LETTER 1 (A formal printed invitation card)

NEWBRIDGE ASSOCIATES 346 Fitzharding Square Manchester, VT 23867
INVITATION I will/ will not* be able to attend the New England Tourism and Travel Corporation Roadshow at the Arlton Hotel in Chicago   Wednesday, October 2, at 6:00   NAME: Andrew Lloyd COMPANY: Lloyd & Lloyd, Ltd. * Please delete as appropriate   R.S.V.P. Franca Lester   Tel. (783) 567-3245


LETTER 2 (Accepting a formal invitation)

May 15, 20…

Dear Mr. Andrews:


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drake thank the Management Team of the Winchester Corporation for the invitation to attend the dinner dance honoring William R. Chesterfield on May 22, which they will be happy to attend.


Yours sincerely,

Charles Drake

Charles Drake


LETTER 3 (An informal invitation)


October 16, 20…


Dear Sirs


We are pleased to announce that we have moved our office to a spacious new building at a new location.

We certainly hope you can join us on that day. Please let us know if you can, so that we can finalize our program.



Alice Adams

Alice Adams


LETTER 4 (Asking for an appointment)

April 2, 20…

Dear Mr. Smith

Ms. Diane Bond, national production manager of our sales catalog division, will be in Boston on Thursday, April 26 and would like to tour your printing plant in nearby Cambridge during that afternoon.

Would it be convenient for you or your assistant to meet her on this date? I will get in touch with you by telephone early next week to make an appointment.



Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon


LETTER 5 (Making arrangements)


March 12, 20…


Dear Ms. White:


I enjoyed talking to you on Tuesday. The Dorset Hotel does have the facilities that our company needs to schedule its annual shareholders’ meeting on April 2, with check-in time scheduled for 9:30 A.M.


I hereby confirm that we have booked the Essex Room, which can comfortably seat 100 people; the Flamingo Suite (spacious seating for at least 15 people) for press meetings; and the Washington Dining Room (seating capacity for more than 100 people) where drinks and luncheon will be served after the shareholders’ meeting.


We also need the following audiovisual and other equipment and services:

· In the Essex Room:

- Public address system

- One VHS videocassette player

- Four television monitors

- One overhead projector and screen

- Coffee and tea service


· In the Flamingo Suite:

- One flip chart

- Coffee, beverages


· In the Washington Dining Room:

- Public Address system

- One motion picture projector

- One motion picture screen

- Beverages

- Luncheon (including wine service)


I will telephone you on March 29 about the arrangements as outlined above. Please send me your written confirmation.



Albert Green

Albert Green


LETTER 6 (A letter of reference)


September 25, 20…


To Whom It May Concern

Mr. Clarence Logan has been on our sales staff for the past eight years and has compiled an excellent sales record. He is a friendly person by nature and has won the friendship as well as the business patronage of his customers. We have convincing evidence of that from the letters we have received in response to the announcement that he is leaving our company on his own volition since he feels that he has advanced as far as possible under our current employment plan. For that reason, he has decided to look for a position in a larger organization.

We are sorry to see Mr. Clarence Logan go, because he has shown himself to be capable, resourceful, well-disciplined, intelligent, and pleasant. Therefore, we recommend him with enthusiasm since he should be a valuable asset to any company.


Joseph B. Baxter

Joseph B. Baxter

Director of Human Resources

LETTER 7 (A letter of introduction)


December 18, 20…


Dear Mr. Canning:


It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Harvey Wright, who operates a large bottling plant in our city.


Mr. Wright is contemplating opening a branch in your city, and I could think of no better for him to see than you for a quick survey of local conditions and prospects. My business association with Mr. Wright is now in its twelfth year and has led to a friendship which has enabled me to discover and appreciate his personal qualities.


I feel certain that any association this introduction may result in will be valued on both sides.


Yours sincerely,


Herbert Godkin




I. Приглашения. В современной деловой практике официальные и неофициальные приглашения часто передаются по телефону. Но в отдельных случаях (например, торжественный обед, вручение премии и пр.) необходимо отправить пригласительный билет, открытку или письмо, которые требуют обязательного ответа.


В своей практике компании периодически рассылают своим клиентам рекламные письма с приглашением посетить открытую презентацию или демонстрацию на ярмарке. На такие приглашения ответ необязателен.


Приглашения часто содержат стандартные фразы, например:


Ø Smith and Company cordially invite you to a welcoming cocktail party …

Ø The Management Team of the New York Corporation in honor of William R. Chesterfield requests the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drake at a dinner dance on September 12 at 7 P.M. RSVP.

Ø The Board of Directors invites you to attend a dinner party in honor of Mr. N. to be held at the Excellence Hotel…

Ø Colin Electronics invites you to the Electronics Trade Exhibition to view its full range of new CD boom boxes…

Ø We hope that you and your wife will be able to join us on May 3 and look forward to seeing you then.


В ответ на приглашение необходимо, прежде всего, выразить благодарность, а также написать, что Вы принимаете или не принимаете его. В последнем случае следует также объяснить причины.


Ø Thank you for your kind invitation to the dinner dance on December 6, which my wife and I will be happy to attend.

Ø Thank you very much for your kind dinner invitation, but my wife and I have already made arrangements to attend a wedding reception on that date.

Ø We regret that we already have another engagement at this time and will not be able to attend.

Ø My wife and I regret that owing to a prior engagement we will not be able to be present at the reception on August 12.

Ø I regret that I am not able to accept your kind invitation for the buffet reception on January 12. My business schedule calls for me to be in Europe during the entire month of January.


II. Письма-рекомендации. Рекомендации кому-либо даются по определенному поводу или в связи с каким-то конкретным событием, о чем следует упомянуть в письме. Естественно предположить, что такие письма Вы, как правило, направляете только в отношении тех людей, которые, с Вашей точки зрения, заслуживают похвалы. Поэтому в таких письмах следует объективно и точно описать лучшие профессиональные или иные качества человека. Можно упомянуть об опыте Вашей совместной работы и Ваших впечатлениях.


Ø We are happy to provide the information about Mr. Sidney you requested in your letter of March 7 with the explicit understanding, however, that this information will be held in strict confidence.

Ø I can recommend Ms. Jean Weidman, without any hesitation, for the position of assistant director of human recourses in your organization. She is intelligent, accurate, personable, and discrete.

Ø I recommend Mr. Leone without reservation, because I know you will find him an excellent sales representative. He is serious and dedicated worker.

Ø I am convinced that Mr. Smith would bring credit to your organization. His integrity and reliability are above question.

Ø Mr. Evans left our organization of his own free will because he believed that freelance work would offer greater opportunities.

Ø Mr. Sherman has proven to be an efficient, hard-working, trustworthy, and very personable employee.

Ø During his employment with our company, Mrs. Osborn’s proficiency in her job duties, attendance, and timekeeping record were excellent. She is also a very pleasant and thoughtful person. I am pleased to vouch for Mrs. Osborn’s character and her professional qualifications.


to attend sth посещать; присутствовать где-либо ¨ to attend the party – посетить вечер
to delete sth вычеркивать ¨ Delete as appropriate. – Лишнее зачеркнуть.
R.S.V.P. сокр. От фр. Répondez s’il vous plaît Ответьте, пожалуйста. (Наличие такой надписи на приглашении (обычно официальном) требует обязательного ответа согласно правилам делового этикета)
dinner party банкет
sth honoring sb что-либо в честь кого-либо ¨ the dance party honoring Mrs. and Mr. Joe Smith – танцевальный вечер в честь супругов Смит SYN: sth in hono(u)r of sb
spacious просторный; свободный (о помещении)
facility мн.ч. помещения; сооружения; оборудование; благоприятные условия
to finalize sth заканчивать; придавать окончательную форму ¨ to finalize the program – составить программу (окончательно)
to tour sth совершать объезд, обход; совершать путешествие
printing plant типография SYN: print-shop, printing-house, printing office, printing-works
to schedule sth назначать; намечать; планировать (for - на какое-л. определенное время)
annual shareholders’ meeting ежегодное собрание акционеров
check-in time время регистрации
suite многокомнатный номер в гостинице; квартира, состоящая из нескольких комнат
to seat (of a room) 100 people вмещать (о помещении) 100 человек
public address system система громкой связи; система громкого вещания
overhead projector проектор; проекционный аппарат; кинопроектор SYN: film projector
beverage напиток
to outline sth обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах
to be on the staff быть в штате ¨ to join a staff — влиться в коллектив, начать работать
record зд. характеристика, биография (профессиональная и т. д.); досье, собрание фактов, данных (о ком-л.) ¨ his record is against him — его характеристика говорит не в его пользу ¨ She has a distinguished record as a public official. — Она блестяще проявила себя в роли должностного лица.
patronage покровительство, попечительство, покровительственное отношение; поддержка
on one’s own volition по собственому желанию SYN: at will
resourceful (of a person) изобретательный, находчивый; имеющий множество идей SYN: creative
well-disciplined дисциплинированный; организованный VARIANT: well-disciplined
asset зд. разг. ценное приобретение; ценное качество; ценный вклад
to operate a plant управлять заводом
bottling plant завод безалкогольных напитков; вино-водочный завод
to contemplate sth обдумывать что-либо; намереваться; собираться
branch филиал
survey of sth обзор, исследование; обследование, инспектирование
to enable sb to do sth давать возможность или право что-л. сделать SYN: authorize, sanction, empower


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