The role of the Internet in people’s life

Билет № 1


From the time she was a small child, Alexis Ells remembers rescuing injured animals and bringing them home for care.

“Healing has always been innate to me,” says Ells. “It’s been a calling, a passion. I was one of those blessed people who always knew what I wanted to do.”

By continuing to follow this innate passion, Ells is fulfilling her life’s dream as the founder of the Equine Sanctuary, a non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and re-trains injured performance horses that can no longer compete.

Ells says reaching her dream meant facing life’s inevitable uncertainties and taking action now, not later.

“So many people are waiting for that moment,” she says. But “that right moment never shows up. We have to create that moment. Our destiny isn’t about fate, it’s about a choice.”

Ells’s life has been fraught with great challenges, including a serious illness and a car accident in 1988 that ended her competitive riding career and left her with a serious brain injury. But she believes her success is built on her attitude that being challenged in life is inevitable; being defeated is optional.

“I think it’s about perception and perspective,” she says. “If you give yourself the freedom to know that anything is possible, and you keep having faith, belief, and perseverance despite the odds, you will eventually arrive at the top of the mountain.” Taken from National Geographic


С того времени, когда она была маленьким ребенком, Алексис Эллс помнила, как спасала раненых животных и приносила домой их для ухода.

“Исцеление было врожденным во мне”, говорит Эли. “Это был вызов, страсть. Я была одной из тех счастливых людей, которые всегда знали, что хотели сделать”.

Продолжая следовать за этой врожденной страстью, Элл осуществляют мечту ее жизни как основателя заповедника для лошадей, некоммерческой организации, которая спасает, реабилитирует и переобучает раненых лошадей, которые больше не могут соревноваться.

Элл говорит, что достижение ее мечты означало сталкиваться с неизбежной неуверенностью в жизни и действовать сейчас, а не потом.

“Столько людей ждет того прекрасного момента”, говорит она. Но, “тот нужный момент никогда не появится. Мы должны создать тот момент. Наша судьба не предсказана, это выбор”.

Жизнь Элли была полна больших проблемах, включая тяжелую болезнь и автокатастрофу в 1988, которая закончила ее конкурентоспособную карьеру наездницы и оставила ее с серьезной травмой головного мозга. Но она полагает, что ее успех основан на ее отношении к жизни, что спорить с жизнью неизбежно; быть побежденным необязательно.

“Я думаю, что всё в восприятии и перспективе”, говорит она. “Если Вы дадите себе свободу знать, что всё возможно, и Вы имеете веру, верите и имеете настойчивость несмотря на разногласия, то Вы в конечном счете взберётесь на верх горы”.

1. The title of the text is “ALEXIS ELLS’S DREAM”.

2. It is taken from National Geographic.

3. The text is about Alexis Ells, whose dream was to help animals.

4. She was a founder a non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates ill horses.

5. Ells reached her dream facing life’s difficulties: a serious illness and a car accident in 1988 that ended her riding career and left her with a serious brain injury.

6. But she believes her success is built on her attitude to life.

7. The main idea of the text is we have to create the perfect moment that anything is possible and we must believe, keep perseverance despite the odds, and we’ll eventually arrive at the top of the mountain.

8. I like this story because it’s interesting.


1. What is the title of the text?

2. Who is Alexis Ells?

3. Ells’s life has been fraught with great challenges, hasn’t it?

4. Did she end her competitive riding career in 1998 or 1988?

5. Did Alexis Ells reach her dream?

2. Говорение. You were asked to prepare a report about the most important inventions of the 20th century.

Tell your friends: what invention you consider the most important; what devices you often use and what for;

why it is difficult for people to do without computers and mobile phones.

The most important inventions of the 20th century

1. The 20th century was marked by progress in every field and walk of life.

2. There are a lot of inventions that have improved our world.

3. Electricity, radio, airplanes, telephones, computers, the Internet, television, air conditioning and different kitchen devices have made our everyday life easier and more comfortable.

4. To my mind, the most important invention of the 20-th century is the mobile phone.

5. The invention of mobile phones in 1977, made communication easier, quicker, and more comfortable.

6. Mobiles have become more and more advanced, with built-in cameras, Internet access and navigation equipment.

7. Another important discovery was the invention of the computer.

8. Computers have changed our world.

9. They allow us to listen to music and play video games.

10. Teachers use computers to make presentations and tests.

11. Students can access the Internet to find some information.

12. It informs us, entertains and educates.

13. We find everyday news online, educational resources, films, music, games, books, can communicate with friends around the world.

14. I think it’s difficult to imagine our life without these inventions.

Билет № 2


An endangered species, the giant panda can only be found in the mountain bamboo forests of Western China. There are only about 1,000 wild giant pandas left in the world. Giant pandas are members of the bear family, and they are mammals. Even though giant pandas look just like bears, they certainly do not behave like bears. Unlike their meat-eating relatives, giant pandas are vegetarians for the most part of their time. Their favourite food is bamboo. Giant pandas must eat a lot of bamboo everyday to get enough nourishment. In fact, they spend at least 12 hours everyday eating about 33 pounds of bamboo. However, if they are extremely hungry and bamboo is nowhere to be found, giant pandas may eat grass, fruits, or sometimes, small animals like chicken.

Giant pandas do not live in groups. They are loners! They only leave their territory from March to May to look for a mate. Female giant pandas usually give birth to twins. Baby giant pandas are very small, blind, pinkish, and weigh about 5 ounces at birth. Strangely, mother giant pandas tend to choose to raise just one baby and leave the other to die. Mother giant pandas feed their babies with milk. A baby giant panda opens its eyes at six to seven weeks. It starts to learn how to walk when it is about three or four months old. Mother giant pandas look after their babies for about 18 months. Once the young is strong enough, it bids farewell to its mother and moves out to live independently.

Исчезающие виды гигантской панды можно найти только в горных бамбуковых лесах Западного Китая. В мире осталось около 1000 диких гигантских панд. Гигантские панды являются членами семейства медведей, и они являются млекопитающими. Хотя гигантские панды выглядят как медведи, они конечно не ведут себя как медведи. В отличие от своих плотоядных родственников, гигантские панды-вегетарианцы по большей части своего времени. Их любимое лакомство-бамбук. Гигантские панды должны есть много бамбука каждый день, чтобы получить достаточно питания. По сути, они проводят не менее 12 часов каждый день и едят около 33 килограммов бамбука. Однако, если они очень голодны и бамбука нигде нет, гигантские панды могут есть траву, фрукты, или иногда, мелких животных, таких как курица.
Гигантские панды не живут группами. Они являются одиночками! Они покидают свои территории с марта по май в поисках второй половинки. Самка гигантской панды обычно рождает двойню. Малыши гигантской панды очень маленькие, слепые, розоватые, и весят около 5 унций при рождении. Странно, но мать гигантской панды склонна выбирать и вырастить только одного детёныша, а другого оставляет умирать. Панды кормят своих детенышей молоком. Малыш гигантской панды открывает свои глаза в шесть-семь недель. Он начинает учиться ходить около трех или четырех месяцев от роду. Мать гигантских панд присматривает за младенцами в течение примерно 18 месяцев. Молодая панда, становясь достаточно сильной, прощается с матерью и уходит, чтобы жить самостоятельно.

1. The title of the text is THE GIANT PANDA.

2. It is taken from the Internet.

3. I think it is a scientific article.

4. The story tells about giant pandas, which live in the bamboo forests of Western China.

5. I‘ve known that giant pandas are members of the bear family, but they are vegetarians.

6. Their favourite food is bamboo.

7. Pandas eat 12 hours every day.

8. Giant pandas are loners.

9. They only leave their territory from March to May to look for a mate.

10. Baby giant pandas are very small.

11. Mother giant pandas choose only one baby to live and look after it about 18 months.

12. I like this article, because it’s very informative.


1. Where can the giant panda be found?

2. How many pandas are in the world?

3. Giant pandas are members of the bear family, aren’t they?

4. Do they spend at least 12 or 20 hours everyday eating?

5. Does a baby giant panda open its eyes at six to seven weeks?


2.Говорение. A new pupil who is interested in music has come to your class. Tell him: whether music is an art; what music style you prefer; who your favourite singer or group is; why.

Music in Our Life

1. People cannot live without music.

2. They can listen to music everywhere.

3. Music can be classical and modern.

4. Classical music is performed by symphonic orchestras in great halls.

5. There are a lot of famous composers whose music is played nowadays…

6. Music reflects people's ideas and emotions.

7. Most people prefer modern music.

8. Modern music is performed on TV and radio.

9. It has different genres: pop, rock, disco, rap, techno and others.

10. Most young people like dance and pop.

11. Older people are fond of jazz, rock and pop.

12. There are a lot of singers and music bands who perform this or that kind of music.

13. As for me, I prefer... music.

14. I have a lot of CDs.

15. I try to watch all the programmes dealing with it on TV and to go to the concerts as often as possible.

16. My favourite composer (singer, musician) is... I think he (she) is very talented.

17. I can (not) play an instrument (the piano, the guitar, the violin).

18. I’m fond of music and like to listen to it because it helps me to have good relaxation.

Билет № 3



Mary Elizabeth loved music. She was happy when she heard lovely sounds. She waited to hear the birds sing outside her window in the spring. She listened for the cricket's song when she swept the hearth in her mother's kitchen. The horses passing her papa's store made a "clip clop" sound. That was a song to Mary Elizabeth. These songs made her heart fill with joy.

Mary Elizabeth had only one wish. She wanted to make music on her own. She couldn't sing very well. Her brother, Matthew, had said, "You sound like the cat when Nana stepped on its tail." She loved music so much. Why couldn't she make music on her own?

Mary Elizabeth knew where to go when she was sad. Her Uncle Ben Franklin could always make her smile. Best of all, Uncle Ben loved music just like Mary Elizabeth. One morning, Mary Elizabeth stood outside Uncle Ben's workshop. She could hear him humming to himself. She knew something fun was going to happen. She opened the door and saw Uncle Ben at his work table. Oh, no! What had happened? Broken glasses were everywhere. There were big glasses, little glasses, and middle sized glasses spread out on his table. Wait a minute. Only the stems that held the glasses up were broken off. What was Uncle Ben doing? Uncle Ben saw the puzzled look on Mary Elizabeth's face. "Come, little songbird," he said. "I will show you how we can make beautiful music. We will use what is broken. We can turn it into something good."

By Jane Runyon


Музыкальные очки

Мэри Элизабет любила музыку. Она была счастлива, когда слышала прекрасные звуки. Она ждала пение птиц за окном весной. Она слушала песни сверчка, когда она подметала очаг на кухне своей матери. Лошади, проезжая мимо магазин ее отца издавали звук "клип клоп". Это было песней для Мэри Элизабет. Эти песни наполняли ее сердце радостью.

У Мэри Элизабет было только одно желание. Она хотела сочинять свою собственную музыку. Она не могла петь очень хорошо. Ее брат Мэтью говорил: "Ты издаёшь такие звуки, которые похожи на те, которые издаёт кошка, когда Нана наступает ей на хвост." Она очень сильно любила музыку. Почему она не может сочинять музыку сама?

Мэри Элизабет знала, куда пойти, когда ей было грустно. Ее дядя Бен Франклин всегда может заставить её улыбнуться. Больше всего дядя Бен любил музыку так же, как Мэри Элизабет. Однажды утром Мэри Элизабет стояла возле мастерской дяди Бена. Она слышала, как он напевал что-то. Она знала, что должно быть случилось что-то весёлое. Она открыла дверь и увидела дядю Бена возле своего рабочего столе. О нет! Что произошло? Разбитые очки были всюду. Там были большие очки, маленькие очки, и очки среднего размера, разложенные на столе. Подождите минуту. Только дужки очков были отломаны. Что дядя Бен делал? Дядя Бен увидел недоуменный взгляд на лице Мэри Элизабет. "Ну, заходи, маленькая птичка певчая", сказал он. "Я покажу тебе, как мы можем сделать красивую музыку. Мы будем использовать то, что разбито. Мы можем превратить его во что-то хорошее."


1. The title of the text is THE MUSICAL GLASS.

2. The author of this text is Jane Runyon.

3. I think it’s a fiction.

4. The story tells about Mary Elizabeth, who loved music.

5. She was happy when she heard lovely sounds.

6. Mary Elizabeth had one wish.

7. She wanted to make music on her own.

8. When Mary was sad she went to heruncle Ben.

9. One day uncle Ben showed Mary how can make beautiful music from broken glasses.

10. In my mind it’s unusual.

11. I like this text because it’s interesting.



1. Is this text about Mary who loved music?

2. Who cheered Mary when she was sad?

3. What was Mary’s dream?

4. Mary couldn't sing very well, could she?

5. Did uncle Ben show Mary how they can make beautiful music or poems?

2.Говорение. Imagine that you are taking part in the international conference on the topic “The role of the Internet in people’s life”. Tell: why Internet activities are so popular; how the Internet can help students in their studies; whether the Internet can be dangerous; why.

The role of the Internet in people’s life

1. To my mind, the Internet is one of the most wonderful inventions of mankind.

2. We use the Internet to find information, to prepare reports, presentations.

3. We find everyday news online, educational resources, films, music, games, books, can communicate with friends around the world.

4. Shopping on the internet is becoming more and more popular.

5. However, the Internet has certain disadvantages.

6. First of all, there is too much violence online, as well as aggressive pictures and irrelevant information.

7. Secondly, the Internet is a free space, where personal information can easily be stolen.

8. Thirdly, the Internet and computers have turned people into passive creatures.

9. In addition, computer radiation is dangerous for human health.

10. We should spend less time using the computer.

11. We shouldn’t forget about real life and other activities.


Билет № 4


At the start of the twentieth century the idea of women in business seemed crazy. In those days men held all the positions of power and made all the decisions about money. They believed that a woman` s place was at home, looking after her children, cooking for her family and managing the house. If a woman needed to work she could perhaps find a job in a shop or in a factory, but she had no chance of working as a businesswoman or a banker, or a lawyer.

Women` s fashions in the USA and Europe at that time supported their position in society. Fashionable women wore long dresses that almost touched the ground. This made it difficult for them to drive a car, ride a horse or even walk quickly.

But many women were not happy with their position in society, and they didn’t like the clothes they had to wear. One of those people was a French woman called Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel. When she went into business in 1910, she planned to change clothes that women wore. But over the next sixty years she did much more than that, as she became the richest and the most successful businesswoman.

Coco Chanel had no experience of business when she opened her first hat shop in Paris in 1910. She was only twenty-seven years old and she came from an ordinary family. Many of Coco’s customers in her first shop were her young women friends. They loved the simple but beautiful hats and dresses that Coco made for them, and soon her shop started to do well.

David Evance

Первая женщина В БИЗНЕСЕ

В начале ХХ века идея того, что женщины могут быть в бизнесе, казалась сумасшедшей. В те дни мужчины занимали все посты во власти и принимали все решения, связанные с деньгами. Они считали, что место женщины дома, уход за детьми, приготовление пищи для семьи и управление домом. Если женщине нужна была работа, она, возможно, могла бы найти работу в магазине или на фабрике, но она не имела никаких шансов работать как предприниматель или банкир, или адвокат.

Женская мода в США и Европе в то время поддерживалась их положение в обществе. Модницы носили длинные платья, которые почти касались земли. В этом было трудно водить машину, ездить на лошади или даже быстро ходить.

Но многие женщины не были довольны своим положением в обществе, и им не нравилась одежда, которую они должны были носить. Одной из таких людей была француженка по имени Габриэль Коко Шанель. Когда она пришла в бизнес в 1910 году, она планировала изменить одежду, в которой ходили женщины. Но в течение следующих шестидесяти лет она сделала гораздо больше, так как она стала самой богатой и самой успешной предпринимательницей.

У Коко Шанель не было опыта в бизнесе, когда она открыла свой первый магазин шляп в Париже в 1910 году. Ей было только двадцать семь лет, и она была из обычной семьи. Многими клиентами первого магазина Коко были ее молодые подруги. Они любили простые, но красивые шляпы и платья, которые Коко делала для них, и вскоре ее магазин начал приносить доход. Дэвид Эванс

1. The title of the text is THE FIRST WOMAN IN BUSINESS

2. The author of this text is David Evance.

3. I think it’s a fiction.

4. The story tells about very famous French fashion designer of women's clothes and founder of the Chanel brand Coco Chanel.

5. At the start of the twentieth century women were at home, looking after their children, cooking for their family and could work only in a shop or in a factory.

6. Women wore long dresses which were not comfortable to drive or even walk quickly.

7. A French woman called Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel planned to change clothes that women wore.

8. She went into business in 1910 and opened her first hat shop in Paris.

9. She was only twenty-seven years old and she came from an ordinary family.

10. Her fist customers were her young women friends.

11. Over the next sixty years she became the richest and the most successful businesswoman.

12. I like this text because it’s interesting.


1. Do you like this text?

2. Who is the main hero of this text?

3. When did Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel open her first shop?

4. She came from an ordinary family, didn’t she?

5. Was she 27 or 30 years old when she started her own business?


Говорение. Imagine you are preparing for taking part in the conference on the language policy. Tell: why the English language is becoming so important; how many languages you would like to learn; what they would be; what problems people face while learning the languages.


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