Read the Text and answer the questions

Внимательно прочитайте тему и цели нашего урока.

Сегодня у нас интереснейший роман английской литературы.

Перед началом урока внимательно посмотрите презентацию, подготовленную коллегой Коршуновой З. М. из РФ. Затем приступите к изучению предложенного материала. Не торопитесь. Читайте внимательно задания и постарайтесь их выполнить. У вас обязательно все получится.

Выполненные задания присылайте мне на почту. Вопросы задавайте по телефону.

Желаю успехов!

Тема: «Роман "Джейн Эйр"

Цели и задачи:

· познакомить с примером любовного романа в английской литературе;

· ознакомить с характерными особенностями данного жанра;

· развитие навыков аудирования и чтения;

· расширение лексического запаса и развитие навыков монологической речи;

· расширение кругозора и повышение интереса к английскому языку и литературе.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент.

2. Ознакомление с любовным романом как с литературным жанром и его особенностями..

3. Аудирование отрывка из романа «Джейн Эйр».

· Работа с текстом

· Отработка ЛЕ

4. Чтение краткого содержания романа и ответы на вопросы

5. Характеристика главных героев и самого произведения как любовного романа

6. Рефлексия. Работа с пословицами. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание.


I Этап мотивации.

Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you and our guests today. So we’ll start watching the film and listening to a nice song “Colours of the night”.

II Введение в тему урока

Did you enjoy the song? Oh, yes it is great. It is not accidentally that we started with this beautiful song. What is the song about? Yes, this song is about love.

So what is the theme of our lesson?

Love (p.34)(love in English literature). We’ll talk about one of the masterpieces in the English literature-“Jane Eyre”. This novel was written in the 19 century. You know that time because you learnt Russian writers - Пушкин, Фет, Тютчев, Тургенев. The main idea of their novels is love and today we are speaking about love in English literature. Do you like to read books about love? I’m sure, you do, especially girls. How do we call this sort of books?

Look at the slide and choose the name of such a genre of literature:

· adventure stories

· mystery stories

· crime stories

· horror stories

· science fiction

· romantic fiction

· historical fiction

· romantic fiction


How do we call this sort of books? Yes, you are right. We call it romantic fiction.


III Ознакомление с любовным романом как с литературным жанром и его особенностями.

What are the main ingredients of romantic fiction? There is a slide that can help you to answer the question.

Pupils answer: “Romantic fiction is a book about love or a book with a romantic plot; the main characters are He and She; a couple meet and fall in love but are kept apart by outside forces or internal conflict; these are overcome and the lovers are finally united”.


Give some examples of romantic fiction. (The fairy tale “Cinderella “, “Gone with the wind” by M. Mitchell.) And “Jane Eyre” of course.

IV Аудирование отрывка из романа «Джейн Эйр» - (p.35)


·. What is the plot of the novel? What is the book about?

P: -Jane Eyre is about an orphaned girl who is brought up by her unkind aunt and then sent to an awful school. It is a story about Jane’s difficult life and her search for love and happiness.

Now we know that Bronte’s novels are autobiographical, Jane’ life was rather hard and it was similar (похожа) to Bronte’s. Today we have a chance to listen to an extract from the novel.

· Аудирование:

· Работа с текстом

Ex.6, p. 35

Which of the adjectives best describe John, Jane?

Cruel, educated, bad-mannered, lonely, arrogant

P. John is cruel, bad-mannered, arrogant

P. Jane is educated, lonely

T. Prove it with the help of the text.

· Отработка ЛЕ

Ex. 3, p.35

T- Now match the underlined words in the text with their meaning: (slide)

affection for-feeling of love- привязанность, любовь

bewildered- confused, - смущенный, озадаченный, сбитый с толку

take one’s side against sb- support sb – поддерживать к-л,

dreading -feeling anxious (unhappy)- cтрашиться, бояться

shortly-soon –скоро, вскоре

sneaking -doing sth without being seen or heard- крадущийся

accustomed to- used to – осваиваться, приучаться

rummage-search in a hurried way – рыться, искать

trickle-flow slowly –течь тонкой струйкой

bellowed-shout in a deep voice –кричать, вопить

V Развитие навыков чтения

Текст с кратким содержанием романа и ответы на вопросы

Read the Text and answer the questions

Jane Eyre is an orphan. After her parents die, she is put in the care of her aunt. She has a very hard and difficult upbringing, and eventually becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall where she is given a job of looking after the daughter of a certain Mr Rochester. Mr Rochester is a classic hero from romantic fiction. He’s dark and very angry-looking and has a bad temper but at the same time he is very attractive. In spite of Jane’s plainness, Rochester is fascinated by her. He finds her witty and full of spirit. Gradually, he falls in love with her and Jane falls in love with him. Everything looks as if it’s going to be happy but at the very last moment they are prevented from marrying when it is revealed that Rochester’s wife is not only alive, but she’s also mad, and living in the attic rooms of Thornfield Hall.

Jane runs away and nearly dies out on the moors. Luckily, she is rescued by the Reverend St John Rivers, and later, although she is still in love with Rochester, she agrees to marry Rivers and go with him to India. She is stopped from doing this by a telepathic message from Rochester. Jane returns to Thornfield Hall to find that the house has burnt down, and that Rochester is sad and deeply depressed. He had tried unsuccessfully to save his wife from the fire, and during his attempt he had been blinded and permanently injured by the fire.

· Проверка понимания прочитанного

Ответы на вопросы:

1. Why was Jane sent to live with her aunt?

2. Why did she go to Thornfield Hall?

3. What was Mr Rochester like?

4. What qualities attracted Rochester to Jane?

5. Why couldn’t they get married?

6. Why didn’t Jane die on the moors?

7. What stopped her from going to India with St John?

8. What happened to cause Rochester’s terrible injuries?


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