Валовый внутренний продукт; 2 — положение; 3 - транспортное средство

• Look through the interview given by Christos Papoutsis, Member of the European Commission, and give the main idea of it.

The initiative of the Commission is designed to support new, clean and efficient non-nuclear energy technologies from R&D through to demon­stration and market penetration'. Our actions have been driven by three major objectives. First, a very real need, caused by concerns about the potential scarcity2 of resources, to improve the security3 of the European energy supply. Second, the necessity to protect both our glo­bal and local environments from the threat of climate change and other forms of environmental damage4. Third, a wish to contribute to improv­ing the competitiveness of our industries and the daily lives of our citizens. Much has been achieved towards meeting these objectives, but much re­mains to be done. That is why we must continue to support the research and technological development (R&D) of new energy technologies. The role of an initiative to demonstrate the benefits (преимущества) of new energy technologies, and encourage their uptake, remains vital.

Проникновение; 2 - скудность; 3 - безопасность; 4 - разрушение


• Retell the following text.

IEA's New Outlook

The International Energy Agency, Paris, concludes that future en­ergy supply and demand' worldwide would be very different. The IEA



Section I. Power Engineering

outlook predicts2 that world energy demand could grow by 65% and carbon dioxide emissions by 70%. Two-thirds of the increase in energy demand and energy-related C02 emissions by 2020 could occur3 in China and other developing countries. By 2020, worldwide energy-related C02 emissions could rise 75% above the 1990 levels, the basis for the Kyoto Protocol. The balance among energy sources is project­ed to change marginally. The market share of gas will increase while the share of oil will decline slightly and that of coal will remain stable. Output from nuclear power plants will remain stable to 2020 as the commissioning of new plants broadly matches plant retirements Growth in the use of hydropower will be limited by the availability of suitable sites and environmental considerations.

1 - спрос и предложение; 2 - предсказывает; 3 - произойти

i== Unit 2



• Read the text below and say what cooperation it deals with.

Since the oil crises of the 1970's international cooperation has be­come an increasingly important factor in energy policy for most coun­tries of the industrial world. It arose from the need to cope effectively with the disruptive impact of oil-price increases on the economy. In­ternational cooperation has contributed substantially to the formulation and application of concerted actions to reduce dependency on oil and respond collectively to emergency situations.

Despite progress, it was soon realized however that energy issues couldn't be solved by industrial countries alone, working in isolation. Nor was it a matter of redistributing energy resources and proceeds from oil-trade between oil producing and consuming countries. Ener­gy policy can no longer be applied without due attention to the realities of an jncreasingly interdependent world economy, in which long-term issues, like the environment, population growth and the advancement of less developed countries raise serious concerns.

Consequently, international energy cooperation has been included as an integral part of the energy policy of the European Union. The need to strengthen cooperation is further underlined by recent events and developments taking place within as well as outside the Union. In the first place, policy objectives and priorities have con­centrated on the establishment of a Single Market to include the energy sector, as a means towards increasing availability and reducing the cost of energy supplies throughout the Union. Given the energy situation prevailing in most of the Member States, attaining this objective de­pends heavily on the extent to which energy relations with other coun­tries can be promoted and secured. The specific EU Programme con­centrates on the transfer of energy policy know-how and strategies to Third Countries with the following approach:

Section I. Power Engineering

Unit 2. International Cooperation


—the global objective of securing energy supplies at reasonable prices;

—facilitating collaboration between European companies and ma­jor energy producing and consuming industries in third countries;

— protection of the environment from industrial pollution.
Despite recent economic setbacks, many of the newly emerging

world economies are being fuelled by massive increases in energy use and this will have significant repercussions on the environment. Some estimates predict that India and China will be responsible for as much as a quarter of the world's total Commissions by the year 2010. The energy/ environment interrelation is subsequently very important and has been reflected in many cooperation activities, particularly in the area of clean coal technologies or renewable energy sources such as wind, small hydro, solar, photovoltaic, solar thermal and biogas.

Energy co-operation should function in close collaboration with both national administrations and regional organizations. Such coopera­tion not only contributes to economic development but also to peace and stability for the countries.


industrial pollution промышленное загрязнение economic setback экономический спад to emerge появляться to contribute to economic development делать вклад в экономическое раз­витие to have repercussions on иметь влия­ние на

to cope with справляться с чем-либо disruptive impact разрушительное

влияние to reduce dependency сократить зави­симость a matter of дело

interdependent взаимозависимый single market единый рынок reasonable prices разумные цены to facilitate collaboration способство­вать сотрудничеству


. Find in the text the English phrases corresponding to their Russian equivalents:

a) эффективно справляться с

b) деструктивное влияние на

c) уменьшить зависимость от

d) реагировать на экстренные ситуации

e) обеспечение энергоснабжения


f) вызывать серьезную обеспокоенность

g) по разумным ценам

2. Give the Russian phrases corresponding to their English equivalents from the text:

- oil price increases — long-term issues

- emergency situations — energy policy know-how

- interdependent world - clean coal technologies economy — renewable energy sources

3. Translate the following sentences with the Participle I. Pay attention to the different
translation of the Participle I depending on its different functions.

a) Energy issues couldn't be solved by industrial countries alone, working in isolation.

b) The need to strengthen cooperation is further underlined by re­cent events and developments taking place within as well as out­side the Union.

c) Despite recent economic setbacks, many of the newly emerg­ing world economies are being fuelled by massive increases in energy use.

4. Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.

a) It was soon realized however that energy issues couldn't be solved by industrial countries alone.

b) Energy policy can be applied without due attention to the realities of an increasingly interdependent world economy.

c) International energy cooperation has been included as an inte­gral part of the energy policy of the United Nations.

d) The specific EU Programme concentrates on the transfer of en­ergy policy know-how and strategies to Third Countries.

e) Some estimates predict that India and China will be responsible for as much as a quarter of the world's total Commissions by the year 2010.

5. Answer the following questions.

1. Why has the international cooperation become an increasingly important factor in energy policy for most countries of the industrial world? _—

2. What is the need to strei^t§fn^O)5|p6feit^on furtiier underlined by;

3. Why couldn't energy^u^^^^^b0fidu9trill countries alone?
2~4661 [технологического ун-та»

I им. В.Г. Шухова

18 Section I. Power Engineerin

Unit 2. International Cooperation


4. What does the specific EU Programme concentrate on?

5. What do some estimates predict?

6. Write the summary of the text above using the following word combinations:

a) the article deals with... c) the text gives a valuable information..

b) it is specially noted... d) it draws our attention to...


• Five countries (United States, Russia, China, Japan and Ger­many) consumed half the world's energy in 2000.

• Natural gas has grown as apportion3 of total world energy consump­tion rising to 22 percent in 2000.

Energy Information Center



• Read the text to find answers to the following questions:

1. What countries produced 40 percent and consumed 42 percent of the world's ener­gy in 1999?

2. Why did world C02 emissions grow by 3 percent during 2000 according te the "International Energy Annual 2000"?

3. Why do COz emission growth rates lag overall energy consumption growth rates?

4. What countries produced half the world's energy in 2000?

5. What countries consumed half the world's energy in 2000?


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