C. Look at the statistics given in the text. Is it the same in our country?

D. How can we help people become more comfortable with using modern technology?

E. Find a word or phrase in the article to match each of these definitions:

  said what will happen in the future (paragraph l)
  able to use a computer (paragraph 2)
  put data or music onto a CD yourself (paragraph 4)
  computer programs (paragraph 4)
  get a file from the internet (paragraph 5)
  on the internet (paragraph 9)

F. Give Russian equivalents:

digital technology / way of thinking to be computer literate

universal computer competence to have internet access

to figure out how to do smth to overtake the society

human-computer interaction to be optional

to come to terms with the fact tech aptitude

to grow up wired

G. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

to be adept ___ using smth to be immersed ___

reliable statistics ___ smth compared ___ smth

to argue ___ smth to have command ___ smth


18. Look at the gaps in the text and decide what kind of word (noun, adjective, etc) is required for each gap. Use the word from the box to form a necessary derivative:

invent / revolutionary / introduce / apply / dish / equip / solve / freeze / improve / benefit

The Modern Kitchen

Thomas Edison knew his new (1) ___, the light bulb, would be (2) ___, but it's unlikely that he realised quite how much we would come to rely on this new source of power. For example, the (3) ___ of electricity has completely changed the kitchen. The modern kitchen is overflowing with electrical (4) ___. We boil our water with electric kettles, cook on electric cookers and put our dirty dishes in the (5) ___. It's hard to imagine how we would survive without all this (6) ___. Before electricity, people spent much longer preparing food. These days, for a busy parent whose kids are hungry, the simplest (7) ___ is to take some (8) food out of the freezer and pop it in the microwave. It might not always be the healthiest option, but at least it's quick. That's rather an (9) ___ on having to cook a meal from scratch. It's been particularly (10) ___ for women - no longer do they have to stay all day chained to the cooker.

19. Read the text. Match each emoticon to the correct description. Turn the book to the right to see the faces!

1. =:-) a) wearing glasses
2. B-) b) bald
3.:-){ c) big nose
4.:-{) d) with a beard
5.:-){- e) with a moustache
6. &:-) f) curly hair
7. (:-) g) with a long beard
8.:+) h) straight hair


The word emoticon comes from a combination of two words: emotion and icon and it is a sequence of two words: emotion & icon and it is a sequence of characters that is intended to represent a human face and its appearance or emotion.


The basic form contains eyes [: ], perhaps the nose [ - ], and the mouth, which can be happy [) ] or sad [(]. People also add hair, beards, glasses, etc. depending on the situation. In the West emoticons are written from left to right, so the hair or eyes are normally first, followed by a nose and then the mouth. If you put your head on one side, towards your left shoulder, you can recognize them more easily.

An early example of using text to represent a face appeared in the New York Herald Tribune in 1953 to advertise the film Lili: 'Today - You'll laugh:) You'll cry:(You'll love <3 Lili'. People from East Asia often use a style of emoticons known as verticons (vertical + icon) or 'kaomoji' in Japanese, which literally means 'face letters'. You can recognize these emoticons 'straight on', i.e. without turning your head to one side. The style of these faces is similar to the style in Japanese anime and manga comic books.

Nowadays people often use emoticons in email messages but people shouldn't use emoticons in more formal situations. One reason is because some programs automatically replace emoticons with images. For example, one man was discussing his department's financial plan by email with his boss. He wrote 401(k) in his email (k = £1,000), but the software automatically replaced (k) with a pair of lips giving a big kiss, and that's what his boss saw instead of 401(k)!

20. Match the words from the text to the synonyms and descriptions:

1. to substitute replace

2. put information in a newpaper or on TV to make people buy something _____

3. in place of, in preference to _____

4. simple _____

5. connected with money _____

6. magazines with picture stories _____

7. letters, signs, and symbols used in writing _____

8. the way that something is done _____

Read the text again and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False).

1. Emoticons represent human emotions.

2. Emoticons should be read from left to right.

3. You should always draw the nose first.

4. A newspaper used symbols as faces in the 1950s.

5. 'Kaomoji' are Japanese comic books.

6. Asian emoticons are read from right to left.

7. Some computer programs automatically delete emoticons.

8. It's a bad idea to use emoticons in more formal messages.

22. Read the text:


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