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Слова, которые вам встретятся при чтении и переводе текста

totradepropertyrights – обменивать права на собственность

competitiveequilibrium – равновесие конкуренции

outcome – исход, результат

initial endowments of commodities – первоначальныйвкладв


relevant – соответствующий, релевантный

inevitable – неизбежный

respond – ответ

hazard – опасность

quantities of goods offered – объемы (количество)

предлагаемых товаров

toexist – существовать

infinitelyelastic – бесконечно эластичный

acquisition – приобретение

toimprove – улучшать

hence – следовательно

voluntary exchange – добровольныйобмен

to compel – вынуждать

constant – постоянный

toregardas – рассматривать как (в качестве)

tentative – предварительный

unique – уникальный, исключительный

coreof a market – основа экономики


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Competition refers to the nature of the conditions under which individuals may trade property rights. It assumes a definition of property rights that individuals may trade among themselves as well as a description of the trading process. A competitive equilibrium is the outcome of competition. The very existence of such an equilibrium depends on the nature of the property rights. These aspects of competition are especially important in connection with the development of new technology and new products and with the use of low-cost, large-scale methods of production and distribution.

The simplest situation in an analysis of competition is a market where individuals have initial endowments of commodities that they own and that they may trade among themselves. All trades occur at the same time and place. The essential characteristics remain valid when trades do not all occur at the same time and place. However, individuals would have incomplete knowledge relevant for their decisions. This complication changes the nature of the outcome of competition. Incomplete knowledge is inevitable partly because the future is unknown. Even so, it is often less costly to take current actions that will have future consequences without knowing that these will be than to respond only to momentary events of the present, the advantages of planning and the resulting exposure to hazards that may occur alter the effects of competition.

These basic considerations help explain the nature of production and why the quantities of goods offered will change over time in response to the expectations and information firms have. They also explain why some common notions about competition are inadequate. Among the inadequate notions about competition is the belief that a necessary condition for competition is a lack of power by any firm to affect the prices of its products. Sometimes this is put in another form, that competition can exist in an industry only if the demand curves facing the individual firms in that industry are infinitely elastic so that changes in the quantities sold by a single firm cannot affect the product price. This condition is not necessary for competition. Nor is it necessary for competition that the number of firms be so large that each one is of negligibly small size relative to the total market for the commodities made by firms in the industry. Finally, it may be consistent with competition that some or all firms in an industry have obtained very high profit rates.


Pure Exchange

Assume there is a market where there are individuals, each of whom starts with given amounts of various commodities. Each one would like to make trades that will result in the acquisition of goods preferred to those goods to be exchanged. The theory assumes that for each trader the purpose of trade is to improve the trader's position. Hence, the trader would not willingly leave the market with a bundle of goods worth less than his or her initial holdings. The theory also assumes that each trader owns the commodities to be traded, that they can be traded on terms that are mutually acceptable to the parties directly involved in an exchange, and that each trader may accept or reject the terms offered. Underlying the possibility of exchange is the existence of property rights in the goods. Competition requires voluntary exchange so that no trader is compelled to accept or reject offers without freely given consent. The very notion of exchange implies, therefore, a voluntary agreement among those who are directly involved in the transaction on the terms that each one willingly accepts.

In pure exchange, although the total quantities of the commodities exchanged among the parties is constant, each one must regard the obtained goods as worth more than the exchanged goods. If the parties can reach agreement on mutually beneficial terms of exchange, the result is an allocation of the commodities among the individuals that must make at least one of them better off than before and cannot make anyone worse off than before.

The theory assumes that no individual accepts terms that would leave that individual in a worse position than if no trades at all were made. The existence of a state of competition in pure exchange allows the participants to seek the best terms that they can obtain from the others. Competition does not requires the presence of a very large number of traders nor does it require that each of the individual traders in the market must be of such a small relative size that none can affect the terms of trade. Traders can make tentative agreements with each other subject to the condition that these agreements become binding only if none can obtain better terms from others. The final outcome is a set of exchanges among the traders such that no individual or group of individuals can obtain better terms. The set of outcomes with these attributes need not be unique. All possible outcomes with these attributes represent the state of competition. The set of all possible trades that can satisfy these conditions is known as the core of a market. Therefore, the set of trades induced by competition in a market is in the core of a market.


2. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы

1. What is competition?

2. What is a competitive equilibrium?

3. What is the simplest situation in an analysis of competition?

4. What, according to the text, are the basic considerations of the competition and

what do they explain?

5. What are the «inadeqate» notions about competition?

6. What does the competition require?

7. What are the features of pure exchange?

8. Under what circumstances competition is impossible?

9. Under what circumstances is pure exchange possible?

10. Do you think that competition stimulates the production of better goods?

3. Определите, какие из следующих высказываний истинные, а какие ложные

a) Competition refers to both the trade of property rights and the description of the trading process.

b) A competitive equilibrium is the result of cоmpetition.

c) Goods are infinetely elastic when the dеmand for them is elastic.

d) Some or all firms may have high profits under competition.

e) Competition is only possible when people arewilling to exchange commodities.

f) In pure exchange each participant exchanges bad goods for better ones.

g) Core market is the set of all possible trades that can satisfy these conditions.



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