Ten characteristics that help small businesses succeed

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Филиал РГГУ в Нижнем Новгороде

Кафедра гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин (ГСЭД)


Контрольная работа № 4 по английскому языку

Для студентов-экономистов 3-го курса (5-ый семестр)

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Правило технического оформления работы. Весь исходный текст работыВы должны повторить в своей рукописи, а затем выполнять задания. Основной текст и текст диалога следует оформить в виде двух колонок: левая колонка заполнена очередным английским предложением, а в правой колонке дается перевод этого предложения. Печатать нужно на одной стороне листа. Страницы – не сшивать. Оформление титульной страницы – обычное. Шрифт – New Times Roman; поля: левое – 3 см, правое – 1,5 см, верхнее и нижнее – 2 см. Номер страницы – вверху справа. Межстрочный интервал – 1 см.


Задание 1. С помощью данного перечня слов (он дан после текста) сделать письменный перевод текста, избегая пословного перевода.


Ten characteristics that help small businesses succeed

Ву Kendrick D. White


(а volunteer with the U.S. Peace Corps in Nizhny Novgorod)

Special to the Nizhny Novgorod Times

Growing а successful business involves more than simply having а good idea and hoping that someone or some organization will share the “belief in this idea and support it with funding and resources”.  



Business ideas and new ventures grow and succeed because the originators of these ideas are committed to proven managementstrategies that work! What are the specific management strategies that are common in the vast majority of successful businesses? The following list is а good start:

1) Emphasis on qua1ity production;

2) А high level of customer service;

3) Efficiency and attention to cost control;

4) Clear management strategy and focus;

5) А clearly defined target market;

6) A marketing strategy that sell the solution to problems and/or needs;

7) А clear understanding of your competitive advantage;

8) А long term strategic plаn;

9) Flexibility and adaptability to changing environments;

10) Proper management and employee incentives.

This list is by no means complete, but according to а recent issue of the Forbes magazine, new businesses that practice and implement these strategies are much more likely to succeed and grow compared to companies that ignore these principles. In fact, it should be emphasized that most of the world large corporate giants started out as small struggling enterprises. What made them great was that the managers of these companies believed in these principles and incorporated them into every aspect of their management strategy and long term business plans.

It could be argued that while these principles may be successful in the West, this is Russia, and Russia will develop its own set of market rules and business practices, and this to а great extent is true. But before you dismiss the above list as simply а "western'" model, ask yourself what type of products do YOU look for when shopping, what product and/or service characteristics do YOU want? Would you prefer а high quality product or а low quality product? Do you want а refrigerator that makes а lot of noise and keeps you awake at night or would you prefer one that was quiet? You may say that the choice does not matter because in many cases the choice does not exist, but if it did exist, which would YOU prefer?

How do you feel when an attendant at а home products store completely ignores you and refuses to help you locate something that you are looking for? Would you feel better if the attendant listened to you and tried to help you? Probably yes. The point is that successful managers in companies all over the world realize that people buy products because they have а need for them and that given а choice people will buy the best quality product, at the lowest price from the company that provides the best and most friendly customer service! Now what does all of this mean? Essentially, in а market economy, this law of supply and demand establishes а competition between producers to attract consumers and their money.

Given the fact that there is competition in а market economy, the successful companies willinevitablyfollow every management strategy that will make them the most competitive and therefore attract the most buyers to their product or service. The above listed ten characteristics are examples of the strategies that successful companies follow in order to attract the most consumers and therefore the most cashflow and profits which will lead to sustained growth. That is how small companies succeed and become large companies, by being smarter than their competitors by providing exactly what the consumer market wants, when and where it wants it and the best price from the most friendly and helpful sales people.

These concepts are not necessarily "western" economic principles, but rather an acknowledgement of general human characteristics and how "business" can succeed given equal human environment in which we live. Companies that understand these concepts and embrace (=seize; make use of) them will naturally follow the above mentioned strategies for one simple reason, it has been proven time and again that they work!!

I have been living and working in Nizhny Novgorod for over а year now as а business advisor to local firms and organizations, and I can honestly sау that the Russian companies that currently follow these principles stand а much better chance of successfully surviving this difficult time and prospering in the future. The message here is that successful companies realize that we are all human being and share some basic characteristics as to how we like to be treated and how we will react if given different choices. Successful enterpreneurs and managers realize this everywhere in the world and actively work to provide people with what THEY want, because that is what they are most likely to BUY.

As а final note, there is а reason why so many kiosks and traders to be found in Russia today. They are just the first signs of а market economy providing people with the choice to purchase what they want to. It is not а bad sign about а weak economy, but rather only the first step toward giving people what they want. The next step however is far more important and that involves the evolution of Russian businesses that produce the variety of product that the Russian people want here. This stage is already preparing themselves for the coming competition. So what are you waiting for, let’s get planning!

This article is the first in а series of articles discussing management strategy and planning in Russia's emerging market есоnomу and was written by Mr. Kendrick D. White, а volunteer with the U.S. Peace Corps in Nizhny Novgorod. The next article will examine each of the ten successful business characteristics in greater detail and begin to discuss how these principles can be applied in everyday management practices.


Vocabulary Note


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