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40.03.01 «Юриспруденция»



Паспорт фонда оценочных средств для проведения промежуточной аттестации по учебной дисциплине


Контролируемые блоки (темы, разделы) дисциплины Контролируемые компетенции Кол-во тестовых заданий/ вопросов Наименование других оценочных средств
Вид Количество
  Знакомство. Визитная карточка. Резюме. ОК-5, ОК-7, ОК-8, ОК-13     Чтение и перевод литературы по специальности. Терминологический минимум Подготовка рефератов Теоретический вопрос на зачете, экзамене  
  Работа. Трудоустройство. Карьерный рост. ОК-5, ОК-7, ОК-8, ОК-13     Чтение и перевод литературы по специальности. Терминологический минимум Подготовка рефератов Теоретический вопрос на зачете, экзамене  
  Что изучает юриспруденция? ОК-5, ОК-7, ОК-8, ОК-13     Чтение и перевод литературы по специальности. Терминологический минимум Подготовка рефератов Теоретический вопрос на зачете, экзамене  
  Система наказаний за различные правонарушения ОК-5, ОК-7, ОК-8, ОК-13     Чтение и перевод литературы по специальности. Терминологический минимум Подготовка рефератов Теоретический вопрос на зачете, экзамене  
  История английского Парламента. Члены Парламента ОК-5, ОК-7, ОК-8, ОК-13     Чтение и перевод литературы по специальности. Диспут «История создание и структура английского Парламента». Основные традиции. Активизация лексического минимума по теме. Теоретический вопрос на зачете, экзамене  
  Выборы в России и Великобритании ОК-5, ОК-7, ОК-8, ОК-13     Чтение и перевод литературы по специальности. Терминологический минимум Сравнительный анализ системы выборов в России и Великобритании Теоретический вопрос на зачете, экзамене  


Челябинский филиал Автономной некоммерческой организации высшего профессионального образования «Российская академия предпринимательства» (АНО ВПО «РАП»)  

Кафедра «наименование кафедры »





Направление подготовки 40.03.01 «Юриспруденция»




Темы Номера тестовых заданий
1Знакомство. Визитная карточка. Резюме. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12,1.13, 1.14,1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.22, 1.23, 1.24, 1.25
2. Работа. Трудоустройство. Карьерный рост. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14,2.15, 2.18, 2.16, 2.17, 2.19, 2.20,
3. Что изучает юриспруденция? 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20,
4. Система наказаний за различные правонарушения 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, 4.20,
5.История английского Парламента. Члены Парламента 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14, 5.15, 5.17, 5.18, 5.19, 5.20
6. Выборы в России и Великобритании 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16, 6.17, 6.18, 6.19, 6.20


Критерии оценки:


Количество правильных ответов Процент выполнения Оценка
113-125 более 90% Отлично
100-112 80-90% Хорошо
75-99 60-79% Удовлетворительно
1-74 менее 60% Неудовлетворительно




Раздел 1

1.1... always go abroad during their summer holidays.
A) they;
B) he;
C) she;
D) us;
E) her.


1.2 Give... the book, please.
A) I;
B) she;
C) we;
D) me;
E) their.


1.3 He is an old friend of....
A) my;
B) your;
C) ours;
D) her;
E) their.


1.4 He washed and dressed....
A) he;
B) herself;
C) himself;
D) ourself;
E) his.


1.5... is that man?- Klimov Ivan Petrovich.
A) What;
B) Who;
C) Where;
D) How;
E) When.


1.6...... pupils are there in your class?
A) How many;
B) How much;
C) How old;
D) What;
E) Which.


1.7... is that man?- He is a doctor.
A) Who;
B) What;
C) Which;
D) How;
E) When.


1.8... friend made some mistakes in his dictation.
A) My;
B) He;
C) Mine;
D) Them;
E) Yours.


1.9 Is... absent today?
A) somebody;
B) anybody;
C) nobody;
D) anywhere;
E) some.


1.10 I can’t do it today. I have... free time.
A) much;
B) many;
C) little;
D) few;
E) a lot of.


1.11 If you ever have... problems, let me know.
A) any;
B) some;
C) no;
D) every;
E) something.


1.12 Did... see this film yesterday?
A) somebody;
B) anybody;
C) nobody;
D) everybody;
E) anything.


1.13 How... English words do you know?
A) many;
B) much;
C) little;
D) few;
E) more.


1.14 Don’t worry. We have... time before the train comes in.
A) little;
B) few;
C) much;
D) many;
E) more.


1.15 These pencils are..., take... if you want.
A) my / it;
B) our / them;
C) mine / it;
D) her / them;
E) mine / them.


1.16 I have lost... pen, may I take...?
A) mine / your;
B) your / your;
C) my / yours;
D) her / your;
E) yours / my.


1.17... often meet here.
A) We;
B) He;
C) She;
D) Our;
E) Them.


1.18 She’ll go there with... husband and... daughter.
A) her / her;
B) hers / her;
C) her / hers;
D) my / mine;
E) mine / my.


1.19 My elder brother looks like... mother.
A) hers;
B) my;
C) yours;
D) this;
E) her.


1.20... of you knows his address?
A) Who;
B) Which;
C) What;
D) How;
E) How many.

1.21 We have very many relatives in... native town.
A) my;
B) our;
C) ours;
D) theirs;
E) them.


1.22 They can do it....
A) ourself;
B) myself;
C) themselves;
D) theirself;
E) theirs.


1.23 She took off... coat and began to work.
A) she;
B) her;
C) hers;
D) herself;
E) mine.


1.24 I’ve got no pen to write with. I’ll ask Mary to give me....
A) her;
B) hers;
C) herself;
D) mine;
E) my. 1


1.25 First of all we shall listen to... suggestions, then we shall put forward...
A) their / our;
B) theirs / our;
C) their / ours;
D) theirs / ours;
E) they / our.


Раздел 2

2.1 There are more than... books in the library.
A) 2 million;
B) 2 millions;
C) 2nd million;
D) the 2 million;
E) 2th millions.


2.2 The first of June nineteen hundred
A) первое июня 1900;
В) первое июля 1900;
С) первое июня 9010;
D) первое июня 19100;
Е) первое июня 1990.


2.3 His birthday on... of October.
A) the four;
B) four;
C) the fourth;
D) fourth;
E) the fours.


2.4 He moved there some years ago, in 1950.
A) ninety fifty;
B) nineteen fifty;
C) ninety fifteen;
D) nineteen fifteen;
E) ninty fifty.


2.5 This famous poet was born on... of October.
A) the twenty three;
B) twenty threeth;
C) the twenty third;
D) twentieth third;
E) twenty third.


2.6 Are you a student?-Yes,....
A) I’m;
B) I do;
C) I have;
D) I’m not;
E) he is.


2.7 Does he spend his holidays by the sea?
A) Yes, I do;
B) No, he does;
C) Yes, he does;
D) Yes, I am;
E) No, I am not.


2.8 Have the workers done their work?-Yes,....
A) I have;
B) they have not;
C) they do;
D) they have;
E) they are.


2.9 She is very pretty,...?
A) is she;
B) does she;
C) isn’t she;
D) doesn’t she;
E) has she.


2.10 He is rich and famous.-....
A) So do I;
B) So am I;
C) So I am;
D) Neither do I;
E) Neither I am.


2.11 Ann knew it,...?
A) didn’t she;
B) does she;
C) doesn’t she;
D) did she;
E) is she.


2.12 There is no bread at home,...?
A) is there;
B) isn’t there;
C) there is;
D) are there;
E) is here.


2.13 There are many students at the meeting,...?
A) isn’t it;
B) aren’t there;
C) are there;
D) is there;
E) are they.


2.14 You can’t swim,...?
A) can she;
B) can’t you;
C) can you;
D) may I;
E) can.


2.15 Where... my glasses? – I have just lost....
A) is / it;
B) are / it;
C) is / them;
D) are / them;
E) was / it.


2.16 Your advice... very useful. I usually use your... when I am in trouble.
A) is / advice;
B) is / advices;
C) are / advice;
D) are / advices;
E) were / advices.


2.17 They say money... the soul of business.
A) is;
B) are;
C) were;
D) to be;
E) have.


2.18 Too... knowledge... the head bold.
A) much / make;
B) many / makes;
C) much / makes;
D) many/ make;
E) little / make.


2.19 The book contains... information. It’s very useful.
A) much;
B) many;
C) little;
D) few;
E) a few.


2.20 He has... friends in this town and he feels lonely.
A) much;
B) many;
C) little;
D) few;
E) a little.


Раздел 3

3.1 His clothes... usually very cheap, but he is actually well-off.
A) are;
B) is;
C) was;
D) were;
E) to be.


3.2... character my father is a quiet man.
A) On;
B) By;
C) For;
D) The;
E) At.


3.3 I’ve got good relations... my mum.
A) to;
B) by;
C) with;
D) at;
E) from.


3.4 She is always interested... what I do.
A) at;
B) in;
C) by;
D) on;
E) of.


3.5 My younger sister is very popular... her friends at parties.
A) at;
B) by;
C) with;
D) from;
E) of.


3.6 He is keen... ancient languages.
A) in;
B) on;
C) at;
D) with;
E) by.


3.7 My mother’s sister is my....
A) niece;
B) aunt;
C) sister;
D) sister-in-law;
E) nephew.


3.8 Parents of my father are my....
A) grandparents;
B) relatives;
C) distant relatives;
D) parents-in-law;
E) stepparents.


3.9 My sister’s husband is my....
A) son-in-law;
B) brother-in-law;
C) relatives;
D) father-in-law;
E) stepbrother.


3.10 Son of my brother is my....
A) cousin;
B) brother-in-law;
C) niece;
D) nephew;
E) brother.


3.11 The mother of my husband is my....
A) mother;
B) mother-in-law;
C) grandmother;
D) sister;
E) stepmother.


3.12 Children of aunt are my....
A) sisters;
B) brothers;
C) cousins;
D) nephews;
E) nieces.


3.13 My children are my parents’....
A) children-in-law;
B) grandsons;
C) granddaughters;
D) grandchildren;
E) grandnephews.


3.14 Our large family consists... 8 people.
A) at;
B) on;
C) of;
D) with;
E) by.


3.15 We... fond... reading fairy-tales when we were children.
A) are / at;
B) are / of;
C) were / with;
D) was / by;
E) were / of.


3.16... appearance he is an impressive figure.
A) At;
B) By;
C) In;
D) On;
E) To.


3.17 We... friends with Oleg in childhood.
A) did;
B) took;
C) made;
D) called;
E) began.


3.18 He is going... for sports.
A) at;
B) on;
C) in;
D) with;
E) by.


3.19 Nursery school, kindergarten,..., institute.
A) university;
B) college;
C) secondary school;
D) work;
E) pension.


3.20 I’m quite... and easy to deal with.So I have a lot of friends with whom we spend much time together.
A) kind;
B) industrial;
C) sociable;
D) energetic;
E) calm.


Раздел 4

4.1 He usually gets up... half past seven.
A) in;
B) at;
C) on;
D) a;
E) into.


4.2 My working day... 6 hours.
A) begins;
B) starts;
C) lasts;
D) finishes;
E) continues.


4.3 He tries to do... morning exercises every morning.
A) his;
B) her;
C) hers;
D) our;
E) my.


4.4 Shame on you. Why you don’t... classes.
A) miss;
B) go;
C) attend;
D) visit;
E) show.


4.5 All our students have dinner in their University’s....
A) library;
B) cloakroom;
C) canteen;
D) Dean’s Room;
E) labs.


4.6 Students often read up for lessons in the....
A) library;
B) cloakroom;
C) Dean’s Room;
D) canteen;
E) labs.


4.7 On week-ends we like to go... a walk with our friends.
A) at;
B) on;
C) for;
D) with;
E) to.


4.8 As... rule we have little free time on my week-days.
A) the;
B) an;
C) a;
D) -;
E) to.


4.9 Sometimes I have scrambled eggs... breakfast.
A) on;
B) for;
C) at;
D) -;
E) by.


4.10 After... I put on my coat, take my bag, and go to the University.
A) breakfast;
B) lunch;
C) dinner;
D) supper;
E) 5 o’clock tea.


4.11 In the morning if I have enough time I take....
A) a pen;
B) a breakfast;
C) a taxi;
D) a lessons;
E) a shower.


4.12 As a rule before I go to... I read books.
A) home;
B) bed;
C) Institute;
D) away;
E) friends.


4.13... weekend I get up later than usual.
A) At;
B) On;
C) Of;
D) The;
E) By.


4.14 It... me half an hour to go to the University on foot.
A) does;
B) makes;
C) takes;
D) keeps;
E) asks.


4.15 Then I go to the... where I clean my teeth, wash myself and brush my hair.
A) my room;
B) bathroom;
C) sitting room;
D) dining room;
E) kitchen.


4.16 I don’t want... for the first lesson so I come a few minutes before the bell.
A) to be ill;
B) to be fond;
C) to be late;
D) to be interested;
E) to be proud.


4.17 After classes I go... and have dinner there.
A) at home;
B) to home;
C) home;
D) to the house;
E) in the home.


4.18 When I have... I try to do my best to meet with my friends.
A) few time;
B) free time;
C) many time;
D) a few time;
E) a free time.


4.19 Eight o’clock a.m. is... time in our family.
A) breakfast;
B) dinner;
C) supper;
D) lunch;
E) 5 o’clock tea.


4.20 When do you leave home... work?
A) at;
B) for;
C) to;
D) in;
E) into.


Раздел 5

5.1 What I do on my days off realy depends... what the weather is like.
A) at;
B) on;
C) in;
D) to;
E) of.


5.2... the left of the wall unit there is a corner-sofa with two armchairs.
A) At;
B) In;
C) To;
D) Near;
E) On.


5.3... the opposite corner there is a TV-set with a video and tape-recorder.
A) At;
B) In;
C) To;
D) Near;
E) On.


5.4 You can see a lovely carpet... the middle... the room.
A) on / in;
B) of / at;
C) in / of;
D) at / in;
E) of / of.


5.5 We are looking... a flat with all modern conveniences.
A) at;
B) in;
C) after;
D) for;
E) out.


5.6 My flat is... the third floor.
A) at;
B) in;
C) to;
D) on;
E) of.


5.7 Where do you keep your clothes?
A) sofa-bed;
B) side-board;
C) wardrobe;
D) cupboard;
E) bedside table.


5.8 Where do you usually have meals?
A) bedroom;
B) living-room;
C) study;
D) kitchen;
E) entrance hall.


5.9 Where do people hang their clothes?
A) hall-stand;
B) mirror;
C) arm-chair;
D) sofa;
E) door.


5.10... there white curtains on the windows?
A) Is;
B) Are;
C) Have;
D) Has;
E) Was.


5.11 I live... a new 9-storeyed block... flats... Chockin Street.
A) on / of / on;
B) at / at / of;
C) in / of / in;
D) in / at / at;
E) of / of / on.


5.12 My room... a green park and has a lot of sunshine.
A) looks;
B) sees;
C) overlooks;
D) is;
E) shows.


5.13 I spend most of my time in my bedroom which I use... a study.
A) like;
B) as;
C) how;
D) look like;
E) looks.


5.14 East or West... is best.
A) house;
B) flat;
C) home;
D) block of flats;
E) room.


5.15 An Englishman house is his....
A) work;
B) hobby;
C) castle;
D) residence;
E) box.

5.16... always go abroad during their summer holidays.
A) they;
B) he;
C) she;
D) us;
E) her.


5.17 Give... the book, please.
A) I;
B) she;
C) we;
D) me;
E) their.


5.18 He is an old friend of....
A) my;
B) your;
C) ours;
D) her;
E) their.


5.19 He washed and dressed....
A) he;
B) herself;
C) himself;
D) ourself;
E) his.


5.20... is that man?- Klimov Ivan Petrovich.
A) What;
B) Who;
C) Where;
D) How;
E) When.


Раздел 6

6.1...... pupils are there in your class?
A) How many;
B) How much;
C) How old;
D) What;
E) Which.


6.2... is that man?- He is a doctor.
A) Who;
B) What;
C) Which;
D) How;
E) When.


6.3... friend made some mistakes in his dictation.
A) My;
B) He;
C) Mine;
D) Them;
E) Yours.


6.4 Is... absent today?
A) somebody;
B) anybody;
C) nobody;
D) anywhere;
E) some.


6.5 I can’t do it today. I have... free time.
A) much;
B) many;
C) little;
D) few;
E) a lot of.


6.6 If you ever have... problems, let me know.
A) any;
B) some;
C) no;
D) every;
E) something.


6.7 Did... see this film yesterday?
A) somebody;
B) anybody;
C) nobody;
D) everybody;
E) anything.


6.8 How... English words do you know?
A) many;
B) much;
C) little;
D) few;
E) more.


6.9 Don’t worry. We have... time before the train comes in.
A) little;
B) few;
C) much;
D) many;
E) more.


6.10 These pencils are..., take... if you want.
A) my / it;
B) our / them;
C) mine / it;
D) her / them;
E) mine / them.


6.11 I have lost... pen, may I take...?
A) mine / your;
B) your / your;
C) my / yours;
D) her / your;
E) yours / my.


6.12... often meet here.
A) We;
B) He;
C) She;
D) Our;
E) Them.


6.13 She’ll go there with... husband and... daughter.
A) her / her;
B) hers / her;
C) her / hers;
D) my / mine;
E) mine / my.


6.14 My elder brother looks like... mother.
A) hers;
B) my;
C) yours;
D) this;
E) her.


6.15... of you knows his address?
A) Who;
B) Which;
C) What;
D) How;
E) How many.

6.16 We have very many relatives in... native town.
A) my;
B) our;
C) ours;
D) theirs;
E) them.


6.17 They can do it....
A) ourself;
B) myself;
C) themselves;
D) theirself;
E) theirs.


6.18 She took off... coat and began to work.
A) she;
B) her;
C) hers;
D) herself;
E) mine.


6.19 I’ve got no pen to write with. I’ll ask Mary to give me....
A) her;
B) hers;
C) herself;
D) mine;
E) my. 1


6.20 First of all we shall listen to... suggestions, then we shall put forward...
A) their / our;
B) theirs / our;
C) their / ours;
D) theirs / ours;
E) they / our.


Раздел 1
1.1 A
1.2 D
1.3 C
1.4 C
1.5 B
1.6 A
1.7 B
1.8 A
1.9 B
1.10 C
1.11 A
1.12 B
1.13 A
1.14 C
1.15 E
1.16 C
1.17 A
1.18 A
1.19 B
1.20 A
1.21 B
1.22 C
1.23 B
1.24 B
1.25 C
Раздел 2
2.1 A
2.2 A
2.3 C
2.4 B
2.5 C
2.6 A
2.7 C
2.8 D
2.9 C
2.10 B
2.11 A
2.12 A
2.13 B
2.14 C
2.15 D
2.16 A
2.17 A
2.18 C
2.19 A
2.20 D
Раздел 3
3.1 A
3.2 B
3.3 C
3.4 B
3.5 C
3.6 B
3.7 B
3.8 A
3.9 B
3.10 D
3.11 B
3.12 C
3.13 D
3.14 C
3.15 E
3.16 C
3.17 C
3.18 C
3.19 C
3.20 C
Раздел 4
4.1 B
4.2 C
4.3 A
4.4 C
4.5 C
4.6 A
4.7 C
4.8 C
4.9 B
4.10 A
4.11 E
4.12 B
4.13 A
4.14 C
4.15 B
4.16 C
4.17 C
4.18 B
4.19 A
4.20 B
Раздел 5
5.1 B
5.2 C
5.3 B
5.4 C
5.5 D
5.6 D
5.7 C
5.8 D
5.9 A
5.10 B
5.11 C
5.12 C
5.13 B
5.14 C
5.15 C
5.16 A
5.17 D
5.18 C
5.19 C
5.20 B
Раздел 6
6.1 A
6.2 B
6.3 A
6.4 B
6.5 C
6.6 A
6.7 B
6.8 A
6.9 C
6.10 E
6.11 C
6.12 A
6.13 A
6.14 B
6.15 A
6.16 B
6.17 C
6.18 B
6.19 B
6.20 C



Челябинский филиал Автономной некоммерческой организации высшего профессионального образования «Российская академия предпринимательства» (АНО ВПО «РАП»)  

Кафедра «наименование кафедры »






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