Agree or disagree with the following statements.

Профессиональной деятельности


Профессия юриста в Республике Беларусь

Study the words and the word-combinations.


to resolve cases принимать решения по судебным делам
people’s assessors народные заседатели
district район, округ
courts of first and second instances суды первой и второй судебных инстанций
to return a verdict выносить (провозглашать) вердикт (решение)
to agree upon a verdict прийти к согласию в вопросе о вердикте
counsel for the defence адвокат, защитник
counsel for the prosecution обвинитель, прокурор
investigator следователь
chairman председатель
trial суд, судебный процесс
conduct вести (дела)
presume innocence считать невиновным
on the consent of с согласия
legal adviser консультант



1. Read the text [10, с. 143 — 144].


The Judicial System of the Republic of Belarus. Legal professions in Belarus.


Belorussian courts are judicial organs of government, which resolve disputes of civil and criminal cases on the territory of Belarus. The Constitution of Belarus provides the system of election of judges and People’s assessors and the collective order of trying criminal and civil cases in courts.

In general the court system is divided into three stages — district (municipal) People’s courts, regional courts and Minsk city court and the highest one — the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus. It is the highest appellate court in our country. It is headed by the Chairman who is appointed by the President on the consent of the Counsel of the Republic.

Criminal and civil courts are distinguished as courts of first and second instances. Courts of first instance pronounce verdicts in criminal cases and pass judgement in civil cases after trial.

Courts of second instance are courts of cassation and can control the legality and justification of verdicts or judgement pronounced by courts of first instance.

In national economy lawyers are entrusted the control on the legality of orders and instructions issued by government body: they participate in drawing up different agreements and contracts, which are concluded with other enterprises; lawyers also inform workers on the current legislation and give help in legal matters, conduct their cases in courts. So you may work as a judge, an advocate, a counsel for the defence, public prosecutor, procurator, notary, investigator, and legal adviser.

In addition to this professional group there are non-professional legal counselors who give advice on various legal problems and are often employed by business firms.

All lawyers in our country are incorporated either in the national or regional bar. Members of the bar work at legal advisory offices, which function in every town administrative district.

All our citizens are equal before the law. Judges are elected for a term of five years. Not only professional lawyers but also the representatives of the population hear all criminal and civil cases having equal authority.

The defendants are guaranteed the right to defence. Proceedings of all courts are open. All people before the court are presumed innocent, until the court, having observed all procedural guarantees, finds them guilty. Only then is the sentence pronounced. An appeal can be made against the ruling to a higher court, right up to the Supreme Court.


Answer the questions.


1) Belorussian courts are judicial organs of government, aren’t they?

2) What does the Constitution of Belarus provide?

3) How many stages is the court system divided into?

4) What are they?

5) What is the highest appellate court in our country?

6) What is it headed by?

7) What do courts of first instance pronounce?

8) What do courts of cassation control?

9) What may lawyers work as?

10) What problems do non-professional legal counselors give advice on?

11) What are all lawyers in our country incorporated in?

12) Are proceedings of all courts open?


Agree or disagree with the following statements.


1) Belorussian courts are judicial organs of government.

2) They resolve disputes of civil cases.

3) The Constitution of Belarus doesn’t provide the system of election of judges and People’s assessors.

4) The court system is divided into 4 stages.

5) Criminal and civil courts are distinguished as courts of second and third instances.

6) Courts of first instance are courts of cassation.

7) Lawyers give help in legal matters, conduct their cases in courts.

8) There are non-professional legal counselors who give advice on various legal problems.

9) They can’t be employed by business firms.

10) All our citizens are equal before the law.

11) Judges are elected for a term of 6 years.



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