Useful words and phrases


They say that appearances are important. On the one hand, this is true, on the other, this is not quite right. A handsome man or a pretty woman can have very unpleasant traits of char­acter and the opposite. However, there are exceptions, of course!

I want to tell you about my sister, Katya. In primary school she didn't look very pretty. She had freckles, red wavy hair and was wearing glasses. All this made her clumsy and shy.

Since that time her appearance has changed very much, but her character has remained the same. She has grown up into a very pretty girl. She is of a medium height, slender and well-proportioned. Her hair has got darker into a chestnut shade. She wears it long to her shoulders. Her face has soft features, her freckles have disappeared, but her complexion remains pale as before. Instead of glasses she wears contact lenses, which allow her sparkling hazel-green eyes to shine. She has a small straight nose and a rather wide mouth but her enchanting smile shows her white teeth and makes her face look charming. No one can say that her gestures are clumsy any more.

Katya has nice manners. She is sincere, polite and helpful. She is not easily angered or bad-tempered. Her childhood expe­rience has taught her to be patient and not to show off. She has still remained a bit withdrawn in some situations but she is good-natured, tolerant and sensitive to other people's needs. She is always ready to help. These are the qualities of her char­acter which I like.

She does fairly well at the university. She is bright, atten­tive and keen on learning new things. She tries hard to get good marks but sometimes her hobbies are more important for her than school.

Katya likes house chores and is not lazy at all. Unlike me, she always has her room clean because she does not mind help­ing her mother about the flat. Apart from that, like other girls of her age, she likes dancing, playing the guitar, and listen­ing to modern music.

We spend quite a lot of time together. She understands my problems and I can rely upon her. We have the same view on things and even if we argue we always find a compromise. Although she has her faults, nobody is perfect.

I like my sister a lot and I hope our friendship will last forever.


1. Вступление (They say that appearances are important. On the one hand, this is true, on the other, this is not quite riglit. A handsome man or a pretty woman can have very unpleasant traits of character and the opposite. However, there are exceptions, of course!)

2. Рассказать о друге/подруге/члене семьи/знакомом (age/heiglit/looks (hair/face/eyes/nose/mouth/complexion)/build/manners/characteri&tics/ interests or hobbies/activities that you do together, etc.),

3. Заключение (I hope our friendship will last forever).


1. Are appearances really important? Why (not)?

2. Do you think that people with good looks are always nice?

3. How can you describe your best friend?

4. What qualities of character are important in your opinion?

5. What are your best characteristics?

6. Which characteristics would you like to have?

7. Is it important for a person to be shy?

8. Do you get irritated by talkative people? Why (not)?

9. How do you feel in a company of strangers?


10. Are you good at meeting new people?

11. Is it good to be optimistic? Why (not)?

12. Do you agree that there is only one best friend, others are just acquaintances? Why (not)?





Age Возраст
baby младенец, новорождённый
toddler ребёнок (от 10 месяцев до 2 лет)
youngster юноша
teenager подросток
adult взрослый
look (thirty) выглядеть на (тридцать)
under forty под сорок
over fifty за пятьдесят среднего возраста ^'^
middle age/aged
elderly person пожилой человек
Height Рост
tall ^ высокий
of medium height среднего роста
short /-Л\^^^ низкий
slim худой
slender стройный
skinny тощий
plump пухлый
to be overweight с избыточным весом
stout полный
to have an athletic build атлетического телосложения
broad shouldered широкоплечий
Looks Внешность
beautiful/pretty красивая (о женщинах)
handsome красивый (о мужчинах)
attractive привлекательный
good-looking с приятной внешностью
plain некрасивый
Hair Волосы
long (to the shoulders) длинные (до плеч)
short короткие
straight прямые
wavy волнистые
curly кудрявые
ponytail хвост
plait коса

light/fair/blond светлые, блондин(ка)
dark/dark-haired тёмные/темноволосый
auburn золотисто-каштановый
light/dark brown светло-/тёмно-коричневые
red/ginger рыжие
grey седые
beard борода
moustache усы
bald лысый
Face Лицо
round круглое
oval овальный
angular узкое
coarse/soft features с грубыми/мягкими чертами
wrinkled -y морщинистое
freckles/freckled веснушки/веснушчатое
Eyes ^^^ jp^ Глаза
blue-eyed голубоглазый
deep blue тёмно-голубые
hazel карие
Nose Нос
straight прямой
hooked с горбинкой
aquiline орлиный
snub курносый
Mouth Рот
wide широкий
small маленький
narrow узкий
Complexion Цвет лица
pale бледный
tanned загорелый,
dark смуглый
Characteristics Черты характера
(d is) honest (не)честный
(ira)patient {не)терпеливый
(im)polite (не)вежливый




(im)faithful (не)верный
(un)friendly (не)дружелюбный
(un)selfish (не)эгоистичный
amiable милый, дружелюбный
brave смелый
cunning хитрый
curious любопытный
emotional эмоциональный
energetic энергичный
generous щедрый
good-tempered дружелюбный
bad-tempered злой, раздражительный
greedy гкадный
hard-working ^^ трудолюбивый
with a sense of humour hospitable с чувством юмора
intelligent умный
lazy ленивый
mischievous modest вредный
moody человек настроения, угрюмый
open-minded человек широких взглядов
optimist/pessimist оптимист/пессимист
quiet тихий
rude грубый
self-confident самоуверенный
show off красоваться, хвастаться
shy скромный
silly глупый
sociable общительный
sympathetic полный сочувствия
tactful тактичный
talkative разговорчивый
touchy обидчивый
trusting доверчивый



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