, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Выберите номер ответа, который вам кажется наиболее верным.

Worrying about the Son

The call from Mr Hill came when John was taking a shower. John’s wife Laura answered it. When John (A1) the room a minute later, she (A2). “The doctor says Tommy (A3) a good sleep last night,” Mr Hill said. “He (A4) worse today than he (A5) yesterday. But please (A6) too much. The doctor knowswhat he is doing”. “Yes,” said Laura, “good…” and then (A7) because John was tryingto tell her something.

“If you (A8) on a plane this morning, you (A9) there in the evening,”he said.

“Yes,” she replied. “Please thank your wife for helping Tommy. Good buy.” She put down the telephone and looked round the room.

A1 1) was entering 2) entered 3) had entered 4) has entered

A2 1) is still speaking 2) still spoke 3) was still speaking 4)still speaks

A3 1) does not have 2) did not have 3) had not had 4) has not had

A4 1) is 2) was 3) has been 4) had been

A5 1) had been 2) has been 3) was 4) were

A6 1) are not worrying 2) will not worry 3) does not worry 4) do not worry

A7 1) had stopped 2)stopped 3) has stopped 4) stops

A8 1) are getting 2) is getting 3) will get 4) get

A9 1) is arriving 2) arrive 3) will arrive 4) are arriving


Task II.

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова в скобках после номеров B1 – B8, если необходимо, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B1 – B8.

City Farms

As a person who has lived on the edge of a small city all my life, I find it difficult to believe that some children living in big cities grow up without ever B1 (see) … an animal larger than a pet dog. When I B2 (be) … a child we thought it was perfectly B3 (nature) … to play in fields with large cows for company, but apparently some city children do not even know what the animal that products B4 (they) … milk looks like.

To help city children to understand what it is like to live in the country, special farms have been made right in the center of some of our larger cities. One of the B5 (old) … of these is in London. It is run by volunteers and has herds



of sheep, goats, cows and other animals. There are B6 (educate) … programmes for visitors, and children can help feed and clean the animals. I have not been to one of these farms B7 (me) … but I think it is a B8 (marvel) … way to help children learn about the ways of the countryside, and I hope that we shall see more of these farms in our cities in the future.

Task III.

В каждой строчке найдите одну орфографическую ошибку. Выпишите правильный вариант написания этого слова.

1. Have you ever thouht that a person’s appearance_________________________

2. reveals more than we realize? Acording to some _________________________

3. experts, a persons’ face, head, and body can ____________________________

4. reveal a great deal about pesonality.___________________________________

5. The art of phrenology studys the form of the ____________________________

6. head, to be more acurate, the bumps on it.______________________________



Вы получили письмо от своего английского друга по переписке Джека (Jack). Он сообщает вам, что собирается серьезно заняться каким-нибудь видом спорта на будущий год. Мама советует ему выбрать теннис, а старший брат – баскетбол. Он просит вашего совета.


Напишите Джеку ответ. Дайте ему совет и обоснуйте его.

Обратите внимание на правильное оформление письма.

Объем текста 100 – 140 слов.




Вариант 1


Прочитайте отрывок из биографии художника Винсента Ван Гога и выполните задания A1 – A7, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую ответу, который вам кажется наиболее верным.

Vincent Van Gogh was born in Groot Zundert, in The Netherlands on March 30, 1853, to parents Theodorus Van Gough, a preacher, and Ana Cornelia Carbentus. In 1869 at the age of 16, Van Gogh began a career, not as a painter, but as an art dealer with the firm Goupil&Cie. He spent 7 years at Goupil&Cie where daily contacts with works of art kindled his appreciation of paintings and drawings. Gradually Vincent lost interest in his work and decided to try his hand teaching at a Catholic School for boys. His growing interest in religion and his desire to help the poor eventually drove him to become a clergyman. In 1878 he became a lay preacher in one of the most impoverished regions in Western Europe: the coal-mining district of The Borinage in Belgium. Vincent sympathized with the poverty-stricken miners and gave away most of his food and clothing to ease their burdened lives. His extreme commitment to the miners drew disfavor from the church, which dismissed him of the post. Vincent however, decided to remain with the miners and began to pain them and their families, chronicling their harsh conditions.

Soon after, thanks to his brother’s financial help, Vincent decided to go to Brussels in 1880 to begin studies in art. During the next 10 years Vincent painted around 872 paintings. In 1882 Vincent began living with Clasina Maria Hoornik, also known as Sien, and her children, in The Hague. Their volatile personalities and the strain of living in complete poverty created a stormy relationship. Vincent was devoted to Sien and her children, but art always came first. As his drawing and painting skills advanced, his relationship with Sien deteriorated and they parted ways in September 1883.

In 1886 Vincent moved in with his brother Theo in Paris where he met Paul Gauguin and various other artists, who had a tremendous impact on his ongoing evolution as an artist. Never truly happy in large cities, Vincent decided to move to Arles, Provence in the South of France, where he rented a studio and invited Paul Gaugin to live with him. In December 1888 Vincent experienced a psychotic episode in which he cut off a piece of his left ear. After this episode he was in and out of asylums for the next year. It was thought that Van Gogh was actually epileptic and that is why people thought he had fits of insanity throughout his life. He painted one of his best-known paintings, Starry Night, during one of his stays in the asylum. In mid-1890 Vincent left the asylum and spent the last few months of his life in Auvers, France. On July 27, 1890, Vincent Van Gogh shot himself in the chest. Two days later he died with his younger brother by his side. He left behind a wonderful array of paintings that make him one of the most influential painters of our time.

A1 Van Gogh decide to become a clergyman due to …

1 his love of art.

2 his developing enthusiasm in Christianity.


3 the Goupil&Cie art dealer firm.

4 his teachings at the Catholic School for boys.

A2 Vincent’s extreme commitment to the miners resulted in …

1 his sympathizing with the miners.

2 his painting the miners and their families.

3 the church discharging him of his duty.

4 the church giving food and clothing to the miners.

A3 Vincent and Clasina’s relationship was stormy because of …

1 her children.

2 their tame personalities.

3 his devotion to art.

4 the stress of living in poor conditions.

A4 Vincent moved to Paris …

1 to live with his brother.

2 to live with Paul Gaugin.

3 to meet other artists.

4 in order to evolve as an artist.

A5 Vincent went to Arles because …

1 he did not get along with his brother Theo.

2 he wanted to live in Gaugin’s house in Arles.

3 he wanted to live in a bigger city.

4 he disliked big cities.

A6 Vincent first went into an asylum because …

1 he cut off part of his ear.

2 he was epileptic.

3 he painted Starry Night.

4 he was insane throughout his life.

A7 Van Gogh was believed to be …

1 insane.

2 a loner.

3 epileptic.

4 an inadequate painter.


Task I

Прочитайте текст и решите, какой из вариантов A, B, C, или D больше всего подходит для заполнения пропусков. В начале текста – пример.

Red River Rising

As the (0) D sun turned its warming (1) … on the frigid (2) …, it set in motion a deadly chain of (3) …. The snow and ice of the long, cold winter (4) …

into water that fed and swelled the Red River, which forms on the North Dakota – Minnesota (5) …. The river grew and spread swallowing everything in its (6) ….




The water rose with such speed that some people (7) … their vehicles in the street and escaped (8) … city dump trucks. Hospitals and nursing homes were (9) …. Family members were scattered, (10) … refuge in shelters (11) … North Dakota and Minnesota.

(12) … downtown Grand Forks under fivefeet of water and more than 40,000 people (13) …, there (14) … to be but one mild consolation: things could not possibly (15) … any worse.


0 A season B cold C wintry D spring

1 A lights B rays C sunset D lines

2 A landscape B view C space D scenery

3 A causes B effects C events D occasions

4 A heated B dripped C melted D washed

5 A valley B countryside C region D border

6 A path B passage C route D slope

7 A neglected B ignored C abandoned D forgot

8 A boarding B aboard C boarded D abroad

9 A disappeared B departed C emptied D exited

10 A having B knowing C finding D waiting

11 A through B across C among D together

12 A As B Like C With D From

13 A lonely B survived C deserted D homeless

14 A used B seemed C had D found

15 A turn B develop C get D come


Task II

Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски, образовав из слов 16 – 25 новые при помощи приставок, суффиксов, окончаний.


(17) ABLE (22) ADVANCE



(20) FULL (25) ISOLATE


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