V. Активизируйте лексику 7b, выполнив письменно ex.2,3 p. 122.

Английский язык, учитель Воронина Т.Е.

А класс

Тема урока: Образование. Работа и получение профессии.

Задачи: - повторить лексику к теме урока;

- развивать навыки чтения и умения отвечать на вопросы к тексту;

- освоить правило «Инверсия в условных придаточных предложениях» и научиться его


I. Повторите лексику к уроку 7b.

II. Определите, о каком учебном предмете идёт речь в предложении, запишите его название

Subjects: Algebra Literature

Chemistry Physical Training (PT)

Arts Language

Geometry Handicraft classes

History Computer Studies

Biology Geography


1. This science studies forces or qualities such as heat, light, sound pressure, gravity and electricity and the

way they affect objects.

2. A branch of mathematics in which letters are used to present possible quantities.

3. The study of the countries of the world, land formation, climate, seas, towns and population.

4. The scientific study of the characteristics and composition of substances and the way they react with

other substances.

5. Sports and games.

6. A mathematical science concerned with the measurements of lines, angles, curves and shapes.

7. Activities such as embroidery, knitting, pottery, carving, etc. which involve making things with your own


8. Classes that teach students to use electronic machines ha can quickly make calculations, store and rearrange


9. A subject that deals with the past.

10. A study of novels, plays and poetry.

11. The science which is concerned with the study of living beings.

12. A science that studies a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols

which are used by the people of a particular country for talking or writing.

13. A school subject at which students create paintings or sculptures by themselves.


III. Сгруппируйте слова в соответствии с категориями; заполните таблицу, записывая туда только номер слова:

Категория Номер слова
Exams and qualifications 1,
Educational establishments  
Places at school  
Teachers and students  

Words: 1. candidate 7. mark 13. secondary school

University 8. music 14. economics

Degree 9. result 15. college

University 10. headmaster 16. diploma

Fail 11. nursery school 17. canteen

Languages 12. staff room 18. History

Laboratory 31. gym

Undergraduate 32. grade

Certificate 33. literature

Sports field 34. biology

Primary school 35. pass

Tennis court 36. physics

Art 37. head teacher

Maths 38. pupil

Chemistry 39. computer studies

Professor 40. library

Academy 41. class/form master/mistress

Geography 42. Take

IV. Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы.


Every citizen has the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution and ensured by the broad development of secondary schools, vocational training schools ( профтехучилища), colleges and higher educational establishments ( высшие учебные заведения).

General secondary education is free and compulsory (бесплатное и обязательное).Children begin their study at the age of 6 or 7 and finish at the age of 16 or 17. First they go to primary school, where they learn reading and writing, get basic knowledge in major sciences. After 4 years of primary school they go to secondary school. The task of secondary education is to provide a pupil with the necessary level of knowledge in required courses (обязательные предметы). Besides, present-day schools are free to choose subjects to be taught beyond a core curriculum (базовый курс обучения).

There are now such types of schools as gymnasia (ед. ч. - gymnasium) and lyceums. These schools are major in humanities or sciences (имеют гуманитарную или техническую направленность). Some of them are affiliated (прикреплены) to universities and colleges.

The majority of schools are financed by the state. Private schools are few in number (число частных школ невелико).

Post-secondary education is provided (высшее и среднее специальное образование обеспечивается) by technical schools and colleges, training young specialists, and also by higher educational establishments (высшие учебные заведения) which are universities, institutes, academies and conservatoires. The multilevel system of training (многоуровневая система подготовки) is being introduced in 4 different qualifications: Junior Specialist (молодой специалист), Bachelor of Arts (бакалавр), Specialist (специалист) and Master of Arts (магистр).

The system of permanent education (система непрерывного образования) helps people of any age adapt (адаптироваться) to rapidly changing life. In institutions of post-diploma (институты последипломного образования) people can improve their knowledge in their speciality.



1. What is the right to education guaranteed by?

2. When do most children begin their education?

3. What is the task of secondary education?

4. What types of schools are there in our country?

5. What is post-secondary education provided by?

6. What are 4 levels of qualification?

7. What is the idea of permanent education?

8. Where can people improve their knowledge in their speciality?


V. Активизируйте лексику 7b, выполнив письменно ex.2,3 p. 122.


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