Внешняя торговля в Беларуси




Вариант №1



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Контрольная работа №1

Вариант №1

I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

Foreign Trade in Belarus

In order to create a favourable international trade and investment climate for the national economy the Republic of Belarus has signed 23 agreements on mutual protection of investments.

The basic criteria in concluding bilateral agreements are:

1 The needs of Belarus which can be satisfied through improving external economic relations.

2 Working out a conceptual perspective of development and establishing economic relations with foreign countries with regard to the blocks of countries (EC*, East Europe, the USA, Canada, the CIS, South-East Asia, etc), the level of economic integration with them.

3 Basic areas of trade and economic cooperation.

Special attention is paid to the conclusion of the bilateral agreements on mutual protection of investments. The expansion and improvement of the legal base can play a positive role in effective attraction of foreign capital in case of appropriate economic conditions. It is proved by figures: investors from Germany, the USA and Poland are putting their resources into the Belarus economy most dynamically – investment agreements with these states were signed in the first place.

Ties of Belarus with the World Trade Organization (WTO), the multilateral structure, which occupies a central place in regulating the contemporary system of international trade and economic relations, are of the uppermost importance for the Republic.

The period from 1997 to 2000 was decisive in including the Republic of Belarus into the WTO. Of particular importance for the future of Belarus is the step-by-step development of mutual relations in all fields – in politics, trade, finance, science, education, culture – with the European Union (EU). The beginning of the legal realization of wide scale cooperation with the EU was laid down in 1995 by signing an agreement on partnership and cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the European Union.

The Republic of Belarus regards the European Union as its closest neighbour and major trading partner.

Foreign trade in Belarus traditionally develops in two basic perspectives: eastern – with the CIS, and western – with distant foreign states.

The regional structure of foreign trade in Belarus is fairly diverse.

Внешняя торговля в Беларуси

В целях создания благоприятной международной торговли и инвестиционного климата для национальной экономики Республики Беларусь подписала 23 соглашения о взаимной защите инвестиций.

Основными критериями при заключении двусторонних соглашений являются:

1. Потребности Беларуси, которые могут быть удовлетворены посредством улучшения внешних экономических отношений.

2. Разработка концептуальной перспективы развития и налаживания экономических связей с зарубежными странами в отношении блоков стран (ЕС*, Восточной Европы, США, Канады, стран СНГ, Юго-Восточной Азии и т.д.), уровень экономической интеграции с ними.

3. Основные сферы торговли и экономического сотрудничества.

Особое внимание уделяется заключению двусторонних соглашений о взаимной защите инвестиций. Расширение и улучшение законодательной базы могут играть положительную роль в эффективном привлечении иностранного капитала в случае соответствующих экономических условий. Это подтверждается цифрами: инвесторы из Германии, США и Польши вкладывают свои средства в белорусскую экономику наиболее динамично – инвестиционные соглашения с этими государствами были подписаны в первую очередь.

Связи Беларуси с Всемирной торговой организацией (ВТО), многосторонней структурой, которая занимает центральное место в регулировании современной системы международной торговли и экономических отношений, имеют высшее значение для Республики.

Период с 1997 г. по 2000 г. был решающим при включении Республики Беларусь в ВТО. Первостепенной важностью для будущего Беларуси является пошаговое развитие двусторонних отношений во всех областях - в политике, торговле, финансах, науке, образовании, культуре - с Европейским союзом (ЕС). Начало правовой реализации широкомасштабного сотрудничества с ЕС было заложено в 1995 году подписанием соглашения о партнерстве и сотрудничестве между Республикой Беларусь и Европейским Союзом.

Республика Беларусь рассматривает Европейский Союз как своего ближайшего соседа и основного торгового партнера.

Внешняя торговля в Беларуси традиционно развивается по двум основным направлениям: восточное - со странами СНГ и западное - с отдаленными иностранными государствами.

Региональная структура внешней торговли в Беларуси довольно разнообразна.


II. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

1. международная торговля и инвестиционный климат – International trade and investment climate

2. двусторонние соглашения – bilateral agreements

3. посредством улучшения внешних экономических отношений – through improving external economic relations

4. уровень экономической интеграции – level of economic integration

5. расширение и улучшение законодательной базы – expansion and improvement of the legal base

6. эффективное привлечение иностранного капитала – effective attraction of foreign capital

7. были подписаны в первую очередь – were signed in the first place

8. в регулировании современной системы – in regulating the contemporary system

9. первостепенной важности – оf particular importance

10. пошаговое развитие – step-by-step development

11. широкомасштабное сотрудничество – wide scale cooperation

12. соглашение о партнерстве – agreement on partnership

13. основной торговый партнер – major trading partner

14. региональная структура внешней торговли – regional structure of foreign trade.


III. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по содержанию текста:

1. What are the basic criteria in concluding bilateral agreements?

The basic criteria in concluding of bilateral agreements are:

1. Satisfaction of needs of Belarus through improving external economic relations.

2. Working out of the main concept of development and improving economic relations with foreign countries and block of countries (EU, the USA, East Europe, the CIS, South-East Asia and etc.) and increasing the level of economic integration with them.


2. What is of the uppermost importance for the Republic of Belarus?

The uppermost importance for the Republic of Belarus is the step-by-step development of mutual relations in politics, trade, finance, science, education, culture, and other areas with the European Union (EU)


3. What was laid down in 1995?

In 1995 the beginning of the legal realization of wide scale cooperation with EU was laid down by signing an agreement on partnership and cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the European Union.

4. What are two basic perspectives of the development of foreign trade in Belarus?

Two basic perspectives of the development of foreign trade in Belarus are: eastern – with the CIS, and western – with distant foreign states.


IV. Поставьте глаголы в The Present Continuous Tense или The Simple Future Tense для выражения будущего.

1. – Where you (to go) at the weekend? – To the seaside.

Where are you going at the weekend? – To the seaside.


2. – Is Mr. Dane in the office? – No, he (to be) in the office in an hour.

Is Mr. Dane in the office? – No, he will be in the office in an hour.


3. – When you (to meet) Mr. Cartright? – At 9. – Why so early? – Because at 10 I (to have talks) with the manager.

When are you meeting Mr. Cartright? – At 9. – Why so early? – Because at 10 I will having talks with the manager.


4. – Have you signed the contract with the British company? – Not yet. I (to do) it tomorrow.

Have you signed the contract with the British company? – Not yet. I will do it tomorrow.


5. – You (to accept) the Sellers’ prices? – I’m not sure.

Are you accepting the Sellers’ prices? – I’m not sure.


6. – Who (to study) the latest catalogues of American companies? – I will.

Who will study the latest catalogues of American companies? – I will.


V. Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в The Present Perfect или The Simple Past Tense.

1. The foreign businessmen already (to arrive) but we (not to speak) with them yet.

The foreign businessmen have already arrived but we have not spoken with them yet.


2. We (to employ) two more salesmen last week.

We employed two more salesmen last week.


3. We (not to make) many contracts this year.

We have not made many contracts this year.


4. He (to make) a lot of transactions lately.

He has made a lot of transactions lately.


5. He (to lose) his job because the company closed the department.

He lost his job because the company closed the department.


6. My friend (to join) the company in 2010.

My friend joined the company in 2010.


7. – The secretary (to finish) typing letters?

– Not yet. In fact she just (to begin).

Has the secretary finished typing letters?

Not yet. In fact she has just begun.


8. She (to get) the job because she was the best candidate.

She got the job because she was the best candidate



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