Задание №3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Continuous или Present Perfect.

1. Sophie is busy. She (to knit) a sweater for her grandson.

2. You only (to have) a piece of cake? You (not to eat) much.

3. People (to plant) carrots and tomatoes now.

4. You (to go) to plant tomatoes this year?

5. Johnny, who finally (to find) a new job, (to give) a big party.

Задание №4. Выберите в скобках правильный вариант модального глагола. Переведите предложения.


1. He … (can’t/couldn’t) open the window as it was stuck.

2. Interpreters … (may/must) translate without dictionaries.

3 … (Can/May) I use me your bike for today?

4. … (May/Could) you give me the recipe for this cake?

5. I hardly ever see Jane, she … (may/might) have moved to Africa.

Задание №5. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя предлоги on, in, at, to, into.


1. Где твоя сестра? — Она в школе.

2. Где ребенок? — Он в постели. Мама уложила его в постель полчаса назад.

3. Где твой папа? — Он на работе.

4. Где твой дедушка? — Он в парке.

5. Где Коля? — Он на стадионе.

Задание №6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. They (to leave) England when he (to be) still a child.

2. He (not yet to come) back.

3. He (to go) already?

4. When you (to see) him last?

5. I (not to see) him for ages.

Вариант №8.

Задание №1. Переведите и прочитайте текст


In Washington, DC, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a very special address. It's the address of the White House, the home of the President of the United States.

Originally the White House was grey and was called the Presidential Palace. It was built from 1792 to 1800. At this time, the city of Washington itself was being built. It was to be the nation's new capital city. George Washington, the first president, and Pierre Charles L'Enfant, a French engineer, chose the place for the new city. L'Enfant then planned the city and the President's home was an important part of the plan.

A contest was held to pick a design for the president's home. An architect named James Hoban won. He designed a large three-story house of grey stone.

President Washington never lived in the Presidential Palace. The first president to live there was John Adams, the second president of the United States, and his wife.

Mrs Adams did not really like her new house. In her letters, she often complained about the cold. Fifty fireplaces were not enough to keep the house warm!

In 1812 the United States and Britain went to war. In 1814 the British invaded Washington. They burned many buildings, including the Presidential Palace.

After the war James Hoban, the original architect, partially rebuilt the president's home. To cover the marks of the fire, the building was painted white. Before long it became known as the White House.

The White House is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States. Every year more than 1.5 million visitors go through the five rooms that are open to the public.


Задание №2. Составьте предложения с модальными глаголами, расставив слова в нужном порядке. Переведите получившиеся предложения.

Например: don’t / to / I / answer / have / questions / your. – I don’t have to answer your questions. (Я не обязан отвечать на ваши вопросы.)


1. my / cook / can / quite / wife / well.

2. catch / last / able to / we / were / train / the.

3. not / jeans / you / must / wear / to / school.

4. didn’t / you / drink / have to / much / yesterday / so.

5. ought to / bill / Robert / the electricity / pay / today.


Задание №3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Continuous или Present Perfect.

1. How long you (to be) sick?

2. You (to see) any good movies recently?

3. What you (to look) forward to?

4. Nancy (to look) forward to this weekend.

5. She (to go) to read Shakespeare and she (not to go) to think about work.

Задание №4. Выберите в скобках правильный вариант модального глагола. Переведите предложения.


1. Take an umbrella. It … (may/can) rain.

2. You … (could/should) stop smoking. You know you … (cannot/must not) buy health.

3. You … (may/must) finish the article as soon as possible.

4. Liz doesn’t … (ought to/have to) keep to a diet anymore.

5. Lara … (can/might) get a playstation for her birthday.

Задание №5. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Четвертого июня мы поедем за город.

2. Я люблю ходить в парк осенью.

3. На этой неделе мы будем встречать наших друзей в аэропорту. Самолет прибывает в семь часов вечера. Я думаю, что мы ляжем спать только в полночь.

4. Прошлой зимой он часто ходил на каток в воскресенье.

5. На прошлой неделе мы ходили в Русский музей.

Задание №6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. I (not yet to eat) today.

2. He (not to eat) yesterday.

3. You (to play) the piano yesterday?

4. You (to play) the piano today?

5. What you (to prepare) for today?

Вариант №9.

Задание №1. Переведите и прочитайте текст


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