Анализ мочи по Зимницкому

Количество принятой жидкости ____1500 мл___________


№ порции Часы Относит плотность Количество мочи, мл

Дневной диурез - 610мл

Ночной диурез - 290мл

Общий диурез - 900мл

СКФ: расчетным способом по формуле Кокрофта-Голта:

88*(140-возраст в годах)*вес в кг*коэф_

72*креатинин сыворотки в мкмоль/л


Коэффициент: мужчины=1, женщины=0,85.

Инструментальные данные:

УЗИ – правая почка 13,0*5,3 см, толщина паренхимы 1,4 см, однородная, ЧЛС 1,6 см, уплотнена. Левая почка 13,1*5,4 см, толщина паренхимы 1,4см. Заключение: Увеличение размеров почек, застоя мочи и конкрементов нет.

Standard responses for case report

« Acute nephritic syndrome »

1. Complaints and history taking Conducted sequentially and systematically
2. Disease symptoms detailing using the additional differential diagnostic questions All anamnesis (including familial and allergological anamnesis) clarifying questions were asked
3. Physical examination – General Conducted sequentially and correctly. Facial, feet and lower leg soft edema were revealed, blood pressure was correctly measured.
4. Urinary system examination Kidneys are not palpable.
  Urine testing results interpretation Gross hematuria, dysmorphic (glomerular) red blood cells >30 per HPF Proteinuria <3,5 g/day Edema and arterial hypertension – nephritic syndrome
  Preliminary diagnosis rationale and statement Considering the complaints of urinary “meet-washing” like color, edema, association with sore throat experienced 2 weeks ago, acute onset, lacking diseases and factors predisposing to secondary renal involvement, the Preliminary diagnosis:Acute nephritic syndrome. Acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis is highly suspicious. Glomerular filtration rate decrease.
7. Laboratory testing plan Total blood count; urinalysis; daily urinary protein excretion. Blood biochemistry: urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin, glucose, total cholesterol, sodium, ALT, AST; Zimnitsky test, GFR estimation and renal function assessment. С-reactive protein; urinary culture; ASL-O for streptococcal origin verification of the GN – twice with two weekly interval.
8. Instrumental examination plan Renal US; ECG, fundoscopy (relative to BP) Nephrologist consult – renal biopsy if indicated
9. Blood testing results interpretation Moderate leucocytosis, leuco-formula left shift, ESR elevation; blood biochemistry – creatinine and urea elevation
10. Urine testing results interpretation (Zimnitsky test) Daily diuresis 900 ml. Renal concentration function is preserved.
11. Immunological testing 1. Acute ASL-O elevation 2. CRP – acute phase inflammatory protein
12. GFR estimation using Cockcroft-Gault formula and assessment of the renal filtration function. GFR 72 ml/min, glomerular filtration rate decrease
13. Renal US results interpretation Renal size increased (parenchymal edema)  
14. Final diagnosis rationale and statement Based on clear association with upper respiratory infection (sore throat) experienced 2 weeks ago and confirmed by the elevated ASL-O; presence of the acute nephritic syndrome with acute onset, excluded systemic involvement: Acute nephritic syndrome. Acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis. Glomerular filtration rate decrease.
15. Therapeutic management plan Low-salt diet with <2 g daily. Water-intake regimen: urinary output + 500 ml Streptococcus eradication Syndromic therapy (diuretics) Glucocorticosteroids are not indicated
  Ethiothropic therapy Cephalosporins administration considering previous treatment with semisynthetic penicillin (e.g. cephotaxim) for 10-12 days
17. Diuretics Loop diuretic furosemide 40 mg orally in the morning with serum electrolyte (K+) levels monitoring
18. Complications Acute renal failure, eclampsia and cardiac failure
19. Patient follow-up In general, the prognosis is favorable Blood count, urinalysis, serum creatinine to be tested trimonthly for one year Trace proteinuria may persist for several months BP monitoring Acute respiratory infection prevention
20. Optimal contact with the patient and anxiety elimination Optimal contact is established. Patient has confidence. All doctor’s questions were addressed.





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