Прошедшее простое время (Past Indefinite)

Планы практических занятий по дисциплине

«Деловой английский язык»

(обязательный компонент)


для студентов II курса


5В071200– «Машиностроение»

5В072900 – «Строительство»

5В072100 – «Химическая технология органических веществ»

5В072000 – «Химическая технология неорганических веществ»

факультета машиностроение

форма обучения очная

на 4 семестр 2013-2014 учебный год


Уральск – 2013


Составители: ст. преподаватели Утемисова Э.К., Бисалиева Н.С., Хажгалиева Г.Х., преп. Муханбеткалиева Г.Ш.



Кафедра «Иностранные языки», «М-308, 309»



Количество кредитов – 2 кредита


Практические занятия –30 часов



СРСП– 15 часов


СРС -45 часов


Обсужден на заседании кафедры «» 2013 г. Протокол №




Text. At the restaurant

Grammar: To be. To have.


At the restaurant

It is seven sharp. Pete and David are in the lounge.

Pete: Good evening, David.

David: Good evening, Pete.

It is two minutes past seven. They see Nick.

Nick: Good evening. I'm late, I'm afraid. I do apologise.

David: Good evening. That's all right.

Pete: Good evening. Follow me please, gentlemen.

They go to the restaurant. The head waiter comes up to them and offers them one of the vacant tables.

Pete: Do you like this table, David?

David: It looks all right.

Pete: Then let's take it... Here is the menu...

David: Oh, it's in English too. How very nice.

Pete: What would you like to drink?

David: Gin and tonic for me, please.

Nick: And what would you like as a starter?

David: Your English is very good. Some cold fish, I think.

Nick: Thank you for the compliment. I'll tell my teacher about it. And what would you like as a hot meal?

David: Some meat and vegetables.

Pete: And here are our drinks... I'm very glad to see you in Moscow, David. I still remember my Christmas days in London. Now you are welcome to Moscow. To our good business!

David: I do hope our business will be beneficial for all of us.

Words and expressions


1. Read the following:

go not port
hope compliment airport
hello apologise form
so follow offer

the lounge

in the lounge



to the restaurant

one of the vacant tables

this table

Here is the menu.

Here are our drinks.

They are in the lounge of the hotel.

Your English is very good.

I do apologise.

I do hope our business will be beneficial.


2. Translate into Russian:

It's seven sharp.

The Russian businessmen are in the lounge.

At two minutes past seven they see David.

They all say good evening and go to the restaurant.

They order some drinks, starters and hot meals.

They have a drink to their good beneficial business.

3. Match English and Russian equivalents:

Good evening. Прошу прощения.
I'm late I'm afraid. Ничего, все в порядке.
I do apologise. Добрый вечер.
That's all right. Я, кажется, опоздал.
Follow me, please. Вам нравится этот столик?
The head waiter comes up to them. По-моему, вполне нормальный (столик).
The head waiter offers them one of the vacant tables. Проходите, пожалуйста, за мной.
Do you like this table? К ним подходит метрдотель.
It looks all right. Метрдотель предлагает им один из свободных столи­ков.


4. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

P.: Good..., David.

D.: Good..., Pete.

N.: Good.... I'm late... I do...

D.: Good... That's...

P.: Good... Follow...

P.: Do you like...?

D.: It looks...

P.: Then let's...


5. Make sentences and translate them into Russian:

• Here is the menu the form the car the hotel  
•It's in Russian English too  
• How very nice good
• What would you like to drink to have as a starter
• Would you like a drink gin and tonic some cold fish some meat some vegetables
• Your English is quite good very good
• Thank you for the compliment your compliment your kind words
• I will tell my teacher about it your words your compliment


• I still remember Christmas days in London in England in Britain in...


• You are welcome to Moscow to Russia to...


• To our good very good beneficial business friendship


• I do hope our business will be very good beneficial beneficial for all of us


6. Translate into English:

Вот, пожалуйста, меню. Вы хорошо говорите по-английски

Что бы вы хотели выпить? Вы хорошо говорите по-русски.

Что бы вы хотели на закуску? Спасибо за комплимент.

Что вы хотите на горячее?

7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

P.: Here is the...

D.: Oh,... English too.

P.: What... drink?

D.:... for me, please.

N:. And what... starter?

D.: Your English... Some cold..., I think.

N.: Thank... I will tell my teacher... And what... as a hot meal?

D.: Some...

P.: And here... drinks. I'm very glad to... I still remember... in London. Now you... to Moscow. To our...!

D.: I do hope... for all of us.

8. Представьте, что вы пригласили англичанина в ресторан. Разыграйте короткие диалоги:

• Вы встречаете его около ресторана.

• Вы выбираете столик.

• Вы заказываете ужин.

• Выпроизноситетосты.

Спряжение глагола to be

Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite)

I am You are

He/ She/ It is =He/ She/ it's

We/ You/ They are

Прошедшее простое время (Past Indefinite)

I was

You were

He/She/It was

We/ You/ They were



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