Satan, Prince of This World 13 глава


I realize how difficult it is for the average decent person, regardless of race, colour, or creed, to realize that Satanism is actually practiced, and that the Synagogue of Satan is controlled AT THE TOP by human beings who are the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who plot to enslave what remains of the human race, after the final social cataclysm is ended. Therefore, I shall quote Pike's own words as recorded by Arthur Preuss on pages 157-8 of Vol. I "A Study in American Freemasonry. " While Pike was explaining WHY those directing the W.R.M. AT THE TOP intended to use international Communism as THEIR manual of destructive action, Preuss quotes him as saying:


"There is a merely informal atheism, which is the negation of God in terms, but not in reality. A man says, 'There is no God'- that is, there is no God WHO originates in himself, WHO ever was originated, but a God Who always was and has been, who is the cause of existence, who is the MIND and the PROVIDENCE of the Universe, and therefore, the ORDER, BEAUTY, and HARMONY of the world of matter and mind do not indicate any plan or intention of Divinity. But Nature that is powerful, wise, active and good; Nature originated within itself, or perhaps, it always was and has been, the cause of its own existence, the mind of the Universe and its own Providence. Clearly there is a plan and purpose from which proceed order, beauty, and harmony. But this is the plan and purpose of Nature. In such matters the absolute negation of God is only formal and not real. The qualities of God are recognized, and they affirm HIS existence; it is a mere change of name to call the possessor of these qualities Nature and not God."


The word Nature, as used by Pike, means "The sum total of existence," exactly as the word "Universe" means the totality of everything within and without space, including everything in and on this earth. Pike is also recorded as saying that Atheistic Communism will be only 'A passing phase in the over-all revolution, 7 and as is mentioned elsewhere Pike told Mazzini exactly how Communism and Christianity were to be made to destroy each other in an all-out war with each other, in order to usher the Luciferian conspiracy into its final stage.


It is only when we dig down deep, and look behind the curtain of Pike's life that we realize that when talking of God and/or Nature he was really meaning Lucifer. We have said Thomas Jefferson became a member of Weishaupt's Illuminati. Regardless of what Americans


have been taught to believe about Thomas Jefferson as a Christian and a Patriot, the fact remains that he did play a leading part in bringing about Weishaupt's plan which required that America be separated from the British Empire. Therefore he was a traitor to his Mother Country. He became a traitor because Illuminism had convinced him that ONLY a One World Government, managed by men of brains, could solve the world's problems and end wars and revolutions. He felt he was justified in helping destroy Britain and her Empire in the interests of world peace. Exactly the same principles and feelings caused President ED. Roosevelt to tell Winston Churchill, Britain's Prime Minister, when they met on an American battleship in Agentia Bay, Newfoundland, in the summer of 1942, to discuss the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO.) "It is time the British Empire was dissolved in the interests of world peace." Very few people seem to realize that NATO was organized so that those who direct the W.R.M. AT THE TOP could 'contain' the terrible destructive force of Communism, which they had created in accordance with Pike's plan, until they wished to use it to usher in the final stage of the Luciferian conspiracy.


A slip of the tongue may go unnoticed by millions, but to a historian it may disclose a great deal. Early in World War Two Winston Churchill made one of his most famous speeches after he had dined well if not too wisely. There is an old saying, "When liquor is in the truth comes out." On this particular occasion Churchill said, "I will shake hands with the Devil himself if by so doing he will help me defeat that - Hitler." Here we get a glimpse of the truth; if Churchill had been a God- loving and God-fearing person it would have been only natural that he would have spoken the name of God, and not that of Lucifer.


Exactly the same line of reasoning explains many of the political actions of Mackenzie King during the quarter century he was Prime Minister of Canada: He was indoctrinated into Internationalism while he was going to the University. His record as a young man is very similar to that of Pike. He was openly a radical, and a true descendant of his rebellious grandfather. He was so utterly ruthless and unscrupulous when in Toronto University that he was heartily disliked by the vast majority of his fellow students. But once he sold his soul to the Rockefellers he directed the Canadian government's policies so they fitted in with Luciferian plot to bring into being a One World Government. And the masses... the Goyim... are so thoroughly brainwashed by the Luciferian propaganda machine that the people of Canada kept reelecting him Prime Minister, although his treachery as far as Britain and the rest of her Commonwealth (Empire) was concerned, had been proven to the hilt in letters he wrote early in the first World War to prominent Americans who were friends of the Rock- efellers, or obligated to them for financial favours, and asked them to use their influence with the American government so that financial and other aid would be withheld from Britain and France, "And so prolong the war and seriously weaken the British Empire." The control of the S.O.S. has, over the so-called FREE AND INDEPENDENT PRESS is such that even as a professional journalist and author of many books, I couldn't get the truth regarding Mackenzie King and his treachery and occultism over to the public until I published Red Fog Over America privately in 1955.


It was Thomas Jefferson who had the Illuminati's symbol secretly engraved on the reverse side of the Great Seal of America. It was his intention that its presence remain a secret until America should disintegrate due to internal trouble and strife, and fall into the hands of those who direct the W.R.M. AT THE TOP, like overripe fruit, and introduce the "New Order." We have explained that the words "New Order" are double-talk for 'Luciferian dictatorship,' and used to deceive the general public into accepting the 'IDEA' of a One World Government. ED. Roosevelt was so sure he would introduce the "New Order" that he started his presidential reign by introducing his "New Deal," which was a version of dictatorship intended to be developed into totalitarianism as soon as the time was ripe. He (Roosevelt) was so sure he was going to be the first King-despot of the entire world that he brought the Illuminati's symbol, the Satanic coat of arms, out of mothballs and used it on the back of American dollar bills. He thus assured all those "in the know' that the Luciferian conspiracy was about to enter the final stage. The fact that Stalin double-crossed him after Yalta is the only thing that prevented


his dreams from coming true. Instead of becoming the first King-despot, he went insane. The reason the public wasn't permitted to see his face before his body was buried was, I am informed by good authority, because there was no face to see. He is said to have ended his hate against Stalin, his disappointments and misery of mind and soul, with a shot gun.


When we revealed the truth that the symbol of the Illuminati was on the back of the United States one dollar bills, it caused consternation among those who direct the W.R.M. AT THE TOP They immediately commissioned some of Hollywood's best writers to interpret the symbols as being of great patriotic meaning. If this lame effort to "kill" the truth was correct then why was the fact that the symbol was on the reverse side of the Great Seal kept so secret from Jefferson's day to that of Roosevelt?


The power, the cunning, and the deceit of those who serve the S.O.S. can be better understood when we explain that according to Weishaupt's own interpretation of the symbol the pyramid represents the plot to bring about the destruction of Christendom. To deceive the enemies of the Roman Catholic Church into believing that they were not marked down for destruction also, the agentur of Weishaupt's organization made it appear their only hate was against Catholicism and not against Christ and Christianity in general. Such is the power and influence of the S.O.S. that they caused the priests who direct the youth departments of Catholic Action to publish the Hollywood writers' version of the meaning of the symbol and they published it far and wide and urged Catholics to accept 'Satan's' version as the version despite historical facts and documents which expose the Hollywood version as a deliberate lie. When the truth was explained to the priests responsible they could not do anything to correct their mistake because they had acted under orders of higher authority.


This indicates that the S.O.S. have their agentur within the hierarchy of Roman Catholicism just as they had Judas among Christ's own Apostles.


For many years I have known that men who have directed the W.R.M. AT THE VERY TOP, used the game of chess to symbolize their march of 'peaceful progress' towards ultimate world domination. In their chess game one player represents God, the other the Devil, Lucifer. Pawns represented the masses or Goyim. The Gods sacrifice as many of the pawns as is necessary to enable them to kill off the knights, bishops, and castles, and queens, and make one or the other King checkmate. It was because I knew that chess symbolized the struggle to bring about a One World Government under a totalitarian dictator, that I named one of my books, Pawns in the Game, and another one, dealing with Nazism, Checkmate in the North, (published by Macmillan in 1944). But it wasn't until November, 1958, while writing this chapter, of this book, that I learned by accident, or 'an Act of God,' that Albert Pike owned an extremely rare set of chessmen copied from the originals.


Part of the chessmen belonging to his set were taken from his home when a detachment of the Second Kansas Cavalry raided Little Rock in the summer of 1863. When the raiders distributed their loot, Pike's chessmen fell into the hands of Captain E.S. Stover, of Company 'B.' After the war, he moved to New Mexico and became Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scottish Rite Masons. In 1915, when Stover was over 80 years of age, he had Pike's chessmen placed with other relics of Pike, in the Library of the Supreme Council


Then, from an entirely different source, I received a copy of Susan Lawrence Davis's Authentic History of the Ku Klux Klan (1865-1877), published by the American Library Service, New York, 1924. The author gives a detailed account of General Albert Pike, and as much of his activities as the general public is intended to know. But the old, old saying, "Murder will out" applies to the Luciferian conspiracy (mass murder), as it does to individual homicide. Susan Davis just happens to mention that the chessmen which belonged to Pike were identical with a set with which she had played with General Forrest when she was a little girl. Susan Davis says she and General Forrest used to play a game he called, "Make Believe." These are the very words Weishaupt used when telling Illuminists how they should act. This scrap of information wouldn't mean anything at all as far as the World Revolutionary Movement is


concerned, if it weren't for the fact that General Forrest originated and organized the Klu Klux Klan, and, at a convention of the KKK held in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A., Forrest made Pike, who had organized the KKK in Arkansas, "Grand Dragon" of the "Realm." Pike was also appointed "Chief Judicial Officer of the Invisible Empire." It was Pike who advised the leaders of the KKK to memorize their secret ritual, and pass it down from leader to leader, so a copy would never fall into hostile hands. General Pike appointed Henry Fielding and Eppie


Fielding of Fayetteville, Arkansas, to assist him in organizing 'Dens' in Arkansas. The Fieldings had been original members of the Athens,' Alabama Klan until they moved to Arkansas in 1867. History, as generally taught in American schools and colleges, doesn't put much importance on the fact that the political, religious, and racial strife now rife in Arkansas and other southern states, is only a repetition of what went on in Arkansas during the dark days of reconstruction following the Civil War. General Albert Pike was "The Secret Power" who directed what was going on from behind the scenes in Arkansas, as is proven by what is published on page 277 of the Authentic History of the Klu Klux Klan. Few people with whom I have discussed this matter seem aware of the fact that Arkansas had TWO governments in 1872, and that great excitement prevailed. Public opinion was so much against what Washington was doing that civil war threatened; until Albert Pike called a mass meeting. With dramatic effect Pike unfurled the Stars and Stripes, and with great eloquence, he appealed to the people gathered in the Capitol building to be patient, "And follow this flag until the Klu Klux Klan can redeem the state." He promised that he would go personally to Washington and intercede on their behalf. This promise he kept.


In view of the events of history since 1872, Pike did what he did because he knew the time for the final social cataclysm wouldn't be ripe for nearly a hundred years. This statement and warning was written into the lectures delivered to members o the councils of his Palladian Rite between 1885 and 1901. 1 have had the "pleasure" of meeting present day leaders of the KKK. I even had the "privilege" of addressing some of them, and they gave me an attentive hearing while I explained how those who directed the World Revolutionary Movement planned to cause the U.S.A. to disintegrate in the final stages of the conspiracy as the result of civil war, combined with a Communist revolution. I told them how it was planned to line up Jews against Gentiles, coloured folk against white, atheists against Christians, etc., quoting from the letter Pike addressed to Mazzini August 15,1871, to prove that what I told them was the truth, explaining that laws regarding integration were passed to help bring this division about. I pointed out how, in every state south of the Mason-Dixon Line, men and women had appeared from nowhere in particular and immediately worked their way into position from which they could exert great influence in opposing groups. I pointed out that these parvenu always seemed to have unlimited sums of money at their disposal, and how they could always arrange a deal to procure arms and ammunition. I told them bluntly that these agents were agentur of the Illuminati, and that their purpose was to cause the tensions to develop into strife and bloodshed.


The night I addressed one group of leaders the tension was taut as a piano wire, due to the fact that federal government officials had announced that a new building project in a white section of the community, was to be integrated. My audience had announced that they would prevent integration by armed force, if necessary. They asked me point blank, "What do you expect us to do-accept integration without a struggle?" I replied with another question. I asked, "How many white and coloured people are there in this community who really want to slit each other's throats and commit atrocities?" There was silence. I pointed out that those who controlled the armed forces of the U.S.A. had paratroops in strategic locations throughout the country, and planes ready to take them wherever required. It was the middle of the night, and I could hear the tick of an old- fashioned clock. As kindly as I could, I said, "I doubt if there are five white or coloured men who actually want to involve the whole community in the horrors of civil war. The hour is late-literally, in more ways than one.


Why don't you leaders of the white section of the population go at once and see the leaders of the coloured folk. Tell them you don't want war and bloodshed any more than they do. Ask them, for the sake of all concerned, to tell the few coloured folk, whom the conspirators intend to use as pawns in this experiment, that if they allow themselves to be used thus, the Negroes who don't want trouble with the whites will knock the living daylights out of those who do. Tell them not to allow Negroes to move into the segregated areas."


At daybreak, the white leaders met with the Negro leaders. They agreed to do as I requested. No coloured people moved into the segregated section. No trouble broke out. Two nights later, I met some of the leaders and told them to watch carefully for those who disagreed with the action they had taken, because those would be the provocateurs of the Illuminati.


The agentur of the Illuminati don't lie timidly or for a while only. They lie boldly and continuously, like the Devil. They know that if they can deceive the masses into putting them into office, they can do that direct opposite of all promises afterwards. As Voltaire said, "That is of no consequence."


So we have Jefferson carrying the ball for the Illuminati politically for 1786, while Moses Holbrook looked after the dogmatic end of the Luciferian conspiracy in the Americas towards the end of the 1 8th and the beginning of the 19th Centuries.


Since then presidential candidates have been selected and elected by those who direct the conspiracy AT THE TOP The masses have been made to think they elect the men of their own choice, but, in reality, as Weishaupt intended, they are given "Hobson's choice." Could anything illustrate this truth more clearly than the last few presidential elections, and the last election fight between Harriman and Rockefeller for the governorship of New York? If a president, or other top level politician slips into office unexpectedly, he or she is silenced one war or another. Presidents not amenable to control by the agentur of the Illuminati are assassinated. Senators who are uncooperative are either blackmailed, smeared, or liquidated. There are hundreds of cases on record to illustrate exactly what I mean. Lincoln, Kennedy, Forrestal, and McCarthy are just typical examples in America. Lord Kitchener, Chamberlain, and Admiral Sir Barry Domvile were typical examples in England. The recent murders in Iraq were all part of the same ruthless and diabolical conspiracy to destroy ALL governments and religions, and to bring about a One World Government, the powers of which the High Priests of the Luciferian ideology intend to usurp.




For many years I have contended that while the information contained in the so-called Protocols of the Learned Elders ofZion does contain verification of the existence of a conspiracy to destroy ALL remaining governments and religions (as exposed by Professor John Robison in 1797), gives an account of how the plan has progressed since, and tells what remains to be done to enable those who direct the conspiracy AT THE TOP to reach their final objective, which is absolute world domination, I still maintain that the Protocols (original plans) are. not those of the Learned Elders of Zion. I know that 'sticking to my guns,' in regard to this matter, is going to provide a double-edged sword that the enemies of God will use to discredit what I have written. One edge of that sword will be used by anti-Semites, who will accuse me of having Communist sympathies, the other edge will be used by Satanists to try to convince those who would wish to read my works that I am Semitic. So be it. I am going to tell the truth as I see it. To you, my readers, I will explain how I reached the opinion that the protocols' are not, I repeat, are not, those of the Elders of Zion, but those of the Synagogue of Satan, which is a very different matter. One or more of the Elders of Zion can be Satanists-they probably are-but that does not prove the Protocols are a Jewish plot designed to win world domination. The fact that Judas was a traitor does not prove that all Jews are traitors. The further fact that certain Jews have, and still do belong to the Synagogue of Satan, and to revolutionary and subversive movements, doesn't make them a race apart. The Synagogue of Satan always has, since Judaism started, contained so-called (Khazar) Jews, as well as Gentiles.


Since September 1914, 1 have enjoyed the friendship of a man who is one of Britain's greatest scholars and intelligence officers. He is one of the world's finest linguists. He has done post-graduate and research work concerning geo-political science, economics, comparative religions, etc., in most of the old universities throughout the world. He has been decorated by the British government, and by most of her allies, including the U.S.A. in both world wars, for special services efficiently rendered. When World War Two broke out, all these honours proved rather embarrassing, because when he and I resumed to naval service in 1939, he had to 'usurp' from his uniform the ribbons of medals given him by nations with whom we were allied in the First World War. Several of them were now our enemies.


Special service has taken my friend all over the world, and involved him in political intrigue. He made a thorough study of the 'Protocols' shortly after Nilus first published them as "The Jewish Peril," in Russia in 1905. Serving in Russia as an Intelligence Officer both before World War One and during the Russian Revolution, the Menshevics, and afterwards, the Bolsheviks, offered a higher reward for his capture, dead or alive, than for any other foreign agent during the years 1916 to 1918. My wife and I spent our delayed honeymoon with my friend and his wife, a Russian lady he married and helped to escape from Russia early in 1918. His ability to translate so many languages provided me with a great deal of information I could not possibly have obtained if it had not been for our close association over the years. Having had access to his private papers, I am under promise that I will not reveal his identity or write his biography till after his death.


The officer to whom I refer knows more about the origin of the Protocols, and how they fell into the hands of Professor Nilus, than any other living man. He knew Nilus when he lived in Russia.


He knew Marsden and his wife when they lived in Russia before, and during, the revolution. I share that knowledge with him.


Also, at my request, the son of a high ranking Russian officer, who was one of the greatest leaders of the WHITE RUSSIAN MOVEMENT, checked the information and conclusions I have published regarding the Protocols since 1930, and he agrees with my writings.


Serving in British submarines in 1916 to 1919 as navigating officer, I knew Commander E.N. Cromie, who died in 1917 holding back the revolutionary mob which tried to break into the British Consulate in St. Petersburg, (now Petrograd). The leaders of the mob wanted to get secret and confidential documents they knew my friend had placed in the consulate. Cromie held the mob back with small arms until his associates had burned the documents. He was repeatedly wounded, and so severely that he died on the steps of the embassy. I know what information the leaders of the Menshevics wished to obtain so badly.


My friend's wife is godmother to one of my children, and I have discussed many times with her Russia and Russian affairs. She read my manuscripts dealing with this phase of the W.R.M.. before they were published, as did her husband.


Victor Marsden translated Nilus' book, The Jewish Peril into English, and - published it under the misleading title, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. I met him in 1927 when he was touring the world as public relations officer with the then Prince of Wales, now the Duke of Windsor. Victor Marsden lived in Russia before the revolution as a correspondent for the London Morning Post. He married a Russian lady. When the revolution started the Mensheviks threw Marsden into prison on suspicion that he was a spy. While he was in St. Peter and Paul Prison he was treated brutally, so much so that his heart became filled with hatred for the Mensheviks, most of whom were Jews.


Victor Marsden was physically ill and mentally disturbed when he translated the copy of Professor Nilus' Jewish Peril into English. The copy from which he worked was in the British Museum, having been received by the librarian there in August, 1906. Marsden was in such poor health when he did this work in 1920 that he couldn't work more than an hour without taking a rest. He rarely worked more than two hours a day. But in 1921 he published his translation of Nilus' book in English under the title, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Ziort.


Because of his experiences in prison, it seemed impossible to convince him that those who directed the World Revolutionary Movement AT THE VERY TOP were using Jews to serve their own diabolical purposes, as 'Whipping-boys,' upon whose shoulders they placed the blame for their sins against God and their crimes against humanity.


My friend told both Professor Nilus and Victor Marsden the TRUE story of the Protocols as he told it to me. I have published the story in Pawns in the Game. A brief outline will place readers who haven't read the other books, in a better position to understand what I am going to say about this much-discussed publication.


When Pike established councils of his "New and Reformed Palladian Rite" in the principle cities throughout the world, he gave definite instructions that the members of those councils were to organize Women's Auxiliaries, to be known as Lodges or Councils of Adoption. These women were carefully chosen from the higher levels of society in their respective countries. They are still active. In England in World War One high society women, belonging to the London Council of Adoption of the Palladian Rite, acted as hostesses to officers on leave from various theatres of war, at the Glass Club. They included wives and daughters of Britain's nobility and members of Britain's government. These women entertained the officers invited to the club while they were on leave. During this period they remained masked, so the officer they entertained would not recognize them. Most of their photos appeared frequently in society publications. The information they picked up was all passed to the supervising directorate of the Palladian propaganda and intelligence service.


In 1885, or thereabouts, a series of lectures was prepared for deliver to the members of the Grand Orient Lodges and Councils of the Palladian Rite. Those who prepared these lectures did so in a manner that allowed the hearer to know just as much as was necessary to permit him to contribute his share towards furthering the W.R.M.., intelligently, without letting him penetrate the full secret that it is the intention of the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed to usurp world power in the final stage of the revolution. If Pike did not prepare these lectures personally, he most certainly inspired them.


The limiting of knowledge to adepts in the lower degrees, deceiving them into believing their objectives are other than is really intended, and by keeping the identity of those who belong to the higher degrees absolutely secret from those even one degree lower than they, is the principle on which the heads of the Synagogue of Satan base their 'SECURITY' It is this policy which enabled them to withhold their secret even from men like Mazzini and Lemmi, leaders of the W.R.M., until the High Priest decides they might be initiated into the FULL SECRET.


In studying the lectures we must also remember that those who prepared them were literally members of the S.O.S.. We must therefore look for words with double meaning, and phrases which are intended to deceive. Word by word, sentence by sentence, study of this horrible document reveals many double meaning words and deceptive phrases.


Those who prepared the lectures knew it was almost impossible to prevent copies falling into hands other than those intended. This they knew from experience in 1784-1786; so extraordinary precautions were taken to make sure that if the contents of these lectures became known, people other than themselves and the Palladian Rite, would be blamed.


I have explained these things to the Briton's Publishing Society, which has published the English edition of the Protocols since Marsden's death. I pointed out that, according to Pike's own written instruction, the word 'God' was to be used when the word 'Lucifer' was intended.


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