Exercise 4. Translate into English. Pay attention to the Passive Voice and the Compound Predicate.


Lecture 8.

VERB: The Category of Voice

1. Study definitions of the following terms:

grammatical category of voice, the meaning of the grammatical category of voice, active voice, meanings of active voice (active, passive, middle, reflexive, reciprocal), passive vs. non-passive (common) voice, ways of expressing passive voice (direct passive, indirect passive, prepositional passive, adverbial passive); meanings of passive forms (actional, compound nominal predicate, statal); verbals, nn-finite forms,


2. Problems to discuss:

1) Category of Voice. Active & Passive voice.

2) The Active Voice. Traditional Approach.

3) The Active Voice. Semantic Interpretation.

4) The Passive Voice. Grammatical ways of expressing passive meanings in English.

5) Meanings of passive forms in English.

6) Reasons for the use of the Passive in English.


The Verbal

3. Study definitions of the following terms:

Infinitive, gerund, participle I, participle II, the category of finitude, a

4. Problems to discuss:

1) Non-finite forms vs. Finite forms. Different systems of Non-finite forms.

2) Threefold approach to defining the Infinitive.

3) Threefold approach to defining the Gerund.

4) Threefold approach to defining Participle I.

5) Threefold approach to defining Participle II.

6) The dual nature of Non-finite forms.

7) Complex Functions. Secondary predication.

The Category of Voice


The Verbals

Exercise 3. Translate into Russian.

1. That day she was seen little of. (Hardy) 2. At that moment hasty steps were heard in the entry. (Hardy) 3. A man who is much talked about is always very attractive. (Wilde) 4. I was told, too, that neither masters nor teachers were found fault with in that establishment. (Ch. Bronte) 5. I shall be quite safe, quite well taken care of. (Dickens) 6. I've been sent for urgently, to get at the truth. (Christie) 7. A sound of a piano is heard in the adjoining room. (Wilde) 8. He could see that the bed was empty, and that it had not been slept in. (Bennett) 9. The gate was opened by one of the maids. (Dickens) 10. Nothing more was said on either side. (Dickens) 11. 1 don't suppose there's anybody who isn't cared for by someone or other. (Maugham) 12. With old and young great sorrow is followed by a sleepless night... (Maugham) 13. He was forbidden to receive either letters or telegrams. (Collins) 14. The visitor was allowed to come forward and seat himself. (Eliot) 15. The match was looked upon as made by her father and mother. (Hardy) 16. Klesmer bowed round to the three sisters more grandly than they had ever been bowed to before. (Eliot) 17. That's a thing I've not been accused of before. (Maugham) 18. The child shall be taken care of somehow. (Eliot) 19. I just chatter when J'rn chattered to. (Hilton) 20. And for four years now I have been trying to make myself heard in the popular press. I have been laughed at as a crank. I have endured insults. (Priestley) 21. Knight had been looked upon as a bachelor by nature. (Hardy) 22. We know that she likes Nurse O'Brien and is well looked after. (Christie) 23. Her uncle and mother came two days ago, and she is being well taken care of. (Eliot) 24. The effect of my education can never be done away with. (Eliot) 25. The strained and precarious relationship between Ann and Randall, which had been quite unprepared for, was also a constant source of pain and surprise. (Murdoch) 26. She is so absolutely to be relied on as that? (Collins) 27. Fabrizi told me he had been written to and had consented to come and take up the campaign against the Jesuits. (Voynich) 28. One child in a household of grown people is usually made very much of, and in a quiet way I was a good deal taken notice of by Mrs. Bretton, who had been left a widow, with one son, before I knew her. (Ch. Bronte) 29. She's quite well thought of in Cambridge. (Murdoch) 30. I was taught music and singing. (Eliot) 31. Habble was dismissed, but Kinney was not allowed to retire with him. (Priestley) 32. By now we had been joined by two other people... (Hansford Johnson) 33. About an hour or so later I was sent for and found Mary Gerrard unconscious. (Christie) 34. She (Gemma] was both pleasant to look at and interesting to talk to. (Voynich)


Exercise 4. Translate into English. Pay attention to the Passive Voice and the Compound Predicate.


1. Его нигде не видели в течение всей недели. Он болен? 2. Пожар начался ночью, и пламя было видно издалека. 3. Когда я приехала в Ленинград, этот дом еще строился. 4. Этот дом был построен до того, как началась война. 5. Я уверена, что вам помогут в вашей работе. 6. Город, в котором родился Низами, был основан в IX веке. 7. Московский университет назван именем Ломоносова. 8. Павлову была присвоена почетная степень доктора Кембриджского университета 9. Зоя Космодемьянская была схвачена в тот момент, когда она пыталась поджечь конюшни. 10. Сеть ясель в Советском Союзе значительно расширилась за последние годы. 11. Телеграмму послали поздно вечером, так что она будет получена только утром. 12. Эта книга уже распродана. 13. Когда Ленни вернулся, дома никого не было. Миссис Шварц попросили прийти постирать белье. 14. Произведения Пушкина переведены на 76 языков народов Советского Союза. 15. В этот момент обсуждался очень важный вопрос и все внимательно слушали. Он обсуждался уже более двух часов. 16. Миссис Лекки стояла в прихожей, держа в руках открытку, которую только что принесли. 17. Она знала, что сестра вернется домой поздно. Ее пригласили в театр. 18. Домой они пришли очень поздно, все двери были уже закрыты. (Чаковскии) 19....когда я появился здесь, уже все было утверждено, подписано. (Тендряков) 20....в кабинете давно не открывали окна... Воздух был тяжел... (Рыбаков) 21. Почему такая работа не напечатана? (Тендряков) 22. После того как письмо Петру было написано, он повеселел... (Тендряков) 23. Как мало еще сделано, а уже свистит свисток на обед. (Пермяк) 24. Санчик и Маврик появились у ворот своей школы. Ворота еще не открывались... (Пермяк)


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